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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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--College of Hathforth - Headmaster's Office--

Soon enough, the Tearmoon 'coven princess' found herself entering the personal study of the esteemed Headmaster Ashan. Though this wasn't her first time here, Melisande couldn't help but be mesmerized by the mystical vista of the office; both beautiful and practical, the chamber was pleasing to the eyes while maintaining its function as a place of learning. She could see herself spending months or even years simply perusing the nigh-endless trove of knowledge contained within those shelves. Alas, she had more pressing matters to attend to.

Upon Caveus' invitation, the indigo-eyed Lilim calmly approached the accomplished magus many decades her senior, standing before his desk of curious trinkets. "I'm here, Headmaster." She turned her gaze down at the petite pouch and then the confectionary offered to her.

Beware of toxin lurking behind a veil of sweetness.

Kronos, not every gift is laced with venom. Sometimes, they really are gifts.

"Thank you, sir." The student graciously accepted the sweets and consumed it, enjoying its fine culinary craftsmanship and at the same time disproving Kronos' paranoia. Before she could rub it in the Dremora's face, however, something more important was presented to her.

With subtly curious eyes, Melisande removed the ribbon then unfolded the parchment to access the contents within. She proceeded to meticulously reach each and every single word.

So, the Dremora Enslaver herself wishes to shackle us too. How predictable.

I do not believe she's aware of your existence, Kronos.

Ha, the fact that the vexatious feyling knew how to abduct me from my home is proof enough of their conspiracy. Regardless, we shall humor her... so I can drag her kicking and screaming into the Shade, her symphonic cries of agony shall ring through my domain.

... ... ...

"I am extremely honored, Headmaster." Melisande curled a convincing smile, concealing the turmoil in her heart due to finding merits in Kronos' assumptions. Regardless, being involved in the Wizard Queen's inner circle would undoubtedly expedite her mission.

"Yes, through the Society of Young Magic to be more specific, Lord Blackthorne's foundation for academic pursuits." To be studying directly under the Court Mage himself... indeed this was an opportunity of a lifetime. However, she couldn't help but wonder if Mother - and even the Wizard Queen herself - had arranged something behind the curtains. After all, even though Duke Rhinecliff had promised the Tearmoon Matriarch that he'd provide assistance should her daughter needs it, Mother ultimately wouldn't care whose side the coven would be on as long as they could replace the Royal Gardeners.

She'd imagine the Duke of Odonfield wouldn't be in favor of this arrangement...

My classmates are irrelevant.

"I certainly wish they can be given similar opportunities, sir." She nodded with a small, demure smile, feigning the bare minimum of faux care. "Understood, take care, professor." With the next step of her task already laid out for her, Melisande took her leave from the office, returning to her dormitory to prepare for her departure to Hathforth Castle.

Shut up, maid.

Psykers' attempt at slipping yet another Sakuya clone has just been exposed.
In SPIRITUM 4 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

--Near Sapple Springs - Rest Stop--

Amongst the squad, Valerie was one of those who had a more sympathetic outlook about Collette, especially with all that had occurred so far. She's a peace-loving diplomat in an otherwise warmongering nation and the one time she tried to prevent further bloodshed, she almost paid for it with her life. Hindered by both her own people and whoever was behind that warbot-birthing porcupine airship, the princess really didn't deserve any unnecessary roughhousing. "She had gone through enough for one night, guys..." Valerie croaked out each word, hoping it'd be enough.

Not wanting to make Gerard and Morden's job harder than it should be, the white-haired WARDEN remained outside of the truck while it's being moved into the garage despite her aching... everything begging her to use the passenger seat to rest. Instead, Valerie dragged her feet into the RV, not even caring if she stumbled upon an undressed Collette. They were both women, no need to make it weird.

Although Valerie didn't verbally respond to Gerard's generous offer, the fact her mistburnt butt had vanished into the mobile home was a clear enough answer.

--Aventon - Hillside Hamlet--

Well, well, well, things were progressing quite nicely here, though... not unexpected. Those shambling blobs of malicious shadow might be quite a hassle for two defenders to deal with, but with the addition of more than half a dozen combatants, the tide rapidly shifted against the oozeling's favor.

Between Youmu's phantom swords, Mokou's divine flames, Rayne's... spellcard of mass destruction, Fran's electric fury, Lewa's sylphic swings, Joker's vampiric blade (now where did he learn that technique?), Anne's cybernetic assault, and Sanae's amphibian grenades, on top of what the scissor-wielding blunette and gigantic treant had been doing, Remilia observed in amused glee as her comrades cut, scorch, blast, cleave, drain, and blow up the seemingly endless slime horde.

Even when the bulkier hostiles arrived and started launching shadowy spheres toward those in the backlines, including Remilia, the vampiress simply needed to ever so casually shifted her position here and there to let the projectiles harmlessly rush past her. She didn't even need to retaliate as Anne and the others quickly took care of them too, nor did she need to start healing anyone since it was such a one-sided massacre, the otherworlders managed to have their cake and eat it too.

Eventually, no more oozes emerged, made completely extinct. A foregone conclusion, all things considered.

"Good show, my friends, good show.~ With a casual pace, Remilia flew toward the center of the village, where the two curious guardians were expressing their gratitude, well, one of the two as it seemed the living tree was the strong, silent type. "Brave Lady Gwen, I am Lady Remilia of House Scarlet, it's a pleasure," The youkai curtsied in return, "Now, I'd love to exchange pleasantries with you, but only after you direct me to the wounded, I so happen to be a healer, you see."

Yo, I've noticed something. Seeds are like, really rare, especially those that confer actual benefits beyond party tricks. So a single noble house / faction usually only have one (and held by the house's head by default). The Corrin family having three (four if you count Islara) is a bit much imo.

--College of Hathforth - Classroom--

Unlike the struggles or resignations displayed by her classmates, there's naught but serene concentration from the ash-haired Lilim as she held out her palms, where a sphere of metal could be seen floating in the space between. Nothing could disrupt her focus...

Hmph, the envious stares from these insipid creatures you call 'classmates' annoy me.

...yes, not even the dark, echoing voice reverberating in her very soul.

Hush, Kronos, that's irrelevant. She quipped back to the voice, or more specifically, the creature behind said voice, the Dremora of Time, Kronos, who was forcibly fused with her by her own mother in a desperate bid to save her sickly, dying body.

After receiving a scholarship from the Society of Young Magic and then over the months since the semester began, Melisande of the Tearmoon Coven had quickly proven herself to be a talented magus, and while magical talents were to be expected from her kin, the coven matriarch's daughter was considered exceptional even amongst her people, so much so that even the Society's founder, Court Mage Blackthorne spoke highly of her, elevating her fame further.

However, while they weren't exactly mistaken about her arcane talents as this much was indeed expected due to her fey-touched blood, Melisande herself believed she wasn't particularly extraordinary as the reason behind her prodigious talents was her "twin sibling". Dremora essence flowed through her veins, amplifying her already excellent magical potential to new heights. Unfortunately, Kronos itself demanded that no one else must know of its existence, it had always been a reclusive entity, whether in the shade or here in the material plane. As such, Melisande had no choice but to claim all the 'glory' for herself, even if she didn't deserve it.

Still, to Kronos' credit, she could see where it's coming from. After all, fame often brought its own share of issues. Between the Lilim's talents and nymphet beauty, the amount of confessions Melisande had received from her fellow students was beyond counting, and along with them, envy. A few times now, she had been confronted by heartbroken girls (and some boys) who blamed her for "stealing" their lover. Apparently, even though said lover was the one who cheated on them by confessing to another person, it's still her fault for being such a wicked temptress, though she was anything but surprised, especially considering the coven she belonged to was infamously known as a den of spouse snatchers.

Truly, she had not the time, nor energy for those frivolous pursuits. Her studies and most certainly, her mission were far more important. Yet, they wouldn't believe her and at this point, Melisande had decided to simply pay them no mind, both admirers and detractors. So indeed, nothing could break her concentration...

...or so she thought. Upon hearing what the bespectacled faculty staff said, the Lilim let the orb float down to rest on its pedestal then turned her pale indigo eyes toward the older girl, "I shall be there promptly, ma'am."

Without further ado, the adolescent student made her way out of the classroom, passing the curious, jealous, and jealously curious stares of her classmates.

What is that frail human planning?

He's Headmaster Ashan, not frail human.

Hmph, no mortal is worthy to be my master.


@Izurich I can certainly see Eirwen mentioning Melisande to the Duke. Time-based magic, particularly the ability to hasten or slow effects, seems to have strong potential even as a low-level spell, and that's not even getting into her higher-level abilities.

Sounds good!

In that case, I've written my Relationships section with that in mind:

P.S.: I can't seem to get rid of the massive blank space at the top of the table for some reason.
Galahad Caradoc
Eve "Grayscale"

It was nearing the dead of night, most of the Kirins and their hosts had already turned in for the night, yet a few souls still stirred. One of Ciradyl’s attendants offered Galahad a short- if curt bow as he entered a makeshift hospital-dorm. A few of Ciradyl’s men had suffered minor injuries during the raid, alongside one of their own. Eve, the eidolon girl still had yet to wake, and while in the moment Galahad had no sway over her decision making, he still felt responsible for her wellbeing.

The attendants had wrapped the girl in simple clothing, the dragoon’s adorned cloak folded over a nearby chair. Wrapping the cloak back over his shoulders, Galahad took a seat by the bed. With all that had been happening since the others joined, Galahad had yet to have taken any serious time with anyone, much less examine them closely. At a glance, one might’ve mistook her for a normal girl, save the gray hair and tail. Asleep, Eve looked rather unassuming, it was hard to imagine that this was more akin to a dragon a few short hours ago.

Just the memory caused Galahad’s hand to instinctively flex, reaching for a weapon that was not there. Every single one of his instincts were screaming at him. Eve was dangerous. Moreso, she was destructive- more than any individual member of their party. A humanoid representation of the apex predators he was trained from the moment he could walk to kill.

”A monster.” he breathed.


Eve's soft voice filled the room through the curt reply as her eyelids fluttered open, it seemed the horned and tailed chimera was less dormant than Galahad initially anticipated. The Dragoon coughed in surprise, before glancing away awkwardly. Having already experienced the toll of unleashing the Dragon King's signature power in the past, she already concluded that nothing fatal happened to her while comatose; it seemed she'd live to fight another day, good. Furthermore, the fact her comrade was here meant they were the ones who recovered her, another stroke of fortune. It'd be quite troublesome if she was still left on the battlefield, or worse, captured by Valheim and sent back to one of their accursed facilities. Never again...

Eve sat up, not paying any mind to her new apparel and instead focused on the Edrenian Dragoon seated by her bedside. Judging from the situation, it'd appear he was the one who rescued her, just as she requested the team to do. "I'm something that should not exist, a very mockery of life itself." The girl spoke with such detached tranquility that it could only mean this was far from the first time she uttered those phrases.

"That's why they must pay, that's why I fight." For someone who superficially looked even smaller and younger than Miina, Eve certainly gave no impression of acting nowhere close to her apparent age, indeed, what lied before the exiled noble truly is an engineered living weapon, not a young girl, "And I must thank you, Galahad, without you, my fight would've ended by now."

”How long have you been awake?” Galahad asked, shifting somewhat uncomfortably. The detached air and manner of speaking was always at least somewhat unsettling, more so now that he was the only recipient of her words. ”That was unkind of me, instinct if you will.”

Was it shame he felt? Embarrassed that she'd heard his words, yes, but also in that he understood so little of what Valheim had done to the poor girl.

”What about your family? Do you know where they are? Don't they worry for you? “

"Not long. Your voice was the first thing I heard after I regained consciousness." The faux eidolon answered matter-of-factly, then curled a small stoic smile, bereft of even a hint of malice, "Perhaps, but you weren't mistaken, I am a monster. You're a monster slayer, we're not even supposed to be allies." After all, there was no offense to be taken in the face of cold hard facts. However, while Galahad's slip of tongue might not have any ramifications whatsoever to Eve, what he said next certainly did. At his inquiries, the white-haired girl's visage subtly curled into one of tranquil fury, her red eyes stuck open wide as her pupils constricted into slits, much like the dreaded dragons themselves, the very same expression that Izayoi witnessed at the ruined village.

"I was made, not born, in a sterile laboratory, Valheim engineered a weapon and treated me as such..." She answered, her tone calm, yet dripping with venom, like a deceptively still lake ready to swallow and drown all who dared to step foot in it, "Except for one, Dr. Eve, my mother, the only shelter of warmth amidst the sea of callousness." Eve closed her eyes as a long drawn-out exhale left her, "She freed me, but paid for it with her life." Her lids opened once more, returning eye contact with the dragoon, "For that, I'll ensure the empire's destruction even if it kills me."

”She sounds kind.” Galahad said quietly, his thoughts straying towards that of his own family, his mother, warm and gentle, his father harsh and cold. ”She reminds me of my mother– though I don't think I'll be welcomed back home with open arms any time soon, even if we complete our mission.”

Slowly standing, Galahad stretched a bit, stifling a short cough. ”I suppose it's not quite the same, but I think quite a few of our party have been separated from their families for one reason or another.”

”Back in Edren, Valheim was always just another boogeyman, a story to tell children about so they'd behave. We knew they existed, but they always stayed in Osprey and never bothered the rest of the continent so we never gave them much heed– at least, not until the Blight came about.”

“Some of us are here for the Blight, others are here to kill Valheim- to be honest, I could tolerate, but didn't really care for the latter, but the more I learn about them, the more it feels to me that Valheim is as much a blight to the people as the actual Blight itself.

The petite black mage then listened to the Edreni's perspective regarding the mysterious empire from across the ocean, "They're naught but power-hungry tyrants, using their power not to help the helpless, but oppress them instead." She had no love lost for the empire, they all could burn for all she cared, "I firmly believe Valheim brought upon the Blight." She then stared at Galahad dead in his eyes, "Proof? Look at me... look at me and imagine a whole legion of me's, that's what they're hoping to achieve. Bahamut isn't the only Eidolon whose image they've desecrated, the empire is cultivating more chimeric abominations even as we speak. There’s no reason to doubt that the universe itself is responding to their folly attempts at playing god."

”That's a terrifying thought.” Galahad admitted candidly, ”Men and women without a choice but to destroy. It seems that is to be Valheim's legacy. I don't know what their ultimate goals are, but we'll stop them. I swear it.”

”For now, you should finish resting. This war waits for no one, and we'll need you in the coming days, no doubt.” Galahad said as he began to turn, pausing a few steps away from the door. Turning back, he slowly, gently placed his hand on the top of the Eidolon's head and gave her a light pat. ”I was wrong. For that I apologize. You're not a monster– Valheim is.”

"If the consequence for failure is an apocalypse, then we must succeed or die trying." Eve's frowning expression subtly, yet suddenly shifted into one of mixed emotions as the Edreni Dragoon openly admitted to her being needed, being... wanted. "..." The rational part of her mind might infer the unsurprising obviousness of his statement, especially after what she did to facilitate Hien's escape, but still, hearing it from the team’s leader shook her right in her artificial soul.

The horned mage pursed her lips, and unlike her usual bouts of taciturn silence, this time, she didn't know what to say instead of choosing not to speak. "Nn..." The only "word" she could utter was a small whimper, one red eye closing as the dragonslayer's calloused palm caressed her bleached locks, "I-..." ’...-already told you, you weren't mistaken’ was what her mind came up with, but her vocal cords never produced the words, instead she responded by her pale cheeks rosening as she slightly turned away, also might or might not be pouting.

"A-... acknowledged..."

Yeah, Laurent likely wouldn't know Melisande purely by her merits alone, but most likely through Jezebel (and potentially, Eirwen) instead, being basically the village elder's first child.

Regarding the Court Mage mentioning Melisande's talents to the Duke, I'll let @LunarParadox decide, as I'd imagine the Society of Young Magic has many other talented proteges as well for obvious reasons. Whether Mel counts as noteworthy even amongst the exceptional is up for Lunar to decide as the author of both Eirwen and the Society.

As for Jezebel pulling favors from Laurent, I like that idea, perhaps you can even assume that the Duke is aware that the Matriarch is pretty miffed by the Wizard Queen giving exclusive privileges to the Royal Gardeners to manage the Glasic Fields even though the coven exists. Perhaps he also knows that the Tearmoon matriarch ultimately answers to no one but herself, but if they can come to a mutual cooperation, having good rapport with an enclave full of naturally talented mages would do well for his master plan. And supporting who's basically their 'princess' seems like the obvious way to start.

The politics stuff all sounds good to me, yeah, it'd make sense for them to have various deals and agreements over the centuries of being neighbors.

If there's anything I'd like to add, the not-so-pleasant side of the coin is that amongst their detractors, the coven is known as a bunch of husband (and sometimes, wife) snatchers who willingly shelter adulterers in their enclave. Due to this, the race has a controversial reputation as beautiful, eternally youthful nymphettes who're naturally talented with all things magical, but on the other, they're decried as depraved temptresses who corrupt honest men and women with their “wicked charms”.

Additionally, since the glade was indirectly mentioned in @Click This' part, it's a good opportunity to mention that other feys (nymphs, pixies, dryads, sylphs, etc.) generally respect the lilim, and vice versa, due to their shared ancestry. So if someone wants to deal with anything fey-related, you really can't go wrong with a lilim guide / companion. Much less likely to be pranked and all.

Related, changelings are fey too, but I'll let @Donut Look Now decide how they stand with their sibling races since her PC is one and I think it'll be prudent to refer to her opinion for this.
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