Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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Wilhelmina right now:

Camelot right now:

@Izurich @SilverPaw @BrokenPromise

An event happening simultaneously with another.

The detransformed Silmeria would've already joined Samuel and the rest of the squad for some ice-cream, but it was then that she noticed that a certain someone was missing. Normally, she'd just live and let live, but fuck it, after all the shit that had happened today, she was feeling like being nosy.

Thus, it was how Jacqueline found her shoulder being cordially patted from behind by a certain squadmate that was an exact centimeter taller than her.

"Want some ice cream...?" She paused, "I insist." before curling a barely-perceptible mischievous smile.

"Hm?" Jacqueline turned around when she felt someone touch her. She'd been too involved in her thoughts to have noticed her coworker's approach, so the interruption had startled her. "Oh...Silmeria," she smiled, but it was a strained gesture. "I didn't really intend to, but," she shrugged, sighing, "well, as long as I don't have to transform back any time soon, I guess it's fine." She seemed resigned to the idea. It wasn't that she minded spending time with her coworkers, but due to Justin's escape, she knew she was in a sour mood just then. Thus, she'd simply intended to decompress at home, or elsewhere, outside of the immediate working environment.

Even though Jacqueline wasn't as stone-faced as Dr. Moller, the ex-businesswoman wasn't the type to wear her heart on the sleeve like Orion either, falling somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, where most adults are in general, but even if the older woman was more stoic than she was, Silmeria could ascertain why she was quieter than usual, what with how the operation went and all, the brunette was sure that no one was exactly in high spirits after their prey got away, especially after he had killed so many innocents right in front of their eyes.

...and that was precisely why a bit of sweet treats could serve as a little consolation prize, minor it might be. "Well, to be fair, it was Samuel's idea and he only said it after you had left." The orange-eyed dropout shrugged, "Hmmm... who knows, Justin might decide to show up and chat, you never know with monsters, right~?" Giggling exactly once, the long-haired sniper turned around, fully believing that her coworker would follow.

As Jacqueline didn't care whose idea this was, she didn't comment. At Silmeria's playful line, though, she snorted. "Sure," she retorted dryly. "Ya know, I had no idea you could be so cheerful," she commented. Granted, they hadn't known each other long, and hadn't really interacted outside of missions, but still. The other woman didn't give off that impression.

Since Jacqueline wasn't that far away yet - or else Silmeria wouldn't have bothered to fetch her - they rendezvoused at the ice cream truck sooner than later. It was there that they could see Su, Samuel, and Ashley hanging together, while Binky was all by herself, an unamused frown on her battered face. Fritzi was no doubt still inside the mansion, coordinating the clean-up crew as she said, and Wukong... likely went somewhere. Well, time to bother the cabbage-haired esper then. "Hey Bink, I dragged Leroux back against her will," Her gaze then turned towards the fridge-on-wheels, "What flavor would you two like? Also, cup or cone?"

Binky must have seen the paramedics, because the side of her face was lined with a few butterfly stitches as well as a full sized bandage. A neck brace had also been installed, which looked a bit cumbersome on the cabbage-haired girl’s small frame.

She pulled out her phone, opened a note app, and started typing. It was clear Binky wasn’t used to texting. Though given her position as a lab assistant, she was probably far more accustomed to typing on a full sized keyboard. But it didn’t take her more than a few seconds to type out “STRAWBERRY MILKSHAKE” and show it to Silmeria.

Jacqueline followed after Silmeria languidly. She huffed at the manner in which she was introduced, reluctantly entertained. "If it were against my will, you'd have to employ more force than this. Shouldn't it be, 'against her better judgement, I bribed her to return'?" Smirking, she added teasingly, "Speaking of, do feel free to treat me," she nodded at the ice cream truck. Given Silmeria was asking for orders, it looked like she was more than willing to do so. "Just some mint with choco chip. Cone is fine," she relayed.

After her fellow agent departed to get them their treats, she turned a considerate gaze at Binky. "So, what's the story? You should be getting bed rest, shouldn't you?" Her tone was curious rather than worried, though.

Jacqueline wasn’t wrong. Binky was not in fighting condition right now. The Binky chose to sit down on a park bench instead of stand like everyone else was no mystery. She hadn’t spoken a single word since she left the hallway. It was likely her jaw bothered her too much to properly speak, and her slow typing speed meant that she couldn’t keep up with conversations as easily. But that didn’t stop her from trying. After typing her next message, she showed it to Jacquiline, which was “NEED MY MILKSHAKE.”

Seeing the difficulties Binky had with writing, Jacqueline nodded, and sat herself next to her. "And you'll get it," she added, more so to fill the silence than anything else. She leaned on the backrest, lounging as she waited for their orders to get taken care of.

"One choco chip mint cone and a glass of strawberry milkshake, got it." Silmeria nodded, amusingly realizing that Binky chose milkshake because it was a drinkable dessert, easier on the jaw movement and all that. The stitches and neck brace combined with her green hair certainly made her look as if she was cosplaying a petite feminine version of Frankenstein's Monster, but Merry figured it'd be in poor taste to mention that outloud.

Soon enough, the brunette returned with two cones of ice cream - one mint with chocolate chips and one with vanilla creme brulee - and a tall paper cup of strawberry milkshake complete with a striped straw; she handed the cup to Binky, the mint cone to Jackie, and kept the vanilla one for herself. Silmeria simply enjoyed the dessert for a few moments, watching Binky out of the corner of her eye to see if she needed assistance with anything.

Up until she remembered something that the hammer knight said back then, and decided to address it to at least avoid any misunderstandings, they'd be working together in life-and-death situations for the foreseeable future after all, "Oh, Jacqueline, about earlier, well, we haven't really talked with each other outside of missions, and during missions, well... no one will disagree that it's difficult to be cheerful when facing against those xeno scum, right?" Human trafficking, brainwashing, slavery, mass murder, pediatricide, the list goes on. Right now though, Silmeria curled a small genuine smile, enjoying the brief moment of respite with her teammates, "However, I certainly will be more cheerful once I put a bullet through Justin, Billy, and everyone who swears fealty to them, yes."

"Yeah, yeah, it'd be more disturbing if you were happy-go-lucky while on the job." She waved dismissively with one hand, while tackling her ice-cream with another. There was perhaps a certain irony to Jacqueline saying so, as she generally felt pretty good when going against monsters. As long as things were going well, of course. "Mmm-hm. It's a long road to success," she said, disinterested in continuing that line of conversation. Instead, she tilted her head at Binky, more inclined to listen to what she might tell.

The only sound Binky made was a long, seemingly endless slurp as she took her frozen treat through a straw. She hadn’t spoken a word, so it must have been impossible or uncomfortable for her to speak. Though it clearly wasn’t uncomfortable to slurp her shake, which was just a bit louder than the wind that occasionally blew through the street.

Binky only had her hands to communicate with, so she needed to multitask between talking and eating. It took her a moment to notice Jaquiline was looking at her, which caused the assistant to stop. She gave her a thumbs up and was about to resume slurping when she noticed something in Jacqueline’s features. She set down her milkshake and picked up her phone again. Though she backed out of the note writing app. Instead she booted up google and started to type. As slow as Binky’s typing was, the auto fill function meant that she didn’t have to type everything to form a complete sentence. She pointed at “What are you doing tonight?” which was sandwiched between “What are you doing today” and “What are you doing in spanish.”

It was a good thing Binky hadn't chosen to ask her agenda for the whole remainder of the day, because it was pretty vague and liable to change. Late night hours though? "Most likely going out somewhere. Getting inadvisably drunk," she drawled. Raising a dubious eyebrow at the injured woman, she added, "Why? Interested?" Her proposition wasn't really a serious one, for more than one reason, but it's not like she couldn't be convinced.

It seemed that Jacqueline was one of those that was more indifferent to the tireless task of purifying the earth from the extradimensional aliens or she hid it well, but Silmeria's guts believed it was the former. It was likely that the dark-haired agent never lost a close family member to one of those creatures, twas' undeniable seeing your own child being murdered was far more harrowing than seeing a child subjected to that fate. Regardless, Silmeria didn't really mind as in the end, they all stood together as humanity's first line of defense against the xenos. Besides, the sniper knew that she wasn't alone in this, a certain Orion was with her.

Tangerine eyes shifted to the female Frankenstein's Monster as the older agent addressed her, amusingly replied via text typed on Totally-Not-Spyware-Megacorp's search engine query bar. Funnily, Binky seemed to have no issues drinking the milkshake though... perhaps the dopamine infusion from the sweet treat motivated her body enough to ignore any discomfort in the process. "Oh... hmmm..." Merry had to think about that too, but then shrugged, "Sure, let's do that. Girls' night out?"

It looked like Binky might have been considering her offer, but then she typed up a short message. “Might drink at home.”

"Might be for the best," her lips curled into a minute smile. "Maybe next time," she said offhandedly, though the offer was genuine this time.

Then Binky understandably decided to keep things in-house, so she just nodded at the green-haired esper before turning back to Jackie, her ice cream almost finished, "Let's do it. You only live once, right?"

"You want to...?" Jacqueline was taken aback, but quickly recovered. "Sure. Let's exchange numbers, and we can arrange the time and place later," she briefly turned to Binky, "You too, if you ever feel like getting drinks once you're back in shape."

The green haired esper fret her brow, but said little else. If the two were ready to leave, she would probably have one of the armored trucks drive her back to the base.

Silmeria took a moment to reflect at Jacqueline's reaction, starting to believe that she may have put too thick of a mask when it comes to her 'work face', but she's sure that she wasn't the only one to do this, right? Especially in an occupation where one wrong move could mean your literal death, that and she had never hung out much with her fellow agents. ”...” She supposed it's time to fix that, huh? Starting with Jackie. "Yeah... I... uh..." She decided to keep it for later and just nodded, "Sure." Fishing out her phone to exchange numbers with both Leroux and Binky.

That done, the brunette gave a sympathetic nod at the only mundane-form wounded esper among them, "Get well soon, Bink."

--Home Sweet Home--

Unlike the dark-haired Alexandrian exile, the taller blue-eyed blonde kept his emotions mostly neutral when the prince addressed him for one specific reason, he already knew who Rossweine was beforehand, have met him before during one of the balls held by the royal family, and though they clearly had no meaningful personal relationships beyond knowing each other's name, face, and general reputation, they clearly knew of each other's existence. Thus, despite the young prince being one of those nobles that Liese firmly believed was preventing Grayle from reaching its fullest potential, he wasn't taken off-guard, he expected to encounter him sooner or later, proven to be the former now that they were squadmates.

"I'm sure you'll have plenty of opportunities to do so in the short future, Your Highness," This was just typical banter of the nobility, he and Rossweine knew it, in fact, the prince was a natural at doing this, empty words and platitudes that had no deeper meaning behind it other than fulfill the old Noblesse Oblige, "I certainly hope that you will do your older brother proud as well." If Rossweine had the spine to turn himself from an indolent hedonist into a true noble warrior just like Prince Manegold, then credit where credit's due, Liese would genuinely reframe his image of him.

Just as they were departing for the barracks, two things happened at roughly the same time. One was that the Baker commoner boy threw a little tantrum, being self-conscious of his lacking size it seemed, although he certainly wasn't making things any easier for himself by standing in the immediate vicinity of Signar, anyone would look small when right next to him. Liese shrugged, the matter not even worth anything beyond a simple notice, although the second event was... since he was directly subjected to it and all.

Liese quirked an eyebrow as the blue-haired swordsman-brawler wildling approached him - just as he did to everyone it seemed - and excitedly introduced himself. He had to admit that his sheer enthusiasm for the prospects of training and eventually knighthood was something he could readily appreciate, the blonde allowed himself to curl an approving smile, similar to the one he gave Dot, "Most certainly, Sir Sauvage, and may the best man wins."

With that, off to the barracks they went...

The Eastern Barracks, purpose-built and designed to house soldiers (or would-be soldiers in this case), and thus was unsurprisingly quite uniform with its siblings. Liese had been here before amongst many of his tours through the kingdom's capital, and it looked like things hadn't changed much, why would they really? He had dreamt of one day taking residence among one of these dorms, as one of the knights, and it looked like it'd be coming true today. He received the key to his assigned room from the veteran eye-scarred knight without any issues, the blonde didn't even register the death glare as anything particularly special, some older soldiers - not just knights - tended to have that air about them, something about being so used to battle and war that they were always in "fight mode".

Key received, Liese made a beeline to check his room and store his personal belongings, not much, just the essentials such as functional spare clothes and such. He carried no personal heirlooms or other frivolous things, those belonged in his family's estate, not here. Hmmm... Though one thing he immediately noticed was the enchantment present on Room 1, her assigned suite; none of the other doors had this. peculiar, what was it for? Fortunately, it only took Liese for a moment to put two-and-two together, he was assigned with Dot, and well... as much as he hated to admit it, it was reasonable to think that the higher-ups pulled some strings to place the two girls together and, in all of their 'chivalry', decided to 'protect' the girls with this security measure. He didn't yet know the exact effects of the enchantment, but it didn't really matter, its purpose was clear.

Well, just goes to show that things really needed to change in this bigoted kingdom, one step at a time...

Entering his room, Liese deftly set up his half of the room, setting up his things and such. He did see the uniform but decided to wear it tomorrow when training began, the sensible thing to do. Right now, he figured it was time to acquaint himself with the squad, and what better person to be the first pick other than his own roommate? After done with his personal belongings, the blonde would approach the Alexandrian exile, wherever she might be, and cordially greeted her, "How do you like your accommodates, Sir Auferrum?" He paused, "Since we'll be living in the same room for the foreseeable future, I must express to you that if there's anything you need, just tell me, I will at least listen to you and if it's within my power to assist, then I will do so." Dot was an exile here, and as her roommate, this was the least Liese could do.
Franz Steiner
Lucretia von Königsmähne
Solomon Antedivula

@Jumbus @Izurich @ERode

Roma be like:

--Strange Squadmates--

Liese's proud, ambitious smile didn't falter as Dot seemed to be emboldened by his words, very good; even though the dark-haired candidate didn't feel as strongly about her gender as Liese did, with each female proving their worth in the knighthood, it paved the way for the order to eventually accept all candidates based on their worth as a knight alone, certainly culling those who could only use their family's prestige to assert their position, such as the squadron's assigned leader here.

"Tis’ not mere hope, for it's a guaranteed eventuality, Sir Auferrum, and you're welcome."

Then as if on cue, one of the squad's vice-leaders arrived to inform the pair that the group would be departing for the eastern barracks shortly. Ah, it's Nathaniel Lothwren, one of the few nobles whom Liese genuinely respected. Though he lost his debut spar due to naivety, the fact remained that Sir Lothwren owned up to the privileges given to him, his auspicious birth, his noble house, and his talents; the slightly younger boy put the work into his martial and arcane boons, being one of the rare aura users in this generation, he certainly didn't squander any of it. Liese certainly remembered visiting the Lothwren household years ago and watched the brunette training hard.

Thus, he's a worthy noble and one that Liese must treat properly, befitting of his earned station in life, "Greetings, Sir Lothwren, the honor is mutual, we shall achieve greatness together." The blonde did a small respectful bow, from one knight-to-be to another, "Of course, I shall do so immediately, Sir." Without a fuss, he stepped forward together with Dot, rendezvousing with the rest of the squad.

Speaking of the person Nathaniel mentioned though, now this supposed squad 'leader' was the direct opposite of the brunette, and sadly his ilk was more typical in Grayle than the other. An indolent sloth who was called 'prince' simply because he was born into royalty, 'Prince' Rossweine did absolutely nothing to show that he deserved the title, much unlike his older brother, Prince and Knight-Commander Manegold. They said that the apple didn't fall far from the tree, what a load of horseshit as the saying couldn't be further from the truth in regards to Rossweine. Liese didn't need to say anything to him, an insignificant factor in his destiny, and at the end of the day, Rossweine would simply be one of the many who'd be stripped, disgraced, and exiled from the new Grayle.

Liese absolutely had no confidence that the squad would get anywhere if they followed Rossweine's leadership, or specifically, the lack thereof, but thankfully, the vice-captains were more deserving of their roles, yes, even the wild child. Speaking of which, one was Nathaniel, and the other was Kaiser Underwall of House Sauvage, a curious wildling that Ser Sauvage literally found in the wild and adopted. Much could be said about his manners and etiquette, really his behavior as a... person in general. Befitting the rumors of Kai being raised by wolves, the blue-haired boy emulated canine behaviors to some degree, including the jumpy friendliness and eager obedience. Nevertheless, he was willing to work and though his fighting style was unorthodox, it was proven to be effective; the boy clearly had talent in both martial and arcane just like Nathaniel, but considering his lack of civility, could he control the fickle art of aura manipulation? Only time could tell.

The next two squad members both shared a distinctive trait, they both hailed from the lands of Valefor, a sovereign nation for their craftsmanship, which meant they were foreigners and Liese didn't know much about them other than what he had observed so far. Signar Wayland and Zenshin Ferros... Both of these boys possessed a darker complexion than Graylians as befitting their sun-scorched arid nation, but the former certainly was extraordinarily gifted by the God of Strength. He stood at least a full head - and even several heads for some - taller than the rest of the squad, and upon first glance at his torso and limbs alone, one could imagine how terrifying it'd be to face a fully-armed trained knight with such a stature.

As for Zenshin, though he was on the taller side too, he was sadly outmatched by his fellow Valeforian, perhaps Signar's presence had the unfortunate effect of making him appear smaller and thinner than he actually was, but at least, from what limited knowledge Liese had about him, the smaller Valeforian was quite talented at magic, let's see how he'd turn out in the future.

Nevertheless, Liese could respect the tenacity and ambition of these two young men, to brave the journeys of traveling to another country and try their hands at one of the most difficult academies to study in. They were foreigners, which implied whatever heritage they had back in their homeland meant little here and they still qualified despite that so it should mean something.

And finally, the unknown and unlikely commoner only known as Julian Baker, hailing from a family of breadmakers it seemed; a petite and wiry boy who won his debut spar by a fluke, taking advantage of Nathaniel's expectancy of honorable conduct, something that would work only once and never again. Liese had zero expectations for the shorter blue-eyed blonde, he was sure that this Baker boy would give up within the first month of arduous training, and without the backing of a noble house behind him (unlike Rossweine), he would be dropped without hesitation. The only thing worth an iota of notice was the amusing fact that Julian could pass off as Liese's younger brother considering his looks, but that was it, otherwise, a commoner in way over his head, a non-factor in the grand scheme of things.

All of these students together composed what's known as the 13th Squadron of the Eastern House, and he couldn't stand only one of them, a fortunate occurrence all things considered. Liese was more than willing to work together with them so their squad could be the cream of the crop, the pride of the academy, but make no mistake, should any of them prove detrimental to that goal, then he'd have no hesitation in shoving them aside. Graduates would be employed in Grayle's most elite fighting force and those who caved into mere training should never be trusted to be in a real field of battle.

"Greetings, squad, I am Liese Victoire of House Brendorn, ready to depart."

A few days after the operation...


"Hey, mom, yeah, I'm doing good, work's fine, yep, got a bonus recently."


"Oh, ahaha~ don't mention it, I mean, you two have done so much for me, it's the least I could do."


"Mmmm... I'll see about visiting big bro, I think we're both busy with our own businesses, but you make a good point, I'll be sure to arrange a visit in the short future."


"Busy making the world a better place, of course~ alright, I love you too, mom, goodbye."

Silmeria heard the small beep from the phone's speaker mode as the call ended, a small eager smile curled at one side of her lips as she admired her handwork. Three dartboards set up next to each other, each plastered by a sketched picture depicting the visage of Viper, Lenore, and Maiden respectively; all three had their foreheads turned into pincushions by multiple darts.

"Making the world a better place, one... terrorist... at a time..."

She threw the last dart and it pierced right into Maiden's right eye.


Her aim was getting better.

21 | Female | G.E.M.I.N.I. | The Faceless
Teslic Gauss | Long Gun | Physical | Gungnir
Northern Sentinel | Government Agent
Electromagnetism | Lightning | Nibelung Valesti
[Paralysis (4), Speedster (4)], Damage X (6), Dispel (6), Magic Sense (4), Blink (4), Push (2), Pull (2), Piercing (2), Full Enhance (2), Quicken (0)

DAMAGE: B | SPEED: E | SENTINEL: C | Max Mana: 750

PHYSICAL: D | ARCANE: E | CHAOS: D | Current Mana: 750
So who's making the final Pageless blow. Or will this be a team effort.

Lumiere is basically asking the team to gangbang the Pageless into pieces. :P
Niiice, keep 'em posts coming, guys.

@Ponn That ain't small, that's actually more than the default standard of the "Advanced Roleplay" section of two paragraphs. But damn, we've been writing good, you and everyone here. I'm in tears (of happiness). :')

@Lonewolf685 Oof, yeah, I figured, it's coincidentally a busy week for most of the players here.
Slow week, huh, guys~? Or are we in a deathloop? :P
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