T. Eren Glyde-Savion
Sarge |
30 |
Male |
6' |
200lbs Goal: Completing the military's operation in getting to the root of the happenings in Nocturnia is Glyde's main objective. Efforts to gain footholds in yhe city and take down criminal syndicates are necessary to the smooth completion of this task.
Secrets: Some time ago, the Military realized an operation to covertly resume its investigation of Nocturnia. Glyde, an upstart Staff Sergeant, was selected to breach the city using a supply delivery as cover. He and team quietly assumed control in one of Nocturnia's industrial districts and began to work their investigation. Their orders are to remain unidentified as an outside force, and masquerade as Detectives reigning in the crime.
- During a routine patrol on one of his early tours of duty, he inadvertently lead his team into an IED field. He was the sole survivor. Though the top brass within the military covered the incident, calling it an ambush, that was only to protect their own image.
Fears: Maintaining the clandestine nature of his team's operation is critical to the Staff Sergeant. A blown cover is a worst case scenario and risks objective mission failure. Equally as heavy upon Glyde's shoulders is keeping his operatives alive; deaths among those under his command are taken seriously, and he goes out of his way to keep them out of harm's way, so far as to step into action himself.
History: Staff Sergeant Tyler Eren Glyde-Savion, informally known as "[Staff Sergeant] Glyde" to superiors and subordinates.
Glyde is from outside of Nocturnia, born and raised in a small town setting wherein patriotism and nationalism were all the rage and the military was revered as undisputed heroes. With few other opportunities following his secondary education, Glyde enlisted in the army, sparking a decade-long career as a soldier. The majority of his activity remains classified, though it's known he served at least three tours of duty, the last known being after a promotion to Staff Sergeant. It would be during this tour that he made a huge misstep in judgement, which resulted in the deaths of the rest of his teams. The higher ups managed to cover up the incident to ensure the military's reputation was preserved, though Glyde himself was under sharp scrutiny following the tragedy.
Some time after the incident, Glyde was offered an "opportunity" to assume command of a task force to infiltrate the city of Nocturnia. The offer was framed as a chance at redemption: accept the assignment and succeed, and he'd never have to worry about the truth getting out. Glyde knew the reality; the operation was as much a punishment as it was an opportunity. There was no expectation that he would survive the mission. Nonetheless he accepted, seeing it as a chance to break the rank abd file and not have the brass breathing down his neck. If he succeeded, a burden would be off of his chest; if he failed... he wouldn't be alive to see it become his problem anymore.
Three years into the operation, Staff Sgt. Glyde has begun to fall under the strange effects of Nocturnia, with the bullets he expends becoming magically enhanced. As he's grown more accustomed to his new ability, he has added to his applications thereof.
Alliance: Detective
Districts: 93rd StreetDespite the smaller stature of the structures and sparseness of any tall buildings, 93rd Street is somehow about as cramped as it gets in Nocturnia. Largely forgotten by the city's urban planning department, if one ever existed, the lack of proper construction forced the residents to build their own community. Because building up simply wasn't an option to the unskilled, homes, shops, and other infrastructure was simply shoved into any space that could be found for it. The lifestyle is rough-and-tumble, with neighborhoods frequently getting scuffles over their minimal territory. There seem to be few noteworthy locations on 93rd. Waller Avenue plays home to a rundown police prescinct out of which Glyde's faction established their initial foothold in Nocturnia.
Yellow BrickThe skyscrapers, parks, and courtyard of Yellow Brick tell the fascinating story of a once prominent district fallen from grace. At some point in Nocturnia's past, Yellow Brick was the crowned jewel of the city, with beautiful courtyards of green accented by the golden-yellow stonework that inspired the area's name. However, as the city around it developed and flourished, the residents that had made Yellow Brick so prominent in its heyday left, taking all of its glory with them. In its time, Yellow Brick had been a governmental hub and a center of wealth. The infrustructre, though battered and dirty, still serve a practical function "[Old] Court Square" near the center of the district is home to a former courthouse and other abandoned and repurposed governmental buildings, as well as a Nocturnia PD hub building that now acts as Del Gaurde's primary base of operations within the city; Old Court Square's boxed in layout as proven ideal for fortifying and securing as a temporary command post.
MerrylandThe dark, twisted counterpart to Ivory Tower's art and culture, Merryland swaps the theaters for brothels and seedy bars and dank clubs and whore houses. While it has it's own sense of artistry, it is gaudier, raw, and primal; if Ivory Tower were Broadway Shows and Symphonies, Merryland is an underground Metal or Rap concert and exotic dancers. Cutthroat pawn shops and sketchy "used retailers" make Merryland their home, either hoodwinking or angering the residents. Noteable locales include: "Kor's Kollections" a retailer and pawn shop, the eponymous manager of which is a cesspool of gossip, rumors, and credible information from around the city's underground; The Bottom Barrel, a dimly lit bar and music venue where someone is killed in an altercation at least once a week; "Junk Valley" the city's primary scrapyard and dump/landfill site, where the mafia bosses dispose of their "trash" and ocassionally engage in negotiations and business deals.
Faction: Del Guarde
A Detective Faction that came into form a few years back. It's main body is comprised of military special operatives that were smuggled into the city to carry out the continued investigation inti the anomalies rampant through its streets, as well as support effort to thwart the mafias. Their street name stands in place of their Delta Force designation within the military.
Gyft: Magic Bullet
Glyde has long harbored an affinity for firearms of all shapes and sizes. Such it should be no surprise that his time in Nocturnia manifested a Gyft that played into this. Glyde is able to channel magic through guns (and other mechanized projectile launchers he can acquire), and charge his ammunition with a variety of spell effects. Simple enchantments for improved penetration and accuracy are his primary options, as well added explosiveness. He can, however, go further by imbuing rounds with elemental effects such fire, ice, air, and electricity. At greatest expense his most powerful and seldom used spell is the "Dark Shot," which wraps and absorbs its impacted person or object to the equivalent of a mini-wormhole, in essence erasing them; he's used this once since his Gyft manifested and it left him bed ridden for nearly a week, and is theorized to result in death if used too frequently.
Limitations and Weaknesses: The first and obvious limitation to Glyde's Gyft is that it's reliant on ammunition. If Glyde is to run out, he is left to engage in combat without this power. In addition, the magic channeled into each round is detrimental to the integrity of the firearms, causing them to wear out that much quicker.