Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

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<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Honestly, very fair and thank you for wording it so respectfully.

In what ways do you see this potentially censoring your creativity? I'm trying to understand, I guess, what the real question is here? I think, from my perspective, I'd just like to be careful about portraying minors because they are so young. Not that I think anyone would portray them in a bad/poor way. Hmm...

When you say characters are story telling tools, what do you mean by that?

Thank you in return for being patient and not make wild assumptions when I brought up these kind of topics.

To make long story short, essentially, I do not put fictional minors on a pedestal, I don't see them as deserving any special treatment, I enjoy stories that does not tip-toe around the fact that all sorts of things can happen to people, just people, regardless of age.

If a story strays away from gore, sexual matters, or other heavy stuff on a meta-narrative level because the author wishes to maintain a certain atmosphere, then that's fine, but if the story does so specifically because the characters aren't adults? Then... I'll respectfully disagree and will live and let live, I do not agree with such sentiments but I won't fault them for having those either, and in such situations, the best way to avoid needless conflict due to subjective preferences is to stay out of each other's way.
@HylianRose Hmmm, you made some good points, but I need to settle something with you to properly gauge whether I'll fit with the vibe of the RP or not.

Right now, to me, between this part:
I just think that, considering my own age, we need to be very careful and cognizant of how we are portraying minors.

Plus your rather extensive elaboration about limits, all tied to one aspect, the ages of these fictional characters, I have the feeling that we won't see eye-to-eye in how we see fictional characters as storytelling tools. Personally, I do not like to censor my creativity, but I understand that in a group RP, compromises and concessions are inevitable, so I just wish to know whether or not we're too different in the way we enjoy fiction.

If we don't, great, then we can work something out, but if not, I'd rather we find out now rather than later, save the both of us the potentially wasted effort and all that.
@ERode WHAMMO! Up for review.

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Color Code: 77bfef

--Nagano Prefecture - Abandoned Mansion--

Now that Agent Mae had joined the fray, the scales were tipped even further in Sefirot's favor as the now-five member squad of humans, anomalies, and anomalous humans simply plowed through the spectral facsimile of the sengoku era soldiers. The Fleshweaver performed her duty well, taking up the bulk of the attention while the Ex-Cop and Blazing Runeknight covered the left and right flank respectively, the three frontliners supported invaluably by the arcane might of the Possessed Drowner and the Changgwi Exorcist, altogether, they became living proofs why Branch-092 was considered as among the best in Sefirot.

However, powerful as they were, there were several good reasons why AMATERASU and the higher-ups decided to send so many agents to handle this particular anomaly, as they wouldn't simply keel over against an overwhelming force. Their foe - whoever or whatever they were - seemed to possess extraordinary versatility as it appeared to gradually adapt to the assailants. An example of that came in the form of a spectral warrior-monk, a twisted reenactment of Uesugi Kenshin's loyalists, the humanoid creature stood firm even against the mass of eldritch flesh who could so easily dispatch its ashigaru compatriots.

"RrRrGgHh?!" A mindbending abomination Teratoma might be in its current form, it still possessed the same pseudo-sapient mind as the green-haired young girl it often masqueraded as, thus, after a few clashes of teethed-tentacles against the monk's naginata, the fleshweaver stopped for a moment, then all of its randomly-scattered eyes turned to leer at its new adversary. "..." Before it began to... shift.

Did you know... that according to Shintoism, there's a certain creature that represents the corrupted form of immortality?

Whereas the Kami were divinely immortal, there was always the other side of the coin, the unholy dark to the divine light. After all, aren't evil spirits immortal too?

Among these blighted entities, one stood as the representation of their depraved deathlessness...

I will lay apart
Its carapace flaps and feel
Its innards to find
Why its trace remains inside
Like a phantom tumor

After a period of snapping bones, wriggling flesh, and clicking carapaces, an Ōmukade stood tall in front of the warrior-monk, its carapace black and gray while its head and tails remained in the same flesh-red as Teratoma's true form, its elongated form towering above the naginata-wielding wraith.

For a few tense seconds, the monk and the insectoid youkai stared at one another, naginata gripped harder as the latter's mandibles began clicking ominously. At first glance, it seemed obvious who was actually on the side of humanity. Shinto legends would tell them that the warrior-priest would be the one to slay the man-eating youkai, but alas, reality wasn't often so simple.

Thus, without a moment left to spare, the Oomukade snapped forward, giant mandibles poised to snap the warrior-monk in two, but the wraith responded, using its naginata to prevent the creature's jaws from closing further in. As they struggled against one another, the centipede's tail and body began wrapping around its foe in an effort to crush them, but unlike the ashigaru, the monk was swifter, stronger, it managed to disengage just in time, performing a backward somersault to avoid a terrible fate. Their stance reset, the two combatants charged once more, both of them knew that only one may leave this place intact, would it be the spectral priest or the eldritch centipede? Sooner or later, one would find out...

@Raineh Daze @VitaVitaAR @Eisenhorn @Rune_Alchemist @OwO

--Aventon - Forest Outskirts--

While the Knight-Witch was busy being the eyes in the sky for the villagers and their newfound allies, the hunting party continued to investigate the scene of the crime. "Hmm..." Remilia lowly hummed as she noticed the various scents she could gather, then began classifying them in her head. "I concur," the Scarlet Devil quipped at Youmu's hypothesis, "Several sizable creatures had made their marks here, we're dealing with a pack of… whatever they are." Then the Half-Phantom Gardener's inquiry to the hunter actually brought Remilia into a brief contemplation, Youkai? Hmmm... is it possible? Then again, who's to say that my kind only exists in Gensokyo? I can even use myself as an example, Flan and I weren't natives of the realm...

"Youkai are a family of both sapient and non-sapient species of creatures, Sir Derek," The vampiress explained matter-of-factly, "For an easy parallel, the term 'primate' consists of both you humans and those apes and monkeys, sapient and non-sapient, but primates nonetheless." This Derek person might be a human peasant, but he didn't appear to be intellectually-challenged so that should suffice, "In this particular case, indeed, I agree that we're dealing with the latter kind of creatures, or 'rahi' as Sir Lewa would classify them as."

@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR @Lugubrious @EchoWolff
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Treat the Stars as specks of light in the night sky rather than Suns from unfashionable distances away, and it works out for me. Extra funny to be star-aligned when God was killed by one huhuhu.

In that case, then I already have the perfect faceclaim for such a PC. 😎 Just waiting on that CS template.
Oh hey, this looks cool, sounds cool, overall very cool.

Regarding Domains, on a scale from War to Table Corners, how hipster is the Domain of Stars / Celestial Bodies?
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