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<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

W-WOAH! What was that???

Th... That... *I heave for breath* That is a larger infinity... *Coughs*
<Snipped quote by Memory>

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*As you say that, you suddenly feel your heart jolt the wrong way... and a vison floods your mind threatening to tear whatever sanity you cling to, and it would have if @Interface 2 Alioth wouldn't be there to empower you by his mere presence*


Tsch! *I cough and wince badly as if my whole strength was nearly sapped out of me entirely*

<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

How could that be above you? Aren’t you infinite? Aren’t all infinities infinity?

That answer definitely tells me you don't know that scientist, or any similar ones... hmmm... All i can say, for your sake, is don't go there. I don't go there, truly! I am infinite, but there are infinities far greater than even i...
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Really? What could possibly be more negative than C'thon?

I think that is even above my pay grade... i'm just one tiny subset of infinity... even just saying that feels meaningless. But...

Have you heard the tale of the human Georg Cantor? You probably haven't he's - well was - a human scientist from Benjamin's home world...

he tried understanding infinity, and it drove him mad...
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

It’d be like going to infinity, and then suddenly reaching negative infinity? I think my dad told me something about that once...

Trully! In fact infinity... infinity is what i am made of... but not in its totality, because infinity doesn't have a maximum nor a minimum. There's just infinity in all directions.

And there truly is such a thing as negative infinity... and surprisingly it is not even what C'thon is...
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

What would happen if order won? If there was no more chaos?

I honestly believe that is fundamentally impossible... If there's only order, then what would be the counterpart that says the only thing left is order? I think only order in its completion will turn upside-down fairly quickly and become a worst chaos than even C'thon is presently...
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

It’s like order balances on the head of a pin.

You are only now beginning to grasp the essence of the eternal struggle. Order and chaos are like two different trees entangling around each other, each one constantly in motion, vying for dominance, yet eternally linked. Balance is a fragile thing indeed, just like you put it perfectly - like a pinhead upon which order precariously stands, teetering with every breath of the cosmos...

This tends to also be a somewhat true core element even in many of the higher dimensions...

Hence why my work has been constantly on the cutting edge for literal eternities.

<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

Are we breaking some sort of rules by existing?

As far as i'm concerned, none of mine, but i can't speak for C'thon, and since his very spiel is break every rule he encounters, then a taste of his own medicine is just right!
<Snipped quote by Interface 2>

*Thinks for a few moments before finally coming up with an example*
Like adding a pawn to an evenly-matched chessboard.

I'll give you one more! Adding a pawn, that is not even part of the same game, and is still allowed to use its own game's rules to some extent. Yup!
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