The daughter of a pair of farmers, Melisandre - unlike the rest of her siblings - had always been particularly eager to be something more than a simple farmhand. Ever since she was but a child, palpable wanderlust could be seen in her eyes, matching her boundless curiosity to see all the world had to offer, its wonders and horrors both. As such, it came to no one's surprise that when she came of age, Melisandre decided to be an adventurer. Using her personal life savings, she invested into a decent set of gear then set off to the whole wide world, promising to her family that she'd visit from time to time.
Her first foray into the career was anything but smooth sailing, she encountered challenges after challenges along the way, but she expected it, adventuring wasn't exactly a safe career choice after all. Fortunately, her sharp wit and talent in swordsmanship managed to pull her through every time... until it wasn't.
After a rescue job gone wrong, the rookie adventurer found herself defeated by a group of bandits that she had been hunting for some time. Then, they noticed something that the young woman herself was oblivious about, that she was quite the beauty, possessing bluish silver hair and matching eyes framing a comely visage, those coupled with her fit and slim physique meant that she'd sell quite well in the black market. Thus, they decided to capture her and keep her around as one of their ill-gotten gains, sooner or later to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Melisandre endured the next few weeks as the group's prisoner, and aside from being stripped and put into rags, shackled, and caged like some wild animal, she was left untouched and kept healthy, no doubt due to the lowlives wanting to preserve her "value" more so than the kindness of their hearts. This would soon prove to be their undoing as one night, the captive found a prime opportunity to slip away...
Her first foray into the career was anything but smooth sailing, she encountered challenges after challenges along the way, but she expected it, adventuring wasn't exactly a safe career choice after all. Fortunately, her sharp wit and talent in swordsmanship managed to pull her through every time... until it wasn't.
After a rescue job gone wrong, the rookie adventurer found herself defeated by a group of bandits that she had been hunting for some time. Then, they noticed something that the young woman herself was oblivious about, that she was quite the beauty, possessing bluish silver hair and matching eyes framing a comely visage, those coupled with her fit and slim physique meant that she'd sell quite well in the black market. Thus, they decided to capture her and keep her around as one of their ill-gotten gains, sooner or later to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Melisandre endured the next few weeks as the group's prisoner, and aside from being stripped and put into rags, shackled, and caged like some wild animal, she was left untouched and kept healthy, no doubt due to the lowlives wanting to preserve her "value" more so than the kindness of their hearts. This would soon prove to be their undoing as one night, the captive found a prime opportunity to slip away...