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Interactions: Minimal, trying to stay as incognito as possible for now.

As the group arrived at the gates of Goeta, Haron stayed towards the back of the group. The hood of his cloak pulled tight over his head and face in order to conceal his identity as much as possible. Haron remained quiet as the demon Farfa introduced himself to the guards at the gate.

At the mention of selling the humans to some sort of highest bidder made, Haron shuddered and cowered away further. He listened to the rest of the group banter about, not having gained access into the town yet.

The rain sure was coming down hard, thank goodness he has his cloak so he can stay as dry as possible in these god-awful conditions.

Hello! Is there still room?
Interested and watching.
Am I a little too late?

Interactions:@princess Anastasia @Helo Callum

The night had carried on. Dancing, flirting, touching, whispering. All the things Munir enjoy doing on a regular basis. Oh and of course imbibing in the myriad of cocktails available to them. Sure, Munir was used to drinking but it was never with this sort of abandon. Many glasses of wine, champagne, and more wine were consumed. However, there was just one slightly green drink. Just one Noble's Venom.

At first, Munir felt overwhelmingly energized. Like he wanted and could run from where he was all the way back to Alidasht just to catch the sunrise. The sweetness of the drink seemed to fill him with vigor. With Callum and Anastasia, he ran, danced, joked around. It seemed like the party would never end.

But of course it does. And End it did.

First, Munir felt extremely fatigued. More than he has ever felt. He chalked it up to the day finally catching up with him. He was at the ball, then only had the briefest respite before he was roused and made his way to this party. All the drinking, and moving about, surely did not help. But this was a fatigue unlike any other. He looked around the party, and everything seemed to spin. Callum was nowhere to be found, neither was Anastasia for the moment. Just where was he, even? He breathed in deep and exhaled, trying his best to maintain his composure. He tried to seek out a glass of water in the hopes of washing away the nauseating taste in his mouth, but alas no luck. He walked on what he thought were steady steps but in reality was nothing more than quaking knees. His footsteps were so unsteady at this point and simply crashed against a wall and slumped down into a stool.

Then the nightmares really began.

Munir could vaguely make out the shape of another person next to him but his mind was too clouded at this point to care. All he heard, and saw, were the pointed fingers and sharp tongues of the Alidashtian people.

"Look at him? Such a lecherous little beast. Ungraceful, inelegant. Him? A future ruler? I'd rather be face-down in a ditch in the Street of Sisters than be ruled by him. Why can't he be more like his brother Amir? Regal, powerful, becoming. Instead, we're left with this heap of shit. This heap of wine-loving, woman-wasting, good-for-nothing shit. Good Gods where did the sultan go wrong? All his years of rule and just service and he gets this. So sad. He would never be good enough. All the women he has been with? Ha. He was never man enough to satisfy them. All the boasting he does is just to boost his ego. Is he even a man? He simply will never be good enough for anything. He is the epitome of disappointment. His father only tolerates him. He doesn't love him, so I've heard. He just isn't good enough."

Fingers kept pointing, voices kept jeering...

Munir took a few deep breathes, and the aftertaste was not any better. He heaved slightly before slinking down for a moment. That moment was all he need to gather his mind enough to have all the things he saw and heard come back and hit him like a caravan of camels. It broke him. Through the exhaustion and tears, he simply leaned to his left and started sobbing...

The person, as Munir would discover, was Anastasia. Not that it mattered to him in this moment...

Interactions:@princess Anastasia @Helo Callum

"Aw for fuck sakes. Is this bitch soft in the head? Thats not why I want to ge-" Munir thought to himself. He was just trying to get on her brother's good side in order to get into her sheets. Now she is openly asking if he was gay? Not what he was planning. Alas, he decided to turn a disaster into an potential opportunity. He was not going to fail in his mission...

He smiled at Anastasia, as she was calling out her questions to Callum. He moved her hand from his cheek, gave it a soft kiss before saying "Ah princess. You're too sweet..." before lowering his voice and leaning close to her ear and continuing "So sweet, that I might want to take a bite myself. Don't go stray too far. I'll want to sample your sweetness before night's end." He offered a small bow before turning his attention over to Callum, not noticing he is already under the influence of some sort of concoction.

A servant passed the group by, with a tray carrying a variety of drinks. He grabbed himself a pre-made drink that was green in color, with black tendrils at the bottom of the glass. "Interesting. This must be the Noble's Venom. How fitting..." Munir thought to himself before taking a deep sip of the drink and setting the glass back down on a nearby table. Turning towards Callum, Munir put on his more seductive and charming smile and said airily "Prince Callum Danrose, I have heard of your majesty and dashing looks, and now beholding them in person, one must say that you're awe inspiring... Say, what are your thoughts in doing something more... exotic...? Hm?"
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Time: Night time
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Potter Tigerlily @Helo Nym @princess Helio
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape. Dagger, borrowed from Tigerlily

Tesoro returned from setting down the plate of food in what used to be Lizzie's quarters. A room he assumed Nym would take over. Thats fine. He is the captain now, and that room is befitting of a captain. Him? It is more likely than not that he sleeps on the deck, under the stars and being caressed by the sea breeze.

Just what he likes anyways. It just feels more free for him.

As Tesoro walked out onto the deck, he heard Nym's plans of sailing for Roshmi. A sound plan. A goof port city to take on more recruits and for the weary crew to enjoy some comforts of 'home' on land before returning to the sea to hunt the one that killed their captain. He walked by Nym, patted him on the shoulder and nodded quickly before walking further away, giving some of the other nameless sailors some simple instructions about tightening the riggings and keeping an weather eye on the horizon. He does not put it past Ardyn to ambush them at night.

He walked up to Helio and Tigerlily and unwrapped the sheathed dagger and held it out to Tigerlily. "Thank you for letting me use this. I'm sorry I barged on you and just took it in the heat of battle. That was not gentlemanly of me. I do apologize." He said in a somber tone.

Interactions:@princess Anastasia
Mentions: @Helo Handsome boy @ReusableSword Big Boy @Rodiak Nahir

With his mask, Munir made his way to the table where drinks were being served. Wanting to party later into the night, Munir knew not to choose a strong drink. Instead, he requested a glass of iced wine, to simple whet his palate. With wine goblet in hand, Munir sauntered around the crowd, exchanging pleasantries and other greeting while not being hampered by status and allegiances.

Seeing a figure in the distance, he recognized it as his sister Nahir. Peering around the crowd, he did not spot Mina. Such a bummer. Munir had planned on interacting more with her, in a more informal setting. Regardless, his mind snapped back to Edin's daughter, Anastasia. Perhaps he makes a go for her. Callum, her brother was also present. Maybe he goes to butter him up so ease his way into his sister. Near them was a bear of a man. He chuckled inwardly, taking a small sip of his iced wine. That man there must have been on of his sister's preys, Roman Ravenwood. Maybe he can prod some information from him, to see what he wanted with his sister. during the dance.

So many choices. Good thing the night is still young and no one has died of anything yet. Right?

Picking up another filled glass of iced wine, he made his way to Anastasia, trailing a hand across the small of her back and said "Princess, I'm most pleased to be in your presence. You look of so splendid tonight. I have but one humble request. May you introduce me to that man there? Surely you know who that is?" Munir, trying to be coy, pointed towards the man he assumed was Callum Danrose.

He was going to set his devious plans in motion all by his damn self he need by. He needs revenge for that that fool Edin did upon their arrival into the Caesonia Court.
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