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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

Most Recent Posts

--Aventon - Southern Gate--

"Not willingly, but yes, I am." Remilia made a small shrug, then observed as Suwako seemed unable to recall who Mokou was, that or the two never met in the first place; Mokou wasn't exactly sociable, nor famous after all, but it was quickly fixed with a simple visual confirmation, "Marvelous, yes, furthermore, please tell everyone to correspond with the Scarlet Devil Mansion. I suspect Patchouli and the others are trying to reverse the abduction spell as we speak. It'll be wiser to coordinate our efforts together than otherwise." Now everything that needed to be said had been said, it was time for action.

Heh, in hindsight, this is a most favorable outcome. What's one botched duel compared to establishing a contact home? Ah, I only wish the others could say the same... Being torn from their homeworld and everyone they knew, it must be tough.

As Suwako went ahead to bless Sanae and got a few last parting words, Remilia finished up healing the wounded mercenaries, at least physically, alas, she couldn't do anything about their bruised egos, ailments of the psyche are more Lady Satori's expertise. That done, the vampiress expected the caravan to make good on their end of the deal and waive the fee of travelling with them, but as it turned out, the guard captain was more than honored to have them in the group, mmm... understandable.

"A pleasure to meet you, Sir Syldon Hest," The lilac-haired youkai performed her usual curtsy, Gensokyo or no, noblesse oblige must be maintained, "Why, please do not be too harsh on them, they did their utmost best." She giggled while slightly covering her lips with her right hand as the squad leader left to lecture his soldiers.

Naturally, she already knew most of the things Sanae was explaining to the group, but she listened nonetheless, just in case she missed a thing or two, any information that could facilitate interworld communication was crucial. "Then, I suppose pending further developments, your patron goddesses will be our only method of communicating with Gensokyo." Remilia concurred, performing a small nod, "Then please refrain from using your faith powers except for summoning them, unless it's absolutely necessary, leave the healing to me."
@MrSkimobile Eeeey, you got four votes on Neon Noir! 🥳

--Aventon - Village--

After the group arrived at the designated arena, Remilia floated off Frankenstein's oversized weapon and took a nice seat on a nearby tree branch, one high enough to provide her with an adequate vantage point over the makeshift ring. Ah, if only she had a glass of fine 'wine' at the moment, but she supposed this would do. Crossing one leg of the other with her left elbow resting on said leg and the corresponding hand propping up her chin, the Blood Mistress was ready to enjoy the performance. She certainly hoped these folks would be able to provide her with adequate amusement.

First, the Immortal Phoenix of the Bamboo Forest found herself facing a fellow human who towered over her, though the immediate juxtaposition meant nothing to someone like Remilia. Instead, she was curious just how the mercenary would handle Mokou's pesky flames, not to mention her being able to just reset herself should she go down for any reason. Apparently, the brawler opted to use simple brute force, like a certain gate guardian, and aim to pummel Mokou into submission.

The hourai immortal responded by peppering him with danmaku, treating the whole thing as if it's a spellcard-based duel as it's common in Gensokyo. Having encountered the white-haired pyromancer before during her trip to Eientei with Sakuya, Remilia already knew Mokou's tricks and well... twas' obvious that the brawler couldn't keep up, he folded after the phoenix executed that quirky possession-esque of hers. To be fair, she didn't expect him to be able to keep dodging until Mokou tired out like Sakuya did. And just like that, the duel ended.

"Mmm..." Remilia shrugged. Much like Mokou herself, she experienced little to no amusement, better to just move on to the next.

Second, it was the so-called Servant Berserker's turn to face off against yet another burly mercenary, except this one was stout and shorter than his opponent unlike the brawler from before. "Oh...~?" The Scarlet Devil quirked an intrigued eyebrow as Fran exhibited ample generosity, allowing her opponent to strike her three times without retaliation. Was this a display of courtesy, arrogance, or something in-between? Regardless, the opponent took it as an insult, but acquiesced nonetheless. Remilia glued her eyes to the ensuing scene, a delightful smirk curled at her lips as the dwarf hopelessly struck Fran with his hammer to no avail, getting more and more frustrated with each ineffective blow.

Impressive~ very impressive~ It was clear now that Fran was sturdier than Sanae, Youmu, and Mokou; she was curious how the peach-haired macewoman would fare against Meiling, but for now, she enjoyed the sight of Fran shattering the mercenary's hammer then clobbering him literally into the ground with her bare hand. Now, while this wasn't a proper duel, it was still amusing nonetheless. Still, she hoped the next match would fit into the definition more.

Third, it was the Astral Projector lad's turn to face against a fellow dagger-using fighter, though it remained to be seen if the latter could summon a guardian spirit as well. As the two fought, Remilia finally got her wish of watching a proper duel, the two were seemingly evenly matched, maybe favoring Joker ever so slightly... up until he summoned his menacing tengu-like guardian spirit. Now the girl should respond in kind with her own astral projection should she wish to keep up... However, no such thing came, oh my, it'd seem that she.... was just a mundane fighter with equally mundane abilities. Ah,. it was fun while it lasted~

The moment Joker summoned Arsene and the woman could not, the result became a foregone conclusion as the former utterly dominated the flow of the fight. It ended with the woman knocked down on the ground after receiving a blast of dark energy. Well, time for the next show!

Fourth, it was the ghost princess' austere gardener (who's also somehow both brave and cowardly) versus another swordsman, except he was pairing his main weapon with a shield instead of another blade like Youmu. This pre-fight banter was actually more exciting than the duel itself, Youmu so utterly outmatched the sword-and-shielder that Remilia found it difficult to enjoy the duel itself, still, she supposed it was hilarious to see the cocky fighter receiving instant karma. "Mmh... next."

And last but not least, the first and only match where all the combatants involved were capable of magic, this should be exciting, no? Lady Scarlet watched as the Moriya Miko and the mercenary sorceress started slinging spells at one another; Sanae with her ofuda danmaku and the sorceress with her lightning bolts. This was the second time that Remilia found herself glued to her seat, finally, a neck-to-neck spellcard-esque fight where the potential winner wasn't immediately made obvious!

...and then of course Sanae just had to ruin it by summoning one of her patron goddesses. ... Now, Remilia wasn't surprised by the fact that Suwako could be called, after all, all of Lavielle's champions were pulled here, that meant this world was capable of making a connection with other worlds, who's to say that only Lavielle is able to do so? "Uuuuurgh..." A long, droning groan slithered out of Remilia's throat as the peppy snake-frog goddess proceeded to scare the sorceress shitless before gushing over her green-haired protege.

Rationally, Remilia was perfectly aware that Sanae could only summon either Suwako or that onbashira-slinging Kanako, but the vampiress couldn't help but to wish it'd have been Sakuya instead. Wishful thinking, she knew, got a problem with that?

Exhaling in frustration, Remilia simply opted to make the best use of the situation by swooping over to Suwako before the miracle's duration ended. "Lady Suwako, tell everyone back home that Sanae, Youmu, Mokou, and myself are fine, we're searching for our way home as we speak." There, she kept it nice and short, at the very least, Flandre and the others would stop worrying whether she's still alive or not.

Now with that said, the Scarlet Devil made good on her promise by hovering in the air and expelling benevolent, wound-mending mist from her body. Said mist would coalesce into multiple streams as they split to a different injured combatant each: the burly brawler, the dwarven hammersman, the dagger lady, and the cocky swordsman.

--Kugane - Prison Interior--

Between Izayoi's masterful kenjutsu, Rudolf's twin swordsmanship, Esben's “persuasive” dagger, and her own elemental fury, the four squadmates and their sleeper agent allies managed to dispatch their would-be captors. However, the situation was no longer smooth sailing as one slimy rat managed to slip away just enough to trigger the alarm. "..." Well, no matter, they were going to be discovered eventually, they were already fortunate to come as far as they did.

As Esben rummaged the dead sergeant's pockets, Eve fired one last scorching firebolt to carve a sizable hole in another soldier's torso before rejoining the party. She simply nodded as the SEED agent assigned their formations, an arrangement that she couldn't disagree with, melee wasn't her strong suit after all. With nothing left of value here and pressed for time, the squad ventured deeper into the refurbished prison.

Assisted by the map given to Izayoi, the group eventually located the very person their whole operation centered around, the individual whose survival would determine the success of their mission and quite possibly, Osprey's future. Then, instead of fiddling around with the key ring Esben obtained, the samurai opted to simply use brute force, hey, if it worked, it worked, probably saved them some time too.

After a heartfelt reunion, Izayoi's not-so-young master regarded the former general’s comrades, "..." in which Eve once again opted to simply nod, Izayoi was right, they could exchange pleasantries later. Upon the instruction to clear the path forward, the black mage immediately moved, keeping herself behind Rudolf as the weaponmaster took point. Alas, any hope for a clean exit was dashed the moment they arrived at a... bathing area of some sort, except they weren't alone.

More Valheimr scum made themselves known, under orders from their paymasters to keep the future true emperor of Osprey from deposing the puppet they had placed. The Faux Eidolon's red eyes immediately began assessing the situation, half of the hostiles were charging, while the other half... hmm, those gunners could prove trouble, and among the four - now-five - of them, only she was the primary ranged combatant, exacerbated by the fact that Hien was in no condition to fight and Izayoi was escorting him.

What she must do was clear, those riflemen must be made a non-issue ASAP. Trusting that Rudolf and Esben could hold off the swordsmen without her for now, Eve extended her right arm toward her side, her palm splayed... before three of her fingers curled inward, leaving her middle and index straight. "..." She quietly exhaled as sparks of electricity spawned on and around her, then they coalesced to the tips of said two fingers as Eve swung her arm forward, pointing straight at the frontmost gunner.

"Tremble under the fury of Ramuh!" The black mage enunciated as the dense concentration of magical lightning at her fingertips grew chaotic, heralding what was to come, "Chain Lightning!" A streak of magical thunder blitzed forth from Eve's right hand, closing the gap faster than the blink of an eye as it struck the first gunner's chest, spreading lethal electricity straight through his heart, and it didn't stop there as the bloodthirsty lightning immediately sought its next victim, jumping to the closest nearby soldier, then again, then again, until all six infantrymen were made... a non-issue.
@Xaltwind I like Prism Nova the most and Crystal Song the least. The rest are in-between.

Additionally, speaking of blue, what about Lapis Lazuli?
Neat, between Violet's transformed appearance and Isra's patron, Ayane won't feel lonely in the height department anymore. 8D ...though the former will just piss her off more since she has the choice to be tall and curvy by just detransforming, then going by that logic, there's also Faniel.

Guess it's just Nikki. Well, it's something.

Renge doesn't count because she's an inch taller, that single inch matters.

I kinda find it funny for someone whose family got killed by monsters when she was a kid, got pregnant out of wedlock, married young and then divorced to be a single mom, Emma seems like have the least emotional baggage lol. Therapy, people, it works.

Emotional stability and maturity are overrated. 😎 Join the Trauma Club, we got cookies.

In SPIRITUM 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

--Rassvet - Petrified Forest--

In contrast with Silje's obnoxiously loud ignorance, Valerie boarded the truck with stoically silent discipline, her diminutive frame leaping into the large vehicle while her arms deftly maneuvered her lengthy weapon to not collide with anything as she did. "..." The WARDEN turned her slitted purple eyes toward the back of the truck, confirming the truth in Gerard's sentiments, well, what could they expect from mindless automatons? They were the so-called 'perfect soldiers' after all; fearless and tireless, nothing would stop them from fighting short of outright destruction. Fortunately, with nothing of value left in the crash site, the squad didn't need to entertain them any longer.

After everyone had boarded, Valerie shifted her gaze to the vehicle's newest occupant, confirming with her very own eyes that she’s indeed Imperial Princess Collette van Skymning, the would-be scapegoat of her country's rotten machinations. Betrayed by her own nation... I know nothing is beneath those imperial scum, but I have the feeling Her Highness here doesn't know any better. Between the princess' behavior and what Valerie knew of her, Collette stood out like a naive wide-eyed idealist to the horned WARDEN. Peace talks, how adorable, at least now she knew that no good deed goes unpunished when it came to dealing with Vangar.

Valerie let Gerard do the talking while she went on overwatch, making sure no threats would sneak up on them. "..." Though judging from what had just manifested in the night sky above, subtlety was the least of their concern, "Capital airship, I can't identify the model, but it looks like a giant floating orb." Valerie reported matter-of-factly; was this a prototype model? Vangar might be many things, but lacking in arsenal wasn't one of those.

"...?!!" However, before the 2nd Class could contemplate further, the strange warship produced an otherworldly howl like a perversion of a whale's song. "Nnngh...!!" The mist-sensitive gritted her teeth, using one hand to hold her temple as a severe migraine pierced her mind, though thankfully, it was brief. However, it was a mere warning of what was to come...

Right, she had seen enough, "Squad, be advised, we're dealing with the culprit responsible for those warbots." Valerie was about to ready her mist-powered rifle-cannon again when the flying porcupine unleashed a bigger, meaner version of even the most destructive projectile she could muster. "Tch...!" Frowning, the WARDEN silently seconded Gerard's suggestion, in fact, one thing immediately came to the forefront of her mind; that there was little chance this dingy truck could get them to cover in one piece, not even with Kalina on the wheel. ... Fuck, she didn't want to do this if she could help it, but in the face of certain death? There was no other practical choice...

It was time to send this rust bucket into a mist-powered overdrive!

Valerie stowed Haylel away in her mist pocket, then proceeded to jog to the front of the truck. "Silje, move!" Once there, she'd proceed to insist on switching places with Silje, even going as far as to pull the other white-haired WARDEN off her seat with her deceptively great strength if she had to.

Once the front passenger seat was free, Valerie would immediately reoccupy it, "Kalina, floor it, as swiftly as you can, don't mind the small arms fire and just focus on dodging those cannons." Valerie advised as her gloved hands grabbed the dashboard. Within a few swift seconds, glowing purple vein-like growths spread outward from her limbs to cover the truck like a cancerous infection. "Nnnngh...!!" As the vines grew and grew, Valerie began to tremble under the strain imposed upon her body, her pupils constricting unnaturally as purple-colored bloodshots covered her sclera.

Eventually, the Nephilim annexed the vehicle into her domain as the veins spread her influence into every nook and cranny of the truck, including its engine, drivetrain, and wheels. Immediately, Kalina would feel a sudden, inexplicable improvement to the vehicle's performance as it behaved more like a newly-assembled military transport than a dingy old truck.
I'm almost done with my CS. The only things left are some minor touch-ups in the Other Details, as well as deciding on her ULTIMATE SIGNATURE ATTACK, and if I want a magic weapon/tool or not. Oh, and I guess her transformed name as well.
Anyway, here's what I've got so far:


Oh hey, nice, tall boing mommy to my midget flat shorty.

I have a couple ideas:
- Ultimate Move: I still unironically think a Final Spark that deals damage in all three elements + force will be dope on her.
- Transformed Name: I suggest 'Vermata', a corruption of 'Permata', which means gemstone in Indonesian.

Same energy:

I keep flipping back to page 2 and stare at @shagranoz's CS, waiting for that delicious, delicious magical-section reveal... :E

Their CS is pretty much done since an hour ago tho?
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