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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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Y'know what, screw it, I'll go ahead and post the other CSs I've put together for this setting. I know they're not going to be approved for use or anything, I've just been having a blast fitting my OCs into the framework of this RP and don't want to keep all this work to myself. I don't expect anyone to read through these unless they just like reading CSes for fun.

I do, so I read them. :)
@Mas Bagus @A5G Up for review, Bosses!

UPDATE: Approved via Discord.

--Ruined Village - Hunter's Lodge--

As soon as the Moriya Miko began her explanation, Remilia was all ears, listening to every single word spoken by the green-haired girl, making sure to not miss even a single syllable. "Hmmm..." The vampiress thoughtfully rubbed her chin, finding Sanae's story to align with what Rayne and Lewa had told her over the course of their short journey here; that this world's local goddess - Lavielle - was most likely the culprit, though her intention was noble, protecting her people from those who'd do them harm, her methods were... questionable at best. "I'm unable to speak for others, but correct, I was taken here against my will. One moment, I was enjoying a friendly competition with that errant 'Ordinary Magician', and the next moment, I found myself here; with nothing on my person but the clothes I was already wearing..."

Remilia's words trailed off as if she had more to say, but for the moment, she paused, letting her crimson gaze turn at the Half-Phantom Gardener of the White Jade Tower first, "Yes, about that, while I'm flattered that you mentioned me in reference to powerful individuals, it appears that...." The shortest of the three Gensokyans sighed, quite harshly, "Whatever happened to you, Youmu, happened to me as well, and dare I say, even worse? Instead of almost being torn in half, the Scarlet Devil you now see before you is but a shell of her former self. I had to exert some effort just to slay a wolf who wanted to devour me... a wolf." Remilia believed that one example already served to illustrate just how far she had fallen. "This Lavielle, she ought to work on proper summon rituals first than anything else.."

However, much like Youmu, she agreed with the half-phantom's sentiments. What's done is done, now what she must do is focus on the future. Find a way to help these people and return home. Speaking of the former... "I suppose until that Human child wakes up, we have nothing further to discuss, and besides, I have a promise to keep." While Sanae was being all shiny-eyed at the Toa of Air and Youmu was figuratively tearing her hair out, Remilia proceeded to patrol the hunter's lodge, going from victim to victim, staunching bleedings and mending wounds as she did. I've never thought of myself as a healer, but there's a first time for everything, I suppose.

As she went about her task, Remilia could spare some attention to listen to what some of her fellow summonees had to say. Lewa had finally gotten the chance to elaborate his nature and the world he called home. As I expected, Sir Lewa is some sort of Guardian Spirit, or in his case, the Toa of Air, guardian of great jungle Le-wahi. Considering everything, it was no wonder Lavielle picked him, in fact, people like Lewa was just the perfect kind of individuals to choose. However, is it wise to rip him off from his homeland? What of the people he's supposed to protect? Remilia supposed the answer would be similar as to why she herself was ripped away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Lavielle, you… sigh.

Noticing Lewa's not-so-subtle display of good-natured bragging, Remilia chuckled in mirth, then decided to humor him, "Fascinating, you truly came from a wondrous world, Sir Lewa." She smirked, "I can only hope that we can be returned to our respective homes sooner than later; your siblings, your matoran, and Mata Nui must be missing you greatly."

Up next, the quiet and unassuming Human lad finally decided to speak up, introducing himself as 'Joker', someone who seemed to be no stranger to trans-universe shenanigans, a world hopper in other words, and he's accompanied by his large-and-in-charge spectral companion, whom he called 'Arsene'. "Well, at least one of us is used to this then, Sir Joker, I say that is a good development," Remilia chuckled once, "And I see that you are not alone, a pleasure, Sir Arsene." Remilia didn't know anything about Joker and Arsene beyond what she just heard, but from what she could see, they appeared to be people of significant power. I sincerely hope all that grandiose display isn't just some parlor tricks... for all of our sakes.

All the while, Remilia continued checking - and healing - every villager within her reach with her blood magic, utterly crippled it might be, it's better than nothing.

@PKMNB0Y @VItaVitaAR @Lugubrious @EchoWolff
@Mas Bagus @A5G Noted, Bosses! Well, I'm not planning anything super complicated myself.

And I regularly use Discord so I may as well just hop on there first. See ya soon!
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Honestly, the term artificering is new to me and I have no idea how it will be played out in the RP. Does it mean your character combines two magic spells into another incarnation, or they craft items with magical properties?

The latter, it's a fancy term to describe "magical blacksmith". Two popular franchises that feature them regularly are Dungeons & Dragons and Final Fantasy, perhaps under different terms but the core principle remains the same

For your convenience, here's a link to the D&D version: Link.
This doth look dope, Mas Bagus. I'm pinning my interest here.

I've been wanting to play a young genius prodigy sort of character, like Mozart, but with all things artificering (basically magical crafting).
@WhiteAngel25 Made the requested edits, Boss! How does the CS look now?
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