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Interactions: The Alidasht contingency,@13org Mayet @Rodiak Nahir @princess Anastasia @samreaper Kazumin

Munir was idly chatting with his siblings when Layla had to abruptly return to her quarters. "Aw Sister Layla! I was just kidding about not seeing you at these sorts of things, you can totally come along~" Munir said, again in jest. In truth, he doesn't care if Layla was present or not. She knows how he is at parties, he knows how she is at parties. This was just a party, after all. No surprises, no new developments.


A Princess Anastasia walked up to Munir and his siblings and introduced herself. As she was walking over, Munir had already 'measured' her up and down. He chuckled inwardly. She was a Danrose. An issue of Edin. Oh how glorious it would be if he were to rendezvous with dear Princess Anastasia tonight, only to have to stories of it whispered to old Edin, the arrogant fool. From the moment Munir and his people set foot in their great hall, it was not hard to tell that Edin disliked their grandeur and would have preferred it to have them arrive like the sandy cave dwellers he thought they were.

There was no way Munir suffers that unspoken insult, by the name of the Sun Gods.

"The pleasure is all mine, Princess." Munir said as sweetly as possible. As the princess moved away form them, Munir definitely saw that she blew him a kiss. Was she serious or was she going to be as easy as it seemed? Munir smirked and made a mental note to himself to find out at the party. Soon, the carriage that will take them to the venue had been prepared. As it was never meant to accommodate a party of their size, Munir shifted a bit and tried to take up as little space as possible without actually sitting on the floor.

Part way through the ride, Anastasia had the carriage stopped as she looked to pick someone up who was walking. As the other person entered the carriage, Munir saw that it was the person he thought was the court jester. As Munir thought he was going to have to shift more to accommodate one more passenger, Kazumin grabbed on to the back railing and the carriage set off again.

The man sang some inaudible words the whole ride to the venue...

As they arrived at the venue, a masked man came by and offered Munir a mask. "A masquerade, huh. very well. Even though my radiance will easily shine through this facade, I shall play along for now..." Munir said to the masked man as he grabbed a mask that was more mundane than he would have normally chosen, to nay a reaction at all.
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Night time
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Potter Tigerlily @Helo Nym @princess Helio
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape. Dagger, borrowed from Tigerlily

They gave Lizzie the 'best' burial they can muster up in that moment. She didn't need to die like that. She should still be at the helm, barking orders and laughing with all of them. Alas, she isn't. The ship is now captained by Nym, with him as his second mate. Not an ideal situation but given the overall experience levels on the ship, it was the only one to be made.

There were no songs. No jolly chatter, and more importantly, no excessive consumption of rum. It was all so weird of a pirate ship. But, given the events, it simply made sense. Tesoro, upon being made second mate, began giving out orders, not in a barking sense, but still quite direct. Nym was off dealing with something else it seems. So, it falls on him to get the ship in shape and underway, away from whatever potential danger that still lurked. He went and had words with Barboda about defensive assignments and the fact that they should probably keep some cannons loaded and ready to fire in case of ambushes. With Tigerlily, he didn't say much. He gave her a comforting pat on the shoulders and felt like that was enough to get her through for now. He did tell her that she can come to him, should she need someone to talk to.

If they were sunk here, Lizzie's efforts and bravery would have been wasted. There is no way Tesoro is going to allow that. If he had to, he will sail this entire ship by himself to safety or die trying.

When Helio called down what he was seeing from the Crow's Nest, Tesoro looked up and gave him a wave, acknowledging his words. Dinner was going to be simple tonight. Stew, bread and ale. Out of respect, he took an extra portion and set it in the captain's quarter, regardless if Nym has eaten or now.

He wanted to keep the memories of Lizzie alive and with them as long as possible...

Interactions: The Alidasht contingency,@13org Mayet @Potter Layla @Rodiak Nahir @princess Anastasia

Munir had returned to his room, prepared for him by the servants of Edin's house, to get a moment's rest after the ball. His mind was filled with Mina, and their conversation while at the ball. The trip to Kolonivka would obviously be reported to his father the Sultan, but Munir did not see a reason for him to deny him of the trip.

If anything, Munir will frame it as a diplomatic trip to strengthen their ties to the Northern country.

Once he returned to his room, Munir got out of the formal evening attire that he was required to wear, and changed into a set of clothing that is more normal to him. A flow-y, thin body-lengthed tunic, adorned with stitching of gold silk around the collar that started at the base of his neck and plunged to just below where his chest ended. The cuff of the sleeves, which stopped at his elbows, were similarly adorned with gold stitching. Around his waist, he went with a simple silk sash, with leather fasteners that were tied loosely and left hanging just above his left thigh. As his own custom, he kept the earrings and wrist accessories that he had on for the ball.

At one corner of his room sat a copper bowl of water. Munir walked over and splashed some water on himself, across the face and neck/upper chest area. Letting out a heavy sigh, Munir walked over to the specially prepared table and drawers setup and took a look at his pets. The carapace and hardened shells of his scorpions glistened under the candle lights. With whatever water droplets were left on his hands, he sprinkled it over the top of the metallic cage. Opening one of the drawers, Munir took out one of many small glass containers of insects. Giving the glass bottle a small shake, the crickets inside jumped to life, buzzing and moving about frantically. Through a circular hatch at the top of the scorpion cage, Munir snapped the glass bottle in place. With a nonchalant motion, he removed the glass partition that kept the crickets contained and the contents of the glass bottle emptied into the cage. The cricket, upon landing, started jumping about, looking for places to settle. The scorpions, however, remained still and waited for their dinner to catch a false sense of security.

Walking away, just as he was about to settle in and call for a slave to inquire about Lady Mina, Munir hears a unfamiliar female voice call down the hallway, speaking about a secret party. "This must be the party Mina spoke of. I suppose I'll just see her that... Standing up, checking the bronze disk against the candle light, he made sure he looked presentable and stepped out, only to be ushered to the stables.

"Ah. Sister Layla, Nahir, and Mayet. How surprising to see all of you here... Especially you, Sister Layla... These events are usually not your cup of tea... But, a pleasant surprise nonetheless... Sister Mayet, please, I don't know if you're going to be able to sneak something like that in... " Munir said in jest, giving his 'sash' a small tug in the meantime.

Mina & Munir

After her dance, Mina had moved over to one of the food tables and started looking over what was available. As she was looking at the fruit and grabbing some strawberries, someone trailed their hand across her lower back. She glanced over her shoulder and heard Munir speak, "Oh mistress, how I've missed you." She smirked at him as she picked up a strawberry. ”Good, just how I want it.” She said to him before biting the strawberry and licking her lips. He moved on and she continued her task at hand of picking food.

Once she’d gotten what she wanted she moved to the side of the room and began eating. When she was finished, a masked figure approached her and handed her a letter. She thanked the man and quietly opened the letter. She read the contents and grinned as she tucked the contents away. As she did so it was announced that the second dance was to begin, but she didn’t move. If someone wished to dance with her then they would have to find her and ask.

Munir smirked at Mina’s response. When she bit into her strawberry, he reached out and took her hand and took the rest of the berry into his mouth before letting go. For the moment, Munir had moved away from her to mingle with his sisters and a lady in blue who had a slight accident from overeating it seems.

During this time, Munir got himself some finger food and took small sips from his wine skin, deciding to forgo the drinks they were serving. He just could not get used to what these Northerns drink regularly. As he was tucking his wine skin away in his waistband, it was announced that the second dance would begin soon. This dance was to be a ‘free-for-all’ it seems. Munir chuckled slightly as he definitely has his target in mind.

Lithely making his way through the crowd, spotting Mina through the drones of nobles present. There was another man who was speaking to her and asking her to dance. When he would reach her, he offered a proper Alidasht bow to the pair and addressed the other man sharply. “Sir, surely there is another lady that would gladly be your dance partner. I’m simply here to claim what was promised to me, what was given. This woman here is mine, you see.” He added a small smirk to his words, one that dripped with poison. Munir then proceeded to pay the other man no mind, turning to Mina and said ”Lady Blackwood, may I have this dance?” He would also right out his right hand in anticipation of her response.

Mina’s attention quickly turned to Munir, an odd sense of relief crossing her features as she went to take his hand. ”Um, excuse me, but I believe I was speaking to Lady Blackwood first. I’ll be damned if you were promised anything.” The man began to object and Mina looked back at him. ”Oh I do apologize, Lord Vauthry, but as the Shahzade has pointed out he was promised this dance. So I’ll be damned if you think you have any right to me.” A sweet smile never left her face, but her words dripped venom and the man looked baffled. She then turned back to Munir, taking his hand now, and allowing him to lead her to the dance floor.

”It seems I may owe you now for rescuing me from that pig of a man. How can I ever thank you?” She asked once they were far enough away, a playful smile on her face now.

“Oh, were you? I’m sorry Lord Vaulty Munir said, making sure that he mispronounced the other noble’s name. “But quite simply, I don’t give a fuck who you were talking to before I got here.” The tone switch must have been quite jarring for the other noble, for the expression on Munir’s face turned from his previous jovial, carefree look to one of quiet anger, as if another opportunistic predator is creeping up on his prey. “Now piss off back to whatever backwoods you spawned from, before you meet more of my dear friends…” Munir said as he gently put a hand on the noble’s shoulder, a golden bracelet with an ornate scorpion on it.

As Munir and Mina made their way to the dancefloor, Munir chuckled slightly at Mina’s question about repayment. “Ah Lady Blackwood, you already know how. As for Lord Vauthry , he won’t be a bother anymore. I’m sure of it.” Munir said as he shot two quick, inconspicuous glances at his personal bodyguards, notifying them of the other nobleman. Turning his attention back to Mina, and as the soft piano sounds filled the hall, Munir gracefully took Mina’s waist and began moving to the ethereal music of the second dance. “Though, as Lord Vauthry clearly has no rights to you, does that perhaps mean the right to claim you has already been taken by another?” Munir quipped softly in Mina’s ear as the pair swayed slowly to the music.

Mina had taken note of Munir’s bracelet and found it quite interesting. The scorpion was quite the contrast to her own spider choker. She found it funny that they both favored those arachnids. ”Well I do truly appreciate your help and I’ll be sure I sufficiently make it up to you.” She said as she followed his lead in the slow dance. At his next question she let out a small laugh and grinned mischievously at him. ”While there are a few like Vauthry that wish to claim me, none have succeeded in doing so. I won’t be claimed by a man…” She then leaned in closer to him and softly said back to him, ”Because I’ll be the one to do the claiming.``

”Oh, is that so?” He quipped back at Mina’s answer as the pair spun slowly to the music. ”Would I be one of the ones you claim? Not that I would mind that very much. It would be a nice change of pace… Munir said as he turned slightly and gave Mina a small dip. When she would stand back up, Munir quickly brushed some of the stray locks of hair behind Mina’s ear. With a small, light push, Munir extended his right arm, ‘pushing’ Mina out from where she was previously. Of course, Munir was cautious as to not throw her towards another pair of dancers. With a small tug, Munir ‘pulled’ Mina back towards him, this time placing his hand at the small of her back a bit more firmly than before.

“Do tell me though…” Munir practically whispered to Mina “What would it be like if I was to be claimed by you? Would you use me, ruthlessly? Would you lock me away from the world? Would I be the tool of your pleasure?” Munir’s expression did nothing to hide the voracious fire that burned within him.

Mina followed his lead in the dance, allowing him to dip her and then unfurling out into an open position. "If I were to claim you…" She began with a devilish grin on her face as she stepped in closer to him, pressing their bodies together. "I'd have you on your knees, worshiping me as a goddess." She'd leaned in, speaking softly into his ear with a sultry voice. She then took a step back, resuming the proper distance of the dance.

Munir, along with Mina, continued to sway to the music, slowly. When Mina answered Munir’s question, it did nothing but further stoke the already raging fire. All Munir could do was offer a guttural, almost beast-like, grunt in reply. ”My my. How ever would you do that? I wonder…” Munir quipped back. Continuing, he said ”But enough about what we both know is bound to happen later on this season. Tell me more about your home. Tell me more about yourself. Afterall, I’m not just some sort of animal. I have more on my mind than carnal desires.”

Munir took a small moment while Mina was formulating an answer to his question to study the room. There were other nobles dancing, of course. He also noticed some of the non-nobility had joined them in the dance as well. Being that this second dance was not prearranged. Of course, Munir spotted his siblings, all dancing at one point or another. Not to be outdone, Munir smirks slightly and added some Alidashtian flare into his steps.

”Keep up, Lady Blackwood. Surely you’ve noticed my siblings dancing with their partners as well. We’re not to be outdone here. Munir, ever jovial, let his competitive side shine through this one rare occasion.

”I suppose you’ll just have to wait and find out.” Mina said with a devilish grin in response to him asking how’d she get him on his knees. She enjoyed the flirtatious banter, but she was mildly surprised when he asked her to tell him more of her home. Was he truly curious? She took a moment to ponder this before opening her mouth to speak. ”My home is a place many in this ballroom would consider harsh and ugly, but to me it’s that harshness that makes it beautiful. We’re surrounded by snow capped mountains all year long and the sun rarely shines, but it fits the area. It’s cold most of the year, but we keep our homes cozy with a nice fire.” She knew she probably wasn’t selling it, but to her it was her safe place. It wasn’t extravagant, but she loved it.

She was about to speak a bit more about herself when he told her to keep up and she let out a small laugh. ”I believe it is you that needs to keep up with me, dear Shahzade. Do you need a lesson in our northern dance?” She teased him, but kept up with him easily.

“Very interesting. I’ve only ever heard of this weather pattern called snow. As you know. My country is one of sun and sand…” Munir responded back. Even though he is one of the royals, it was rare for him to have traveled so far, let alone even further North. “And to think, somewhere that some in this room will call harsh and ugly as produced a beauty such as yourself. I must make it a goal of mine to visit. Perhaps even ask you, my dear Lady Blackwood, as a guide, to see all there is to see in Kolonivka” It didn’t matter how Mina described it. It genuinely interested Munir. Growing up, all he has know is the sands of Alidasht, and the occasional visit to the woods of Kisoma. But never snow, or mountains for that matter.

“Is that a challenge, Lady Blackwood? I think you will find I’m a worthy partner, and in this case, student, to this Northern dance. So, if the music fits, please lead on.” Munir said with a smirk. It is true, Munir fancies himself an above average dancer, one that learns quickly and eagerly. In the meantime, Munir kept their pace and movement to the waltz the music was meant to be paired with. “Come now, tell me more about Kolonivka. Surely snow and cold aren’t the only things you can talk about…” Munir prodded on, waiting for Mina to add on to what she said previously.

”I do love a good challenge, don’t you?” She asked teasingly as she took some control of the dance. While it wasn’t traditional by any means for a woman to lead the dance, she wasn’t about to pass up the challenge. ”Prepare to dip me.” She instructed, waiting for him to do so before continuing on with talking.

”Also I would be happy to be your guide, then I can keep you warm if you get too cold.” Mina responded with a small giggle and devilish grin, but she found her heart warming a little to Munir as she picked up on his genuine interest in her home. It was nice to know there was more to this man than just flirtatiousness and desire. ”Oh there are a great many things I can talk about regarding Kolonivka. Like the people are warm and welcoming. Someone will always invite you in and offer you a nice hot bowl of stew. We all care for each other, we’re like one big family.” The love and adoration of her people was clear in the way Mina spoke of them. She smiled softly to herself as she thought of her home. After a moment of silence she was pulled back to the present as she realized she was still dancing.

”And what of yourself and your home? I’ve read of Alidasht in books, but I’ve never been there. I’d love to visit at some point, though.” She asked, genuine curiosity of her own shining in her eyes.

“Oh definitely. I love a challenge. Munir quipped back, matching her energy. Munir then allowed his body to relax even further, letting Mina take the lead. When she asked him to dip her, he replied “Yes, ma’am. and slid his right arm to the small of her back and swung her down towards the ground. In one smooth motion, he brought her back up so she was standing.

“Keep me warm huh. I think I’ll have enough furs with me for that. Perhaps you can join me inside those furs. Munir responded. “A guide would be most welcome though, seeing as I would be as lost as new born camel in the great vast sands.” When Mina talked more about Kolonivka, the genuine smile on Munir’s face was evident. The way she spoke of her people showed Munir that there was more to this woman than her outer appearance. She genuinely cared for her subjects, the same thing cannot be said about many of the other nobles present. [color= ffce00] “One big family, huh. That would be interesting to see…” [/color] Munir allowed his voice to trail off. The idea of commoners not bowing and immediately backing away whenever he approached was very novel to him. It is something he has never experience.

“Ah Glorious Alidasht. What can I say. Sun, sands, warmth, to be simple about it. Though not as approachable as your people, as it would sound anyways, the people of Alidasht are as prideful of their country as any in the lands. They understand how to exist with nature, to take what she gives and making the most of it, since there usually isn’t much. Sure there is the wooded area of Kisoma to the Northwest, but that is only a small piece of the country. Most of it is quite barren, I must say. Though, that has bred toughness, and resourcefulness, over the years. The palace is, of course, as grand as any in the lands, if not more so. You must come visit the Hanging Gardens, an architectural marvel in itself. Father explained it to me as the creation of some genius engineers by the order of one of my forefathers to appease his queen who has apparently come from a land far more green than our own. The royal bathhouses isn’t bad either. Somehow, some engineers centuries ago were able to figure out how to route fresh water from the coasts to the royal palace, and keeping it cool in the process. We have our own private reservoir of cool water whenever we should need it.” Munir paused, noting that he has been blathering on. “I’m going to stop myself there. I can’t reveal all of our secrets and pleasures without you paying us a visit yourself. When you do visit, I’ll be sure to guide you through them all. This next part was kept in Munir thoughts, and not spoken, “And maybe I can see just what exactly are you hiding underneath that ball gown you’re wearing right now…

”Or you could just join me under the furs on my bed.” Mina said with a wink and then a giggle escaped her. He went on to talk about Alidasht and she listened in wonder, having always been quite intrigued by the place. ”How about I make you a deal? If you come visit me and my home then I’ll come visit you. Then we can show each other the wonders of our home. Does that sound fair?” She asked, a genuine smile on her face, finding as the conversation went on she liked Munir more and more. There was just something about him that was drawing her in and she couldn’t quite figure it out. Did she dare allow herself to get closer to this man? Only time would tell.

”Oh! I wanted to inform you that there will be a…well, a secret after party tonight. It is required to leave all titles at the door, in case you were interested. I’d be happy to give you the details as I feel you’d really enjoy it. Besides, it’ll be a good way to learn more about this country.” She said, her voice lowered so that only he could hear her.

“We can save that for after the tour through Kolonivka…” Munir replied, offering her a small chuckle. Munir noticed the music was starting to wind down. For one reason or another, he did not want the dance to end. Munir had been with countless women in his past, both nobles and commoners. However, he found himself irresistibly drawn to the woman in his arms right now. There was just something about her. She does not cower in his presence. She does not simply submit to his words. She lets herself shine through, despite Munir’s ‘radiance’. All that was new to him, and oh so attractive. Its was like placing a lit torch in the dark night, and Munir was the moth.

Munir listened to Mina’s proposal. Of course he was going to accept. There was no way he would decline that. He had been meaning to visit the Northern kingdom for some time now. This would not alter his plans at all, only enhance it. However, for the time being as the dance approached it’s end, Munir simply smiled. Mina also seemed to have presented him with an invitation to a party at the end of the ball. It was only logical for Munir to make an appearance there. It would be outside of his character if he didn’t go.

As the dance concluded, Munir released his hold on Mina and took a small step back. Offering her a proper Caesonia bow. Beneath the bow, he unclasped a small golden scorpion ornament that was clipped to his waist. He stepped up to Mina, took her hand and kissed the back of it softly. In one smooth motion, he stepped slightly closer to her and whispered “That is a deal. I’ll plan a visit to Kolonivka immediately. I wish I could depart and take you with me right this second, but, as you know, duty calls…” As he was close to Mina, he reached up swiftly but gently and clipped the small scorpion ornament to the top curve of Mina’s right ear. Continuing to whisper “With that, I claim you as mine…” Munir offered a small wink “I’ll be looking for you at this party you spoke of, Mina.

Stepping back to a more ‘respectable’ distance, Munir spoke up in a more normal volume “Lady Blackwood, I thank you for the pleasure of this dance. I bid you farewell.” With that Munir stepped back and away from Mina, fading away into the crowd.

Interactions: @Potter Percy

Munir was briefly distracted by King Edin. What a pompous fool. He gathered his courtesans to come and shower him with affection. The young Shahzade sighed. The way he reveled in this foolery, this facade of wealth. Munir wanted nothing but to leave the ball and go back to his tent, or Alidasht for that matter.

Stepping away from his sisters slightly, he turned his attention to the girl in blue in front of him. She was stuffing herself to the brim with whatever food she can get her hands on. To the point where her nose started to bleed. Sure, he was a bit taken aback when this happened and the girl grabbed some random cloth to dab her nose with. Munir reached towards his waistband and took out a fine silken cloth and offered it to the girl. "Here, you must be more gentle towards an injury such as this. This... rough linen simply would not do..." He snapped his fingers and flagged down a passing servant. "Bring me more silk napkins, please." The servant bowed and hurried off. "What is your name?" Munir casually asked as he reached for a glass of wine from the table and offered it to the girl.

She probably needs with, with how much she was eating...
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Tae Lizzie @Potter Tigerlily @Alivefalling Barboda @Helo Nym
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape. Dagger, borrowed from Tigerlily

Tesoro cringed inwardly at the sound Tigerlily's tail made as it transformed back into a pair of legs. He would have subconsciously admired the woman in front of him. She may have even caught him staring. "No. Not leaving you to the sharks. Though I can push you back into the sea if you'd like? Then maybe I'll dive in and join ya for a swim. Seems like a good day for it." He said with a mischievous grin on his face as well. When Tigerlily thanked him, it felt oh so odd. The pair were at each other's throats not 24 hours ago. Guess a skirmish really changes people. "Don't...mention it" Tesoro said, his tone elevating ever so slightly at the end as even he doubted the genuineness of what he had just said.

There was more commotion from the other ship, and a sound that could be taken as a gunshot. Tesoro looked towards the direction of the sound, feeling rather uneasy. The deck of the other ship looked empty previous, as it still does. However, if a shot was fired, that means there were more hostiles below deck. However, he does not doubt the combat abilities of the ones that made their way onto the ship.

However, it would seem their nightmare was just beginning.

The crew made their way back to The Harem. Tesoro took notice of the ones that walked back. Nym, Helio, Barboda...carrying Lizzie? When Barboad set Lizzie down and said what he said, Tesoro looked about slightly, seeing if anyone sprung into action to treat her wounds. "I-" He began to speak. "Tigerlily, can you please bandage her the best you can? Regardless of how much effect it will have. I'm sure she would not want to go out with gashes on her body... Please." He said calmly. Then he looked at the rest of the crew that came back to The Harem. Afterwards he peered over to the other ship which was still afloat. He made a small "tze" noise through gritted teeth and calmly walked below deck...

When he would return, he would be carrying two kegs of powder on each shoulder, filled to the brim. Previous injury be damned. He set the two kegs down with a thud against the side railing of The Harem. Snatching a nearby botefeux and some scrap cloth, he unplugged the kegs and stuffed the bits of cloth back through the holes. Using the lit botefeux, he lit the cloths. As the cloth burned, he stepped behind one keg, squatting down and hugged the wooden barrel. Pushing himself and the barrel up with his legs, he hinged his hips back and with one forward motion, he thrusted his hip forward and his upper body followed. With a roar, he tossed the first keg at the bow of the schooner. The barrel flipped through the air and landed at the front of the ship. The impact caused the wooden barrel to crack open and the cloth ignited the powder contained within, causing an explosion. "Nym, get us underway, anywhere. The next barrel is going to sink the bitch." He looked at Nym once then turned away. He then walked up behind the other barrel, cloth burning away. Standing off to the side of the keg, he hugged the barrel and hefted it up to the point where he was standing with in against his chest. Torquing his body and rotating his arms and shoulder about 90 degrees, he spun forward violently and 'curled' the barrel towards the schooner with another roar. The barrel tumbled smoothly through the air and landed at the base of the main mast of the other ship. The impact caused the keg to explode and severely damage the mast, if not blowing it clean off.

Tesoro stood where he was, huffing and seething with rage and simply stared at the battered schooner.

Mentions: @JJ Doe Ríoghnach @Rodiak @13org
Interactions: @Tae Lady Mina/Saiya @Rodiak Nahir @13org Mayet @Potter Layla/Percy

As the dance ended and Riona quietly faded into the crowd, Munir let out a small sigh. That was...surprisingly fun. It was unpretentious. Sure, the dance had it's tense, awkward moments, especially when she reminded him that he already knew her name. Munir softly shook his head as other pairs of dancers started to vacate the floor since the song was over. He took out his wine skin and drew a mouthful of refreshing liquid from it. The taste of home steadied his mind. Thus far, the evening has been quite eventful already.

And the night is still young.

Lithely, Munir made his way to the food table. Picking up a glass of the prepared drinks, he took a quick and shallow sniff and decided against it. Setting it on the empty tray of a servant walking by, he turned his attention to the food on the table. The customary finger foods were all present. He shrugged slightly and picked up a small piece of cured meat and local cheese and popped it into his mouth. The saltiness of the cured meat and the mellow, fermented aroma of the cheese permeated his oral cavity. Washing it down with a small sip from his own wine skin, he noticed his sisters are, somehow, all nearby. With a devious smile, he approached them individually and discreetly.

"Sister Layla, it looked like you got paired with a rather stuffy dance partner... He wasn't wearing something that really screamed 'I'm a noble, look at me and my finest plumage~'. I'd bet that you had tons of fun there..." He said, giving her a quick, brotherly peck on the cheek before sauntering over to the next sister.

"Sister Nahir~ By the smile on your face, it looks as if you just found out there is a secret party after this one..." Munir's tone grew much softer "Is there a secret party after this one? You wouldn't withhold such precious information from me, would you?" Munir put on his best puppy-dog impression, then sauntering away with a small chuckle.

"Sister Mayet. Now now. what kind of trouble did you get into? Remember? We have to behave ourselves here. We're here to represent Alidasht's best, aren't we?" He said with a small wink. "And that man you were dancing with. He is a big boy isn't he? Those mighty and calloused hands." Munir shook his head and let out a small 'oof'. "I suppose thats what it takes to tame a lioness like yourself, huh?" Offering her a small, mischievous smile, Munir moved to the last Alidashtian woman present.

"Ah, sister Saiya. You had the absolute luck of being paired with Brother Amir. I'd bet that was a ton of fun, being swung around by a wooden board." Munir raised his eyebrows quickly and followed it up with a quick shrug. "But then again, if you want to be Sultana of Alidasht, he'd be your best bet. Though..." He continued, now back to his usual, sultry ways, "If you wanted to have fun and explores the wonders of the world, I'd be your guy." His tongue traced the bottom of his upper teeth, peeking through his lip ever so briefly.

Then he noticed. Mina. OhmyfuckinglordtheresheisBytheSunGodsLookAtHerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

He took out his wine skin, taking another small sip from it. He held the wine in his mouth for a small moment before swallowing so the fragrance would linger a bit longer. He then circled around slightly so that he would be behind her. He walked up, trailed his hand softly across her lower back, going from her right to left. Once he was on her left side, he whispered to her "Oh mistress, how I've missed you." Before moving away from her.

He then noticed another woman at the table, wearing a long blue dress. By her decorum, and how her hair was made up, Munir was thinking that she was another noble that he hadn't met yet. Just before he made his way over to make his introduction, he noticed how she was going at the food. He was taken aback slightly. Her outer appearance screamed lady of the court, however her actions screamed "I haven't eaten in days, the fuck you mean free food? Give!" Munir, cautiously, approached and said "Uh...hi? You good?"
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Morning
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Tae Lizzie @Potter Tigerlily @Alivefalling Barboda @Helo Nym
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape. Dagger, borrowed from Tigerlily

Tesoro scanned the deck of The Harem, noticing that most hostile combatants are either dead, dying, or have gone overboard. He drew in a deep breath as the sun shined overhead. Exhaling slowly, the pain and fatigue of the battle was creeping back throughout his body. The gunshot wound from earlier, obviously only bandaged, began to throb and sting. He would have to get it properly treated, with salves and balms, lest it festers, and cause him to lose his arm or worse.

Just why in the hell did he jump in front of Tigerlily and take a bullet for her? His previous 'life' started to reappear in his mind. His former crew, the ones that he used to trust with his life, the same ones that he went through so much with. The same ones that marooned him and left him penniless and shipless. It, for obvious reasons, left a terrible taste in his mouth. It caused him to lose trust, to vow to himself to never fully trust someone again.

Yet, he let the mermaid, a species known as the scourge of seamen, bandage and treat his wound in a moment of vulnerability. One that he accosted and insulted. Who accosts and insults him right back.

Just what was he feeling or even thinking about that woman?

Gathering his thoughts, he moved as quickly as he could and dealt finishing blows to any enemies that were still clinging to dear life, ones that they forfeited as soon as they boarded The Harem. Quick strikes with his borrowed dagger made sure they met their makers. Satisfied with his work, he quickly wiped the blood from the blade of the dagger before securing it to a small sheath he pilfered off of one of the hostile combatants and tied it to his left upper arm.

Having noticed that the a good number of the crew had boarded the other ship, he naturally started to tend to whoever remained behind, giving water to those that needed it, bandaging wounds as much as he could, and moving the dead off to the side. He thought to himself that he noticed the captain, Nym, Helios, and Barboda had gone to the other ship, surely to finish the job and count the plunder. There was one missing, one that is very important to him. Tigerlily. His own curiosity took him to the end of the ship, to see if she had jumped into the sea. He spots the mermaid and slid to the side of the ship and cast a line for her. "Hey! Here! Use this to get back up!" He called out "The captain, Nym, Helios and Helmet-Head have all gone to the other ship if you haven't noticed. You aren't hurt are you?" He waited to see if she would take the line so he can pull her up.

Mentions: @JJ Doe Ríoghnach
Interactions: @Tae Lady Mina

Just who in the seven hells is this woman? It was as if the Sun God put her on this Earth to rouse every single one of Munir's desires. He must have her. He simply must.

"What can I say, I was born to explore wonders, and some might even say to conquer them..." He said, regarding the wonders they had been speaking about recently. To Mina's quip about whether she would enjoy the wine or whatever else Munir has to offer, Munir responded "I suppose we would just have to find out, won't we?" ending it with a smirk of his own.

A servant approached the pair and Munir scowled slightly. Just as the fun was about to begin. If this servant had interrupted Munir's hunt back in Alidasht, Munir's personal bodyguards would have escorted them away from the shahzade and relieved them of their head. "A dance you say. It would seem the Sun God has decided to keep me away from you, at least for the time being. The question now is, who would be in your mind as you made your way to the dance floor? Me? Or whoever you're paired with? But, as you said, we must away, in order to strengthen political ties and to give in to the directions of our parents."

Munir glanced at his own pairing, not recognizing the name. He found that quite interesting as he thought he was brought up to speed as to which noble houses would be present, including their retainers. It would seem this one is with the Danrose. Normally, Munir would be outraged to have to be matched with a maidservant but he has determined to make it through this dance as fast and as drama-free as possible. For a much more thrilling night awaits...

"Oh yes. I will come find you after. Though, I feel it would be best if you come to me..." ”...master.” was the last word Mina whispered to him, from a close distance. That small tease sent a shockwave down Munir's spine, and through his groin. By the Gods, this woman. "Seeing as I'm already your master..." He finished his words a little more breathy than before and with his grin that seems like it hasn't left his face during the entire conversation with Mina. "You take care now, Lady Mina Blackwood." Munir offered her a proper Alidasht bow...

Only to see her walk away, hips swaying...

"Now, who in the seven hells is this...whatever the fuck this name is and however the fuck you pronouce it. Its.. Its just a jumble of letters that don't belong together. I swear when I find out who paired me with this maid... I'll have their fingers skewered and roasted for my lovelies as a snack..." Munir cursed under his breath as he set out to find his dance partner.

Mentions: Essentially every noble present, but not directly interacting with them.
Interactions: @Tae Lady Mina

”It is quite the pleasure to meet you, Munir. I am Lady Mina Blackwood, but perhaps you’ll call me Mistress tonight.”

This one simple, playful line from Mina resonated within Munir's soul. Mistress. Thats a word Munir is not familiar with. Being a Shahzade, he is used to others using honorifics or other titles that denoted his elevated status against their own. However, with a term like mistress, it almost seems like this lady thinks herself to be of a higher societal standing than him.

How fun.

As Munir waited to see if Mina would accept his offering of Alidasht's finest vintage, she proposed a trade. Munir raised his eyebrow slightly when she reached between her bosoms and produced a small flask of her own. The contents of which Munir gladly sampled. On first taste, it was clear that whoever the brewmaster of this liquor was was obviously a specialist in the craft. The liquor held a sting that was unlike the wine he had offered to Mina. This was sharper, more abrupt, and showed a subtle aggression. All of which Munir liked. The mid-palate was that of a field where golden fronds of grains swayed in the wind. Clean, crisp, and lingering. The aftertaste was what drew Munir to it the most. It almost tasted of freshly baked bread taken straight from the hearth. "To have this...elixir...produced from where it was being held, it makes one wonder what other wonders does that place hold..." Munir replied back to the compliment Mina paid to his own Alidashtian wine with a small smirk. The small, teasing gesture from Mina where she trailed her hand along the back of his did not go unnoticed either. As Munir went to return the flask, Munir slid it gently back to where it was produced, pushing it down with the pointer finger of his right hand but not quite so far so that his finger would have contact with her skin, but infinitely close.

"Ah, the fiasco was the highlight of my night so far. To be quite honest with you. It livened up a stuffy royal gathering, of which is bearing the most...tantalizing...fruit for me. Otherwise I have quite enjoyed this little corner of the world, though it is my knowledge that it isn't quite your corner, as it were. That remains to be seen, and daftly explored." Munir responded to Mina's question about how he has been enjoying the festivities. Munir leaned in, wrapped an arm firmly around the small of Mina's back and whispered sultrily "If you enjoy this wine so much, you must join me when the festivities end. This is but a small sample of what I have brought from my private collections. We can taste all sorts of delights, if you wish. Then perhaps it would be you to call me Master instead..." Munir made a point to linger by the nape of Mina's neck before letting go and stepping back to a 'respectable' distance away from Mina.
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