If it makes you feel better Little Bird, on the opening post there is even this note:
<Snipped quote>
If you don't want to give up territory, simply don't surrender. Of course there may be penalties after the fact, but as far as how I'm interpreting the "rules" you don't have to worry about suddenly losing ground if you don't want to/don't think it fits the story. But as mentioned before, suddenly finding themselves under attack is a good way to develop the RP and the group's relationship to the story at large. Will they deal with themselves and remain isolated? Reach out to local PD for assistance? Cut a deal with mafia groups to force the Order to retreat? It's a good way to flesh out how your character will react to the situation.
And yeah, like Savant mentioned many characters are already being targeted by others. Invading territory was going to happen regardless.
If not for the underlying board game element declaring that I either defend or lose territory I'd honestly be content to ignore the Order and let them operate there. Sharing is caring. Plus 3 poor districts can't keep up in direct conflict with others, so I'd prefer to play as passively as I can until I'm built up where I am or have the resources to expand. A less aggressive play style in the short term behooves me.
I'm also inclined to let the conquest and resource management aspects takeva back seat in favor of developing the narrative and immersing into the characters and setting.