Vincenzo “Vincent” Accardo
Boss of the Thorned Roses |
31 |
He/him |
6’2 |
161 lbs Goal: To sow discord among the mafias. To become the most wealthiest mafia out there. To gain control of Nocturnia and make it
his. To harness the unknown power source of Nocturnia for personal gain.
Secrets: Is secretly obsessed with the mafia scene in Nocturnia. Is also obsessed with Nocturnia's Gyfts. Prides himself in his collection of exotic Gyfts.
Fears: Having his source of wealth discovered and stolen. Anything happening to his collection of exotic Gyfts.
History: Vincent grew up in the mafia business. It was his ruthlessness and cunning that caused him to become the Consigliere of the Rose Spinose Mafia (Thorned Roses Mafia). A drive-by shooting killed the Don, and as his sworn duty, Vincent took over as Mafia Boss.
Now, Vincent was always fascinated by the “Great City Behind the Wall” - Nocturnia. The media always stressed never getting near the city, saying some media lie about toxins in the air. But Vincent always knew there was something interesting about that city. The gunfire he overheard with his long-range listening devices. The snippets of conversations he gleaned from fuzzy frequencies. The mention of “gyfts”.
It caused Vincent to start intercepting all the correspodence leaving the city. It caused him to come across one particular letter one day, a small bottle attached to it. Let's just say that, after that day, and a few more miraculous events, Vincent left the outside world permanently. He bribed the aid organizations to smuggle him, his men, and his armory into the city. From there, he took control of White Pine and Laterdale. He also corresponded with this mysterious individual, learning more about the truth of Nocturnia. A truth many would kill for…
Alliance: Mafia
District:White PineWhite Pine is a mid-range downtown filled with offices, businesses, apartments, and art galleries. Most prominent of these skyscraper apartment completed is the Hundred And First, where Vincent's penthouse resides.
White Pine is a bit more pious than other parts of the city, complete with three seperate cathedrals. These cathedrals are well-known and marked for being ‘neutral territory’, where mafia members can come for safety or to negotiate peacefully. Vincent, being a Christian, upholds these safe places.
The Irish Pint is an old tavern that sells craft beer and comfort fare. Little do people know that in the basement and backrooms of this establishment is a highly lucrative drug operation.
LaterdaleLaterdale, a piece of the heart of Nocturnia, is known exceptionally well for its entertainment. Laterdale is filled with theatres, broadway, opera houses, night clubs, bars, and a lively night scene.
Most notably is the Laterdale Jazz Bar, where all classes of society come to mingle in the smoky halls and listen to classy New York-inspired jazz. Among the dreamers the bar attracts, the Laterdale Jazz Bar is no stranger to the mafia scene, where bosses have been seen negotiating deals under the haze and low lights.
The Ruby Casino is also a hot spot for the upper echelon to shmooze. However, unbeknownst to most, in its upper office levels, a drug lab is incredibly active.
Faction: Rose Spinose Mafia (Thorned Roses Mafia)
Having been in the gilded cage that is Nocturnia for only a handful of years, the Thorned Roses Mafia has not had time to develop its reputation. However, they have marked their territory strongly, extorting the businesses and skimming off a protection fee tax from the residents. However, their main money-maker is certainly their illicit new drug that has started to gain popularity in Nocturnia.
The Thorned Rosses Mafia tries to sow discord wherever they go. However, they aren't against making a deal here or there. Blackmail is their bread and butter, and they try to get their hands on all the hot gossip in the city by sending their men on spy missions.
Gyft: Aetheric Mental Manipulation
There are little ions that float through the air in Nocturnia. Completely harmless, except for one who has learned to manipulate them. Vincent has nicknamed this force ‘aether’, and can use it in a highly specialized way: hearing and manipulating thoughts, memories, and the brain.
Aetheric Hearing
Vincent can push his will into the aether around him, causing it to coalesce around one target. The target may begin to feel the air getting heavy, and may feel their hair standing up from the static electricity. Whatever the target would be thinking, he would be able to hear it in most cases. Occasionally there is static. He can only hear from up to twenty feet away.
(A 1d12 dice roll. If his is higher, he will be able to hear scraps of thoughts the victim is thinking. If his is lower, he will hear static. He can try again the next turn.)
Aetheric Dive
This is an assault on a mind. The target, willingly or not, has aetheric probs sunk into their mind. Vincent, from this position, is able to read recent memories, insert memories, and remove memories. All of his memory and thought manipulations lose their potency after a certain amount of days, meaning a victim may never feel the same, but they will begin to heal over time.
If he takes less time, his potency is less and the manipulation is easier to dispel and logically think out of. If he takes more time and puts more of his will into a manipulation, plus has repeat sessions, his manipulations will become more permanent. That's really the key: multiple sessions.
A byproduct of his interference is an incredibly high dose of serotonin and dopamine in the pleasure centers of the brain, making his presence in someone's mind highly addictive. After his influence, a victim will be in a high for a couple of hours, before they crash hard and crave his influence again.
(A 1d12 dice roll. If his is higher, he gets into the victim's mind successfully. If his is lower, he gets mental recoil and suffers for two posts, unable to retry until the two posts pass.)
Limitations and Weaknesses:If a person is listening to music or is otherwise actively shielding their thoughts with surface nonsense thoughts, like what they want to eat or what groceries they need, he is unable to dive past that in Aetheric Hearing.
If a person electrocutes themselves or him continuously, this will disrupt his influence and he'll be kicked out of a mind (if he is in one). It will also make him unable to enter into or hear a mind.
He can only hear or manipulate one target at a time.