Avatar of Hillan


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4 mos ago
Nothing ever ends poetically. It ends and we turn it into poetry. All of that blood was never once beautiful. It was just red.
4 mos ago
Oh sorry. I read the question wrong. 1's actually my social security number.
1 like
4 mos ago
4 mos ago
The phallic stimulation toy of consequence rarely arrives pre-lubricated.
10 mos ago
Imagine not knowing about the schenanigans that coding-wizard got into on Iwaku... There's no post formatting that man can't harness for his unholy machinations.


I have 3 mottos here in life, really.

Most Recent Posts

Just...gonna stand here.

@Hillan Go away

@Sloth This

Oh shit what.

I was here first, scram ya' darn kids.




| B I R T H N A M E: |
Michael Carter Campbell

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

| A B I L I T I E S: |

| S K I L L S: |

| B I O G R A P H Y: |

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

"Play with fire and you will get burned."


| B I R T H N A M E: |
Nicholas Dimitri Belkov

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
6'1, 160 pounds. Niko's athletic and on the skinny side. His muscles are well defined and he looks strong, albeit a wee bit stringy. His skin is naturally tanned showing off his Mediterranean ancestry,

| A B I L I T I E S: |

| S K I L L S: |

| B I O G R A P H Y: |

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

Five months ago:

The rain was pouring down in the streets of the Narrows, the day was coming to an end. The Doors of the Crown Vic slammed shut on both sides, as the two men walked out. One of them was Douglas O'Malley, detective of the New Lilith Police Department, Precinct 11. The other was Lieutenant Thomas Campbell of the same Precinct. Douglas was a hotshot detective, late twenties, good looking for a cop. Short black hair, brown eyes, 6'1 160 pounds. "Prettyboy, pay attention." The older detective told Doug as the two crossed the streets of the narrow. Doug's partner was the grizzled fifteen years on the force LT. Campbell. The Blonde haired 6'5 210 pounds worth of raw muscle, despite being in his 50's was rugged, but still certainly earned a few looks.

Campbell was wearing a white dress-shirt, a wool coat, suspenders and a pair of suit pants and a pair of nice leather shoes n his feet, his hands were gloved with brown leather gloves. Douglas wore a black leather jacket, a V-neck T-shirt, jeans and Sneakers plus a rollex watch. Douglas came from old money, he didn't even need to be a cop, he just did it for kicks.

They were on the trail of a shooter, responsible for three deaths at a night club three nights ago. The shooting was drug related and the suspect, Juan Vendelo, was suspected to be related to the 49th Street Kings, a remnant of the now defunct Harbor Kings who used to be one of the City's biggest gangs before The Mavericks crushed them.

The two police men walked into the apartment building, scurring up the stairs as everyone who saw them avoided matching their gazes. These parts of the town, the cops were more feared than the most hardened criminals.

Thomas knocked on the door, 14C. The home of Juan's Girlfriend, Francesca. "Francesca Benito? This is the New Lilith Police. Open up!" Thomas shouted as his fist hit the door again. A female scream was heard from inside the building, and Thomas's hand found itself inside of his jacket, pulling the nine milimeter pistol from it's holster. Douglas grabbed his gun from his belt holster as well as the senior detective nodded, kicking in the door.

"FREEZE, POLICE NOBODY MOVE!" Thomas shouted as he scanned the room, finding only the woman sitting on the floor, looking at the floor, propped against the wall. Thomas moved towards her as Douglas scanned the rest of the apartment, vanishing behind the next doorway as Thomas checked on the woman. As he got closer, he saw blood behind her on the wall, a a thick stream of blood running down her throat. She had been cut open. Thomas shouted. "Doug, one casualty over here!" Doug cleared his throat. "Uh, Boss. That might be two." Douglas said as he walked out of the next room, hands behind his head, a shotgun to his back. Thomas quickly pulled up his gun, aiming it at the gunman, but Juan smiled. "Wouldn't do that if I were you, officer, or you're gonna be picking small pieces off your partner off the walls." The Shotgun was taped in his hand, his finger on the trigger - if Thomas shot Juan, Juan would shoot Douglas.

Douglas looked at Thomas and nodded, mouthing "Do it." Thomas shook his head and flipped the pistol in his hand, making the handle point towards Douglas and Juan. Taking a step forward, he moved as quickly as he could, pushing Douglas to the side, tossing his pistol to Douglas as he hit the ground, and moving to grab the gun and disarm Juan, a maneuver he had done literally hundreds of times before.

But this time, he was slower than usual. A shot rang out and the double barrel shotgun fired. The slugs found their way to Thomas's right shoulder, tearing through skin, muscle and bone. Thomas fell to the ground and Douglas shot Juan dead on the spot.


The Knight Impersonator felt a pat on his shoulder, as he turned around, he found a small child standing in front of him. "Sir Knight.. Could you spare a coin?" The child begged with her massive eyes with tears welling "I have nothing to eat, you see, and my baby brother.. He's sick." To not blow his cover, the knight gave the kid four pieces of gold. A few minutes passed, the knight still looking around for his contact, when a tap on his armored shoulder let out a slight clank.

Behind him stood a man draped in a black robe and a cordial hat. One of the high priests of the kingdom. His face looked old, his skin was wrinkly and his lips were parched, right above the lips was a mustache. His eyes had a ember burning in them, one that felt quite clashing with his otherwise old age. His black hair was graying and likewise was his mustache. He wore the ordinary priest robes under the black burlap coat, draped around him like a cape - as it was for all priests of the Antler Kingdom. "Blessings of the Antler god upon ye, kind knight." The Priest spoke with a smirk. The Knight looked a little shocked, but settled down once the priest lifted his coat a little, revealing the Tanto in his belt.

"Nice work with the kid there. Not bad for a Quartzie." Marv spoke hushed, using the shepards cane that was part of his attire to walk towards the throne room, where the other priests and knights were. Today was a day of ritual for the newborn children of the past season in the Kingdom, which meant that a lot of people would be coming in and out of this room - and a lot of people would be meeting the king and Queen. They were due to arrive any moment.

*** Meanwhile, in the square.

A man pushed the stall over, the fruits and vegetables spilling into the streets. "Ya' think you can hold out on the bloody King of Antler with that puny lil taxes?! I've seen you had customers here every single day, you're holding out on me, Richards!" The would be taxcollecter shouted, as he grabbed the shopkeeper, Richards by the collar.

"N-no, I swear! Most people are just window shopping!" The Tax collector slammed his hand through the stall, breaking it further. "Next time that's gone' be your blooming skull, ya' got that?!" The taxman spat in Richards face as he was quaking. He fell to his knees once the taxman let go of him and people all around looked on in horror.

The Taxman walked away laughing, looking for his next prey. But he didn't get far before he was sent flying onto his back in front of Richards, whom looked up to see the ginger haired man - a red leather jacket over his black Tanktop with the oh so familiar text on it. He worse a bandana over the lower half of his face and put his boot to the throat of the taxman. "Your king think he can teach his people however well he damn pleases? That's incredibly non-rad of him." Chadwick said as the Taxman tried to fight off the young man, but his potbelly and smokers lungs proved him to match for the younger, stronger man. "We're here to tell the king to bugger off." Chadwick said as a hundred or so people - all wearing the same Red bandana appeared behind him, coming out of the alleyways, holding torches, tools and pitchforks.

"We're gonna take the city back from that swine of a king. Now now, little piggy. Run on back to your master!" Chadwick said as the Taxman got back up onto his feet and began running. Chadwick walked over to Richards whom was crying over his spilled fruit, he handed him his hand and a red bandana in it. "Will you join us in our revolution, bruhther?" Chadwick asked Richards whom took his hand and the bandana.

Soon, riots errupted in the Marketplace - in the docks and in the harbor, the City Guards occupied with dealing with those, leaving the timed Explosives at the weakest parts of the wall unchecked.

Meanwhile at the Palette Company Field Headquarters.

Goldenrod sat with papers in front of him, singing one after the other. The cut to the Don. Authorizing bribes of Marines and Four Seasons personel alike. He was busy doing the housekeeping that was neccesary to keep his company afloat. The door swung open, and in stepped the pale girl with the pastel colored hair. "You working, daddy?" Whitney asked as Goldenrod nodded. "He is. Go away, Daddy's busy."
"But dad! I need you to write me a check!"

"You already got your allowance, sweetie." Goldenrod mumble, flipping through papers. " But I spent that money on my new apartment, and a gift for -he who shall not be named-! The shoplady wouldn't let me return it after he left, it's all her fault!" Whitney cried out, as tears begun welling in her eyes. Goldenrod looked at her and scoffed. "Don't cry, Princess. Fine, daddy will write you a check. And, I promise I will make that turncoat pay for what he did to you."

"Oh thank you! You're the best!" She said as she leaned over the back of his chair and hugged him, kissing him on the cheek, taking the check as she stood back up. A knock on the door as a elderly man in a yellow suit stepped in.

"Goldenrod, sir? Sorry to interrupt you during family time."

[Mr. Guldheim, Head Of Quartz Legal Division]
Whitney smiled "Oh, don't worry about it Guldie! Me and Daddy were just having a chat, I'm gonna head out and get papa a really nice present as thanks!" He girl said with a smile. Guldheim nodded in approval. "Very nice, miss."

"Yes, what is it, Guldheim?" Goldenrod asked, pushing the thin rimmed glasses up onto his nose, as he licked the end of his pencil to keep the ink wet. "It seems that the pirate you've been on the lookout for - the man who reeks of spirit, who beat the thug out of Isaac, and the one who got Kuhn to join him has been spotted on the Island."

Goldenrod's eyes widened and a vein showed in his face. "When?"

"A little less than an hour ago, sir." Guldheim informed him. "So Cerulean failed, eh? Interesting. Deploy your men at once to deal with him, Guldheim."

"We shall make him wish he had never been born, sir." Guldheim said with sadistic glee as he turned his heel and left Goldenrod.
Will post in the morning (and read everyone else's.)
In My Sad Life 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
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