Do upgrades take effect immediately (in the next round)? Or is there a waiting period?
<Snipped quote by Little Bird>
I disagree that it adds anything useful to supplement the character at all, because I see it as being like the corpo-pandering that says stuff like "Our game has a GAY character!" but then has no answer for "Okay, but what about this character makes them relatable, fun to play, or endearing to the audience?" In 90% of character interactions it's never going to be relevant, and it's the kind of thing that can be obvious without being stated---if a character's commentary or internal monologue notes their attraction to other characters, or two characters develop romantic chemistry through interaction, then their preferences are self-evident.
The only thing I can see it being useful for in a romance-focused RP (which is really rare outside of 1x1) is to tell people at a glance who they SHOULDN'T have their PCs develop relationships with because there will be no attraction present---which I would think would ruin half the premise of a "will they won't they" plot line because you already know the answer from the beginning of the game.
Having a bunch of goofy teens trip over themselves to blurt out their crushes, then get shot down because their crush isn't into them, is probably where at least 50% of the interesting character drama/development would come from in such a story. So plastering a label over everyone's head at the start to immediately take some of that "would he/she/etc accept me?" element away is probably why I've seen those RPs fall off even faster than the hordes of generic Medieval Anime Fantasy games.
<Snipped quote by BrokenPromise>
It seems to me that this has become a lot more common than it used to be, to boot. Maybe I just never paid that much attention to the Status Bar until recently, but I feel like in the last year or so there's been some real hum-dingers that have even necessitated mods getting involved for mere nothing-burgers.
As for my own personal peeve, I now avoid any RP that includes "sexuality" in its CS like the plague. You can't ERP on the public forum in the first place, you already probably have a personality section that gives actual USEFUL information about how to interact with the character---what's the point of it, except to inevitably cause some creepy shit with that one character who's gonna hit on someone regardless of preference, and not play it for comic relief? Or to start drama when the inevitably attached politics/ideologies connected to that kind of thing rears up? Hell, I see some of it in settings where sexuality has no business even being mentioned; anime high school RPs where everyone's 14 years old, for instance.
@Little Bird What we could do, if you really wanted to, is this: If you wanted to spend P to subvert an invasion, I would demand a sacrifice of all your P. If you had over 50 P, I would demand half. And the invader would be repelled for three rounds before they would be able to invade again.
Nope, no investment would be needed, but the one who is stolen from loses their goods, and the kidnapper/wealth stealer gets to see their efforts added to their 'wallet'.
Yep, you can lose Personnel as a seperate lose based on performance, whereas Wealth is only lost as the fee. So you could attack someone for -2 W and -4 P, but then also lose -10 P based on your performance.
@Little Bird I get you and your idea is completely valid. We could use Personnel as a sacrifice, and negate an invasion. However, it would negate one of the most important and central aspects of Nocturnal Memoirs - the battles. I am leaning away giving anyone a way to escape a battle via game mechanics. Instead, I would rather you deal with a battle in a roleplay sense. Fight it head-on, have an ally help you, cut a deal, kidnap the enemy so they're forced to back off. There are a miiiillion ways to tackle an invasion that are a million more times more satisfying to go through with than simply using a game mechanic to 'skip' it.
New post is up, along with an updated 0th post. You are welcome to double-check my math. :> I haven't given Bella or Pops something to interact with as I had a feeling they were on their way to some collabs.
If you have any questions or have any ideas, please let me know! For example, we could collab out that scene with Ezra and Webb, @SporkoBug. We could also collab out the scene at Nickel, @The Savant. :D
@Little Bird I'm still leaning against paying to thwart an invasion, as the main point of Nocturnia is navigating those PvPs. To speed them up, you can always collab them out, which I would actually highly recommend. And if you're worried about missing pivotal moments, you can have NPCs engaging in other scenes around Nocturnia.
Does that answer it okay? :>
Personnel does have the added feature that, in a battle, you can lose it. If a battle is particularly bloody, Player A could attack and pay the fee of P -2, but I determine they also lose an additional P -5. And maybe Player B defended really well, so they only lose P -2.
We haven't seen this mechanic in action just yet, but I believe it will enhance the battles.