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Mentions: Essentially every noble present, but not directly interacting with them.
Interactions: @13org Mayet @Tae Lady Mina

So many voices spoke, yet the words all wisp around like leaves in the wind. Many offers of how to deal with this 'Duke Vikena' were given, yet none were by the offended yet. Munir drew in a deep, but silent, breath. He always hated stuffy gatherings like this. It always becomes a contest to see whose manhood stood more erect than others. Munir, without being told that he has to stay back because of his age, tend to keep himself away from situations like these already, being very confident about his manhood if it came to that.

One noble, two nobles, three nobles, four, even the king and queen chimed in. Munir would study the king quizzically when he spoke. For one reason or another, he feels like he wanted the Alidasht royals to be embarrassed, as to wipe them of their glory and radiance. Munir secretly scoffed at this. As if the actions of some plump, pale-skinned royal, can ever dull the sun-like shine that is god given to the House of Kadir.

His siblings had mostly all spoken, all out of turn and out of anger and indignity of course. When the reprimand came from his Father the Sultan, Munir was mostly spared based on his silence. Being the youngest in the sure to be bloody fight for the Alidasht throne, Munir knows where he fits in. He has learned to stay in the shadows, letting his older siblings bask in the glory when present or to soak up the blame when needed. One can say that may be Munir's greatest strength. The ability to remain away from the scrutiny that is typical of royal offsprings. His royal Father was the last to speak in passing judgement on the fool of a duke. Munir's expression went from stern to amused in a matter of moments. "Dinner. Oh thats going to suck for that man. To be seated among those who had, mere moments ago, threatened to kill him and enslave his precious Charlotte..." Munir chuckled ever so softly at the Sultan's decision.

"Of course dear sister Mayet. Out of all the royal pets besides my own lovelies, I adore sweet Nala the most... Don't tell sister Layla this however, she thinks I adore Zilal above all else..." He said, giving Mayet a small smirk and a quick wink. Meanwhile, his eyes looked back up and made another brief moment of contact with lady with the fiery hair and he gave her a small wink as well. However, during his, his brain was hatching another devious, perhaps even twisted plan...

"What if... Just what if... I was to take Lady Charlotte as my prize...just to torment that fool of a duke..." The thought alone brought another devious smile to his face. The king had ordered his court musicians to resume the music and the food to be brought before the gathered crowd. Munir was finally allowed to break from formation and to start enjoying the night for what it should have been.

Naturally, he walked lithely towards the lady he had been sizing up all night and introduced himself. "Shahzade Munir Ibn Raif al Kadir. But please, call me Munir." He said to the porcelain-skinned lady while doing his best impression of a Northern curtsy. "This...fruit juice they serve here is simply not up to par. Here. Try this, all the way from the vineyards of Alidasht. The desert grapes lends a...stinging bite...to the brew." He said as he offered to pour her a taste of the contents of his personal wine skin.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Tae Lizzie @Funnyguy Piggy @Potter Tigerlily @Alivefalling Barboda @Hello Nym
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape. Dagger, borrowed from Tigerlily

He exhaled swiftly, his breath steadying despite the wound. He was still crudely tying up the bit of torn cloth before Tigerlily pulled him down behind some crates as cover and started gently bandaging his wound for him. He furrowed his brows slightly. Just mere hours ago, the pair were at odds with each other, preferring to keep their distance more than anything. He chuckled ever so slightly and said "I guess this makes us even? I took the bullet for you, you're making sure I don't bleed out and die?"

He drew in a deep breath as Tigerlily finished bandaging his wound, taking a glance at it. The job was done much better than he could or otherwise would have by himself. There were some blood on his shoulders which he wiped away with his right him with a guttural grunt. Just then, he noticed that Tigerlily had stood up and told him to cover his ears. Before he can protest or ask why, he found himself doing as he was told to. "Wait wait wai-" He sighed as he covered his ears. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. Moments after, Tigerlily ducked back down by him. He reached his hand out and gently wiped away the blood that had gotten on her face from her treating his wound earlier with his thumb. "Can you promise to never compel me like that again? A simple 'please' would have sufficed..." He said with a small smirk.

The gun shots seems to have stopped and the fight was still raging around him. The captain had given the order to cut the grappling lines that the other ship had thrown on the Harem. He plucked the dagger from the deck of the Harem and stood up, surveying the battle around him. Several demi-humans had made it onboard. "Dog. Looks like the dog is acting up and needs some disciplining..." He said as he got into an athletic position and leaned forward, putting his shoulder parallel to the deck of the Harem. With another guttural grunt, he kicked off his right foot and charged the Hound. As soon as he got close enough, he slammed his right shoulder into the demi-human, clasping his hands behind its back and 'speared' it into the wooden deck of the ship. The impact of Tesoro's action caused some of the wood to crack and the pair to bounce unnaturally off the hardwood. The air around Tesoro shimmered slightly, and with the small separation between the pair, Tesoro contorted his body and drew his right arm back, hitting the Hound right in the jaw with a vicious short right hook. The motion of the punch turned his body just enough for him to follow up with a lightning-quick left hook, to the other side of the Hound's jaw. What followed next was even quicker than the previous punch. Tesoro threw two straight punches to the chest of the Hound, the impacts of which should cause at least some structural damage to the rib cage of the demi-human. Then, Tesoro stamped his feet into the deck of the Harem and clasped his hands behind the Hound's back again, this time Tesoro bent at the waist seemingly in an unnatural manner and suplexed the Hound back into the deck of the ship, landing on its head first. Snapping back to an upright position, Tesoro swiveled around and kicked the Hound in the lower chin with his right leg to really make sure the Hound ends up in a bad place.

Letting out a savage yell that was more akin to a roar, he flipped the dagger in his right hand and pointed at the combatants still remaining on the deck of the other ship, readying himself for the next round of violence.

Munir was still staring at the lady with the fiery hair when she stared back. That sip of the wine was a wicked gesture that stirred up something vicious within him. He had to have her. After his small, absentminded bow towards the other honored guests in attendance, he stood in his spot of the formation, studying the lady that had issued him a challenge. The smirk never left his face.

Subconsciously, his right hand went to his waist, around a black leather coil with a sharp, golden spike no bigger than a man's thumb tied to its end. Munir never goes anywhere with his trusty whip. More often than not, it is worn around his waist as an accessory. Do not let the nonchalant nature in which Munir treats his weapon of choice fool you. He is precise and deadly with it should the need arise.

As fortune would, or would not, have it, the need arose.

A bumbling man came crashing through the gathering, calling him and his people tiger tamers and snake charmers. This notion wiped the previously cheery look from Munir's face and brought about a scowl that was both inquisitive and furious. Who was this man to assume the royal House of Kadir to be some street performer? Not long after, the bumbling man crashed into the palanquins carrying his father, uncle and the guards carrying his sister Layla. The trio and their guards did their best to stay upright but simply could not. Munir quietly lunged forward, hoping to at least soften the landing of any of the three royals if he could. Alas, he was just a half a step too late and all three crashed to the ground. What followed was a furious exchange of diplomatic gesturing. Munir had half a heart to listen to all these words being spoken. If this had happened in Alidasht, the person, or persons responsible would have their heads lopped off and their family fed to the dogs before the sultan and grand vizier hit the sand.

Quietly, Munir uncoiled the whip from his waist. He wanted to lash out and bring some sense to the whole situation by harshly sanctioning the guards for not being able to do their jobs of protecting the Alidasht royals. However, he surveyed the room, and in the interest of keeping at least a peaceful facade, he coiled the whip around his waist again, as it was before. The king offered him and his family the first choice of the feast. Munir shook his head as he thought the idea to be unwise. What if the food was poisoned? The very subtle smugness from the king did not go unnoticed. Being the youngest, he reserved his voice but wore his displeasure on his face and firmly address the king and his company in such manner.

These Northern royals were all such a hassle and he has literally been here less than a week. Especially the last fucker to speak sweet nothings to his sister Layla and her snake Zilal. He stepped back and approached Nala again, making sure the tigress was calm from all the commotion. How he longed to be back in his tent, or the saddles of his horse, rather than this stuffy ass ballroom with all these pompous sacks of flesh and air. He is definitely inviting the lady who challenged him back to his quarters for a discussion of tonight's events later...

At the back of the Alidasht arrival formation was Munir, the youngest, and perhaps most rambunctious, shahzade of the Kingdom. Their ride into Caesonia was long, treacherous, and for the most part boring. Munir was kept on a short-leash by his father and sultan to the Alidasht Kingdom, Sultan Raif Kadir. While his uncle the Grand Vizier Hafiz Kadir was a little easier on him, he made sure Munir never wandered far.

At any market or port along the way, Munir would look for ways to sneak off from the royal convoy to enjoy some 'alone' time. Of course, if one knew anything about Munir, he was more than likely not spending that time alone. Sure, he'd have his bodyguard with him but that is really besides the point. He would be in the market, going from stall to stall, wooing merchant's daughters or their wives, passing by brothels with a small flourish, and being led into the homes of otherwise faithful women. With Munir's penchant for...seeking pleasure, it is a miracle that he has not sired a whole gathering of little bastards.

During the actual traveling part of the trip, Munir insisted on riding his horse, or camel if needed, as much as he could. He hated being stuffed into a carriage and rocked along with some of his siblings. Not that his siblings made for bad company, but there has always been a subtle, but palpable tension between them. The throne of Alidasht is passed onto whoever is most 'capable' and not by age or sex. This created a competitive culture among the siblings. But for Munir, he is happy to travel the world, drinking fine wines, and bedding maidens. That is all he wants. He couldn't care less about who sits on the throne. By birth, he is royalty. As long as he is alive, he will always be royalty.

Occasionally, Munir would actually need to accomplish something during his time in the markets along the way. Since childhood, Munir has been fascinated with scorpions of all shapes and sizes. Currently he has several broods that he keep as his pets. Munir frequents the markets for things that his pets can eat. Given that scorpions are natural predators, Munir needs to give them live bait to hunt and feed on. He scours the markets for small creatures like lizards and spiders and brings them back for his brood. One particular scorpion, the queen of one specific brood, has been with Munir so long that Munir is often seen holding it, and letting it scuttle along his arms. The queen has two golden stripes down its back, not by Munir's doing. That specific specie of scorpion are simply born with a small stripe on its back, but this one had two, and they were golden, and thats why Munir has this special bond with it. Munir cares for his pets to the point where he has taken the shape of scorpions as his personal sigil, often sewn in to his clothing in small details and having jewelry made in their likeness as well.

Upon arrive, Munir changed into some imperial finery, designed to impress these folks that have never met people from Alidasht. "Ugh. Its so...not me. I don't want to wear this. I don't care what these people think. To them, we're probably a bunch of blood-drinking, camel-flesh eating savages anyways..." Munir grumbled as his attendants helped him get dressed. Standing in front a floor length polished bronze, Munir studied himself. The fiery red of the clothing accentuated his skin and the golden jewelry shaped like scorpions added some subtle, but fearsome touches to the otherwise gorgeous young man. Munir sighed, as he ran his hands through his sandy black hair while more attendants combed it and bound some of it together in small strands with golden clasps with yet more scorpions expertly carved into it. Munir let out one more deep breath as he tied a small sachet of incense to his waist and stepped out to join his father, uncle and other siblings. Of course everyone in the party was dressed to the nines. With Munir being the youngest, his position in the in the formation would be at the back, to the right of the Sultan.

"Dear sister, you wound me. You know sister Nahir and I never get into any trouble. Alas, a little fun never hurt anybody..." Munir said as he winked at his sisters. Among all of his siblings, he has always been most fond of his older sister Nahir. They share the same rebellious attitude, and are both free-spirits. "Dear brother Amir, try not to bow too hard to the other royals here. You don't want to bend so low your nose touch the ground. What ever would Father thinks of his eldest son doing that???" Munir teased his uptight older brother. Munir had always planned to only give a half-hearted salute to the rest of the royals present anyways. "And sister Layla...Be..nice, I guess..." Munir chuckled. His oldest sister has always been on the colder side, being the eldest of the Sultan's children. Munir, like his sister Mayet, refused to be carried in. He shrugged and simply said "I'll walk, its fine."

As the group made their entrance, Munir walked lithely but not without power. His head was always held high, but slightly tilted to his right as he glanced at everyone in attendance. Their uncle had given them a crash course about the other kingdoms on their way over so he was taking mental notes of which kingdom brought their maiden princesses with them to this ball. "Sister Nahir, look. Fresh prey..." He said very softly with a mischievous smirk as they continued their walk. When Mayet asked Nala, her tigress, to announce their arrival, Munir chuckled slightly and shook his head softly. "Aw damn, here we go..." He said under his breath. As the tigress stepped forward and let out a mighty roar, Munir naturally stepped up and gave the great cat a few loving strokes right beneath her lower jaw and gave the space on the front of her neck a few reassuring slaps. All while looking directly at a lady of House Blackwood, one with fiery red hair and porcelain skin. In all of his...conquests, he has never seen one as such.

He returned to his position, without breaking eye contact and maintaining the same small, devious, smirk with the lady with the fiery red hair.

In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Tae Lizzie @Funnyguy "Boarding party" @Potter Tigerlily @Alivefalling Barboda @Hello Nym
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape. Dagger, borrowed from Tigerlily

Well, they're firmly in it now. The other ship has begun fighting back. No one has officially boarded yet nor could Tesoro spot a ranged weapon immediately. With that, Tesoro stayed more or less in the open, being mindful of his footing and what nearby cover he has at his disposal. The sun shining down on his skin felt real nice, it almost had a rejuvenating effect for him he thought to himself. His limbs felt lighter, his movement crisper and even his reaction speed felt quicker.

Then shots rang out.

How did he not spot the guns? Subconsciously, or maybe consciously, as the first shot rang out, he turned to look at Tigerlily, who was uncovered. His body seemingly moved on its own and he dashed back towards Tigerlily, faster than he would usually expect from himself. "Oi! Get behind cov-" He shouted out. His body moving and essentially shielding Tigerlily for a brief moment. His words were cut off as he tumbled forward and collided with Tigerlily, taking the pair to the ground. His arm naturally wrapped behind her waist to brace for the fall. As a natural reflex, he dragged himself and Tigerlily behind some crates as cover. When his thought process returned to normal, the pain kicked in. "Mmm. Dammit." He grunted. With his clothing being rather loose, the blood didn't have anything to soak through. It simply spurted out from the wound. The bullet went clean through him leaving a rather messy exit wound. "Shit." He cursed. From his days in the fighting pits, he was used to spilling some blood every time he got in a fight. He has never been shot before, however. His right shoulder continued to bleed as he pressed his left hand on the front side of the wound as he moved away from Tigerlily. "Well this isn't great." He said as he stabbed the dagger held in his right hand into the deck of The Harem to keep it from going anywhere before he tore off a bit of his shirt and began crudely bandaging up his wound. "I need to get back into the fight...You alright?" He asked Tigerlily, as the pain was starting to subside, the adrenaline his brain was pumping out really dulling it.

@samreaper This is a blast from the past. Guess who I am, if you still remember.
You had me at hello
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