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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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Hmmm... quite unfortunate that in either cases, the main selling points of those character concepts are unavailable to be implemented.

For the first one, the royalty part. I want to play royalty, not nobility, that is the selling point.

For both of them, the fact that the universe is similar to the Dragon Age games when it comes to treating mages somehow escaped me. My bad, I wouldn't have even considered playing mages had I known I have to deal with DA's Circle of Magi-esque issues.

With that said, I'll try one more time, is it possible to go with the first idea, eschewing the mage part but keeping the royalty aspect? If not, then it's wiser to accept that I likely won't have fun even if I can make a suitable character and rescind my interest.
@Izurich Sure! Go ahead and make a character sheet.

Alright, after re-reading the premise again, I've come up with two character ideas that I feel would be interesting for me to play:

1. The Half-Elvian daughter of an Elvian father and a Human mother, the former was an Evergreenian who decided to wander while the latter was a Volenstul royalty (One of the Emperor's children, but preferably far down in the line of succession). They met and fell in love at the Ellezag Plains. Their daughter inherited her father's Elvian nimbleness and dexterity and her mother's vast magical talents (in particular, the School of Enchantment), talents cultivated by her parents themselves and the best tutors money could buy.

However, one day, as the plague ravaged through the lands, her father left to attend to his family back in Evergreen Forest, promising to return as soon as possible, however, he never did. To make things worse, shortly after, her mother vanished as well without any clear reason, though the prevailing theory was her being worried sick and chasing after her husband. This sudden exodus left the princess - their one and only daughter - alone. A particularly precocious child who was wise beyond her years, the princess had no intention of staying put. She'd find her parents at all costs, even if she had to turn every stone in the empire, she will make her family whole again.

Conceptually, the princess is the more social-focused character of the pair.

2. A genius Apprentice Witch (Race would be any except Dwarf or Orc) whose mentor went missing after the plague incident, leaving behind a note that basically told her apprentice to stay and wait for her return. The apprentice - being the curious eccentric genius that she was - had no intention of obeying the instructions, instead seeing the note as a "test" by her mentor to track her down. Being a dedicated spellcaster of Wizard-like persuasion, she's skilled in various Schools of Magic, but Evocation in particular stoked her passions that no other Schools can.

Conceptually, the apprentice witch is the more combat-focused character of the pair.

Whaddya think, Boss? 😁
Greetings, adventurers!

The premise looks pretty neat, and I've recently finished a playthrough of Baldur's Gate III as well so I'm the mood for some High Fantasy.

Therefore, I'm pinning my interest here, let's see if I can make a suitable PC for the RP that I'll also find interesting to write. Update: I couldn't, c'est la vie.

--Nagano Prefecture - Abandoned Mansion--

Regardless if it was a deliberate decision on her part or not, Mae was wise to not prepare an additional charm for Teratoma. If she had, all she'd be doing is wasting the artifact as even though the Anomaly would gladly accept such an object, it’d be nothing but guaranteed to be carelessly dropped upon the first hostile encounter. Thus, unburdened by any foreign objects - charms included - the green-haired "girl" continued skipping forward without a care, marching alongside Arisa at the vanguard of the four-man group, leaving Mae, Otsuka, and Kawahara on overwatch duty.

"Hm~ hm~ hm~ Tera wonders how does the bad monster look like~?"

Speak of the devil and he'll come, or in this case, devils, as a troop of spectral ashigaru made themselves known, wielding teppou and yari both. "Oh!" After sniffing the air twice with her extraordinary sense of smell, Tera immediately craned her neck up toward the firearm-wielding wraith, and for the briefest of moments, the two Anomalies stared at each other. Then, with little delay, the ghostly musketeer pulled its index finger against the trigger...

A loud bang followed right after as the antiquated firearm sent forth a deadly projectile, aimed straight for the heterochromatic girl's forehead, the weapon that once brought the mighty Takeda Clan to its knees would now claim the life of a warrior of the 'Sefirot Clan'... or at least, that was the plan. Make no mistake, the spectre's aim was true, the bullet did hit; it penetrated Tera's skin, drilling its way into her skull, piercing living tissue... but all it achieved was creating a small hole on her forehead. Upon closer inspection, there wasn't even any discharge of brain matter, nor skull bone, merely minute splotches of rubbery flesh before the wound flawlessly mended itself as if nothing had happened in the first place. No warrior was slain, truly, the only thing that the ghostly gunner achieved was pissing off an otherwise happy-go-lucky Anomaly.

"Ow..." Tera grumbled under her breath as a rather sizable pout bulged at her right cheek. Frowning in childish vindication, the girl's hair suddenly snapped upward as if it moved like a prehensile limb, in fact, the further it traveled, the more it appeared like a single huge red tentacle instead of a collection of green locks. The hair-turned-tentacle proceeded to wrap around the sniper's armored torso in a vice-like grip before snapping back, pulling the now-restrained wraith toward her. "Bad monster..." Tera murmured as her mismatched eyes leered at the pair of glowing red dots... before she tightened, crushing the sniper like a twig, armor and all.

Her vengeance satisfied, Tera's 'hairtacle' proceeded to toss whatever remained of the gunner like trash, her immediate attention having been taken by the rest of its cohorts, who were charging at her beloved friends with pointy metal sticks. That was proof enough that all of them were bad monsters, and bad monsters needed to be punished!

"PUNISHMENT!" The Fleshweaver bellowed with a boisterous war cry as she leapt forward, then mid-air, her humanoid form started regressing. By the time she - it - crash-landed on top of one of the yari ashigaru, there was a mass of tentacled, many-eyed, and maw-ridden red flesh instead of a young girl. "RrRaAaAagGhH!" Thus, it proceeded to battle against some of the ghastly soldiers; tentacles and teeth clashing with spears and armor. Unfortunately, these were merely wraiths bearing the facsimile of an ashigaru, which meant A-188's eldritch true shape seemingly had no adverse psychological effects on the presumably-mindless drones, but no matter, it'd punish them all the same!

@Raineh Daze @Eisenhorn @Rune_Alchemist @VitaVitaAR

--Golden Platter Casino - Parking Lot--

Pax Septimus... The so-called City of Blood, a den of scum and villainy where otherworldly creatures preyed upon His children, running rampant without care as they desecrated all that was good and holy, the Devil's agents set upon Earth to rape, torture, and murder. Knowing these, Angelie was anything but surprised that she'd eventually be assigned here, God's divine mission ordained upon her through GEMINI, for surely He wouldn't let His faithfuls continue to suffer, not after what the ironically-named 'Holy Diver', that bloodsucking monstrosity, and all of their ilk had wrought upon the city. Then, as if those weren't providence enough, her very first mission ever since arriving at this hellhole was to eliminate mobsters, weretiger mobsters...

... In a rather unusual display of reticence from the normally boisterous and energetic esper, the blonde girl sat in restless silence even as she gazed absentmindedly toward the minivan's passenger window, amber eyes reflecting the street lights of Pax Septimus. She knew what she and her fellow agents must do, she knew that innocent lives were at stake, and she also knew that a proper operative shouldn't let their heart reign over their mind, yet still... Ellie would be committing the sin of falsehood if she claimed otherwise. Dad, are you watching? Is this what you want? She had no concrete proof that Big Tony - or any of the mobsters really - was the one who murdered her father, but she felt it, deep in her soul, that the killer was among them, they must be.

Calm down, Ellie, calm down, don't screw this up or you'll add even more victims to that bastard's list. While she wouldn't mind reuniting with her dad in heaven when her time is due, she had a solid inkling that being killed by weretiger mobsters isn't it. Yes, she'd do this mission, give her departed father his due justice, and put the nightmare behind her once and for all. So I can look to the future, where I can do even more good in Your name, Lord.

"What are we doing, leader?"

"Eh-...?" So occupied with her thoughts, the blonde failed to realize that they had arrived at the target location, up until Agent Mika Fang's quip that is. Blinking a few times to properly focus her mind to the matter at hand, Ellie turned her amber gaze toward the three other girls inside the vehicle, each and every one of them government-sanctioned espers.

First, the aforementioned Mika Fang, daughter of the late Su Fang a.k.a. Breacher. If only I was there... then maybe I could've saved this girl from experiencing the same tragedy as I did. She might not have been there for either her father or Mika's mother, but she was here now, ready to prevent the creation of more orphans.

Second, Agent Estelle Page, Witch Hunter of the Far West, one of the two frontliner espers in the group along with Mika. An ex-Freelancer who wields an indestructible katana, huh? But aside from her dossier, Ellie didn't know anything else about her as she had never worked with the ice-haired esper before, but knowing Dr. Moller vouched for her was good enough. Besides, the same can be said for myself as far as she’s concerned.

Then last but not least, the squad's designated leader, Agent Ashley Avenir the Knight of Tomorrow. She was one of the brave souls who battled the unholy beast and the bloodfeeder... As the most experienced esper amongst the squad when it came to anything Pax Septimus, Ellie would be surprised instead if she was not made squad leader.

Between Ashley's emerald photons, Mika's bestial claws, Estelle's invincible blade, and Angelie’s sacred bullets, they'd lay down divine punishment to those literal monsters.

Mentally clearing her throat, Ellie briefly closed her eyes before opening them back up along with a wide grin, "What Clawdia here said! What's our next move, Laser~?"" the blonde added, shutting only her right eye in an extended wink.

@BrokenPromise @Ponn @ERode

Hello! I was browsing the topics and came across this RP, and I really like the modern setting and the really well thought out power system on offer here. Is this still open for character submissions?

Yes! 🥳

--??? - Town Outskirts--

As the Scarlet Devil trekked through the forest under the pouring rain alongside the Toa of Air and the Knight Witch, while the two petite individuals were overwhelmingly towered over by Lewa, unfortunately, his hands were busy escorting Elaine and her baby and thus, as much as Remilia wished he could use his impressive bulk to shelter her instead, she knew where their priorities should lie.

Well, at least Rayne provided a much-needed distraction, better to focus her mind on more important matters than this damnable downpour, "Considering Sanae arrived here first even though we hailed from the same land, I'm confident that for one reason or another, I was a late arrival." The lilac-haired vampiress pretty much confirmed the snow-haired halfling's inquiry, "I see... how peculiar." Remilia slowly rubbed her chin, pondering over the Knight Witch's revelation regarding the possible reason why this 'incident' happened in the first place. Raven Heralds... were they those corpses that I found myself in the middle of? It sounds plausible. As for this... 'goddess', Lavielle, she said, I do not recognize the name, so, does this mean it's not Kanako, nor Suwako's doing after all? Which means, my hypothesis that Sanae and the Moriya Shrine being the culprit is unlikely to be accurate.

If indeed there was a foreign deity capable of abducting those protected within the Great Hakurei Barrier, either this Lavielle was even more powerful than Yukari - the de facto God of Gensoyko - or that damned mischievous overgod allowed it, Remilia wasn't sure which possibility was worse than the other. Regardless, one thing could be confirmed as fact, that they were all here now, individuals of all walks of life and origins, pulled into this foreign world from their respective home realms. "So it seems, Lady Rayne, we're all abducted here, and if your story is proven to be true, by this Lavielle deity. To save them? Heh... well, that at least explains her choice of abductees, I suppose."

As for the rest of the trip, while Remilia would normally prefer to experience an interesting event or two, her current condition dictated otherwise, not to mention the helpless civilians with them.

--??? - Hunter's Lodge--

Arriving at the village, the trio plus their escorts were led inside the Hunter's Lodge by a curious individual, a tall woman of imposing physique with long maroon brown hair and fierce emerald eyes. Though she definitely looked worse for wear, even from a cursory glance, Remilia could tell that she was a fighter, likely one of the combat-capable individuals called here by the goddess to deliver them from the Raven Heralds. A potential ally in their quest to return to their respective homes? Quite likely, but proper pleasantries could be exchanged later, right now, there's a shrine maiden she ought to... courteously socialize with.

While Lewa handled the return of Elaine and her child to Marcus, Remilia took note of the injured humans - victims of the raid - and how they appeared to be stable for the most part, and alongside them, more of her "kind", as in abductees from other worlds; a tall female oni(?) with long ashen hair and a presence as intimidating as the maroon-haired human, a dark-haired male human with a silently observant gaze wearing stylish apparel, and an albino human child with soft verdant eyes. None of them appeared to be in a critical condition, Sanae's work it seems, well, her and anyone else who may be capable of healing. With that in mind, Remilia decided that there weren’t any on-going emergencies, she could attend to them later, for now, answers.

Turning toward the distinctive combination of long green hair, serpentine and amphibian hair accessories, and miko outfit, Remilia finally located the wayward shrine maiden, but in a stroke of rather pleasant surprise, another as well...

”Well, well, well, who do we have here~?”

Being perfectly honest, while the Scarlet Devil expected another Gensokyan abductee other than Sanae and herself, the Half-Phantom Gardener of the Netherworld Princess was not really high on the list, she'd have preferred someone more personal; Flan, Sakuya, Patchouli, Meiling, and hell, even Marisa, but she figured expecting some kind of pattern would be asking too much from the kidnapper goddess. At least, she had now confirmed with her very own eyes that Sanae was here, and Youmu too, she supposed.

"Hmm~? What is the matter, o' scions of the Moriya Shrine and the White Jade Tower, are you - perhaps - not expecting my presence here?" Seeing familiar faces, with both of them being individuals whom Remilia saw as being many centuries her junior, tempted the Scarlet Devil to revel in her sense of seniority for a bit, "Why yes, tis' I, Remilia of House Scarlet, Mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, in the flesh." She curtsied for a moment before her wings flapped once as she shifted into a sitting pose mid-air, as if she was seated on an invisible throne, one clasped hand held against her chin, "I've promised Lady Rayne and Sir Lewa that I'd assist you in caring for the injured so do make this quick, Sanae," The vampiress spoke, her otherwise regal tone carrying signs of frustration and desperation bubbling just underneath the surface, "What do you know about the goddess Lavielle? Why were we - out of countless others - chosen? And last but certainly not least, how do we return home?"

@DracoLunaris @Lugubrious @PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR @Drifting Pollen @Raineh Daze @EchoWolff

--Branch-092 Facility - Containment Wing--


A voice, speaking something into her ears, but it didn't sound like sis... must be one of her other family members then, Tera's half-asleep mind couldn't help but wonder who it is?

"C'mon, wakey wakey, sleepyhead, we have a job to do!"

"Mmmngh...~" The young girl stirred at the rather insistent voice, followed by locks of green hair moving like prehensile limbs to slowly rub her eyes while her arms remained as they were, clutching the steak-shaped pillow. Then, in a show of owl-like flexibility, the petite girl turned her head almost 180 degrees to the back, facing the one who awakened her without as much as moving the rest of her body, "Oh... it's Kawahara, mmm...~ did Kawahara say something about a job?"

Due to the combination of experience and having prior knowledge that the "young girl" she was talking to was actually an eldritch entity summoned from a lovecraftian realm, Agent Kawahara - the one assigned to 'fetch' A-188 for the mission ahead - didn't break her composure, nor so much as flinch, keeping up the motherly persona with deft efficiency, "Yep! There's a bad, baaaad monster running around in a mansion, it has killed three good people so far, and we need to stop this naughty thing from killing even more!" The female agent explained, practically relaying the important points of the briefing to the Anomaly, "So, can you help us, Tera~? Pleaaaase~"

"Ooooh~" Upon hearing what basically amounted to an assignment disguised as a request, Tera's face lit up as she fully woke up, her body contorting unnaturally for a brief moment as she came to a standing position beside the bed, "Un, un! Of course Tera will help! Bad monsters need to be punished by good people after all, and Tera is a good girl!" The green-haired girl puffed up her chest as she huffed proudly.

"Hehehe~ that you are, Tera~" The tangerine-haired agent giggled as she began stroking Tera's head, Her "hair" does really feel like... hair, even though I know it isn't, heh, the lovecraftian doppelganger, huh? She retracted her hand after a moment, nodding gingerly, "C'mon, let's go!"

"Okaaay~" Like the good girl she was, Tera made no protest as she began skipping after Agent Kawahara.

--Nagano Prefecture - Abandoned Mansion--

The sun was already in the process of abdicating its reign to the moon by the time the group of agents arrived at the designated mission location, an abandoned traditional-style mansion once owned by Takemura Genjiro. There were ten of them; two assigned on perimeter overwatch while the rest would enter the mansion, Anomaly-188 was among the latter.

"Mmm...~" After she hopped out of Agent Yakumo's portal, the Fleshweaver took a moment to examine the group that'd catch the bad monster together, "Kuwahara, Otsuka, Sakura, Arisa, Numako & Inky Eel, Masaru, Yuuma, Jinhai, Mae, and Tera herself, of course! Ehehehe~" The heterochromatic girl nodded, mostly to herself, seemingly satisfied at the impromptu roll call she just did.

"Okay, Kawahara, Otsuka, see you later~" Tera grinned with a few waves of her hand at the two agents stationed for reserve, then she faced the rest of the 'good people' with a wide nonchalant grin, "Let's go, friends!" Without further ado, the second-shortest - poor Sakura... - agent in the group proceeded to skip forward, and whether deliberately or not, positioned herself at the frontmost of the party, acting as vanguard. In hindsight, knowing what the unidentified Anomaly had already done to its victims, it would be best for the Fleshweaver - with her almost complete lack of vital spots and healing factor - to endure the first blow, unless of course, there was someone else here capable of functioning without a brain or a heart.

@VitaVitaAR @Raineh Daze @PKMNB0Y @Psyker Landshark @Rune_Alchemist @Eisenhorn @OwO
Sorry everyone, but I think I'm gonna drop for now. I'm just not feeling this one, honestly. Thank you for letting me come aboard anyway, even if it was only for a short while. I might come back later if my interest is renewed, but it won't be with Alucard.

Instead, I'm just gonna have our dhampir drift away. Farewell everyone, for now at least.

Awww, such a shame that we won't explore the potential shenanigans with our respective vampiric chars, but I understand, interest isn't something that can be forced, if you must drop, then so be it.

Farewell and good tidings in your other RPs, Vlad! See you again sooner or later. 😎
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