Avatar of Izurich


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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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Please feel free to begin working on characters! I'm currently working on designing a spreadsheet that will make filling out the spreadsheet easier (at least in my mind) and will be posting that once I've finished.

Basically, you can fill out the sheet with the information and it will auto-input the data into the format for you. So you don't have to change the color for every single line.

Rose: I'm lazy.
Also Rose: but spreadsheets are fun.

Okay, Boss, I'll nab Alex's CS Code real quick and then begin repurposing them for my own. Work smart, not hard as they always say. 😎
Lol, fair enough. We can say characters should be between the ages of 15 and 17, unless otherwise approved by the GM.

Cool beanz, GM Rose.

Now, personally, I believe I've enough materials to work with to begin designing 2 CSs, one Noble and one Knight. Just need your green light.
Naw. Paladins are clueless, unless they have a specific skill that'd assist in that. Outside of a Paladin just flagrantly displaying things that are well beyond mortal capability (which everyone right now is fairly far away from), you wouldn't be able to really look into a crowd and know at a glance.

That being said, Followers of the same Domain as the Paladin would know 'em when they see 'em.

Okay, so generally:
Ichor-Blessed -> Ichor-Blessed: Ping
Ichor-Blessed -> Paladin: No Ping

Paladin -> Paladin: No Ping
Paladin -> Ichor-Blessed: No Ping

Follower -> Ichor-Blessed / Paladin: Ping if same domain, otherwise No Ping
When Ichor-Blessed see each other in person, they immediately recognize each others' game. They would not know each other's Domain unless it's physical obvious, and they would only have a vague sense of how divine each other are.

What about Paladins vs Paladins and Paladins vs Ichor-Blessed (and vice versa)? 🙂

--Golden Platter Casino - Main Floor--

If this was a Spaghetti Western movie, no bystanders would even dare to interrupt this deadly yet sacred ritual between two gunmen, alas, between the erroneous choice of firearm, anachronistic attire, and unorthodox environment, the only thing Spades and Angel's duel had in common with those cinema of olden days was the shooting. Perhaps this was why the Powers-That-Be didn't have any qualms to add yet another hitch in the form of Estelle's scabbard-beam, the nigh-instantaneous photonic projectile heading straight to McGraw's torso.

And Spades, being fully occupied by his redheaded rival as it was, had no time to respond as the Witch Hunter's Melody struck him right on his sides, inflicting a not-insignificant injury. This threw off his aim and caused the last few bullets to go wide. Oho! Chance! Angel flashed a shit-eating grin as she took the opportunity to steady her aim for a well-timed shot...

“Agents! Fall back to the elevator!” Ashley snapped over her communicator. “We can’t get bogged down here!”

Say whaaat?! Man, just as it was getting good too. Fine then, it looked like they had to cut the little charade short. Surveying her immediate surroundings, most especially what currently went on the second floor, the Messenger of Gunpowder quickly concocted a plan of action. Yes, she should be able to execute a maneuver that'd neutralize Spades and assist Estelle with her rabid weretiger problem in one fell swoop, hey, never say that she was the type of gal to ignore favors. "Roger that, Orion, I'll be there ASAP!" The winged esper barked back into the communicator even as she began ascending.

Once her fiery locks almost brushed against the ceiling, Angel performed a single forward somersault, and at that moment, the auric gust surrounding her seemed to coalesce at the center of her back... "Call yourself lucky today, man, coz’ this one's on the house!" Before she suddenly launched forward in a great burst of speed, her body posed in such a way so that her right leg was extended forward with the sole of her sneakers acting as the proverbial spearhead. The move that a certain pop culture-obsessed woman would recognize as a ‘Rider Kick’.

Propelled by her golden winds, Angel Rider - auric swirls trailing behind her like jet trails - would rapidly close the distance to Spades, then used all of that momentum to smash her sole right against his sternum, hopefully breaking a few ribs and knocking the winds out of him. Whether the gambit was successful or not, Angel didn't have the time to check as she immediately sprang to the air again, this time soaring over Crazy Loki. As she did, the gunner esper positioned herself as if she was skydiving, then aimed downward, right at Loki's furry scalp, "Hey, pussycat! Heads up!" before unleashing a literal rain of bullets at the monster. Eat divine fuckin' lead, abomination!

@BrokenPromise @Majora @ERode @Ponn

<Snipped quote by Izurich>

I'll wait for others to weigh in on that, but I'm okay with everyone starting as first years! Just means everyone will have to play a 16 year old character, unless they want to play someone who has been held back a year for whatever reason.

Took the words right out of my mouth, I think we can have a minus or plus one year wiggle room. Someone who entered the school earlier, right on 'schedule', or later, so then we'll have 15, 16, or 17 as PC age choices, quite the range if you ask me. Then, of course, they'll grow up over the course of the RP with each school year.

This isn't even including "outliers" such a genius prodigy who started really early or a delinquent who began quite late, both cases I've seen happened IRL.

All in all, I wouldn't worry about being too restrictive in IC age choices. Unless someone wants to play a 50-year-old first year or somethin'...
<Snipped quote by Izurich>

Hmm... I see your point. Maybe we have class rankings instead? That way 1st years compete with 1st years, etc.

I'm afraid it'll spread the playerbase too thin with that method, I say either we restrict the PCs to first years only then progress through the IC together, or we narrow the power level gap, or we do away with the "major/minor" distinction of the Skills section and just list each entry then judge them on a case-by-case basis.

Personally, I like the first one the most because it's both more convenient to organize OOCly and IC progression feels more tangible when the PCs advance into the next year.

Until the 4th years bully the 1st years when it comes to "off the books" situations and hell breaks loose without the teachers knowing. No one talks about Fight Club. The first rule of a fight club is no one talks about a fight club.

The Knight Club. 😎
4th year Knights may have one major and two minor. 3rd year Knights two minor. 2nd year Knights may have one minor. Nobles and 1st year Knights may have one minor.

With the context of such a significant power disparity between the years, most especially 4th years being a cut above everyone else, will all PCs being required to start as 1st years? Since dueling is a big part of the RP and unless anime protagonist shenanigans are pulled, I don't see a way anyone can compete with a 4th year PC unless they're a 4th year themself.

I deliberate exclude teachers from the equation because teachers are obviously meant to be a master at their craft, otherwise, they won't be a teacher in the first place lol.

--Aventon - Forest Outskirts--

After gathering what they could from their immediate surroundings, the hunters - and one ‘rahi befriender’ - continued the discussion about their quarry. First, Lewa explained what 'rahi' specifically meant, "I see," Remilia confirmed with a short chuckle, "So 'rahi' has a broader meaning than simply 'beasts', the term includes anything that's not a matoran. Hmm, neat." The vampiress had to admit, Lewa's vernacular vocabulary was quite interesting, she'd like to know more but alas, they had more pressing matters to attend, Perhaps later. Also, once we do encounter these beasts, I wonder if they really are bigger that those 'Ash Bears' he mentioned earlier. Whatever they were though, they certainly wouldn't be larger than the Hisoutensoku, not even close, else all of them could already see the things from all the way in Aventon.

Then, the young lad who had a sharply-dressed spectre companion inquired Derek about the creatures, in which the hunter replied with... information so generic, it actually didn't help much, but Remilia wouldn't fault him for it or anything, he was just a mere commoner. Eh. Remilia simply shrugged mentally, then turned her attention at the Moriya Miko, who suggested that they should split up to cover more grounds, A rather risky endeavor considering both Youmu and myself are heavily crippled, however... what's life without some risks, hmm~? "As I wasn't present when you fought those soldiers, I couldn't provide an assessment, however, at the end of the day, these troublesome beasts must be taken care of one way or another."

With that said, the time for talk was over.

With Sanae, Youmu, Joker, and Derek going off into other directions, and perhaps further splitting into two more sub-groups, Remilia found herself traveling once more with the "green hisoutensoku", but without the halfling knight-witch this time around. In great contrast to Lewa's mechanical whirs and stomps, Remilia's movements were almost silent in comparison, especially as she had opted to float a few inches above the ground instead shortly after they split off. "Sir Lewa," The Scarlet Devil spoke, briefly gazing up at the Toa of Air, "Once we encounter the 'rahi', I shall let you attempt to pacify the creature, as I had promised back in the lodge." In fact, she'd love to watch him try, it'd be quite a sight to see, or in other words, an amusing spectacle, "But should push comes to shove, you simply need to call my name and I shall come to your aid."

Meanwhile, using her extraordinary sense of smell, Remilia continued to track the creature's scent in addition to visually following its trail, which eventually led them to a... peculiar sight. "Ah, I see..." The lilac-haired youkai rubbed her chin in curious amusement, "A dire boar, for a lack of a better term. Herbivorous then? Presumably, at least." Without missing a beat, Remilia turned toward the verdant guardian of Mata-Nui, then elegantly gestured with her left arm toward the boar, as if saying, "Be my guest~".

@PKMNB0Y @VitaVitaAR @EchoWolff @Lugubrious

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