Avatar of Infinite Cosmos


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In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Tae Lizzie @Funnyguy "Boarding party" @Potter Tigerlily @Alivefalling Barboda @Hello Nym
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape

Everyone on the ship seemed to have an opinion to his plan. Cept the one that really mattered that is. First, it was the mermaid Tigerlily. Of course it was to be expected that her opinion and tone towards him is as harsh as ever. His previous outburst definitely did not elicit any sort of friendly response. "Count me in? Does that mean you would like to join me? And here I thought you didn't like me. I'll remember to keep my distance and wear earplugs, though. Don't want to be sold out as bait..." Tesoro quipped back. Hopefully his softened tone can be taken as concession or even an apology to her previous actions. Given the fact that Tigerlily hasn't attacked him or treated him poorly, aside from the very reasonable responses due to his earlier provocation.

Next was Nym, the de facto quartermaster. What he said made sense as well. Again, his feeling towards him was completely warranted. He has a job to do. He has accepted Lizzie as his captain and being the seasoned pirate, he understands his place on the ship. Tesoro, however, still hasn't fully accepted being a crewman again. Having fallen from a high place, it was easy to see why. "Aye, old friend. Of course I have a few tricks up my sleeves. Don't I always?" Tesoro said, giving Tigerlily a playful wink. "Though. I might need a knife of some sort that I know you keep hidden somewhere. That's all I'll need. I've got a plan, you see. And I don't intend on dying until I get myself some booty to brag about..." He eyed Lizzie up and down quickly and briefly at the end of his words towards Nym.

The captain then spoke up. The crew of the schooner made an extraordinary demand of 5000 amas. There was no way that gets paid. The Harem more than likely does not have that sort of treasury to her name anyways. Having been on the high seas for more than his fair share of suns and moons, Tesoro began to notice an unusual swelling of the tides. He made a mental note as Lizzie continued to speak. "Aye, captain. IF we get out of this without a fight. I'll be more than happy to fight you. Though, you must know, I fight up close and personal. Hand-to-hand, grappling, and the like. Given that I came up from the pits, it might get a lil rough for ya. Hope you're ok with that..." Tesoro said, the tip of his tongue brushed his left canine before his lips closed.

Barboda spoke up last. He mentioned that there are quite a few people in the lower area of the ship. Tesoro shrugged off his own questions as to how was he able to make that call. Just as Barboda finished his words, Tesoro peeked over the railing of the ship towards the other ship just in time to hear a single crossbow bolt being fired. The next thing he saw was the forest fairy dropping dead on the other ship. Tesoro draw in a deep breath, standing up and rolling his shoulders slightly to loosen himself up. The morning sun shone and reflected off his broad shoulders. If one was observant enough, they will notice golden traces of ink that coiled around the musculature of his arms. His eyes glinted and the air around him seem to shimmer slightly. If one was to approach him right now, they would feel that he is radiating more heat than normal. "Well I guess we're not getting out of this without a fight." He said, looking towards Lizzie with a devious smile that turned into a ferocious scowl for a small moment. "Though I'll be more than ready to handle you after this brief scuffle, captain..."

Tesoro quickly scanned the deck of The Harem, trying to find a short dagger of some sort. Sure Nym has a few blades but he would rather not feel him up to find one at this moment. His golden eyes stopped at Tigerlily. He chuckled inwardly. This will not go over well. She, conveniently, has a dagger hanging at her hip. He glanced up at the sun as if to say "Really? This is the damn option you're giving me?" before resigning to his fate. In three quick, broad, steps, he closed in on the mermaid. Without breaking eye contact, his right hand deftly reached down and plucked the dagger from its sheath. "I'll bring this back to you after, dear, promise." Tesoro gave her a smirk and a wink. Tigerlily would have felt nothing more than a feathery light touch and the slight rattle as Tesoro unsheathed the blade.

Tesoro then made himself available at the edge of the ship, near enough to a crate to use it as cover but also close enough to the point of The Harem that is the closest to the schooner so that he is the first elf the other crew would have to get through in order to make it aboard The Harem.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Tae Lizzie @Funnyguy "Boarding party"
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape

While the crew drank and generally enjoyed the captain-sanctioned festivities, Tesoro took in the sea breeze and wet his lips with nothing but water. He was still on alert. He was on a foreign crew and he knows that the first impression he made was not stellar, to say the least. Plus, the trauma of being marooned from his previous ship stuck with him like tar. He mainly stayed out of the way of the other rowdy, fueled by alcohol, crew members.

The morning sun was bright, but not harsh. Tesoro had fallen asleep leaning his back again the side of the ship. The gentle rocking brought on by the waves was comforting. Not being caged helped as well. He was a part of the crew now, may as well embrace it, he thought. Of course, being a captain of a ship is still what he knew he was destined to do. He would accept nothing less. However, any friends made now means less enemies in the future. The sea, being a small and a large place at the same time, could use less bloodshed and general tension anyways. The ship was still sailing towards the Dreaded Isles, and seemed to be generally ship-shape. The crew, the ones awake anyways, were going about their own business. The captain, Lizzie, was originally at the helm, directing the ship towards her prize. Tesoro spent a few moments observing her. Rough seas bred able captains, and if Tesoro had to guess, Lizzie hasn't seen her share of the brutality over these waves. Nonetheless, she did know how to keep her crew in line, and the folks on this ship seemed generally obedient, if not compliant.

Tesoro felt the ship slow a bit. Lizzie had stepped away from the helm as well. Given that he was still sitting, he was not aware that they were approaching another ship. Taking in a deep breath and sighing slightly, he stood up and stretched. He peered out over the horizon. Another ship, flying the black. Tesoro took a harder look. Gold skull. Croft. Oh Tesoro has heard of this person. However, the size of the ship itself was too small to be the flagship. Instead, they were greeted by a pair of dark elves and a forest fairy. "For fuck sakes." He muttered. First time in the morning, before he has had breakfast. He gets to deal with dark elves. He shook his head. He didn't much like dark elves. At all. The trio from the other ship requested that the captain of The Harem to board their ship to discuss business.

Tesoro knew this to be poor idea, Croft wasn't known as a lenient pirate. It was truly silver or lead with that crew. Tesoro glanced at Lizzie to see how she would respond to the request. He chuckled when she told the trio that they can come aboard The Harem to talk or they can fuck off. She is brash, thats for sure. Rolling his shoulders a little, he approached Lizzie and began to speak in a soft tone "Look. Right. I don't know if this is your first time parlaying with another crew, but telling them to fuck off isn't exactly great. It's not bad, if you think we can win in a gunfight. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to get into a fight before breakfast. An alternative, since it is very unlikely and you can color me shocked if they decide to step on to our ship to discuss business, is that we send a small contingent over to their ship to carry out your orders. And you know I'd very much like to be in that party that you send over. Its not like you lot much like me around anyways. You'd be losing minimum value if they kill me immediately. But if they don't, You'd have a vanguard in enemy territory to begin with. Its a win win for you. Besides, I've been itching for a fight ever since I left the pits anyways..." He finished his sentence with a small wink towards Lizzie. "Whaddya say?"
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Dusk
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: No one in particular
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape

After his words towards Tigerlily, it seems like the ship hummed into motion. The ship itself was not moving, but there was a flurry of activity. Crew members moved about getting the ship ready to sail. Tesoro offered his help wherever needed. It felt good to be working a ship again. It was something he always liked doing. There are captains out there that never got their hands dirty, but Tesoro was never like that. He worked alongside his crew, acting more as bosun or carpenter than a captain.

The thought of this made the fact that he was thrown off his ship through a mutiny hurt that much more...

Tesoro kept working, making sure to keep away from Tigerlily as much as he could. Tying down the barrels below, stowing away whatever cargo or supplies they had. Tesoro of course took some time to observe the deck. Who was doing what task, who was good at which task. Call it an occupational hazard. He then turned his head slightly away from what he was working on when Lizzie called out to the crew about pouring everyone a drink. Tesoro sighed slightly. Sure, it was the pirate's way of life, to live freely and enjoy the moment. However, Tesoro's previous concerns were not quelled and now Lizzie wants to essentially throw a small feast. Tesoro shook his head and looked to the skies to try to determine their heading.

Dreaded Isles. Of course. Lots of monsters, possibility of plunder, overall adventure.

"I'll have water. With where we're going, someone has to keep their wits about them..." Tesoro said, to no one in particular as he continued working on making sure the ship is as ready as it can be.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: 10am
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Potter Tigerlily
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape

Tesoro waited. He waited as the mermaid spoke her rebuttal. Tesoro maintained a calm demeanor on the surface. He did not need to appear flustered when being spoken to by a creature such as the one in front of him. He almost wanted to cover his ears while she spoke in fear of her working her tricks on him to make him comply with her orders.

But alas she did not. Instead, he caught an earful from the mermaid. Some, those who do not know the horrors of mermaids, would say that it was deserved. Tesoro surely did not think so. He felt as if he was completely in the right. Anyone worth their salt as a sailor would not be friends with a mermaid, not ever at the gates of Death herself. Tesoro spoke up when the mermaid finished her words. "Hear the words of this creature, mates. She just said if she wanted the crew dead, we'd all be drifting in the sea already. Is this the sort of threat you want on our journey? Look at her as she threatens me with her dagger while I've done nothing but speak a few words of concern." Tesoro gestured towards the mermaid, not really caring if anyone actually was listening. "And you, Creature , you can take your hand away from that blade. If we were to fight, I would make sure to kill you slowly, intimately. All those things you listed off, a capable crew such as this can surely accomplish without your influence... Luring a ship for prize. How low are you willing to stoop? It is entertaining to be called a rat by a creature..." Tesoro visibly spat on the deck to show his disdain. "Nonsense. Keep yourself and your voice away from me. I'll do the same." Tesoro said, keeping an keen eye on the mermaid.

"To be honest, as creatures go, she isn't too hard on the eyes..."
A thought that flashed for the briefest moment in Tesoro's mind before it faded...
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: 10am
Location: The ship, namely the cargo hold. On the deck of the ship, or wherever the food is currently.
Interactions: @Alivefalling Barboda @Tae Lizzie @Helo Nym @Potter Tigerlily @Benzaiten Elaine @princess Helio
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape

"Ah a fellow light elf. This is good. Though...I don't think we've ever met. Matter of fact, it seems strange that you're even in Port Vanarosa, eh, lassie?" Tesoro spoke, eyes glancing towards Elaine momentarily before returning towards the search for sustenance. There were quite a few different folks on deck. Tesoro, in his search for food, tried to take stock of everyone on board.

So, what is known to Tesoro right now is that there is Lizzie, a woman not yet familiar with her own potential powers. There is the bounty hunter. He might become a thorn in the future. There is another light elf looked a bit too prim and proper for piracy. He also spotted a man with bright red hair. A dark elf. He gritted his teeth and huffed out a heavy breath. He was about to speak on the matter to anyone that was listening but he spots another woman. There was something to this woman that shook up something within him. A bad feeling, if you could. Tesoro took a moment and a better look at this woman. The morning sun seemed to be reflecting off of something from this woman. Tesoro tilted his head while looking and then noticed that it wasn't some sort of clothing. It was her legs. Scales. On her legs. A mermaid. A sea wench. Sailor's Doom. "YOU! GET OFF THIS SHIP! WE DON'T NEED YOUR KI-" Tesoro was flung into a fearful rage at the sight of a mermaid. In all of his years of pirating, he has never physically met one. Though the tales themselves are frightening enough. As Tesoro was going to continue his tirade and possible attempt on the woman's life, a voice called out to him and interrupted him...

Turning to see the demihuman Nym, Tesoro grinned an replied "Nah, the life of a gutter rat never left me, mate. It seems that you've at least heard of me. I've also heard of you. White hair, grey skin, gills. Nym. Long time no see. And you've heard of me, you know that I can get this ship in shape to weigh anchor with my eyes closed. I have but one question. Yes, that lassie wants us to embark in twenty minutes, but has anyone taken stock of supplies? Food, water, medicine? Do we even know a heading? Any sort of weather on the horizon? Come mate. Surely you're better than this. A heart for adventure and a desire for treasure simply won't cut it. I'd really like to know that you have a plan before setting sail. Otherwise, you might be seen as an incompetent first mate...Beside, you've gotten dull in your days. You have a mermaid in your midst. Or did your fish brains let her beauty entrance you?" Tesoro said, still grinning. Sure. He doesn't have the answer to the questions he just posed but if someone is going to be barking orders at him, they'd better have their shit together...
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: 10am
Location: The ship, namely the cargo hold. On the deck of the ship, or wherever the food is currently.
Interactions: @Alivefalling Barboda @Tae Lizzie
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape

"But there is no one like me." Tesoro replied to Lizzie, a steely conviction can be heard through his voice. He noticed the water that Lizzie seemed not to notice. He smirked inwardly. "She must be new to her powers..." Tesoro thought to himself. "And no. I don't think I'll beg. Matter of fact, I think you will beg to have me at your side..." Tesoro said, blinking seductively at Lizzie for the briefest moment.

When Lizzie asked Barboda to free him, Barboda made a sort of threatening comment that was all too expected of a man like him. "Nah, mate. Death is so final. I prefer life, and all of her intricacies, you get me?" He said as he stepped through the opened gate. "There is a good lad, doing your queen's bidding." He said, smirking. Tesoro get Barboda a friendly clap on the shoulder before moving closer to Lizzie.

"And you. Lassie. We'll be seeing each other very soon, I hope." His mind was already entranced with the smell of the food that has been drifting into the cargo hold this whole time. He was famished, for one thing or another. In any case, Tesoro gave Lizzie a quick wink before suddenly leaning in and sneaking a small peck on her right cheek before jovially walking up the stairs towards where the food was currently.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: 10am
Location: The ship, namely the cargo hold
Interactions: @Alivefalling Barboda @Tae Lizzie
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape

Tesoro waited patiently for Barboda to hopefully react and set him free. He had plans to talking his way to some sort of freedom and charming his way to being the captain of the ship he is on. Sure, Barboda is a capable fighter and Tesoro would love to have him on his crew. However, two things. One. Tesoro assumed that between himself and Barboda, he is the superior sailor and thus would naturally be the captain. Two, there had to be more people on this ship. There are noises coming from above and the only person he has seen has been Barboda.

"Well? Oi! Mate. Let me free! Let me-" Tesoro called out to Barboda, unaware of another presence in their midst. Seeing as Barboda was not going to immediately grant him freedom, Tesoro's attention naturally shifted to the shadowy presence. Tesoro turned slightly and hung his arms outside of the cage he was in, being rather carefree about his predicament.

Leaning against the cage, Tesoro waited until Lizzie was done introducing herself and posing her question. Seeing her grin, Tesoro returned the facial gesture. "Well well well. A fellow captain. How interesting." Tesoro responded. His tone was equally as jovial yet held the same barbs. It was as if to let Lizzie know that should she free him, she might get a very capable sailing mate. Or she might find herself where Tesoro currently stood. "Willing to free me? Ha." Tesoro continued. "When I'm free, what you get in return is what I am willing to offer." Tesoro said, retracting his arms. "As it stands, I'm willing to offer this." He said as he undid the bindings around his wrist with what seemed like brute force. With his arms splayed, Tesoro took a small step forward with his arms now extending out of the cage. "Like what you see? Free me and find out what I can actually offer." Tesoro said.

With his head tilted slightly to his right, and the smirk still on his face, Tesoro leaned against the cage, waiting to see how Lizzie would react.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: 10am
Location: The ship, namely the cargo hold
Interactions: @Alivefalling Barboda
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape

The gentle rocking of the ship had been lulling Tesoro to a daze. Sure, he was captured and was probably going to get turned into some mob boss for a prize. That did not dampen his spirits however. He was sure that he can talk his way of a death sentence. Surely a man like a mysterious mobster can use a man of his talents. After all, if that is how the world is going to be for him, thats what he will do. He will serve this mobster, bide his time, then be back out on the sea one way or another soon enough.

Now. He is out on the sea. That much is a fact. But not the circumstance...

Tesoro found himself gagged, bound, and otherwise generally abandoned. He rolled his eyes, and literally passed out. One might call that careless, but in Tesoro's eyes, what else was he going to do? His fists were bound behind his back, and his mouth was clothed shut. Two of his favorite tools were both out of commission. He was like...a fish out of water...essentially.

When Tesoro would wake, he figured he should at least try to free either his hands, or his mouth. After all, he needs to eat, and potentially use his fists if a fight broke out. After much struggle, he found that whoever took the time to bind him took much greater care to tie up his hands than his mouth. He could not undo the knot on his wrists but he was able to slip past the gag that was on his face.

Tesoro sighed. He would try to get out of the cage he is in but that will undoubtedly cause some commotion. Normally, Tesoro would not mind. But with his fists restrained, he preferred not to fight and to talk to whoever will come and visit him first.

A short while passes. Tesoro was still in his predicament. However, he started to smell someone cooking. The food smelled mighty fine. That made Tesoro hungry and therefore antsy. He wanted to get out of the cage he was in. As luck would have it, an armored man stepped into the hold.

"Shit. Its the bounty hunter. Barbosa or something or another. In any case, he is seriously the green cunt people said he would be." Tesoro thought to himself. He kept quiet, but Barboda spoke to him first, asking who he was and why he was bound. "Captain Tesoro Takeda of the El Dorado. Formerly of the El Dorado anyways... I'm bound because apparently some scallywag is a sore loser, or I might have had a go with the wrong wench, or something. Whats it to you? You're not Roper. Fucking Roper. I can't believe I let that cunt get to me... Anyways. Let me loose, yeah? Whatever your purpose is on this here ship, I can help." Tesoro said to Barboda, hoping that he would actually free him.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

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