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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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<Snipped quote by Izurich>

That’s definitely an interesting idea for sure! W would you want to do this for an existing Heir in the RP or make your own? Either way you want to swing it, I have ideas for how to incorporate your character!

We should have a Discord link shot your way very soon. You’ll find it in your PMs

If there's an existing Heir that has ambitions, but also has moral standards, they may fit. Otherwise, I'll just make a new one to add to the NPC roster.


@Izurich Hey there! Yes. New applications are accepted.

Cool! Got an active discord invite link?

As for my PC idea, right now I'm thinking of a heavily-chromed bodyguard-maid of an Heirs faction member, she's suffering from mild 'Program Stasis' due to her extensively modified body. And oh, her signature weapon will be an exosuit that she can request to be sent to her via a drone, express delivery.
Oh hey, this looks dope, folks.

@TheNoCoKid @Pilatus Are you still accepting new applications, GMs? I'm interested.
Somewhere, someplace, at another point in time...

Evangelina wasn't like most children, ever since an early age, her gifted brilliance was apparent. She could speak full sentences even before her first birthday, and mastered concepts and knowledge years before her peers did. She was inarguably a bonafide genius, one of those rare few blessed with natural intellect far surpassing the common masses. Noticing their daughter's talents, her parents wasted no time in enrolling her into a special curriculum for gifted children, where their beloved Eve could hone her talents without being held back by her less shrewd peers.

Eve's intellectual endowments were only matched by her ambition, she was aware that not many could claim to share her aptitude for knowledge and the last thing she wanted was to squander such gifts with idleness. She wanted nothing more than to contribute to the nation she belonged to, the great Valheim Empire. One day, she'd stand side-by-side with the Empire's most distinguished scholars. As such, when she was scouted by none other than the esteemed Dr. Hojo as one of the select few to participate in his personal project, his 'magnum opus', she'd be a fool to refuse.

From those select few, even fewer survived the grueling qualification process, but Evangelina pulled through. She'd be working under Director Hojo's direct supervision, all she needed to do was sign the employment and NDA contracts. Well, she had come this far, why would she back down now? Sure, the clauses were strict, but why would anyone expect anything less from a top secret project? The young doctor was confident everything would be fine...

...or so she thought. Early in the project, it'd not be a lie to claim she had nothing but faith in their goals, but now, as she stood before a biofluid-filled tank containing the floating form of a young girl-... no, a scaled chimera held in stasis, she began to experience doubts as a part of her conscience questioned whether she was doing the right thing. Was this... thing even supposed to exist? No matter how she looked at her-... it, she couldn't convince herself in good faith that they hadn’t grossly violated the very sanctity of life itself. In their dogged pursuit of knowledge and breakthroughs, they had become so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't consider whether or not they should.

Then, as Dr. Eve struggled with the conflict between her ambition and her morals, the automatic doors behind her slid open, heralding the arrival of none other than her superior, Director Hojo.

"Ah, Director," Eve immediately assumed a professional demeanor, standing at attention and nodding politely at the older scientist, "It's a pleasure to see you here."

"Dr. Zhidkova..." Hojo approached her, carrying the ever-present aura of smug superiority with him, closing the distance between them before stopping beside her, gazing toward the only surviving subject of Project Grayscale, "Magnificent, isn’t it? I expect great results from you, Doctor, surely it's a matter of triviality for someone of your talents, hmm?" Director Hojo curled a smirk, someone deemed capable by the narcissistic scientist must be exceptional indeed, "Not to mention, you're the most compatible to handle this particular specimen." The dark-haired scientist proceeded to turn, heading toward the only exit of the containment chamber, "After all, it's modeled from your genes."

"Of course, Director, I'll not disappoint you." After Hojo left, the young researcher went silent, her knuckles trembling without she herself realizing it. This draconic monstrosity was her daughter and she her mother.

What have I done...?

--On the Road--

With the barriers erected and travel preparations done, Remilia departed from Aventon together with most of the Otherworders while a few stayed behind to protect Millie, Alvin, and the rest of the village. A wise decision if she could say so herself, after all, Millie might still be their best ticket home, unlike Sanae's summoning earlier, they needed a way to permanently remain at their destination. If something... unfortunate happened to the young girl, complications might crop up, regardless if one cared for her or not.

Right now, the Scarlet Devil was seated on top of the highest point of the caravan, whether it was a stack of goods or a particularly tall wagon, the vampiress had claimed it as her rightful throne. Her right hand was propping the side of her head as Remilia took in the scenery; the rolling hills and green plains, it reminded her of her old home in the Outside World. "Hmmm~ clear blue skies, fine scenery, if only I have a loyal maid to hold a parasol for me, haaa..." The lilac-haired youkai murmured to no one in particular, hoping that somehow, someway Sakuya would hear her and instantly spawn beside her, parasol in hand. No such thing ended up happening, regrettably.

"So, comrades!" Remilia raised her voice as she gazed down at her fellow abductees, "What shall be our plan once we reach the capital? I personally would fancy an audience with the reigning monarch, and from there, gain access to the royal library, perhaps with their head scribe accompanying me." Why? Obviously to research as much information as they could on both Lavielle and the Raven Heralds, "I'm a lady of noble blood, therefore, I am best suited among us for such an endeavor~"
Aaah, at this point of inacivity, I believe it's fair for me to put my interest on hold and set my sights on greener pastures.

Still, if our would-be GM one day returns, then I shall reconsider my interest, but even if not, let's hope we can write together in other roleplays, folks!
Oh! This looks neat. Unless I have a better idea down the line, right now, I'm thinking of coming up with a Kroca Bard!

And an alternate name for the gatekeeper sect, hmmm... what about 'The Archivists'? They hoard knowledge in their archives, hidden away from the common people.
In SPIRITUM 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

--Rassvet - Petrified Forest--

"...!" Outside of monitored experiments back at the Citadel, there weren't many instances where Valerie had to exert her power to the point of being pretty much incapable of doing anything else, still, it was at a time like this that Valerie's infinitely grateful there was at least one other person among the Barghests capable of functioning as a leader. With Justice at the helm, Valerie felt a bit more assured to risk pushing herself beyond safe limits.

Her teeth gritted as her wide-opened unblinking eyes and skin started showing the ugly signs of mist overdose. Her constricted pupils were jerking erratically as purple bloodshot veins pretty much covered more than half of her sclera, and her pale skin started becoming more and more violet in hue. Now, being too pale wasn't a good sign, but it sure as hell wasn't as worse as turning goddamned purple. If she succumbed to her body's demands, she'd disengage her power now.

However, she felt that even with Kalina's masterful defensive driving, Morden's rapid sabot fire, Gerard's telekinetic support, Silje's explosive countermeasures, Justice's deflecting barrier, and Collette's emotional support, even with all those, Valerie had the distinct feeling that if she stopped now, they'd all end up dead in a smoldering crater. So, there was no other choice, she had to push over her limits and accepted that she'd likely suffer from a certain condition all mist-users should dread, the one aptly called 'Mistburn'.

With each chaotic second passed in the speeding, swerving, and jostling mist-empowered truck, the worse Valerie's conditions became. Though for some inexplicable reason, their pursuers eventually gave up as the airship abruptly vanished with an otherworldly groan, sending no more bolts, nor warbots at the WARDENs. Regardless of the reason, by then, Valerie had passed her power's safe threshold, well past it.

As the truck slowed down to a crawl, "...ffffh..." a weak, pitiful hiss slipped out of her clenched teeth as the Nephilim disengaged her power, the vein growths swiftly receding from the vehicle, reverting its performance back to the old well-worn truck it originally was. "..." Then, Valerie spent almost half a minute in eerie, unmoving silence... "...!!" before she suddenly jerked up, her cheeks bulging slightly and a gloved right hand snapping up to cover her mouth while her left opened the nearest door. Immediately after, she lurched to the side, putting almost half of her upper body to hang out of the vehicle.

"Uuuuuurgh...!!" Without further ado, the petite WARDEN heaved and expelled concerning amounts of blood, glowing purple-red blood out of her mist-burned body and onto the uncaring ground below. The noises she made were unnervingly visceral as if she was on the verge of death - she certainly felt like that - but finally, after a combination of rough gasps and harsh coughs, Valerie pulled her shaking body back into the truck as trembling hands closed the door.

"..." The horned soldier's purple eyes were empty, now only half-conscious as she laid limp upon the passenger seat; her ethereal halo and wings had long since vanished. Yeah... best just to let her squadmates handle their next move for now, they could at least do that... right?
So to everyone, i'm sorry to say, that i'm thinking at this point to maybe cancel this game... it has been up for a while now, and though i appreciate the interest, nothing solidified, so mayhaps i'll try and open a game later down the road... idk... I'll still wait a couple more days or so, and then ask a mod to delete this post and the game page? who knows...

Take this with a grain of salt, but I believe a part of it is due to you encouraging the use of Chat GPT to write posts for you.

The way I see it, forum roleplaying involves writing as the core activity. In comparison, AI art is fine since images are simply garnish, but if you start using bots to replace parts or all of the writing too, why... even bother doing it in the first place?

But hey, I may be not making sense, in which case, that's fair too.

--Osprey - Kugane--

Facing any other foe, Eve might have raised an eyebrow at the peculiar way those gunners screamed as their souls were leaving their electrocuted charred body, alas, she had naught even a shred of pity for those who fought under the banner of Valheim. After confirming that all six gunners had been exterminated, she shifted her attention to the melee fighters, just in case her allies needed assistance, however, just as she predicted, through the combined expertise of Rudolf's deft swordplay and Esben's keen aim, the two Sollan managed to handle the six soldiers just fine. Now, the exit was clear.

"Affirmative." With a quick nod, Eve returned to formation once more, trailing behind Rudolf and Esben but in front of Izayoi and Hien.

Soon enough, the quintet broke their way out the side of the makeshift fortress, only to see the warship - Proudclad - looming over them like a guillotine. Out of the pan and into the fire, it seemed. "Tch..." Eve's hood was thrown back as one of the airship's projectiles landed too close for comfort, sending wind and debris their way. Hien's right, with those many cannons, it wouldn't take an experienced sailor to know that it was only a matter of time before one of those shots hit them. Was there something - anything - they could do? ...well, there's one thing they could try, but...

The eidolon chimera turned her ruby gaze at the Mystrel Samurai and her liege, frowning as Hien made the difficult decision to accept losing his people's lives to collateral damage. Then... "..." she silently yet firmly nodded at the ex-general, answering both of her questions in a single gesture, "Please inform Galahad to catch me after the deed is done." Anyone else would do, but if given the choice, the Dragoon was her best bet for a safe retrieval. With a final nod, the black mage immediately took off in the opposite direction of Esben, Rudolf, and the rest of the party.

The homunculus sprinted faster and faster, pushing her short legs to dash as swiftly as she could, and then, at the apex of her speed, her body began to be enveloped in uncanny prismatic flames, blazing in all seven colors of the rainbow, equal parts eerie and mesmerizing. "...!!" Consumed by the flames, her clothes disintegrated, leaving her body bare as she began to... shift.

First of thy kind. First amongst thy kind. Bahamut, King of All Dragons, grant me your power!

Suddenly, gravity no longer reigned over her as Eve-... no, Grayscale took off into the sky, leaving behind a plume of the same colorful flames. As the inferno cleared, one would bear witness to what could only be described as a twisted amalgamation of a dragon and a sollan soaring toward the vastness of aether; onyx scales, clawed limbs, a long plated tail, pale silver leather wings, and a majestic pair of golden horns, all accented by glowing crimson veins, the entity was more monster than person as it bore little resemblance to the Eve her comrades knew.

The Faux Bahamut kept gaining altitude as she dodged stray cannon fire from the airship, leaving a trail of prismatic flames behind her. Once almost high enough, she executed an immelmann maneuver, simultaneously gaining that last bit of altitude while positioning her front to be facing the warship's bow, right at eye-level with the crew stationed at Proudclad’s bridge.

She could see them, through the windows of the bridge, could see a few of them gazing back at her, and she wished they'd get a good look... for she would be the last thing they'll ever see!

"..." The scaled being took a deep breath... then unleashed a cacophonous roar much too powerful to be expected from a "dragon" this petite.

The venous patterns upon her body shone brighter as the dragoness gathered as much ether as she could to coalesce at her throat, "...!!" so much so that a buildup of prismatic magical energy could be seen even through her skin. She could feel it, the exertion upon her body, her very soul screaming at her to stop, to release it now, but no... not enough, more... more!

Grayscale pushed herself as further as she could, right before the point of no return, then activated her MP Turbo materia, and finally...


Unhinged her jaw as much as she could, unleashing a huge beam of all the seven colors of destruction. It tore through the air before finding its home right at Proudclad's hull. The warship's armor plating resisted valiantly for a few seconds before it shattered, allowing the beam to continue onward, wreaking havoc in the vessel's vulnerable interior, including her engines, fuel tanks, and ammunition storage. The crew caught in the direct path of the beam were vaporized nigh-instantly, but they should consider themselves lucky... for no sailor - no matter how brave - would wish to experience what transpired next.

Up in the sky, the flying warship was caught in multiple explosions from within, damaging her structure enough to cause her to literally split in twain. The two flaming, shattered chunks falling down akin to a pair of twin meteors, marking the demise of the once-proud airship, slain by the traitorous living weapon of her own people.

As for said traitor, "... ... ..." she knew this would happen, she had experienced it before, but as someone whose sleep didn't come naturally, she could never get used to it. Her consciousness rapidly dwindled, as swiftly as her transformation as the scaled beast reverted back to the Eve her allies knew her to be. Manaless, clothless, unconscious, and helplessly falling from the sky, it was now up to her comrades to decide if she'd live to see another day...
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