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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

My wealth and treasures? If you want it, I'll let you have it.
Look for it, I left all of it at that place!

Twenty years ago, those were the words that changed the world forever. The greatest pirate in all of history met his end, and what was intended as a day of celebration and the beginning of the end for Piracy, would instead usher in a new age of villainy and warfare on the sea. With Rogers last words, he set the world ablaze. Hundreds of thousands of people took to the seas, to try and find where Rogers great treasure was hidden. And over the years, the next generation followed in their footsteps, the Grandline became a battlefield once more, 360 degrees combat everywhere you looked, nations being toppled and governments destroyed. Some did it out of greed, others out of pure lust for chaos and destruction, and some set out to see the world, looking to find the truest freedom in the world.

With the ushering of the Great Age Of Piracy, forces rose up to resist them. The World Government and their Navy would protect their interests at every turn, protecting civilians and stopping anyone who tried to find Rogers treasure. The New World is the most important front in this battle between Good and Evil.

And you are put dead center in the chaos, on board a Vessel belonging to the Navy, a member of the unorthodox G5 unit. A Marine who plays fast and loose with the rulebook, a cowboy who's shooting from the hip in this Brave New World, soon to realize you are in over your head.

Q:Hey Hillan-Sensei! The Setting? Does this take place during the series? And what will we be playing, exactly?
A:Heh, well, yes and no! This is AU, Alternate Universe, some details will be the same, but many will not, so be ready for a lot of twists and turns! For the second half of your question; we will be playing Marines of the G5 base, under the command of a Vice-Adrmiral. The plan is to do something in the vein of Inglorious Basterds. "Our business is hunting pirates, and business is good."

Q: But can I endulge in my power-fantasy of having a Logia and all three forms of Haki?!
A: Probably not! None of us are expected to be able to stand up to an Emperor or their closest men, but it is the New World, so I am expecting a fair amount of crazy stuff to go down.

Q: Can I play X race?
A: Sure you can! Fishmen, Minks, Skylanders, maybe even a Dwarf or a Giant!

Q: Isn't this SBS ripoff way to share your plans for the RP kind of forced, in an attempt to be Meta?
A: Who even asked you!? Of course not!

Q: Character sheet?!
A: Oh yeah, huh.

Correct. He does not know his clan's Hidens, even thoug he does know he's a Tsun, since his mother's clan ensign was on her flack jacket. And his sword would carry some kind of marking that would indicate his heritage as a Senju. But it isn't important to him.

And, ye, his ying / yang stuff don't do much yet. He'll develop more utility and buffs with it over raw power.

Kuhn took in what Johannes was saying, he wanted their help to take down the companies. Kuhn was intrigued, as seen by his never moving gaze from Johannes, watching the knight's every move, his hand resting on the holster of his revolver. Johannes explained he, and his men, not explaining quite how many of them there were, would aid them in anyway they could. Kuhn figured that would be just fine, but when he looked over to his side, he saw Chester shaking.

"... We agree." He said, gritting his teeth. "We'll take down the Companies, and you can help."

"Eyup. Their biggest guy, Cerulean's got it out for the Cap'n here. And we've all got a bit of history with the Quartz company. The other two have been a pain in our necks for quite sometime, too."

As the man in the armor boarded the ship, Kuhn had already registered him, and assesed how big of a threat he was - he looked sort of tough, but nothing he, Macario, or the Cap'n couldn't handle. More importantly, he did not look like he was from one of the companies. An ally, mayhaps. Lina did not look too surprised to see him, so it was safe to assume Lina knew him.

Chester, still stuck on the subject of Cerulean. "Oh, yeah. I guess he would count that as beating me. I'll just have to beat him up even worse, to get him back, then." Chester commented, putting his fist in his hand, as if to suggest his idea was groundbreaking. "That is how that would go, Cap'n." Kuhn said, bemused, but sarcastic. He looked over at Johannes, as soon as he opened his mouth, and Chester listened, carefully.

"Armor, long hair, no scars in the face. By the looks of things, you's a bitch, no?"

"... Cap'n.. Behave."

"I mean, you know what they say about assuming.."

".. What do they say about Assuming?"

"Do it often and frequently, right? Old Marineford motto, I believe."

"Just answer his damn question." Kuhn told him, rubbing his forehead, still incapable of quite comprehending Chester's logic. "Bitchy-ness aside. Yes, we are Pirates. You wanna fight?.. Or drink? Pleeeassee tell me you want to drink, I'm dying of thirst over here!"

Macario got his supplies, and Chester dug into the medical bag he had brought. "Wait, you don't have any booze?.. For numbing the pain, I mean." He asked, only to be met with a look of dismay. Soon, he would be patched up, bandages on the stitches Macario had lazily put in - stitches that wouldn't even have been good enough to fit a patch in a pair of pants, even less so a human, Chester had bitched and moaned about his bedside manners sucking the entire time.

When the others arrived, Lina asked him questions, apparently concerned about her home. Chester's fingers were finding their way to his bandages, scratching at them, and soon even putting his fingers directly onto the skin, scratching it only for him to flinch in pain, and Kuhn slapping his hand to make him stop.

As he put his hand out of his wound, he sniffed the fingers and made a disgusted grimace. Kuhn looked at him, tired. "Da hell did ya' expect there, cap'n?" Chester shook his head. "Cerulean ambushed me. Got me by surprise, decked me in the chest and threw me in the water.. And worst of all.. He destroyed my drink. Where is he? I wanna beat him up!" He said, peering over the railing. Kuhn grabbed the somewhat shorter captain by the wrist, and pulled him onto the floor of the deck again. "Rest. Eat. I brought a few bottles of grog from da inn. And a bag of food, figured you and 'Muscles over here would need it." He said, pointing at Macario, tossing the second bag to Macario.

"What inn was that again?" Chester asked, between bits of the steak, and chugging down the bottle of rum Kuhn had gotten him.

".. Don't even get me' startd, Cap'n.."

Chester looked over at Macario, and then at the blue-clad man crawling towards him, holding his leg that the Pirate had hit him in. The captain was looking down at the ground, a look of sorrow on his face. His blonde hair was dirtied from the seawater - not unheard off and his torn grey shirt had been stained by the blood leaking out of his chest in the X-shaped mark Cerulean had made, it was a shallow cut, sure, but it still stung.

Almost as much as the rage boiling inside of Chester. When Macario asked him how it was going, the blue clad man on the beach had made his way to Chester, holding out his hand. Chester saw the azure color, and let out a cold glare, freezing the man in place, only to deliver a swift kick to his ribs, sending him flying up onto a pile of other blue-clad idiots, knocking them all down like pins.

"It was a waste of my god damn time. That Blue clad FREAK is gonna pay for what he did!" Chester shouted, leaping onto the Hinnon Breeze.

"HE DESTROYED MY BOOZE! I'M GONNA KICK HIS ASS!" Chester shouted, letting the blue goons know that their boss had in fact failed, and there would be hell to pay.

<Snipped quote by ScreenAcne>

it's a dressing gown you uncivilised fuck

also yes i'm six and a half years old


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