Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts


Name: Rufus Charlie Spectre

Alias: Accelerate

Age: 18

Sponsor: The Flash

Personality:Driven, Intelligent, Obsessive

Experience: Two years


Kinetic Manipulation:
Unlike the Flash and his fellow speedsters Rufus is not connected to the speed force. His abilities comes from his metegene and he is able to generate, amplify and manipulate kinetic energy around and within himself. Using this energy to perform a large amount of superhuman feats.

Super Speed:
His most notable use for his kinetic manipulation is his speed. He generates and absorbs kinetic energy at all times, using it to increase the vibrations within his cells and greatly increasing the work load his cells can handle allowing him to move at super human speeds. He's able to run at speeds reaching, and exceeding Mach 4.

Super Strength:
More akin to enhanced strength. Rufus's strength is above that of regular humans as to prevent his body from breaking into small pieces while moving at super speed. It's a biproduct of the massive influx of kinetic energy in his body.

Super Reflexes, Agility and Dexterity:
When the energy hits his brain all of his senses becomes hyper alert, allowing him to follow a speeding bullet with his eyes and catch it with his teeth. His superhuman dexterity is the product of him practicing his agility while moving at super speed.

Genius Intellect: Rufus can read at approximately 60 times the speed of the quickest readers of mankind. Allowing him to take in great amounts of information in no time. Thus he's a genius ranking among the smartest young minds in the world.

Super durability: Rufus heals no where near as fast as the Flash family, but due to him constantly absorbing and generating kinetic energy he is able to mitigate a lot of physical damage to his body, allowing him to feign super durability. He's been shown to be able to handle getting hit by Superboy in the face without breaking a bone.

Energy Management: While it is completely possible for him to use his powers to overcharge objects with kinetic energy to increase their durability or even cause them to become unstable, so unstable they would explode he rarely does that as he thinks it's highly unreliable. He can even use his abilities to generate a kinetic shield – or rather, to increase his own kinetic shield onto his surroundings, allowing him to shield allies. It is also possible for him to transfer some of his kinetic energy to another person, giving them a part of his power for a limited time.

Hero training: Rufus has been trained by the Urban Shaman of Hub City, The Question. Vic Sage taught him basic martial arts, detective work and interregation techniques. His training was mostly how to make sure to always use his powers to be a thorough as possible. Recon's the most important part of any mission. Information is key.

Winding up:
Rufus needs time to achieve the full arsenal of his powers. The longer a fight goes on, the more powerful he gets. He's severely weakened at the start of a fight, due to not having had a chance to generete, absord, or steal enough kinetic energy.

Due to not having a connection to the speedforce, his power reserves are highly limited. Channeling kinetic energy drains him greatly and he often has to rest after a superhero outing. Consuming upwards two hundred thousand calories a day. Him being without a connection to the speedforce means he is unable to perform a lot of the feats members of the Flash family could.

Active Powers:
Rufus has to manually activate his powers. They are not always active. He is susceptible to being surprised, attacked while sleeping, etc.

Personality Traits:
Rufus is a smartass, superiority complex and convinced he does not really need a team. He believes himself smart and strong enough to not have to rely on others, and is as such awful at teamwork. He's quick to anger whenever someone challenges his authority or credibility and never admits to being wrong. Claiming to always hold the objective viewpoint, at times being a massive hypocrite.


His tunic was gifted to him by Jay Garrick, the only memeber of the Flash family Rufus can kind of stand. It's resistant to friction, and as such is one of the few articles of clothing Rufus can don while in costume. His hat is a cheap 20 dollar trucker hat he spray painted an A on, one of many identical ones he owns as he goes through quite a lot of them.

His goggles were a gift from his sponsor, they're a high tech piece of equipment. Armed with a Heads Up Display, GPS, Speedometer and Smart functionalities, making it possible to connect it to Rufus phone or communicator.

Born in Hub City. His father a blue collar worker, his mother died when Rufus was but a child. He didn't have an easy childhood, his father being a single parent and not particularly wealthy. Rufus turned to petty crime, joining a gang at 16 to help provide for himself and his father. He was caught by the faceless detective, given a thrashing by The Question, and as Question was gonna cuff him and haul him off to the cops, his powers showed for the first time, and he ran. Faster than he ever had before.

With his newfound powers, he got a new lease on life. He left his ways of petty crime behind. Using his new abilities to finish top of his class in high school a year too early, and getting accepted into the finest colleges while working as a super fast hero on the side. While using his powers, he attracted the attention of The Question, once more and become his student, learning the ways of crime fighting from the Big City Shaman.
Jay Garrick, the aging Flash tried to recruit Rufus, but the young man's dislike of the Flash family meant he would not be joining their merry men of speedsters. Question taught him all he could, but at the end of the day, Vic's just a man, nothing more and nothing less. He could not teach him about speed or the physics behind his powers, and once the Hub City Speedster made a big enough name for himself, The Flash, Barry Allen, got in contact with him, trying to put himself in the young man's good graces.

Rufus begrudingly follows Flash's directive from time to time, they're far from student and teacher, or partners, and even farther from being friends. But Rufus does recognize that there are certain things The Scarlet Speedster can help him with, and if it comes at the price of living in symbiosis with the crimson comet, he will have to bite the bullet.

The car bumped on the dirt road, a pot hole had been the culprit. The truck kept going without much of a hitch. The driver's head turned behind them as the sirens were heard behind them. A sports car blew past them followed by four police cruises. The driver looked at the passenger and scoffed. "You gonna catch that?" He asked. The man's name was Harvey, and next to him was his son, Rufus.

Rufus nodded. "I probably should, shouldn't I?" he looked at his dad whom pulled the car over. "You have a disguise?" And Rufus shook his head.
"Neh. I would only need that if they actually could get a look at me." His dad smiled
"Take this." He said, handing Rufus the yellow trucker hat and the black shades. Rufus took them and looked back at his dad.
"Cheers pops." He said, putting on the hat and the shades, the turned the cap around on his head a bang of his hair poking out of the cap as he took off a cloud of dust being left behind him.

"Damn that kid's fast." Harvey said to himself, scoffing.
Following the sound of the sirens Rufus soon caught up to the cops, the three minute run had given him enough juice to easily outrun the sports car. The black and yellow streak his clothes left as he sped by the police cruises letting them know that their job was finished. Speeding up next to the driver's window, Rufus sent his fist through the window, knocking the driver unconscious. He unlocked the door and opened it, getting in he pushed the knocked out driver to the passenger seat and slowed the car down to a skidding halt. As soon as the car had stopped he vanished in a blur again, not before leaving a burning A in the hood of the car with his hand.
<Snipped quote by BlackSam3091>

Literally just got home after my parent's surprise vacation for my Sister's birthday. It was all very last minute and wholly inconvenient if you ask me. Now I've got a bunch of catch-up to do.

"I had fun once. It was awful" - Kalas, probably.

Q U A N T U M:

Lonely Hearts Club | The Point | 10:15 P.M

The atmosphere was smokey, the music loud and the cheers of the patrons of the club likewise. The lights were flashing to the rhythm of whatever the DJ of the night was playing on the dance floor, the bass loud enough to make the entire building shake. Others spilled drinks made the floor sticky as his black boot made it's way back to his booth in the back of the bar floor of the club, from where he could sit – like he did every night, watching the people out on the floor dancing. The waitresses were making their way past him, their tight skirts or cocktail dresses were always a pleasure to see. Club Gomorrah was the most infamous club in all of Lonely Hearts district, and like the dark twin to club Nevermind. Inside of the club one could find more criminals than you'd find in any of the jails in all of Crescent City. The owners were shrouded in shadows, but all that was known for sure was that the cops didn't dare to touch the place after it opened during the early parts of the past decade.

He tried to get contact with a waitress, and she quickly made her way over to him, bending down excruciatingly.
“What can I do for you, Marcus?” She asked him, knowing his name from the nights previous he had been at Gomorrah – which was just about all of them.
“Oh so many things, Kandy. I'll have a glass of whiskey, bottom shelf, none of that fancy stuff.” He told her with a sheepish smile and she giggled.
“You do strike me as a man who's a fan of the fancy stuff, Mister. One glass of non-fancy whiskey coming right up.” She cooed at him, acting coy. Marcus leaned back in his seat, checking his phone, a crack running up his screen and splitting into countless smaller cracks on the upper half of the phone. Four texts. All from Lisa. He ignored them, for now.

He peered for Kandy, whom he noticed was getting groped by two middle aged men, putting their hands all over her in ways that while not against the policies of the club, nothing was – they were against the gentleman's code. Marcus made his way over there, peeling the older man's finger off of Kandy's ass, earning him a look from the patron who's second-basing Marcus had interrupted. “Who the fuck are you?!” He asked, and Marcus smiled.
”A man waiting for a drink. You're holding up my waitress. I'm a high functioning alcoholic, I get antsy when I have to wait too long.” He retorted, looking as smug as possible, he turned to Kandy. ”You OK?” She nodded, while avoiding eye contact with him – or the other men.
“Hey, asshole!” The gentlemen told him, as they had gotten out of their booth standing face to face with Marcus. “You want a drink so bad? Here you go.” He said, throwing his half-finished drink on Marcus. The drink stained his T-shirt he put finger into the wet spot on his chest, and then promptly tasting the liquid that had been misplaced on his clothes.

”Pink Panther? You flirting with Kandy to try and make your boyfriend over there jealous?” As he finished talking, the man threw a punch into his face, hitting him in the cheek, he winched.
”I was raised catholic – turn the other cheek.” Only to get punched again.
“Had enough?!” The guy shouted and Marcus shook his head
”Come on, you're a big boy, can't you hit harder than that?” This time the uppercut sent Marcus onto the table behind him, which he fell down from, resting his back against the side of the booth.
”Now, that's a punch. That how your daddy beat you?”
The guy spit on him, before walking away, grumbling something about “Crazy city folk.”

Kandy grasped in horror, as she sat down next to Marcus, touching his face, wiping blood away with a handkerchief from his lip.
“High functioning alcoholic? I've seen your tattoos, you're a soldier, you could've beaten up those guys.”

Marcus smiled and looked into her blue eyes.
All right. High functioning might have been an overstatement. He chuckled.

<Snipped quote by Hillan>

Sometimes you make no sense.

I have lucid moments on occasion.
I swear I am a good GM.

Don't take your kids?

They're entitled to me and Sammie.

@Hillan Finally, a sheet for the character you've been posting with. Now how 'bout a post with the character who's been accepted?


Bout to get out my belt.


T H O M A S C A S E Y C A M P B E L L U N K N O W N (57) M A L E H E L L I O N

"We're not born to be good. It's a choice, and you have to make it every single day. And some days, it's hard as hell."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"The weight of the world is on my shoulders."
◼ HEIGHT | 6'3 (6'4 in his prime)

◼ WEIGHT | 210 lbs (190 at prime)

◼ BUILD | Muscular, good shape for his age. (The most fit person on the planet in his prime.)

◼ HAIR COLOR | Dark Blond.

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue with green speckles.

◼ OTHER | Several scars that have not healed from the many years of duty. On his right shoulder, going down to his shoulder-blade is a long scar from a dragon's claw. He's got six scars on his chest, right next to his heart – from buckshot as a teenager.

These days, Thomas dresses casually when he's off from work, T-shirt, jeans, a pair of old boots he's had since his youth. When hitting the gym, he's donning a tank top, hoodie and probably a pair of sweatpants and sneakers. When at work as the Chief of the Longhorn Police, he wears a dress shirt, a loose tie and a black sports coat with elbow pads, matching it with either dark jeans, Chinos or casual suit pants and black oxfords or boots. His hair is casually swept to the left in his old age, as opposed to his youth where he would always style it to the right. He's often seen with a bit of 4'o clock shadow, or a short beard depending on how long ago he shaved.

He walks with a upright posture, coming off as an even bigger guy than the hunk of a man he is, his very stature brings a boost in morale to the cops in his precinct, his gaze is worn and every look he gives is both respectful, loving, but also incredibly exhausted, like he's seen too much. One would often catch his lightning fast reflexes, another thing one will notice about him is how he still carries his detective badge on his person, as well as a handgun – and unlike anyone else in the Crescent City PD Officer ranks, he still takes field duty quite seriously. Every aspect about Thomas Casey Campbell shows off his leadership skills, and the respect he's fought tooth and nail to get.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The fire always burns the brightest right before it burns out."
Thomas Campbell is not the first name that this being's ever held. It's merely the last in a line of thousands, perhaps more. Thomas is a being without a name, from another unknown realm within the tree of life and death one where the Vis flows less freely than in others, which is why he has explored hundreds of realms and thousands of worlds during his many lifetimes. But the tale of this life began in the early 60's, one summer night in Crescent City, when a young man, Jack Michaels, a young man in Crescent City would be held a gunpoint by a deranged lunatic in an alley but as the gunman was about to pull the trigger – wiping the young man from existence, his gun exploded and he was swept away by a six-winged being of pure light.

A few hours later, a couple walked past that very same alley, after a lovely dinner at a nice little restaurant – when they heard the cries of a child. The man, Bruce, walked into the alley, and found the newborn baby, only a few hours old, laying in the dirt. He and his wife, Mary Campbell took the child in, and name it Thomas, after Bruce's father, a world war 2 veteran who would pass from old age when Thomas was not even a year old.

The Campbells were at the time of adopting Thomas incapable of having a child, devout Christians like most, they would thank the Lord for giving them this child, calling him their little angel. When Thomas was two years old, the Lord would gift them once more, as Mary became pregnant, her infertility miraculously cured.

Thomas grew up as a relatively normal boy, he was awfully calm for a child, hardly any tantrums, happy and laughing most of the time. That is, till he was six years old, and his three year old brother, Jason, was injured. The compassion he held for his brother turned into anger, and the room he was in caught on fire, nobody ever realizing what caused the flames. His protective nature of his brother continued growing up, Bruce instilling him to take care of his brother as the two got older – that the most important thing in the world was family.

As Thomas came towards his preteen years, it became more and more clear he was no ordinary boy. He was never sick, his bruises, cuts or other injuries healed almost instantly and he was as strong as a grown man at the age of ten, capable of doing all chores as effective as his father. Bruce, a detective in the Longhorn PD former soldier who had seen all kinds of things, quickly noticed this and sheltered Thomas from the world, trying his best to teach him how to use his quickly emerging abilities, just a man trying to mentor something more than himself, Bruce did his best.

Bruce's frustrations over his job got too much for him when Thomas was in his teens, and his training shifted gears. It was no longer about control – hiding, or suppressing abilities. Now, it became about channeling them. Using them to step around the law, to do what Bruce – or other cops, never could, after two years of training, Thomas was 17 years old when he did his first act of vigilantism.

He fought off four thugs whom were attacking a couple, he was scared, yet excited. Like this was what he was supposed to do. He ended up getting stabbed several times that night, but by the time the fight was over, the thugs were beaten down, a lot worse than he was, and the couple was fine, thanking the man in the ski mask and leather jacket. By the time he got home to his father, his wounds had already all but healed.

His powers continued to escalate, and a year later, he took flight. Six tendril like wings out of his back, as if they were made out of holy fire, they were like extra limbs, fully functional, capable of causing fires, or of being as warm as his hands to the touch. The reported sightings of 'Longhorn's Guardian Angel' became more and more frequent, coming to a plateau one particular night during a bank robbery committed by one of the recently emerging Hyperhumans. That night was the catalyst – the conception of the greatest heroes the Crescent City area had ever seen. Bruce would pass away from a heart attack – one Thomas had no way of ever stopping, and in his father's memory, he became a cop. Moonlighting as Longhorn's six-winged hero.

The rest of the escapades of Angel are shrouded heavily in legend and mystery and not much about his exploits can be confirmed. What is known is that Thomas Campbell is a incorruptible paragon for justice within the police force, he works harder than anyone else, being the very definition of what people think a hero should be.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"You don't have to be super to be a hero."
Mr. Campbell is a paragon of justice, jaded over the years, sure, but he still carries that same light he had several decades ago. He wishes to clean up Crescent City – and the whole world, still. He's just come to terms with it not being behind a mask and with his wings, but as one of the highest ranking members in the Police Force. Thomas's goal is currently to become the new Commissioner, and the highest law enforcement authority, to make sure that the cops all follow the same moral code as he.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"You'll lose."
◼ Hellion Physique: | Angel's body is a natural conductor of the magical force of the Vis. It powers his entire being, supercharging his muscles, improving his senses, and being the source he taps into for all of his other abilities.

◼ Angelic Flight | Six wings on his back, any form Thomas decides for them to take. The wings can be used as weapons, limbs or shield. He is able to fly at speeds reaching up to Mach 4 when pushing himself. But, alas, his true limit lies only in however much Vis his body can sustain channeling without burning up.

◼ Celestial Healing | Vis powered Biokineis, Thomas is able to increase cellular regen in just about all life forms, passively on himself, but with effort to others. In his youth, he radiated health to all around him, even to such a degree that his very presence held his father's heart together, as well as allowing his teammates on the Mavericks to survive their many near-death encounters. Able to heal complex wounds at but a touch, Angel is truly a miracle worker.

◼ Superhuman features | Angel is superhuman strong, durable and armed with incredible speed and reflexes. Aable to see – and catch a subsonic bullet in his hand, and if he couldn't, the bullet would barely phase him. Lift planes and run faster than any athlete.

◼ Smiting | Like his wings, his very touch can induce flames powered by the Vis.

◼ Immortality and Rebirth| Angel cannot die. When his body burns out from the use of the Vis, he hibernates, leaving only ashes behind and a new physical body emerges, starting another lifespan. When his body is about to be destroyed, his powers reach their maximal peak, allowing him the utmost of his abilities. Over the course of a lifetime, he will recollect fragments of memories from previous lives – lifetimes he has more recollection than others. Thomas recalls bits and pieces of the other times he's lived, having a sense of Deja Vu and a familiarity.

◼ Warrior of Light | While he cannot put his finger on it, Thomas carries the skills of thousands of lifetimes within his soul. He lives for combat, and always has, a fight peaks his interest every time – as does fighting a challenging opponent. He's a master at martial arts and melee combat, and a skilled shooter with a handgun, shotgun or even crossbow.

◼ Magic | Being a natural conductor of the Vis, Thomas is able to cast some basic spells that he has learned over the years.

◼ Detective | Serving as one of Crescent City's finest, Thomas is a skilled detective, just like his father before him. Bruce taught him the skills of his trade before he would pass, skills Thomas has since then further mastered.

◼ Leadership and Charisma | A booming voice and a tall stature goes a long way to grabbing people's attention. He's not exactly one to have a way with words – saying what he means, nothing less and nothing more. He speaks from the heart and the good in his heart always shines through, inspiring others to do better. To be better.

◼ Mechanic | Police Cruiser, Tractor or tank, it does not matter much to Tommy, he's got experience fiddling

◼ Pilot | Thomas is a licensed pilot, seeing it necessary to learn how to fly without his wings to make full use of them.

◼ Painting | In his later years, he's gotten quite handy with a pencil or brush, drawing and painting his many visions and fragments of memory.

◼ Life Giveth, Life Taketh | The very Vis that gives him his abilities is killing him. He cannot use too much, as his body cannot handle it and will deteroate even faster if he pushes himself too hard. For him to give it his all, he's doing so at the cost of his own life.

◼ Humanity | Ironically enough, Thomas still considers himself human. He carries empathy, sympathy and a lot of other emotions within him that are possible to exploit and makes him vulnerable, just like any other person.

◼ Vis Poisoning | The Vis is killing him, and in his advanced age – this is one of his longest lifespans, it's actively causing him harm

◼ Old Age| While his powers are many, his age is making him wear thing, his physical body growing ever weaker, making it harder for him to keep performing as he could in his youth.

◼ Rusty | Angel retired a decade and a half ago, and has not put on his suit since, leaving many to believe the celestial Maverick perished.

◼ Trusting | Thomas is, albeit a bit more jaded in his late years, very trusting of people. Willing to see the good in most and give just about anyone a second chance, this is mostly a positive trait, but can be abused.

◼ Immortality | His very powers have blinded him in the past. Filled him with hubris and stopped him from seeing the clear danger in front of him – to him, or to people he cares about.

▼ N O T E S:

"You don't get to be in this game this long without making a couple of enemies."




◼ TBD |

◼ TBD |

T H O M A S C A S E Y C A M P B E L L U N K N O W N (57) M A L E H E L L I O N

"We're not born to be good. It's a choice, and you have to make it every single day. And some days, it's hard as hell."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"The weight of the world is on my shoulders."
◼ HEIGHT | 6'3 (6'4 in his prime)

◼ WEIGHT | 210 lbs (190 at prime)

◼ BUILD | Muscular, good shape for his age. (The most fit person on the planet in his prime.)

◼ HAIR COLOR | Dark Blond.

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue with green speckles.

◼ OTHER | Several scars that have not healed from the many years of duty. On his right shoulder, going down to his shoulder-blade is a long scar from a dragon's claw. He's got six scars on his chest, right next to his heart – from buckshot as a teenager.

These days, Thomas dresses casually when he's off from work, T-shirt, jeans, a pair of old boots he's had since his youth. When hitting the gym, he's donning a tank top, hoodie and probably a pair of sweatpants and sneakers. When at work as the Chief of the Longhorn Police, he wears a dress shirt, a loose tie and a black sports coat with elbow pads, matching it with either dark jeans, Chinos or casual suit pants and black oxfords or boots. His hair is casually swept to the left in his old age, as opposed to his youth where he would always style it to the right. He's often seen with a bit of 4'o clock shadow, or a short beard depending on how long ago he shaved.

He walks with a upright posture, coming off as an even bigger guy than the hunk of a man he is, his very stature brings a boost in morale to the cops in his precinct, his gaze is worn and every look he gives is both respectful, loving, but also incredibly exhausted, like he's seen too much. One would often catch his lightning fast reflexes, another thing one will notice about him is how he still carries his detective badge on his person, as well as a handgun – and unlike anyone else in the Crescent City PD Officer ranks, he still takes field duty quite seriously. Every aspect about Thomas Casey Campbell shows off his leadership skills, and the respect he's fought tooth and nail to get.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"The fire always burns the brightest right before it burns out."
Thomas Campbell is not the first name that this being's ever held. It's merely the last in a line of thousands, perhaps more. Thomas is a being without a name, from another unknown realm within the tree of life and death one where the Vis flows less freely than in others, which is why he has explored hundreds of realms and thousands of worlds during his many lifetimes. But the tale of this life began in the early 60's, one summer night in Crescent City, when a young man, Jack Michaels, a young man in Crescent City would be held a gunpoint by a deranged lunatic in an alley but as the gunman was about to pull the trigger – wiping the young man from existence, his gun exploded and he was swept away by a six-winged being of pure light.

A few hours later, a couple walked past that very same alley, after a lovely dinner at a nice little restaurant – when they heard the cries of a child. The man, Bruce, walked into the alley, and found the newborn baby, only a few hours old, laying in the dirt. He and his wife, Mary Campbell took the child in, and name it Thomas, after Bruce's father, a world war 2 veteran who would pass from old age when Thomas was not even a year old.

The Campbells were at the time of adopting Thomas incapable of having a child, devout Christians like most, they would thank the Lord for giving them this child, calling him their little angel. When Thomas was two years old, the Lord would gift them once more, as Mary became pregnant, her infertility miraculously cured.

Thomas grew up as a relatively normal boy, he was awfully calm for a child, hardly any tantrums, happy and laughing most of the time. That is, till he was six years old, and his three year old brother, Jason, was injured. The compassion he held for his brother turned into anger, and the room he was in caught on fire, nobody ever realizing what caused the flames. His protective nature of his brother continued growing up, Bruce instilling him to take care of his brother as the two got older – that the most important thing in the world was family.

As Thomas came towards his preteen years, it became more and more clear he was no ordinary boy. He was never sick, his bruises, cuts or other injuries healed almost instantly and he was as strong as a grown man at the age of ten, capable of doing all chores as effective as his father. Bruce, a detective in the Longhorn PD former soldier who had seen all kinds of things, quickly noticed this and sheltered Thomas from the world, trying his best to teach him how to use his quickly emerging abilities, just a man trying to mentor something more than himself, Bruce did his best.

Bruce's frustrations over his job got too much for him when Thomas was in his teens, and his training shifted gears. It was no longer about control – hiding, or suppressing abilities. Now, it became about channeling them. Using them to step around the law, to do what Bruce – or other cops, never could, after two years of training, Thomas was 17 years old when he did his first act of vigilantism.

He fought off four thugs whom were attacking a couple, he was scared, yet excited. Like this was what he was supposed to do. He ended up getting stabbed several times that night, but by the time the fight was over, the thugs were beaten down, a lot worse than he was, and the couple was fine, thanking the man in the ski mask and leather jacket. By the time he got home to his father, his wounds had already all but healed.

His powers continued to escalate, and a year later, he took flight. Six tendril like wings out of his back, as if they were made out of holy fire, they were like extra limbs, fully functional, capable of causing fires, or of being as warm as his hands to the touch. The reported sightings of 'Longhorn's Guardian Angel' became more and more frequent, coming to a plateau one particular night during a bank robbery committed by one of the recently emerging Hyperhumans. That night was the catalyst – the conception of the greatest heroes the Crescent City area had ever seen. Bruce would pass away from a heart attack – one Thomas had no way of ever stopping, and in his father's memory, he became a cop. Moonlighting as Longhorn's six-winged hero.

The rest of the escapades of Angel are shrouded heavily in legend and mystery and not much about his exploits can be confirmed. What is known is that Thomas Campbell is a incorruptible paragon for justice within the police force, he works harder than anyone else, being the very definition of what people think a hero should be.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"You don't have to be super to be a hero."
Mr. Campbell is a paragon of justice, jaded over the years, sure, but he still carries that same light he had several decades ago. He wishes to clean up Crescent City – and the whole world, still. He's just come to terms with it not being behind a mask and with his wings, but as one of the highest ranking members in the Police Force. Thomas's goal is currently to become the new Commissioner, and the highest law enforcement authority, to make sure that the cops all follow the same moral code as he.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"You'll lose."
◼ Hellion Physique: | Angel's body is a natural conductor of the magical force of the Vis. It powers his entire being, supercharging his muscles, improving his senses, and being the source he taps into for all of his other abilities.

◼ Angelic Flight | Six wings on his back, any form Thomas decides for them to take. The wings can be used as weapons, limbs or shield. He is able to fly at speeds reaching up to Mach 4 when pushing himself. But, alas, his true limit lies only in however much Vis his body can sustain channeling without burning up.

◼ Celestial Healing | Vis powered Biokineis, Thomas is able to increase cellular regen in just about all life forms, passively on himself, but with effort to others. In his youth, he radiated health to all around him, even to such a degree that his very presence held his father's heart together, as well as allowing his teammates on the Mavericks to survive their many near-death encounters. Able to heal complex wounds at but a touch, Angel is truly a miracle worker.

◼ Superhuman features | Angel is superhuman strong, durable and armed with incredible speed and reflexes. Aable to see – and catch a subsonic bullet in his hand, and if he couldn't, the bullet would barely phase him. Lift planes and run faster than any athlete.

◼ Smiting | Like his wings, his very touch can induce flames powered by the Vis.

◼ Immortality and Rebirth| Angel cannot die. When his body burns out from the use of the Vis, he hibernates, leaving only ashes behind and a new physical body emerges, starting another lifespan. When his body is about to be destroyed, his powers reach their maximal peak, allowing him the utmost of his abilities. Over the course of a lifetime, he will recollect fragments of memories from previous lives – lifetimes he has more recollection than others. Thomas recalls bits and pieces of the other times he's lived, having a sense of Deja Vu and a familiarity.

◼ Warrior of Light | While he cannot put his finger on it, Thomas carries the skills of thousands of lifetimes within his soul. He lives for combat, and always has, a fight peaks his interest every time – as does fighting a challenging opponent. He's a master at martial arts and melee combat, and a skilled shooter with a handgun, shotgun or even crossbow.

◼ Magic | Being a natural conductor of the Vis, Thomas is able to cast some basic spells that he has learned over the years.

◼ Detective | Serving as one of Crescent City's finest, Thomas is a skilled detective, just like his father before him. Bruce taught him the skills of his trade before he would pass, skills Thomas has since then further mastered.

◼ Leadership and Charisma | A booming voice and a tall stature goes a long way to grabbing people's attention. He's not exactly one to have a way with words – saying what he means, nothing less and nothing more. He speaks from the heart and the good in his heart always shines through, inspiring others to do better. To be better.

◼ Mechanic | Police Cruiser, Tractor or tank, it does not matter much to Tommy, he's got experience fiddling

◼ Pilot | Thomas is a licensed pilot, seeing it necessary to learn how to fly without his wings to make full use of them.

◼ Painting | In his later years, he's gotten quite handy with a pencil or brush, drawing and painting his many visions and fragments of memory.

◼ Life Giveth, Life Taketh | The very Vis that gives him his abilities is killing him. He cannot use too much, as his body cannot handle it and will deteroate even faster if he pushes himself too hard. For him to give it his all, he's doing so at the cost of his own life.

◼ Humanity | Ironically enough, Thomas still considers himself human. He carries empathy, sympathy and a lot of other emotions within him that are possible to exploit and makes him vulnerable, just like any other person.

◼ Vis Poisoning | The Vis is killing him, and in his advanced age – this is one of his longest lifespans, it's actively causing him harm

◼ Old Age| While his powers are many, his age is making him wear thing, his physical body growing ever weaker, making it harder for him to keep performing as he could in his youth.

◼ Rusty | Angel retired a decade and a half ago, and has not put on his suit since, leaving many to believe the celestial Maverick perished.

◼ Trusting | Thomas is, albeit a bit more jaded in his late years, very trusting of people. Willing to see the good in most and give just about anyone a second chance, this is mostly a positive trait, but can be abused.

◼ Immortality | His very powers have blinded him in the past. Filled him with hubris and stopped him from seeing the clear danger in front of him – to him, or to people he cares about.

▼ N O T E S:

"You don't get to be in this game this long without making a couple of enemies."




◼ TBD |

◼ TBD |
I N T E R L U D E:

Several Hours Ago | City Hall - The Spires

"This is messy, Raul."

Timothy Simmons, the current Mayor of Crescent City paced back and forth as he looked out of his office windows at the mess in the streets below. De Vitis' men were taking ownership of the block, ushering out people from the Spires who were suspected of supporting other mayoral candidates. Both men knew that if either Blake or Cruz won the upcoming election, their time in Crescent City would be coming to an end.

"I don't like this plan at all."

"This plan is meant to go south, Simmons." Raul waved his hand dismissively while using his opposite hand to bring a large cigar to his mouth. "My men will act as the scapegoats, you'll get to impress the public by uncovering the plot and saving those who were in the hotel. Hell, do you know how thankful every mother and father will be that you saved their daughters from a lifetime of addiction and the sex trade. Have Corrotto bust the guys down on the docks, he'll be able to catch them in the middle of a 'sale', no one will be hurt and your popularity will sky rocket."

"And the Society?" Simmons asked.

"The Society is part of a world that no longer exists. They're a bunch of disillusioned hacks, Crescent City belongs to us now, not the shadows."


<Snipped quote by Hillan>

I know it's early days yet, but everyone in this RP should get together and get hammered. It would get so messy.

Although my Marine friend has recently introduced us to this new thing called Map of Africa, whereby someone in the group yells "Map of Africa" and everyone has to piss themselves then and there, leaving a map-of-Africa-shaped wet-patch. The loser buys the entire round, naturally.

I'd pay for @Lord Wraith To partake.

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