Avatar of IAmTheIsland


Recent Statuses

11 days ago
Current And I've realized that I've apologized to everyone but myself.
14 days ago
This'll be my username for the long haul. Now until forever, IAmTheIsland. Sincerely, the RPer formerly known as Little Bird.
18 days ago
To my non-US Guildkin: Send Help.
19 days ago
With any luck I should be set to get back on track with posting next week.
1 like
25 days ago
@Qia... try asking your DM to make the outcome of bad dice rolls funny? Worked for me one time. I loved my Jackie Chan monk. Lol.


Not born in a log cabin, I came into the RPing venture around 2009 and quickly joined about twenty roleplays more than I should have at the time. I've been around the internet in that time span, participated in and run RPs on multiple forums, and brushed shoulders with a wide variety of players and characters. Getting to work with new people has always been part of the allure of the experience.

My interests in RPing are pretty diverse, and not genre-specific; if there's room at the table and I can think of a dish to serve, I'll cook something up for just about any meal. If you know what I mean.

Most Recent Posts

After reconsideration and noting that they weren't taken, I've had Glyde established in 93rd Street, Yellow Brick, and Merryland. Feels a bit more organic for an outsider that's only been in the city for a few years.
@Herald Whoops, my apologies that you had to re-write a bit. ^^; Everything looks good here, except for the district. Would you be willing to change it to any other district besides Industrial? I didn't point it out specifically in the OOC, so it would have been easy to miss. ^^; Industrial districts can be attacked or expanded into later.

Besides that, Leon looks awesome and you'll be more than welcome to add them to the character tab after that small change.

@Little Bird This is excellent. I very much like the idea of being the military inside Nocturnia. There's only the small slight issue of the district. Are you okay to changing it to any other unclaimed district? Industrial districts can be claimed/attacked after the first IC post.

Besides that, they're good to go and you're welcome to post them in the character tab after that small edit. :)

Right. I can maje that change. I'll call dibs, if available, on Newpoint and Oliver Field. Keep Glyde in the same corner of the map.

Are you cool with keeping my idea for Heavy Crossguard as far as it having weapon stores. If Industrial districts are meant to be fought over IC maybe things like supplies and arms and such can come in tow?
May elaborate a bit more as far as far as a few specific magicey stuff, but this is what I've got.

@Little Bird Cool, could you set that up then, as i have no idea how that works?

Yeah. I can do that.
We allowed to claim districts ahead of our CS so aa to prevent inadvertent double bookings and such?
@Little Bird Sure, how do you do collab posts?

Usually via google docs.
@mattmanganon are ok to collab on a post that gets Launchpad, Leon, and Hoshi to their place in town?
Hope I'm not coming off as push or naggy by checking in on people.

I'm ok. Jammed 20 hours of over time at work this week.
Another inviting idea.

Might be a good one to use my gunslinging mage.
I've been thinking about doing a roleplay where a group of randomly chosen people, no matter how they were before, are suddenly selected and 'destined' to defeat this great source of evil that will invade Earth.

What sort of evil? Ancient cosmic threat? Demonic force? A madman whose pursuit of power took things too far?

What is the nature of the destined heroes? Supernatural gifts bestowed upon them? Randomly pulled by government as having unique qualities to deal with a threat? Something to the effect of Suicide Squad wherein they're expendable as criminals?
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