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1 yr ago
Current A Perpetual Motion Engine of Anxiety and Self-Loathing


So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door, and mentions there's a little sweets shop on the edge of town. So - we go. And - it's closed. So there's me, and Keith Moon, and David Crosby, breaking into that little sweets shop, eh. Well, instead of a guard dog, they've got this bloody great big Bengal tiger. I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace, but the shopowner and his son... that's a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. Nasty business, really. But, sure enough, I got the M&Ms, and Ozzy went on stage and did a great show.

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And here I was thinking I'd struggle to keep up while I'm away.

I've read up to date and pretty much have a post in the chamber (just waiting for the go ahead)...
I withdraw. Love you all.

Somewhere without extradition I assume?

Well, I'm in Spain now...
Somewhere without extradition I assume?

For a month, or at least until the statute of limitations runs out, yes...
Just FYI, going to be overseas for about a month after this coming weekend. Will try to remain somewhat active, with what little time I have and your GM is already aware... buuuut I just figured I'd let the rest of you know.
Just FYI, going to be overseas for about a month after this coming weekend. Will try to remain somewhat active, with what little time I have and your GM is already aware... buuuut I just figured I'd let the rest of you know.
Do I need to wait for any additional okay's before I move the character over or is she golden to go?

Good to go.
<Snipped quote by Simple Unicycle>

Surprisingly? No.

... although Heroes for Hire was once on the shortlist.

"You have selected... Hawkeye? If that is correct, press 1 now!

You have selected... Wolverine. If that is correct, press 1!



Why don't you just tell me the name of the character you wish to select?"
Jessica Fletcher isn't a detective. She's America's geatest mass murderer, cutting a swath of terror through the United States under the guise of being a writer.
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