Y'know what, screw it, I'll go ahead and post the other CSs I've put together for this setting. I know they're not going to be approved for use or anything, I've just been having a blast fitting my OCs into the framework of this RP and don't want to keep all this work to myself. I don't expect anyone to read through these unless they just like reading CSes for fun.
Standing at 144cm (4'9"), Evelyn is a human girl on the cusp of adolescence. With waist-length deep carmine locks framing a pair of bright amethyst eyes, one will be justified to assume that the patrician will one day grow into an extraordinarily fair lady within the next decade, a maiden who will turn heads simply by walking into the room. Born into the lap of luxury as the youngest daughter of the Consul of Helvetia, Evelyn is often clad in the finest apparel that money can buy then meticulously crafted by curated tailors. Furthermore, she often enchants these apparel herself with her artificing skills, turning them into stylish yet durable outfits that can serve as functional body armor and more. Whether socializing or scuffling, Lady Konstantin will never find herself out of style.
As a natural-born genius with no small amount of wanderlust, Evelyn supplements her prodigious artificing expertise with combat skills, primarily so she can defend herself while out adventuring into exotic places in her endless search for more knowledge. Practically, she'll rarely journey alone, but it's always better to be combat-capable than not when it comes to traveling.
❖ Artificer Prodigy:
Evelyn's primary talent and endless source of passion. It won't be an exaggeration to say that Eve is one of those once-in-a-millennium prodigy, a genius among geniuses, most especially when it comes to anything related to artificing; the art of designing, crafting, and improving tools and equipment via magical means. Her sheer talent for artificing enables her to progress her learning in such a pace that she completed her first project when she was barely a toddler, even though artificing is one of the most time-consuming skills to master. Now at only twelve years old, she can already stand toe-to-toe with Helvetia's finest artificers, and it's predicted that she still has plenty of room to grow even further.
❖ Musketeer Swordswoman:
The set of combat-related skills that Evelyn took it upon herself to learn in order to be allowed to travel beyond Helvetia's borders. Though she's nowhere as extraordinary at combat as artificing, her gifted intellect and fast learning nature allow her to competently wield her weapons of choice, chiefly among them her beloved rapier and hand-musket, which are both designed and crafted by herself. Ideally, she'll have an ally or two to handle the brunt of the fighting for her, but this skill ensures that when push comes to shove, she can still do something instead of being a damsel in distress.
Being a caster of the Conductor type, Evelyn heavily relies on her immediate environment to work her magic, which primarily relates to artificing. In the most ideal condition, she'll be at her personal workshop back at the Konstantin Manor, where artificial leylines and arcane generators have been set up in such a way to focus entirely on her, enabling her to create wondrous artifacts, but of course, it'll be folly to expect such convenience during her travels, so when out adventuring, she'll have to make do with what she can work from her current surroundings.
❖ Thaumaturgic Enchantment / Mending:
Using the surrounding mana, Evelyn enchants an item with a magical effect of her choice by carefully tracing magical runes on said item. Alternatively, it can be used to mend a broken item, magical or not. While incredibly versatile, the extent that she can accomplish with this ability is limited by the quantity of the environmental mana and how much time she has to work.
❖ Arcane Nullification / Shatter:
The opposite of above, while Evelyn still makes use of surrounding mana and rune-tracing, she aims to revoke whatever magical enchantments the target object has, turning it into a mundane object, and if that object can't exist without being magical, then she'll end up destroying it. This ability has the same limitations as Thaumaturgic Enchantment.
❖ Parry-and-Shoot:
Evelyn's signature offensive ability. Befitting her preference for self-defense techniques over pure offense, she aims to feint or redirect an attacking opponent with her melee weapon and then use the opening to pepper them with projectiles from her ranged weapon. Evelyn must be wielding a melee weapon in one hand and a ranged weapon in the other to use this ability.
❖ Deflector Prism:
Evelyn's signature defensive ability. By activating her enchanted golden brooch, it projects a cluster of semi-transparent auric prisms around her, forming a personal barrier that prevents both mundane and magical objects from getting through, whether in or out. Each time it deflects something, it loses durability and can eventually be shattered. Upon the barrier's deactivation - voluntarily or otherwise - the brooch requires about five minutes to recharge.
Aside from her prodigious artificing talents and self-defense abilities, Evelyn also possesses an assortment of skills, as expected from a scion of the prominent Konstantin patrician family, she has been educated by the best tutors in Helvetia, then combined with her rapid learning ability, Eve is well-versed in various subjects ranging from arithmetics, economics, history, geography, and politics. Exposed to the noblesse oblige right after she was born, Eve knows how to carry herself with the elegance and decorum expected from a patrician lady
Amongst the various gear and supplies she carries on her adventures, Eve is almost never found to be without her three prized possessions, all of them artifacts she designed and crafted herself, her pride and joy. It can be argued that even though Eve herself isn't all that great when it comes to combat, these objects more than make up for it.
❖ Alba Dorata:
Evelyn's signature melee weapon. At first glance, it looks like a mundane - if not well-made - rapier, but its true strength lies in the runes etched upon the length of the blade. Normally invisible to the naked eye unless activated, the runes enable the weapon to project a thin golden glow along the edge of its blade. In this state, Alba Dorata is able to cut through most mundane materials with ease and disrupt the mana circuits of magical targets. As a result, the rapier becomes a deadly weapon even in the hands of a half-competent user, let alone a full-fledged swordsman.
❖ Schwarzerblitz:
Evelyn's signature ranged weapon. It's a curious variation of the musket, projectile weapons utilizing blackpowder to launch a metal bullet at a target, but much more compact, allowing it to be wielded with one hand. Upon pulling the trigger, the weapon powers its arcane mechanisms to belch a miniature bolt of lightning. Between its penetrating power, scorching heat, and nigh-instantaneous travel time, it's safe to say that you don't want to be at the receiving end.
In addition, Schwarzerblitz doesn't function like a traditional blackpowder weapon, it uses mana instead, which is stored in a crystal-infused cartridge. Each cartridge holds six shots and can be recharged via Evelyn's Thaumaturgic Mending skill, this process takes around thirty minutes, modified by the leyline condition due to Eve's Conductor-type mana. Evelyn usually carries five of these cartridges on her person.
❖ Prinzessin:
Evelyn's signature elegant dress. Out of all her equipment, Prinzessin is the one most deceptive in its true functions. Initially appearing like a simple fancy dress, its insides are meticulously carved with numerous sets of runes, each achieving a distinct function, all of them essential. First, the dress is as durable as enchanted metal armor, second, it improves Evelyn's physical prowess to that of a trained adult combatant, and finally, the golden brooch resting between her collarbone is actually a barrier generator (See 'Deflector Prism' above).
If Evelyn must be described in a single word, then it'll undoubtedly be 'precocious'. Far more mature and wise beyond what her age would suggest, Lady Konstantin embodies the concept of exponential growth. This precocity is then further compounded by her gifted mind and being provided with all the education and learning opportunities of a Konstantin family patrician, propelling her to heights normally only achieved by fully-grown adults. An ambitious prodigy, Young Mistress Evelyn possesses boundless curiosity when it comes to expanding her knowledge, particularly when it comes to her deepest passion, artificing. So much so that she's willing to leave the safety of Helvetia to discover exotic places with equally exotic materials and artifacts.
On the flipside, Evelyn can prove rather reckless and impatient. When encountering something that piques her curiosity, she often lets her excitement gets the better of her and throws caution into the wind just to get her hands on that thing. Furthermore, she has little tolerance for... intellectually-challenged individuals for lack of better words; uneducated peasants, simpletons, and close-minded bigots won't go along well with her. Lastly, being born and raised a Helvetian patrician - a Konstantin at that - means Eve never once has to experience hardships, hunger, disease, or any major inconveniences really, and while she's not actively arrogant, she may still come off as out of touch to less-fortunate folks. The young mistress fits like a glove when mingling with the upper echelons of society, but put her in a city slums, then she'll stick out like a sore thumb, visually and socially.
Evelyn Theophania of House Konstantin, a young scion of the ruling patrician house of the Republic of Helvetia. As the youngest daughter of Consul Frederick Konstantin and his wife Lady Helena Konstantin, de facto and de jure leader of Helvetia, one of - if not the - most technologically advanced nation in the world, Eve was one of those lucky few who had their life handed to them in a silver platter. Furthermore, being the youngest of five siblings meant that she had little to no expectations of continuing the family legacy, which practically gave her plenty of freedom to choose her own path in life.
Considering everything, it'd be easy for her to settle into a life of decadent luxury; no problems, no worries, a carefree life of hedonistic existence. However, Eve was anything but slothful, the exact opposite in fact. Ever since from a very early age, the flame-haired girl's ambitious nature was apparent. It was as if the Heavens themselves willed her to be the embodiment of her homeland; extraordinarily gifted, boundlessly curious, and possessing precociously exponential growth, it would be an utter waste to simply let the young girl as just another run-of-the-mill patrician. The signs were all there, Eve was destined for greatness.
Recognizing this, her parents - most especially her equally-ambitious father - gave her everything she needed to polish her talents into glittering diamonds, and in the span of merely around a decade, their efforts paid off. At only twelve summers old, Evelyn had grown into a bonafide prodigy, outshining the rest of her siblings. Envious resentment was expected and baseless rumors by uninformed detractors who criticized her parents for treating her more like a lucrative investment than a beloved daughter could simply be ignored, Eve had no time to be humoring those drivel when she had so much more important projects to work on.
Speaking of which, her latest venture would involve journeying into the Ancient City of Nuria in the Land of Twilight, within the territory of the Elven Nation of Varenheim. After extensive preparation - which involved begging for her parents to let her go - Lady Evelyn Theophania Konstantin of Helvetia was ready to join Vesemir Barandir and his group of like-minded adventurers. Only time could tell what manner of wondrous artifacts and materials she would find there. She'd bring them home and make her mark on the history books, nestled among other celebrated scholars of Helvetia!
❖ Color Code: d62524 ❖ While she normally acts far more mature than she looks, the opposite is true when she's with her father in private, around him, Evelyn acts like a spoiled toddler instead. This is her guilty pleasure and one she'll keep secret at all cost. ❖ She has a pet cat named 'Mona' that possesses the same carmine hair and amethyst eyes as herself. Whether it was naturally born that way or chromatically altered at some point in its life, it's unclear.
As soon as the Moriya Miko began her explanation, Remilia was all ears, listening to every single word spoken by the green-haired girl, making sure to not miss even a single syllable. "Hmmm..." The vampiress thoughtfully rubbed her chin, finding Sanae's story to align with what Rayne and Lewa had told her over the course of their short journey here; that this world's local goddess - Lavielle - was most likely the culprit, though her intention was noble, protecting her people from those who'd do them harm, her methods were... questionable at best. "I'm unable to speak for others, but correct, I was taken here against my will. One moment, I was enjoying a friendly competition with that errant 'Ordinary Magician', and the next moment, I found myself here; with nothing on my person but the clothes I was already wearing..."
Remilia's words trailed off as if she had more to say, but for the moment, she paused, letting her crimson gaze turn at the Half-Phantom Gardener of the White Jade Tower first, "Yes, about that, while I'm flattered that you mentioned me in reference to powerful individuals, it appears that...." The shortest of the three Gensokyans sighed, quite harshly, "Whatever happened to you, Youmu, happened to me as well, and dare I say, even worse? Instead of almost being torn in half, the Scarlet Devil you now see before you is but a shell of her former self. I had to exert some effort just to slay a wolf who wanted to devour me... a wolf." Remilia believed that one example already served to illustrate just how far she had fallen. "This Lavielle, she ought to work on proper summon rituals first than anything else.."
However, much like Youmu, she agreed with the half-phantom's sentiments. What's done is done, now what she must do is focus on the future. Find a way to help these people and return home. Speaking of the former... "I suppose until that Human child wakes up, we have nothing further to discuss, and besides, I have a promise to keep." While Sanae was being all shiny-eyed at the Toa of Air and Youmu was figuratively tearing her hair out, Remilia proceeded to patrol the hunter's lodge, going from victim to victim, staunching bleedings and mending wounds as she did. I've never thought of myself as a healer, but there's a first time for everything, I suppose.
As she went about her task, Remilia could spare some attention to listen to what some of her fellow summonees had to say. Lewa had finally gotten the chance to elaborate his nature and the world he called home. As I expected, Sir Lewa is some sort of Guardian Spirit, or in his case, the Toa of Air, guardian of great jungle Le-wahi. Considering everything, it was no wonder Lavielle picked him, in fact, people like Lewa was just the perfect kind of individuals to choose. However, is it wise to rip him off from his homeland? What of the people he's supposed to protect? Remilia supposed the answer would be similar as to why she herself was ripped away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Lavielle, you… sigh.
Noticing Lewa's not-so-subtle display of good-natured bragging, Remilia chuckled in mirth, then decided to humor him, "Fascinating, you truly came from a wondrous world, Sir Lewa." She smirked, "I can only hope that we can be returned to our respective homes sooner than later; your siblings, your matoran, and Mata Nui must be missing you greatly."
Up next, the quiet and unassuming Human lad finally decided to speak up, introducing himself as 'Joker', someone who seemed to be no stranger to trans-universe shenanigans, a world hopper in other words, and he's accompanied by his large-and-in-charge spectral companion, whom he called 'Arsene'. "Well, at least one of us is used to this then, Sir Joker, I say that is a good development," Remilia chuckled once, "And I see that you are not alone, a pleasure, Sir Arsene." Remilia didn't know anything about Joker and Arsene beyond what she just heard, but from what she could see, they appeared to be people of significant power. I sincerely hope all that grandiose display isn't just some parlor tricks... for all of our sakes.
All the while, Remilia continued checking - and healing - every villager within her reach with her blood magic, utterly crippled it might be, it's better than nothing.
Welcome! Honestly, the term artificering is new to me and I have no idea how it will be played out in the RP. Does it mean your character combines two magic spells into another incarnation, or they craft items with magical properties?
The latter, it's a fancy term to describe "magical blacksmith". Two popular franchises that feature them regularly are Dungeons & Dragons and Final Fantasy, perhaps under different terms but the core principle remains the same
For your convenience, here's a link to the D&D version: Link.
A mysterious girl who suddenly appeared in the city of Los Angeles, USA in the early 21st Century AD. She identified herself as 'Alice' and superficially appeared to be a young girl in her early-to-mid adolescence. Although upon closer inspection, and provided Alice wasn't trying to disguise herself, one could notice a few oddities about her. Her irises looked more similar to a digital projection than normal human eyes, her fair unblemished skin seemed too perfect, and most glaringly of all, the holographic projection of pixel-esque shapes floating a few inches above her scalp.
In truth, Alice hailed from a parallel universe distinct from Earth's own, specifically from 'Arret', a terrestrial planet not unlike that of Earth. However, most civilizations on Arret had progressed far beyond even the most developed nations on Earth in terms of technology. Things that'd be considered firmly within the realms of sci-fi were no fiction at all for the people of Arret; teleporters, universal panacea, FTL, and precise gene tailoring were but a few of their wonders. However, no matter how miraculously advanced civilizations were, one thing always remained true, whether here or there, war never changes...
On Arret, supranational unions waged war with one another, each vying for complete supremacy. These multinational blocs were mostly equal with one another, leading to a seemingly-endless conflict that had spanned for so long, global conflict became ubiquitous for the people of Arret.
Alice was born-... no, made in Xaltha, one of the Arretian superpower blocs. She's a synthetic cyborg, a peerless amalgamation of organic biology and mechanical apparatus, state-of-the-art living weapons manufactured by the supranational government under the top secret project dubbed 'Wonderland'. Essentially designer-baby clones augmented with bleeding edge cybernetics, each 'Alice' was a veritable weapon of mass destruction, capable of inflicting catastrophic devastation through psychically manipulating the fabric of space-time, all packaged in the facsimile of a young girl.
They were so deadly that multiple failsafes were implemented to keep them in line, but at the crux of it all was the 'Red Queen', an artificial superintelligence specifically designed to act as the Alices' handler. The Red Queen - under directives from the highest echelons of Xaltha's government - managed the Alices like some sort of hive mind overlord: imposing mental conditioning, suppressing or amplifying certain bodily functions, sealing or unsealing their psychokinetic powers, etc. All in all, the semi-sentient AI made sure each Alice stayed obedient to their puppetmasters, keeping a stranglehold around their figurative strings.
However, what would happen if one of them became lost in an entirely different universe, one far outside the Red Queen's domain? Twas' exactly what one Earthborne fashion empire heir would find out soon enough...
Hailing from the mighty Konigsburg Empire, Karmilla von Feuerstein belonged to its prestigious royal family as an imperial princess, 3rd child of the reigning emperor and empress and also 3rd in the line of succession, which was an unfortunate fact as far as she was concerned. Ever since an early age, Karmilla wholly believed that she should be the crown princess instead of her older siblings for she was the most able to lead Konigsburg into a golden age. Alas, primogeniture succession laws favored seniority over merits and no matter how much she tried to convince the council otherwise, it quickly became an exercise in futility... unless, if she could gain enough influence and power to bend even the empire's laws, then perhaps things weren't so futile after all.
With this ultimate goal in mind, Karmilla - or Millie as she was often called in casual settings - set out as an adventurer, to prove to the world that she could stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the greatest legends and heroes history had ever seen. The imperial crown was her birthright, her destiny, and no one would deny it from her. No one.
Ardently ambitious and incredibly strong-willed, Millie often came off as overbearing for most people, leading to issues when it came to partnering with other adventurers, as naturally, fellow adventurers often stood as equals, a notion that the imperious princess had trouble adapting to. After all, unlike the empire's servants and soldiers, they weren't beholden by duty to serve her.
On the flipside, hiding behind the autocratic domineering persona lied an insecure girl who simply wanted to prove her worth. Contrary to what the common people might believe, life as a royal was anything but easy; politics, court intrigue, and noblesse oblige were but a few of the things to consider. Millie learned quickly that showing weakness is unwise and trust is a rare commodity, pushing her to bury her softer side deep inside.
In battle, Millie wields an elegant rapier, but her greatest - and most dangerous - skill lies in her prodigious talents with the Enchantment School of Magic. She has a knack for manipulating minds, in both subtle and overt manner. This coupled with her Mystic Eyes of Enchantment allowed the redheaded princess to beguile those who so much gazed into her fierce amethyst eyes. However, care must still be exercised as most people aren't too keen on having their mind toyed with, and some monsters are either too simple-minded or alien to even be affected in the first place.
I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
[h3]7/8 Weeb[/h3]
...[s]kill me.[/s]
[sub][i]Avatar drawn by [url=https://www.patreon.com/vayreceane]Vayreceane[/url][/i][/sub]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so... <br><div class="bb-h3">7/8 Weeb</div><br>...<span class="bb-s">kill me.</span><br><br><sub><span class="bb-i">Avatar drawn by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="https://www.patreon.com/vayreceane">Vayreceane</a></span></sub></div>