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2 yrs ago
Current A Perpetual Motion Engine of Anxiety and Self-Loathing


So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door, and mentions there's a little sweets shop on the edge of town. So - we go. And - it's closed. So there's me, and Keith Moon, and David Crosby, breaking into that little sweets shop, eh. Well, instead of a guard dog, they've got this bloody great big Bengal tiger. I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace, but the shopowner and his son... that's a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. Nasty business, really. But, sure enough, I got the M&Ms, and Ozzy went on stage and did a great show.

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Red Doc Midnite.
I just want Tim to have a name that isn't the same as a fucking burger joint.

Unless they do my idea where he has his own version of the Sinister Six, just minus one, so it become Red Robin vs Five Guys.

It makes sense when you consider his rival Damien Wayne is the product of the ol' non-consensual In-N-Out...
Batman's recruiting program is second to none... but just like the college sports circuit few get more than 4 years.

Dan Didio graduates Robins/Nightwings with a crowbar. You can't Red-Robin shirt Tim Drake forever...
<Snipped quote by Hound55>

That's probably exactly how I'd play it. It's great drama in the typical Spider-Man vein. Hell, that's why you have Miles Morales: So that if Peter decides the risk is too high, he has someone to directly mentor in his place until Mayday comes of age.

... shit, I think I'm pitching myself an RPG concept.

Now we're back on @Byrd Man's college football dynasty again...
*Works on high school Wally West Character Sheet*
<Snipped quote by Master Bruce>

This is why I have a love/hate relationship with comic books as a storytelling medium. By their serialized nature, comics are so resistant to change. It's why Peter Parker feels like he's spinning his wheels; the character has done everything he can do. All that's left now is to settle down, have a kid, be Spider-Dad for a few years, and then pass the reins to Mayday Parker. That's how you progress Peter Parker, not by making him Tony Stark Lite. But Marvel will never ever, ever do that. At least not outside a self-contained book.

DC's even more egregious in some ways. Legacy characters are written into their DNA, with many of the sidekicks originating from the earliest years of the shared DC Universe. And yet we're doomed to never see these characters inherit the mantles they're destined for. The best we can hope for is a transition to a successful adult alter ego a la Nightwing, but even then the mentor character is still hanging around, fighting crime like a helicopter parent who can't let go.

I understand the business side of it, but it's frustrating to stifle narrative potential for financial reasons. Particularly given that if you look at the reception for Grayson Batman and Bucky Cap, you see that there is a market for people like me who want to see these universes evolve and change -- so long as the passing of the mantle feels earned and isn't itself a purely financial (*cough* "diversity" *cough*) decision.

You could do a number of things... responsibilities change with age. I'd probably write it that due to the bite's effect on him he's unable to have kids, because the responsibility of parenthood kind of conflicts with going out and protecting the city when you realize the high likelihood of leaving orphaned kids from the high likelihood of capes dying. Or I suppose you could roll with it and play it as Pete seeing it as no different than being a police officer (which could also have its own arcs of "am I holding back to make sure I go home at night, and if so can I still be effective?") regardless of the death rates of each. There's still interesting takes as he ages.
Favorite runs, eh? We'll, let's see.

Spider-Man: Throw a dart at a '70s Spider-Man comic. If it was written by Gerry Conway, Len Wein, or Marv Wolfman, then you're golden. Alternately, grab the first few trades of Ultimate Spider-Man.

Superman: I love Birthright. Like, a lot.

Batman: I'm tempted to say The Long Halloween, but that's the most basic bitch answer. Seeing as I am a basic bitch, though, I'll stand by it.

Thor: God of Thunder is the run that got me back into reading modern comics. (At least for a little while.)

@Eddie Brock likes his Spider-Men with their Six Arm Sagas and their Aunt Mays marrying Eight Limbed Villains confirmed...

Smek! Indeed...

New post coming....eventually. I've been in kind of a funk when it comes to superhero stuff in general. I'm starting to realize that this RP group is pretty much the only thing left of the superhero genre I still enjoy. Everything else I've either lost interest in or actively hate in its current form, so I dunno, just gotta find the spark to be the change I wanna see and all that.

Ah. I recognize that. Bendis is writing for your favourite character's book.

I prescribe warm cocoa, a blanket and the knowledge that nothing lasts forever.

Character You're Playing: Marc Spector: Moon Knight

Powers And Abilities: Ambiguous. Exceptional fighter, both hand to hand and with virtually any weapon. Some affinity for the moon, whether it’s present state has a psychological or supernatural effect on him remains unclear.

Season One Recap:
Previously on Moon Knight...

Former Marine and Ex-CIA operative Marc Spector was on a mission in Luxor, Egypt with two men from his past. A former "consultant" for the CIA, Raoul Bushman, and his oldest friend, former French Foreign Legionnaire Jean Paul DuChamp. In objection to seeing this mission viciously murder innocent bystander, archaeologist Dr Peter Alraune, Spector (and with him DuChamp) turned on Bushman.

It's at this point things get a little hazy...

Did Spector die in the desert? Maybe.
Did he take a head-knock that scrambled his brains? Quite possibly.
Did things change inalterably? Absolutely.

Spector pursued the lone survivor, Dr Peter Alraune's daughter Marlene, into the desert in order to protect her from the rest of Bushman's crew DuChamp turned the violent rabble with the cannons of his Hind and Spector managed to track Marlene to the tomb of Seti III, overwatchedby the moon god Khonshu.

Spector died-and-was-resurrected/hallucinated-whilst-concussed/had-a-strange-frommage-related-fever-dream and awoke, wrapping himself in a shroud that covered a statue of Khonshu and referring to himself as "Khonshu’s Blade", but with no memory of who he was or any of his past.

Spector was reunited with DuChamp topside, away from the tomb and the pair were taken to hospital in Luxor's city where he was given care. Whilst he was there he received a strange call from a man named Samuels who asked him to come to Chicago in the guise of a job, working for his employer Steven Grant.

Spector's head trauma and loss of memory led to him not taking the usual care when going through international customs under one of his other guises, which drew the attention of a shadowy group called The Committee with ties to government agencies.

Upn reaching Chicago he was ushered away from The Committee's attempts to intercept him and was taken to Grant's home; a sizable mansion overlooking Lake Michigan.

It was later discovered that Steven Grant was merely a name Spector had used in his past to funnel money into. Samuels was his own butler who was helping Spector re-construct his mind and in the process allowing him to regain most of his memories. With his conscious mind being the sum total of Marc Spector (also representing his Id, his original basic, most primal desires), Steven Grant (representing the Super Ego, his sense of morality, and drive to be the man he believed his parents always wanted him to be) and cab driver Jake Lockley (which represented the Ego, the rational arbitrator between the Id's desires and the Super Ego's morality).

With his mind once again whole and functional, Moon Knight was able to find a non-lethal solution to Chicago's recent Werewolf problem; a man by the name of Jack Russell who was able to escape a lifetime of imprisonment within one of The Committee's facilities after regaining sufficient mystical power during a Blood Moon "supermoon".

After seeing the way this city's newest protector handled this werewolf, in a world that was dealing with the Dawn of the Age of Superheroes, Deputy Mayor and upcoming Mayoral candidate Carson Knowles decided to stick his neck out and support the city's own Moon Knight, in stark contrast to cities such as Gotham which refuse to condone costumed vigilantism.

Where Do You Plan To Take The Character This Season?: This year we’ll be delving into Moon Knight’s past, whilst bringing in a few more from the rogues gallery. The present and future to be affected by a few things from this season.

Supporting Characters:
Jean Paul DuChamp - French Foreign Legion, Caporal Chef - JP DuChamp started his military career as a sniper, before later becoming one of the world’s foremost military pilots, able to pull off tough maneuvers in helicopters, light aircraft and virtually anything airborne. “Frenchie”, as Marc inarticulately would come to know him, became close friends with Spector when the pair worked on a clandestine team working dark missions. Possibly because Marc Spector seemed to have retained the most of his humanity out of any in the group.

Marlene Alraune – Marc’s girlfriend. Daughter of the deceased Dr Peter Alraune, an archaeologist/egyptologist. Has her own issues and complexities which have so far yet to be delved into.

Samuels and Nedda – Butler and housekeeper/chef of Steven Grant. Underpaid, but certainly not unappreciated for all they must undertake.

Gena Landers – Owner and operator of Gena’s Diner, a frequent haunt of Jake Lockley.

Bertrand Crawley – The verbacious vagabond whose pontificating presence is a persistent pleasure, by providing preferable perceptive passage of quality counsel to a virtuous vigilante.

Ricky and Ray Landers – Gena’s kids. Eager to be of assistance to Lockley and Crawley, much to their ever-suffering mother’s chagrin.

Anton Mogart This collector of fine antiquities is a close friend to Steven Grant. Tipped Steven off to the likely whereabouts of the Khonshu statue, which saw Spector engage in the mercenary job with Raoul Bushman.

Raoul Bushman - Raoul Bushman was a ranking “Specialist” in Marc’s final mission with the CIA. He leads his own band of mercenaries presently around Northern Africa/Sinai Peninsula with hopes of one day gaining the kind of power to build a nation beneath his feet.

The Profile – Contracted to work for The Committee, the private consortium who take care of CIA concerns that they would prefer never came to public knowledge. The Profile can read people’s past and tendencies by observing body language to a remarkable degree of accuracy. This mutant power, however, does not seem to extend to the Moon Knight however for some reason.

Detective Sergeant Flint – A Chicago PD detective who works (generally night shift) in Central Division. Pulled into the Moon Knight’s orbit last season due to the Werewolf case. Despite orders from high up within the Chicago PD to work with the Moon Knight, he remains somewhat skeptical and has been spending his own hours trying to identify the masked vigilante.

Dr Will Magnus – Formerly a promising scientist at STAR Labs Chicago, Dr Magnus went independent and opened his own laboratories in Chicago; Magnus Labs. Dr Magnus assists the Chicago Police on larger cases operating at cost as a forensic scientist/technician.

Carson Knowles – Deputy Mayor of Chicago. Previously worked as District Attorney and before that, a war hero. This political high-flyer has his eyes on the mayoral seat in Chicago in the upcoming election and to get there he’s hitched his wagon to the Moon Knight, picking up on a social trend for costumed vigilante’s in a world which is bearing witness to the birth of the superhero.

Post Catalogue:
1. Waxing and Waning | 2. Time... For A Story... | 3. New Moon
4. Out Of The Umbra | 5. Phases - A Post In Four Parts | 6. More Phases - Another Post In Four Parts
7. The Word: Consume | 8. Confusion and Transformation | 9. Pool Talk: Detective and Otherwise
10. Tales From the House of the Moon | 11. Rise of Spector | 12. Difference of IDeas
13. The Stalker Called Moon Knight | 14. Wolf-Beast vs Moon Knight
All this complaining about games makes me glad I only play one game.

NCAA College Football '11 on PS3.

200 years into dynasty mode and time no longer has any effect on me. The immortal coaches have grown distant and cold, seeing their players as simple chattel, a disposable workforce to win football games and continue their employment. The game has stagnated and there is no longer any playcalling invitation, uniform redesigns, or rule changes. Year after year, I wonder what has become of the world of 2214 outside of the college football world and pray for a death that will never come.


Maybe I should try another game.

Congratulations. You have now graduated from the game and are ready for a real life coaching gig. Your resume has been forwarded courtesy of EA Sports.
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