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2 yrs ago
Current A Perpetual Motion Engine of Anxiety and Self-Loathing


So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for one thousand brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night. So, Jeff Beck pops his head 'round the door, and mentions there's a little sweets shop on the edge of town. So - we go. And - it's closed. So there's me, and Keith Moon, and David Crosby, breaking into that little sweets shop, eh. Well, instead of a guard dog, they've got this bloody great big Bengal tiger. I managed to take out the tiger with a can of mace, but the shopowner and his son... that's a different story altogether. I had to beat them to death with their own shoes. Nasty business, really. But, sure enough, I got the M&Ms, and Ozzy went on stage and did a great show.

Most Recent Posts

In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

The group followed the guard down the long Hall, remaining within the Recreation wing, passing by rooms of various purposes. Pool. Sauna. Steam room.

The guard came to a locked door leading to a more open room towards the end of the corridor, opposite the library. He pulled a set of keys that were chained to his person and unlocked the door revealing a half dozen seemingly randomly selected, longer tenured Ju-V program attendees who had been locked in the room. These would function as a 'welcoming committee' of sorts to begin to 'ease them' into coming to terms with the wider body of youths involved in the program.

The room had a ping pong table, two TVs with video game consoles, a small rack with a few select books (microchipped - with a scanner built into the door to prevent theft), central and side tables and chairs, and a book case full of board games, decks of cards and puzzles.

All of which would seem to be surprisingly well kept... except for the fact that boredom runs wild in places like these, and damage to any of the meagre things they actually have to assuage that boredom would be met with severe irritation by their peers. In many ways, their peers were the most effective policing techniques within these walls, and the contents of rooms like this one were more respected than most of the rules in the facility. Not a person on Alcatraz Island, for example, WOULDN'T know if someone broke one of the console controllers and exactly who that person was.

Sat against the back wall, staring at the door as a kaleidoscope of fresh faces all entered, was Laura DiBiase. Her face appeared manic, and over-stimulated and she began to rock, to the discomfort of many of the new arrivals. Her pseudonym of 'Bright Eyes' was clear to see and understand, as they seemed to have doubled in size to take in all the new vibrancy.

A pair of boys of comically contrasting sizes were playing a racing game of some kind or another on the console.

The smaller boy would take off to a considerable lead only for the larger boy to grunt in frustration, before the smaller boy would shoot him a nervous glance, and then somehow mysteriously fall back into the pack.

Neither had sensed the presence of the new program attendees in the room.

Not so inattentive was a lone boy located in a chair in the corner, with an angle on the whole room. Billy Isaacs. He was well aware why he had been shut in this room at this time, and scored himself a seat which took in the whole vista, so he could soak in every breath and step of the new arrivals. He wanted to know what they were thinking before they even thought it, and the most worrying thing was that he could indeed do it. All he needed was time and information, and every second of the former gave him more of the latter.

Libby Trainor stood at the window gazing out as her mind raced once more. Her singular focus had worked it's way back to the fore. It was a vicious cycle. She'd bust out, Aegis would find her, track her down, drag her back, she'd bust out all over again. The cycle had repeated so many times she could barely remember the starting point.

Waiting to greet them was a shorter girl with blonde plaits that spoke with the world-wearied wisdom of a long-timer. This was Program-Attendee number #543 - the lowest number on the island. Known by most as 'The Kid', all of the people who shared her ferry to this place and knew her real name had long since left.

"Fresh meat, huh?" She chuckled raspily. An off-putting gesture for someone of her diminutive stature and general appearance.

"Don't worry. We'll settle ya in real good." She chewed roughly on some type of gum, with a knowing grin that suggested these raw newbies had no idea what they were in for. Whilst it was true, it was also one of the only real joys she had in a place like this, and above all else, you learn to savour the joys. Especially when you can't see how you'd be able to exist on the outside.

"You need to know anythin' just you come askin' me." She turned to share the same view of the room that the group held.

"This here's one of yer standard rec rooms, there's another round the other side. Screws've trickled in about half a dozen, so it seems, to try and eash your transition in terms of coming to terms with yer fellow program-attendees. Yer free to mingle, play at ping pong, vidya games over there... although ya might want to give ol' 'Bulk' over there a wide berth. Apologies for the nomenclature... His name's Brian McIntyre. You'll find a lot of people start goin' by other aliases 'round these parts. Don't you worry 'bout none of that. You'll find yours in y'r own time, or someone'll stick one on ya. Yours truly they call 'The Kid', for obvious reasons."

The Kid looked over the group with a furrowed brow, counting heads.

"Must say, yer have me at a bit of a loss. You seem to be about three-- hup... didn't see the otter down there. Two short. When they normally give a bloc the ol' welcome wagon, they usually bring in a big ol' batch of twenty..."

Billy Isaacs ran his eyes over the latest ragtag assortment of Aegis offerings. The most immediate thing to come to mind was the red eyes.

They'd been pepper sprayed. At least a good few of them. His mind turned the information over in his mind. Likely wide dispersal, single use. There were only eighteen here. Normally a bloc of twenty would be introduced. Presumably two were removed. A fight between two was likely. Whether there were two true aggressors, or if one attacked the other and the second pushed the envelope in self-defense it was less easy for him to determine - Rowell was known to split the baby and punish both sides at the time. Some were immediately transparent in powerset. Otter. Wings. Stone boy. Another carried a large board of some kind - he presumed an elemental of some sort, controlling wind or waves. As far as could be told at this point. A Blonde from out of time carried herself with more weight than her diminutive stature suggested. He pegged her as a powerhouse strength type, despite her frame. Body shapes lie often. Body language? Less so. Another blonde looked muscular, but far more inscrutable - still a mystery.

Billy Isaacs' lip curled just considering 'stripping back' that mystery.

Her eyes held the red of the spray. She was in close proximity to the dispersal. Another in green it seemed took the brunt, he couldn't tell what her part would have been in any of this, though. A red-headed girl amongst them also had misty red eyes... but Billy could see the subtlety in difference.

She hadn't been sprayed. This wasn't chemical based. It was emotional. Billy kept sniffing, he could smell vulnerability.

What would have set that off... homesickness? Possibly, but it was early yet. She probably teared up from the trip, but this was more recent. On the facility.

Security. She'd had something confiscated. She wanted something. And anyone who wants something... the possibilities. He watched her closer. The style of clothes, the probable expense, it didn't look like she'd ever wanted for much. The thin clothing, the posture. She had nipple piercings, he could tell. What form exactly, he couldn't tell yet, but he'd have her show him. She looked like she'd be willing to go along with a lot with him. He wondered at what point he'd hit her limits... and what would be beyond.

Billy Isaacs' lip curled again, at the thought of the 'beyond'.

"Dawkins!" He called. The young boy paused and jumped up from his video game at Isaacs' beckon call, much to the larger boy's frustration.

"--is 'Fingers'. Doesn't look like much, but the kid can get you ANYTHING, ANY TIME. Like a one man 7/11. Well... boy. Price isn't too unreasonable either... but you wanna arrange costs up front. Not that he's particularly untrustworthy, it's just a good general rule across the board with anyone in here."

The younger boy ran across the room, passed the girl at the back wall, whose gaze still hasn't left the group. Her face held a hanging vacant smile that left many looking uncomfortable.

"...And that one there, is 'Bright Eyes'. Now, best we can tell, not violent, but I'm not gonna lie, she's a special kind of crazy. Probably stil best to keep yer distance."

Billy Isaacs kept his focus glued on the redhead, whilst he waited for Fingers to get to him, intent on cracking the rest of this mystery. She wanted something. Something that was taken from her that she wanted. Fill that need, and...

He watched closer. Turned his head slightly, almost imperceptively, in stark contrast to the way that almost nothing escaped his own perception. He picked up anxiety on her, and her fingers tented at the knuckle, almost as if she was craving an eCigarette or...

"Vape pen." He flashed a wide grin in realisation. Hell, he bet that if he got close enough, he could probably even smell the flavour she was craving on her.

Fingers finally got to where Billy Isaacs stood, he waited until he'd gone the whole way to him before he began to walk himself.

"Gonna need you to get me something. For a new friend..." He said. Fingers cowered slightly. He hated this. He suspected he knew the sort of thing he was about to be an accessory to. There just wasn't anything he could do about it. Between Bulk's muscle, and Billy's own power, he was all but untouchable in here.

"So walk with me, a while..." He said. Taking a solid glance in the direction of three cameras monitoring the room, and mentally timing his pace as he began to approach the group of fresh meat.

"Hey, Red! I think we might be able to help you get something you'd be interested in." He called out to the redhead.

"--escape." The Kid stopped, when she became aware of Billy's call to one of the group. Her face froze. Billy killed any intention of warning her with a simple well weighted smile.

The redhead was curious about the request and separated herself from the group to see what he was talking about, a pained look briefly flashed across the Kid's eyes before she moved on. This sort of thing had happened too often for it to be more than a momentary hangup. It was far from the first time he'd targeted some prime piece of fresh meat he fancied, wouldn't be the last time either.

"And with escapes from over a half dozen different Aegis facilities, Libby Trainor got sent down here to, if not stop her, at least slow her down. But it doesn't seem that's gonna happen anytime soon. Best they can hope is to catch her again quickly and bring her on back. Hell, she's probably over there thinking about what she's gonna do in the City in the few hours of freedom she buys herself NEXT time she busts out..."

As Billy Isaacs lured the red haired girl away for conversation, and his eventual proffer, The Kid gradually grew bolder and cut off her description of the girl at the window to describe the latest figure they'd just caught a passing glimpse of.

"And that one there, is Billy Isaacs. The Calculus. He has perception, pattern reading and recognition at a level so terrifyingly honed, that here in this place, he's practically precognitive. You take one thing away from anything I say today, you stay away from him. I'd tell you not to tell him I said anything, or warned you, but it wouldn't matter. He'd see it on yer face, just as soon as lookin' at yer... You don't want to get involved with that guy. Don't get on his bad side, Just best stay well clear..."

The truth was The Kid knew he could warn the group all she liked, now that he had what he wanted. He considered himself far enough above the fray that he barely considered her warnings as having any influence on his ability to attain his goals and desires at all. And the scariest thing was, he was probably right.

Bulk, having quickly grown bored, with the loss of his video game partner, decided to walk up and look over the fresh meat. Immediately catching his attention was a brassy shorter blonde with a very distinctive style of dress. Unsure how to go about greeting her he kind of stood over her, with a perplexed look on his face, as if trying to solve a puzzle. He wasn't like Billy, Billy just had a way of talking that seemed to flow easily, and generally ended with people giving him what he wanted, whether or not they wanted to. Billy had a way with people. With words. Brian noticed people tended to respond better, the less he said. Billy would even tell him to shut up. A lot. It was probably in his best interests. They really did work better when he said less. He'd seen it himself.

So instead he stood there providing her shade. Maybe he'd smile at her if he finally drew eye contact. He hadn't really given it much thought yet.

GM Notes/Directives

* The Program Attendees are Now in the Opening Recreation Room. In the Opening Recreation Room your characters are free to intermingle with other Player Characters and UNENGAGED NPCs.
* In the Opening Recreation Room there is to be NO VIOLENCE WITHOUT PRIOR GM APPROVAL.
* The Unengaged NPCs are The Kid, Libby Trainor - Liberty and Laura DiBiase - Bright Eyes. For more information on any of these Communal NPCs - consult the Character Tab.
*Engaged NPCs:
Fingers and Calculus - Noah 'Bombshell' Cypress @Venus
Bulk - Brooklyn 'Black Betty' Vanderhaven @PatientBean
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

Apologies for the long wait.

This all looks great (although I'm almost scared to unleash someone so gentle amongst this rabble )

If you are still interested, let me know. Sunny has been approved. Might be such an entrance point coming up - "Play nice, Fritz..."
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Page Summaries - Posts At A Glance

In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Alright, so that's all of those post summaries done for now (EDIT: With the exception of the Interactions). If you have a post on the first page, please check them out and see if you feel they adequately reflect your work, and send me any changes you may want made to them.

I'll make the Zero OOC post in the morning and add these to it. But for now... sleep.
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
Okay... Here's a thing.

In an effort to make things easier to keep up with the broad strokes events of the game, I'll be coming up with page-by-page post summaries outlining the events of all of the previous page's posts. So if someone falls behind, they can get a quick idea of what's happened to get caught up enough to formulate ideas for their next post - then catch up on the full posts in their own time.

I wouldn't recommend relying in full on these, if for no other reason than because the posts so far have been great and you'd be doing yourself an injustice, and the people who put the time and effort in to bring you the posts in the first place. But it could help people catch up "at length" to events, so they don't drown under the weight.

If anything I write is objectionable, or you feel it doesn't adequately address everything the post contained - whether it be foreshadowing for things to come in the future, a missed point you'd intended to make, or whatever, please let me know and I'll make amendments and adjustments... also, the best way to prevent such misrepresentation would be to simply write your own, and send it to me, and I'll just throw it in word-for-word to that next page's summary.

So with that...

EDIT: Here's the first Nine posts (EDITED EDIT: Make that Fifteen posts) and the Zero... I'll see if I can finish the first page tonight and throw it on a new Zero Post for the OOC.

SECONDARY EDIT: In hindsight, I should also add the interactions for each of these posts as I go. So people can see more specifically what they're interconnected with. I'll go back and do that to the first ones after, as well.
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
The pen was beautiful, and the box no lesser. It had golden trim, and the box was adorned with a clear 'Montblanc' label. It was something called a 'Meisterstück Le Grand Rollerball'.

"Don't worry. It's not going to be your only present..." Their father had said. Craig didn't even try to hide his relief.

"...But this is important too."

It was Craig's eighteenth birthday, and both David and he were together, watching his father breakdown the reasons behind this exorbitant, yet somewhat dull, gift. Maddie and Charlie were elsewhere, causing mayhem and being wrangled and pursued by their mother, as is so often the case in a house with four kids.

"Now I know that we're stepping deeper and deeper into the 21st Century. And I know this is going to seem more outdated with every year that passes. But as you get closer to what you want to do in life..."

Craig had wanted to be an architect. Football had distracted somewhat and in many cases interfered with his grades, he intended to take a brief stint at Community College to shore them up, before hopefully transferring over to Stanford where, by then, he could hopefully rejoin his brother. David had joked and suggested he could take the Andrew Luck route and try and go there as QB whilst working for his degree, but both knew he wasn't a natural enough student to make the time work. That was one thing David had always had over him.

"...you're going to realise that people are still going to long for the personal. So I want you to have this. And when you write your cover sheets, your letters, and any correspondence that gets attached to your plans. I always want you to sign it with this."

"Dad... you can scan and auto-print signatures now." Came the response, underlining the difference in eras.

"I know you can. But in a time where so much can be impersonal. This will have more weight. This will show the person behind the plans. It's part of the point of a signature in the first place. It isn't just a rubber stamp brand. Constant. Unchanging. Every one is it's own unique marking, yet still distinguishable as being from the same hand. That's not a bad message to send for an architect, is it..?"

Their father wouldn't know how right he was. Within just a few years Chat GPT could pump out those cover letters and most correspondence with a series of simple prompts. Signatures could still be re-produced on mass with auto-scans, and even design programs could virtually take the personal out of plans, if you really wanted to.

David remembered seeing the pen in its box. It was beautiful in its construction, and showed care in its creation. The card came with a number which showed the batch number.

Even the device that allowed for the personal came out in a production line.

"It's important. The personal. This is what's going to hold us all together." His father had said.

- - -

David's mind ran wild. It was a scorching hot day, but fortunately the air conditioning of the bus mainly held.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the box with the pen. His brother's pen.

His father had intended to give him one of his own when he turned eighteen, but neither he, nor Craig, nor their mother ever saw that day.

They'd had a quiet day on that day, he and Maddie and Charlie. Went to San Francisco Zoo. Had a day out. He'd tried to keep the day a secret because it would have been another day family should have come together, and would have again been another reminder of what they'd lost - as if that didn't drift in and out of their minds on a constant basis.

Now it was his brother's pen, given to him by his father - and let's face it, probably bought for him by their mother.

In a way it did still bind them.

He put the pen and its box back.

"Remember the pen." He thought. "Always, remember the pen."

"One day at a time, and always remember the pen."

He was the last of the three to board, the other two girls at the front presumably had all lived in San Francisco proper as well.

When the bus came to a stop outside the Courthouse and picked up someone from holding, he barely blinked. He'd expected as much. In fact he was surprised it was only one, from what he knew of the Program. But he also knew there was no use running from it. Best way to pass by it, is to pass through it.

They left the courthouse, and for a few moments the music once again managed to hit his ears. It was soft, an earworm, and relentless. A few hours later it would stil be going through a lot of their minds for reasons they couldn't understand, because it had spent far too long rattling around in the passengers' subconscious.

David's mind turned to how the coming days would potentially be. He wasn't scared. Not anymore. Afterall high school had been enough like a prison for him already, and he'd had to go through that without the ability to defend himself. Sure, Craig had helped where he could, but even he couldn't have his back with every minute. Social pressures often dragged him away, even when he tried to make the effort to bring David with him - and in all honesty, a lot of the time, David didn't want to tag along in the first place. Often he just went with to support his bigger brother - even if he'd have done just fine without him.

There would be no Craig here. But he had something else going for him now. Something which would always be there.

The bus had stopped, David had barely noticed, and on stepped two girls. David didn't pay them any mind, until the second, a red headed girl in sunglasses, decided to slide into the seat immediately behind him. She had the look of one of the many girls from the morning after one of the parties Craig would ocasionally drag him out to that were generally for the football team. Deep hangover. A waft of bubblegum vapour and vanilla scent rose, and his seat back rocked as she slumped down into the seat.

"Are you kidding me? You have the whole bus..." David thought to himself.

The bus smoothly went on, and David's mind tried to travel back to the task at hand. The probable procedures. Plans going forward. Just get through smoothly, cleanly, quickly and out the otherside. Think of the pen. Everything just--

"Why did you sit there? I mean... there's four people here on the whole entire bus. Four of us."

More people had gotten on the bus, but that fell beyond his notice.

"You could tell her off. Except you can't, because that's even ruder than her sitting there in the first place."

"It also doesn't exactly set the best tone. You're going to have to deal with these people. Maybe you could turn around and give her a look-- no, you've left that too long now. She'll just look at you right back and wonder what your problem is."

"But why did-- Ugh. Just ignore it. Move on. It's no big deal."

More bubblegum vapour rose from over his left shoulder. And the hard rock sounds weren't being entirely contained by her headphones.

He exhaled and returned to his thoughts. Through this, out the other side. Don't start shit. If shit finds you, polite but firm. If provoked, finish it. Your personality's your first armour in places like this. Be friendly, affab-- "Great, now your neck is itchy."

David sat more upright, turning his head slightly at the discomfort.

"Well, just scratch your neck. Nobody said you can't scratch your neck."

"Yeah, but its weird now. I feel like I'm being watched. Am I being watched? What if she thinks it's weird that I'm scratching my neck. Or that it has something to do with her sitting there..?"

"It has to do with your neck being itchy..."



He exhaled slowly and fully, and set his mind back on how he was going to get through the coming days.

It'll be fine. Take care of your stuff, but don't grow too attached. If someone fucks with it, or you, firm, but not overly-aggressive. Being seen as some kind of loose-thread whackjob is just as dangerous as being seen as the weak one. If anyone offers you drug shit, say no, but politely. Don't borrow shit off of ANYONE. That's how most prison fights start right there, and let's face it this isn't too different. Property, drugs, debt, over-aggression. Control those four things and-- Holy fucking shit! What the fuck was that!

Suddenly, the whole bus had lurched to the side David was sitting on. He hadn't noticed, but a large stone boy had boarded and sat somewhere behind him on his side of the bus.

--control those four things, and let's face it, that's mostly controlling yourself, and you'll avoid most fights and issues. Don't fuck up the status quo order of the complex. If there's a line, hold your place. If there's chances to call people, mail, don't screw with people's families and the things they're missing. Hup--wings. Wings..? 'K. Whatever, fair enough. She's got wings. --Don't mess with people's families and what they missing.

"And most of all."

"Most of all..."

"Don't tell 'em shit about yours and what you're missing."

The bus broke free from the airport and turned back onto the highway. In the background he could both hear the occasional gentle tones of Journey coming through the overhead speaker, with an intermittent break of harder rock running wild from the headphones of the girl seated behind him.

"Who sits right behind someone on a bus when the whole damn bus is free? What kind of person does that?"

"Still itchy."

At least the plumes of bubblegum scenting, whatever that was, had stopped wafting over the top.

The bus stopped at the old Historic Ferry Building. As a local he knew it wasn't their stop, and if there were any doubts, that thought was punctuated emphatically by the girl at the front.

An otter boarded the bus. Shook itself off and wandered down the aisle to find a seat like it was 8 o'clock and it was headed off to work.

The bus smoothly pulled away and went on towards their actual stop for the ferry to Alcatraz.

David kept rolling through everything to remember, things he'd read up on, precautions to take, surviving life in a facility... It took a little while for him to realise the bus had stopped and people had started to get off.

He put his hand to his pocket and made sure the pen was still securely there, and stood up. Letting the last of the other passengers who had been standing onger to pass him by, then he looked down and saw.

The red-headed girl in the row behind him. She was fast asleep. Looked comfortably so, as well.

"How long had she--"

David smiled and chuckled at himself, over how he'd been driving himself crazy for-- far too long. And bent down to gently wake her up, when a loud bark came from the back of the bus.

"Hey! Keep your distance! Leave the bus now!"

In stunned reaction, he raised both his hands in innocence like he'd just been caught. His eyes wide as a deer's in the headlights, he looked at the officer, slowly backing away as he walked to the front of the bus. "Just keep walking. Head down, and get out. This is how things turn bad. Don't turn back. Forget it. She's not your problem. Just get off the bus." When he got to the door he turned back and checked on what he'd left in his wake. The guard was helping the girl to her feet as she woke. David stepped off the bus and joined the others.

The ferry was already boarding kids for the first trip across, by the time he joined the group. They'd boarded a massive stone kid first, and situated him right in the middle of the boat to best maximise weight distribution. Smart. They then surrounded him with enough kids to ease pressure off the space they'd have for the second trip, whilst not putting too much of a weight burden on the historically restored Warden Johnston for the first.

David watched as the first batch of kids made their way across the bay to Alcatraz Island. Hot day, the water actually looked pretty nice. He wondered how many of the kids were thinking of some fantasy situation where they make this daring escape, swimming back over the bay through the famous cold chop. If that was their thought process, it absolutely was a fantasy. Anyone with any knowledge of the place knew how treacherous those waters would be.

He also knew he'd never have to if he really wanted to. The guard towers... if they had people in them, they only had radios. Strictly Non-lethal under the words of their own Director Rowell, not that he'd ever met the man. But with his power, David could basically make himself a staircase over the wall and down the other side, then basically roll out the force carpet for himself for a leisurely stroll across the Bay. He wasn't the only one, if the girl so chose she could likely use those wings and peace out in a moment.

But it wasn't the initial escape that would be the issue. They'd find you, they'd track you down, your record would be marked with the escape attempt, they'd put you on a watchlist for those to be held in closer scrutiny. All of which were absolutely contrary to what David wanted. He wanted in and out, with as little imprint as possible.

The boat had returned, and they all boarded. David sat in the middle. There were a lot of newcomers to the city, let them bask in the sights and sounds, as the Golden Gate Bridge overlooked their new home. He'd seen it already, beautiful as it was. It was a crowded ferry trip, let them all get in each other's space. He smiled as he watched some of them pointing and soaking it all in. Would this be the last they'd just get to be kids for a while?

The ferry docked on the other side and the kids, disembarked. Once again, David rested his hand on his hip to check his pocket, making sure nothing jostled its way out in the boatride.

They were led through gates and into an area for security screening. They all started surrendering objects, or having objects forcibly surrendered. The more belligerent were only subjected to worse treatment, patted down, frisked. David placed the pen box on the table in front of the security officer.

"I suppose it's best to leave stuff like this here, right? Likely to get stolen in there. You'll have pens and stuff on the inside that can be used anyway, right? I take it there's paperwork."

The security officer confirmed. And sealed the pen box in a bag, labelled with his name. David stood to the side and raised his arms in compliance. He was subjected to a minor, routine pat down, as he looked back at the rag-tag group of kids getting more and more battered and abused in the frisk.

After being patted down, David quietly intermingled with the group of kids who had successfully passed the screening process. Before too long, this was completed, and the group of program attendees were led down a long corridor to a basketball court. David made sure he secured his place well towards the middle, in the non-conspicuous depths of the line.

They were all assembled up in a row, and awaiting some kind of greeting. The question of who exactly was soon answered by the sharp clacking of fine leather shoes walking in an orderly gait towards the group of youths.

It was Director Rowell. He could put a face to the name, now.

Virgil Rowell was a dark-skinned gentleman, with a firm upright stance who clearly took a sense of pride in his appearance. He maintained neat dress and a pair of simple, thin glasses hung from his ears. The sides of his hair had started to gray, but did nothing to diminsh the stature of the man.

Much like his dress, he spoke crisply and neatly. Keeping it brief, he outlined the basic order and greeted them to the faility.

The large stone boy decided to see how far he could push the boundaries, as children do, and served up some sass to test the waters of response...

And then Hell broke loose.

A gaunt figure amongst them had torn off a feather from the girl with wings and was brandishing it like a-- well, there was no 'like' about it. It had become a weapon in the boy's hands. The girl objected, rearing back. The boy welcomed the violence-- Another boy moved. A girl started to disappear-- Pepperspray--

David had heard his mother talk about when she was much younger, how she'd frequent the protest circuit. For the environment, gay rights, numerous causes. David had never expected he'd find himself remembering any of that as relevant. But now he found his eyes burning from trace amounts of the airborne mist. He refrained from touching or rubbing his eyes, despite the burn. As his mother had mentioned, it only spreads the burn and makes it worse. He stepped back from the scene twice, and raising his arms, laced both his hands behind his head in compliance.

There'd be time to rinse the irritant out later. It burned, but he half squinted through the pain to try to keep an eye on everything that was happening.

The Director's bark emphatically ventilated the atmosphere. It sounded foreign, not because of an accent... but as if raising his voice was an unnatural event.

He dismissed the guard who had fired off the pepperspray, and quickly looked to regain a sense of orderly control over the situation.

This time he unloaded a longer speech, it contained a plea for understanding and empathy and further underlined the sense of community that this place was to be.

He'd been here five minutes, and for everything he'd thought of, planned for and considered, five minutes in and he was already faced with the worst possible circumstance. The one he feared most, because it was the one you couldn't plan for. The random anarchy of a near-riot fight situation breaking out.

"Welcome to fucking Alcatraz indeed..."
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

"HOLD!" A guttural growl came from the man in the suit, who seemed completely unaccustomed to raising his voice.

Once again, the clipped sound of fine leather was all that could be heard over deafening silence, broken only by violent coughing from a source unseen.

The Director strode up to the face of the trigger-happy guard and informed him

There was no brook for arguments. The guard immediately left.

He turned to the remaining guards.
"Leave. Leave. You, take him to the door." He said to the last guard, referring to Fritz, still incapacitated on the floor. "We're going to have an additional conversation." He said to the gaunt boy. "But you still need to hear this."

The children were scattered and staggered, but still roughly in one line. Albeit only seventeen of them visible, and with an auburn haired boy in a hoodie and a blonde in rockabilly attire, seemingly more than ready to take matters into their own hands.

He walked the line again, all the way to the far end where the colossal boy of granite still stood.

"That was inexcusable..."

"...and for that, I apologise."

"Here, in this facility, you will find a lot of regular human guards. Regular human guards who have only been armed with non-lethal ordnance. Who are expected to attempt to enforce order amongst people who, to them, can perform the unimaginable." He walked the line again.

"I make no excuses for them. Again, like I said, 'inexcusable'."

"I do, however, mention this so that you may perhaps be able to empathise with their position, and also understand that old addage of a man with only a hammer sees every problem a nail."

"And hope that you will also extend that empathy amongst yourselves. You are yet to have become familiar with them, and their stories, why they are here. How their lives have thusfar turned out. What their alternatives to here may have been."

"For example, Rex here, Aegis recently purchased the abandoned Old Atlanta Prison Farm and repurposed it as a Ju-V facility down in Georgia. And yet he finds himself here. In San Francisco. Perhaps with time he would trust you with why that would be the case."

"I hope that you would not hold his early behaviour too highly against young Frederick Jackson, either. I assure you, his life has not so far been easy. He likely feels scared and vulnerable. And as someone who's always only had himself he could rely upon, well, his actions to him, I'm sure seem justifiable."

"Likewise... you slapped him." He said, addressing the young winged girl. "When I said taking matters into your own hands would not be tolerated." He continued. "But everyone here saw what happened. And I'm sure others here would empathise, and not begrudge you what you did."

"But would things be different if you'd been privvy to all of Frederick's life? Or if you hadn't seen what happened just prior to that slap?"

"This is why... AFTER YOU LEAVE THIS ROOM. Such behaviour will not be tolerated in any fashion. You will maintain and care for your own property. If it is lost or stolen, the efforts for its return will be undertaken by the people here. Violence will not be accepted. Neither the initial, nor in retaliation. It may seem out of place to be quoting Gandhi in a place like this, but as he said 'An eye for an eye will only leave the whole world blind'."

"I can not and will not apologise for the presence of the guards. Or the impact upon some of your personal liberties. We have people here for various reasons - for many it is their one and only chance at rehabilitation - and we look to remove temptation where possible. There are those of you here who feel 'But I have done nothing wrong', and I sympathise, but please understand that it is for the sake of others you share your space with."

"I had not intended to make this any kind of lengthy speech. But it seems many of you needed to hear more than I'd initially intended."

"Like it or not, this IS a community. You don't have to like all your neighbours, but you will learn to co-exist with them."

"Now... I will continue this conversation with young Frederick Jackson. He will re-join you later in one of our Rec Rooms, where this guard here will now lead you. Please ensure young Natsumi is well before leaving."
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
I noticed that the rp has already started but the status is still lit green, so is it too late to post a cs? o.o

That green should be "It's Complicated"

Short answer "Yes, with an if", long answer "No, with a but".

I am still accepting CSs but there will be quite a wait before a point where there's an "on ramp" for new additions to start actually playing.

If you want to send a CS through, I'll certainly read it and let you know when I can wave more in.
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

The sun beat down hard on San Franciscan streets. The bus rolled smooth. It was electric. Disquieteningly silent.

At a volume loud enough to be heard, but barely loud enough to recognise it, a song was piped through the speakers on repeat.

It had three passengers, scattered a socially reasonable amount of space apart to allow for personal space, but all three seated between the front and middle of the bus.

At the very front was perched a short girl of South Asian descent with a prim, clipped British accent. She was completely self-contained in her seat, and in her own occupation and sat with upright patience, despite having been on the bus the longest. One of her small hands was folded in her lap, the other propped open a notebook, filled with a neat script. The journals seemed to have her unwavering attention, save for the brief stolen glance and short "Afternoon" that greeted each new arrival on their journey, only to retreat back to her original focus. Not until the bus hit the more interesting famed hills and streets of the City itself did her raised hand finally fall as well, closing the book in her lap as her face turned towards the window. Her parents had seldom brought her to the city proper, and never as circuitous a route; always a direct clear purpose and home.

On the other side of the bus about three rows back, sat an excited girl dressed in green, of Japanese heritage.

Despite frequenting the city on a regular basis she still gasped in wonder at the sights. There would be time to befriend the other two new program entrants when they seemed more relaxed. She was happy to look upon the sights, some she'd seen, many she hadn't. More than happy.

Sitting halfway along the bus, but on the same side as the first girl was a cleancut male who'd been on ever since the bus stopped at Sunnyside. He was deep in thought and paid no attention to the whereabouts of the bus. Trusting instead, that it would hit its destination in reasonable time, he was clearly well within his own thoughts. The furrow of his brow forming a gentle crease beneath the discolouration of his hair as a result.

The bus came to a smooth stop at the Courthouse, and the doors opening, picked up a single passenger who was expeditiously uncuffed and had come fresh from Holding.

The older teenage male, with a distinctive hairstyle and a penetrating green stare looked up and down the bus at the assortment of passengers, before giving an unimpressed exhalation and getting on the bus, walking all the way to the back, one row ahead of the Aegis Security team member, he slid in and slumped himself against the window on the same side of the bus as the second girl.

The bus smoothly started again, whisper quiet, and made its way through traffic to get on the 101.

Once it eased from the on-ramp it swiftly made speed, all the while still whisper-quiet. The music continued to play at a barely audible volume, punctuating the mood periodically in the background, before drifting away again.

The bus moved to align itself for the next exit, which was foreshadowed by a sign as 'San Francisco International Airport'.

This drew great attention from the newcomer and the young girl of Japanese descent, who swapped sides of the bus and leaned against the windows to see what was going to happen.

The Security guard paid close attention to the male at the back, who was pressed against the side of the bus - he'd been briefed on this one - and unclipped a holster which held his radio, should the situation change.

The male let out a low-but-rising impressed whistle as he watched who the bus approached, before jumping back to his seat on the other side again, leaning back against the window and cooling out.

The bus made it's uncomfortably smooth, silent stop, and the doors opened.

Outside was a redheaded girl wearing dark sunglasses and with headphones in, seemingly sealing herself off from the ultrasensory situation of the outside world, and a blonde who was talking with a much older man. They seemed to be discussing exactly what would be happening, and when he would be speaking to her next - evidently he had the means to do so. The redheaded girl waited, part in patience, part because movement did not seem comfortable right now. The trio had flown in from Seattle, Washington.

Both girls boarded the bus, the blonde girl wore a telnyashka in the heat, looked up and down the bus and picked out a seat in the biggest vacant space, between the girl-in-green and the boy-with-the-hair from the courthouse.

The doors shut behind the redheaded girl, she grabbed a seat back in anticipation of a jerky, loud start, and when instead was only met with the electric bus's smooth and silent one, smiled slightly despite herself and made her way aboard the bus. Choosing the seat directly behind the quiet, introspective boy, who would likely be no bother to her in her current condition.

It wasn't long through the airport pickup line before the bus stopped again, this time to pick up a series of passengers who had come in from LAX. A quartet of people in various states of energy levels. Two boys appeared the most tired, particularly the young Hawaiian in the tanktop and shorts with his hair tied back and carrying a large board of some description. He'd transferred to San Francisco via LAX and the multiple flights were starting to show the effects. He embarked, and looked for a seat, considering who he had to work with, and immediately spotted a cool looking kid sitting at the back. He jumped at the opportunity and waded through the rows of seats, putting his board in the back seat next to the security member and sat in the seat opposite him. Shrugging off the fatigue to greet the other boy with a smile and a "hang loose" shocker hand gesture.

An African American girl with a full head of hair and a silver pendant, who seemed far fresher than the other three pickups here, stepped on the bus and made her way to the middle of the throng of passengers, choosing to sit about two-thirds from the back, in front of the Hawaiian transfer where the more sociable sort seemed to gradually be assembling.

A blonde girl boarded, and carefully selected a seat just behind the girl in green. Leaving a vacant two rows of seats as a social buffer. She eyed the final boy who was behind her to ensure he didn't intend to sit by her. And then briefly checked that the quiet, introspective boy with the white patch hadn't made any kind of moves to make eyes at her. He hadn't moved. He looked uncomfortably upright at this point, the blonde girl was so far from his mind he hadn't even grown aware of her presence yet, to her relief.

The final boarder from the LAX transfer was a Native American male, despite looking fit by his physique, he looked tired and weary. As if he'd had a late night. This was combined with the fact he'd been on a prior lengthy bus trip from Nevada to LAX before this bus got here. The blonde watched as he passed, turning in her chair and sitting more comfortably after he'd gone by. As if sensing the disapproval he sat further back behind the other blonde in the striped attire.

The bus once again smoothly pulled out in silence, before making another stop just ahead to pick up a solo transfer. This was an average looking kid in a hoodie, with auburn hair and the headphones of his MP3 player obscured deep within the recess of the hood. He exhibited no signs of being bothered by the day's scorcing heat. He sat several rows behind the red headed girl, opposite the last guy who got on from the LAX transfer.

The bus pulled further along before stopping to allow on program attendees who had transferred from Atlanta's Delta hub. These were a shorter African American male and a colossal boy comprised of granite.

They in turn sat between the Native American guy and the green eyed boy with the hair, and the auburn haired kid and the African American girl.

The bus lurched mightily to the left side as the slab of granite took his seat, disturbing a few of the program attendees before the bus settled into its balance and smoothly moved on once more.

Another stop, and an athletically built girl got on the bus mousily, as if trying not to take up too much space, or get in the way. With this in mind she sat close to the front, behind the small girl with the British accent. As she turned to get into her seat it became apparent why she had these concerns. A large set of wings tucked behind her as well as she could, which would have easily spread far beyond the bus on both sides if extended fully. She sat as comfortably as she could, all things considered.

The sight of the wings in his peripheral vision was even enough to jerk the quiet introspective boy out of his own head... for a few seconds, before he went back to his own thoughts, as if the wings she had were merely a new fashioned jacket he'd never seen before.

The bus pulled away quietly again, before making a stop to pick up some Northeastern transfers. A brassy rockabilly blonde girl and a smaller unnaturally blonde girl who was dressed in a hoodie despite the damnedable summer's heat.

The rockabilly girl walked to the middle and sat between the boy in the hoodie and the red headed girl, who by now was asleep - her protective instincts spiking. The smaller girl in the hoodie, walked to the middle of the bus. Briefly grabbing one of the metal seat backs, only to quickly release it as it almost instantly frosted up. She rapidly slid into the seat just in behind the blonde girl in the Russian striped garb, and the Native American and hurriedly reached into her pockets, putting on a pair of gloves in a rush.

The final airport stop picked up a bedraggled pair. A boy and a girl, both lean to the point of appearing unhealthy, boarded the bus and found seats near the front. The boy sitting between the winged girl and the other boy who was still trapped in his own head. Whilst the girl deciding to sit immediately behind the young girl of Japanese descent.

The bus pulled away and swiftly and silently took the on-ramp to get back on the Highway, leaving the airport behind them.

The electric bus cut silently through the traffic on the highway, eventually jumped on the I-280 and eventually went down the waterfront. Anticipation lifted amongst the kids on the bus. Water meant Ferry. Ferry meant they were close.

The bus pulled up by the Historic Ferry House, kids began to get excited. They were here. Many of the kids towards the back started to stand up. The excitable young girl in green was already bouncing on the balls of her feet, so she hadn't even had to stand up.

An Oxford accented voice spoke up from the small girl in the front. "The Ferry to Alcatraz Island doesn't leave from the Historic Ferry Building. What are we doing here?"

The doors opened, and with a small slap, a tiny otter dragged itself up the first step onto the electric bus, before shaking off its still-wet fur from swimming in the bay, beginning to look down the rows of seats.

"What. The. Fuck?!" One student called out.

The otter worked its way down the aisle as the bus started rolling again smoothly. It attempted to climb up into a seat near the front, and failing in the attempt chose to instead attempt to cling to a seat with tiny paws. It wasn't far from where the ferry actually would be, so it wouldn't need to hold on long.

The bus continued on its way to its final destination. The wharf had a smallish boat docked against it. The M/V Warden Johnston, the historic passenger transport vessel which would take these adolescents to their new home for the coming months at least.

Most of the youngsters once again stood up before the bus reached its destination in anticipation. The bus stopped and they all disembarked, except for the boy who was so stuck in his own head he hadn't realised the whisper-quiet bus had stopped yet, and the girl who was asleep in the seat immediately behind him. Getting to his feet and seeing her, he chuckled in realization, and bent over to try to gently wake her up and tell her they'd arrived, when the security guard barked at him from the back of the bus.

"Hey! You! Keep your distance! Leave the bus now!"

In stunned reaction, he raised both his hands in innocence. His eyes wide, as he looked at the officer, slowly backing away as he walked to the front of the bus. When he got to the door he turned back and checked on what he'd left in his wake. The guard was helping the girl to her feet as she woke. The boy stepped off the bus and joined the others.

The large boy of granite looked at the size of the boat with skepticism. With great care the security personnel helped the colossal stone teen aboard the boat, which creaked and rolled with the weight. They positioned him in the centre, where his size would be more manageable. They added the boy with the iconic hairstyle from the courthouse, the girl with wings, the boy with auburn hair in his hoodie, the girl in green and the otter. The rest would have to take the ferry when it returned from its first trip.

The others watched as the boat slowly drifted away from the wharf, before it's motor fired up and it powered away toward the Rock. The water was more still than normal on the hot day, but not without its chop.

Time trickled onward for the youths who had already had to wait so long just to get to this point, and anticipation was high - with a nervous energy amongst much of the group.

After a while they saw the boat finally reach the other side, moor, and the program attendees begin to alight.

As soon as the last one was off, it once again began to power up and come back.

They formed a more cohesive line as the Warden Johnston returned, so the larger group could more quickly and smoothly be situated on the ferry's second trip.

Once the boat was moored they were poured into the boat with far less consideration for weight distribution than the first trip had seen. The smaller blonde girl in the hoodie was very nervous in checking her balance and gloved hands as she stepped aboard the boat, as it rocked somewhat from the chop its motor had created in returning to the wharf.

As the last took their seat, the rope was away and the boat cast adrift. The nose of the Warden Johnston raised slightly as the motor powered up to send the second batch to Alcatraz Island.

Soon enough the ferry was being moored on the other side and all of the new Ju-V program attendees had reached their destination. They were escorted through to a set of gates where security personnel searched their items.

Numerous items were seized, the officers met with a mix of different levels of disappointment from the property owners in general, but it was too late now. Each person's seized items were bagged up to be returned upon their departure from the program and the compound. Some items would only be taken temporarily, to be more extensively searched, and returned to their owner's room with a large yellow sticker declaring that it had passed through security's scrutiny.

The group were then herded together and walked down a long corridor where they were brought to the Recreation Wing's sports court, and stood in attendance as a full group of nineteen.

The clipped sound of leather dress shoes walking across the stadium floor echoed before the assembled group.

"Hello newcomers. I... am Director Virgil Rowell, I will be responsible for your tenure in this facility; your rehabilitation, your growth. Between yourselves and I, we will decide the person that YOU will be. Much like the world outside of these walls... this place is a community. You will be expected to behave in a socially acceptable manner. If you do not, you may find that your time here becomes more difficult than it need be."

He walked along the line, stopping in front of the child with the distinctive hair from the courthouse.

"There are many people in here for numerous reasons. Theft of personal property will not be tolerated... but at the same time, taking things into your own hands, should property be stolen will be treated more adversely than the initial theft. If we are to be a community OUT THERE we must be a community IN HERE. I hope I have made myself clear on this matter and it will no longer need to be addressed."

"After all, for many of you this place is about rehabilitation. Continually dragging this up and treating you in this fashion is not good for this purpose either."

"Welcome to Alcatraz Island."
In Ju-V 2 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay

L I N A Z I E G L E R M A R C H 7TH ( S E V E N T E E N ) F E M A L E
"I hate the sun, sleep a lot, and have bloodlike powers. Call me a vampire, sure."

Lina has been APPROVED!

And just like that, the reason we haven't got the first GM post, becomes due to my own limitations...

Well, shit...

Guess I'd better get to work.
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