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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

Avatar drawn by Vayreceane

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Oh yeah, I was wondering myself why it wasn't a thing since the beginning, considering the main conflict revolves around the civil war.
If Nyx transformed from Laurent Rhinecliff to Asteria Skybound, but forgot about changing the vocal cords too:

--Athroyeaux Castle - Throne Room--

By the express permission from the Spectre King himself, a tear in space-time formed at the centre of the throne-hosting hall before it took the shape of a glowing archway, one that connected this place to somewhere else far away. The portal heralded the arrival of one Melisande Tearmoon, even though the young chronomancer was supposedly in her workshop at Hathforth, miles upon miles away to the south of Ravenfell. Yet, here she was, the Lilim herself, in the... flesh.

However, to those gifted with the proper supernatural senses, they'd be able to notice the palpable, almost opaque, shadow oozing off the young girl. The presence she carried wasn't the mystical whims of the Feywilds, instead the foreboding twilight of the Shade.

How adorable...

Kronos couldn't help but allow the subtlest of smirk to curl at the corner of the Simulacrum's lips as the Dimension Door closed behind it. These... pale imitations of Shadekin, former mortals seeking to become something they're not, look at what they must do to mimic but a fraction of the Shadeborne's timeless existence.

Chuckling mentally, the Dremora of Time stepped forward toward the obsidian throne where the Ghost-King sat waiting. As it did, the already dim ambience of the hall seemed to darken even more. Indeed, that was probably due to the candles set by the throne inexplicably snuffing out, as if invisible umbral hands robbed them of their warmth. By the time 'Melisande' arrived before the sovereign of Ravenfell, there was no more red light to reflect off his vambraces.

"Your Majesty King Lamont DuFairre of Ravenfell, I am Melisande of the Tearmoon Coven, here as invited by your subject." Melisande's visage smiled politely as she gave a curtsy, though the umbral being puppeteering the simulacrum was grinning from ear-to-ear. It toyed with the idea that Lamont knew that it knew that he could sense the Dremora's presence, but regardless, the masquerade must be maintained.

Perhaps there's indeed fun to be had in the mortal world... Perhaps, its kin's obsession with the material plane had merits after all...

<Snipped quote by Izurich>

The post looks great! Will Kronos be headed toward the Ravenfell castle?

Sure! That sounds good to me. Feel free to write out an intro and PM it to me!

Oh, I didn't even think of that, a Dremora mingling amongst 'inferior shadowy immortals' exuding an aura of "look at what they must do to mimic a fraction of my power" sounds splendid. I'll add that part into either my last post or just make a new one.

Okay, the usual then.

--Osprey - Holy Grounds--

"..." Cid's response swiftly reminded Eve of her talk with Galahad in the safehouse after Hien's rescue. Multiple times now, her comrades had mentioned that she was not the monster, her creators were, yet... the fact remained that she was a thing that should've never existed. However, if even the Chosen of Etro himself deemed that she wasn't an abomination, that her existence wasn't a crime against nature, then maybe Galahad and the others had a point...

This was definitely something she should contemplate further, to reject the belief she had called true for years, it wouldn't be a small matter, just as difficult as asking the Dragonslayer to see wyrms as innocent animals instead of destructive monsters.

She'd stew on this later, but for now, they had a sage's wisdom to listen to.

"I see..." So the Revenant wasn't a Pseudolon after all, yet the alternative wasn't any better, instead of a Faux Odin, they had an Undead Ravager instead, equally dangerous and wrong. They had created something that should've never came to be, an abomination no matter their 'nature'. The solution was all the same, extermination.

Afterwards, the matter returned to Valheim's misbegotten ambitions to subjugate the power of the gods. Not satisfied with the desecrating Etro's crystal and the Primals' essence, they sought to spread their corruption to the elemental crystals as well, in fact, they had, partially at least. The Fire Crystal had fallen into their hands... and if the Kirins do nothing, soon, all three would follow suit and the world as they know it would end. Eve fully believed that Valheim couldn't see the certain doom at the end of their ambitions, they'd destroy the world first before acknowledging the price of their arrogance.

"We will. On our lives we swear it." The Pseudolon nodded with all the conviction she could muster, and she hoped each and every single member here shared said conviction. After all, what'd be the point of exacting vengeance, proving oneself, finding redemption, fulfilling one's mission, or finding one's lost loved ones in the face of the apocalypse? No, they'd do this or die trying.

Eve was looking forward to Cid's answers to Galahad's inquiries, see if Osprey could be saved, but then the reanimated corpse of Izayoi's former master returned...

"TCH!!" The black mage gritted her teeth, arcane aura already brimming from her petite frame as she prepared for their second encounter with the Revenant. "...?!" Though her focus was momentarily disrupted by the arrival of none other than the Lord of Hellfire himself...

"Ah...." How majestic, how terrible, all in equal measure, a True Eidolon...

Eve's breaths paused as she took in each and every detail of Ifrit's form, he might not be Bahamut, but even still, his kind were the very beings she and her 'siblings' were emulated after. Witnessing the Primal's glory with her own two eyes, deep in her heart, Eve could understand why Valheim sought to have such power for themselves.

By the time she came to be, Cid's teleportation circle had activated, sending all of the Kirins back to the surface, far away from the sacred temple, vertically and horizontally.

"..." Bahamut's artificial scion looked on toward the horizon, at the ruined village, silently praying that Etro would give Cid and Ifrit the strength to purge the Revenant from existence.

Sighing silently, she turned back toward the party, her comrades.

"That thing is no longer your master, Izayoi, merely a soulless meat-puppet created from using his body," Eve uttered bluntly, relaying the cold hard facts to the Mystrel Samurai, "His soul has long since passed on, now all can we do is destroy it before it claims even more lives that it already had."

Though her frame was much too petite to offer a shoulder to anyone except Miina (and maybe Robin), Eve could do something else to contribute instead, "I'll find and guide them back here." The Pseudolon nodded before she took off her hooded cloak then partially transformed, spawning and spreading her draconic wings to ascend and gain a bird's eye view over the landscape.

Once she had spotted Goug, their chocobos, and cart, she'd soar over to them to guide them back to the party's location. The divines know they could really use a ride or two right now.

--Hillside Hamlet - Town Hall--

Hmmm... how vexing, it seemed everyone here somehow discerned that this peasant girl was peculiar in one way or another, even someone who lacked mastery over the arcane like Anne. In fact, Anne had the most pronounced reactions of them all. Was there really something she missed? The youkai wondered. Perhaps everything would be revealed once she got around to divining the girl's blood, whenever it'd be.

"Oh, various. Type, health conditions, any mundane or arcane impurities, those things." Remilia shrugged. It was no different than a blood test in Eirin's clinic really, maybe even better.

The possibility of the blonde being an Otherworlder like them was there, but she just didn't stand out enough for Remilia, unlike Gwen and Maokai. Well, like she mentioned, if they wanted to bring her along, she wouldn't stop them.

For her part, Remilia made sure that each villager in the hall had the treatments they needed before departing once more with the caravan.

--Aventon - On the Road--

During the several days since they departed from the hillside hamlet, the Scarlet Devil had sampled the gloomy girl's blood, then found out that she wasn't human, or at least, not 'human' in the Gensokyoan sense, also that she wasn't sick, so whatever's ailing her was probably mental as they had suspected, and... well, that was pretty much it. Without the girl's cooperation, it was quite difficult to gather more information about her.

Though speaking of gathering information, the promised land was within the horizon at last. Finally, civilization, Remilia couldn't wait to indulge in a proper warm bath, eat proper food, and enjoy services as befitting her noble station. No offense to those good villagers, but the vampiress didn't exactly belong with the unwashed masses.

With palpable joy on her pale visage, Remilia didn't even register the slight discomfort of being blanketed under the clear midday sun. Once the caravan had passed the gates, the Scarlet Devil would immediately beeline toward the castle, expecting Anne and whoever else interested in having an audience with the reigning monarch to follow her.

"And oh, Sanae, as soon as you're able, do inform Lady Suwako that we can finally meet with the sovereign of this land. If there's a place to organize a nationwide effort to settle these issues once for all, it's here." Remilia paused just long enough to tell Sanae that before continuing on her way.

@LunarParadox I took some liberties with how the way Eirwen would arrive at the piers. Just tell me if you need any adjustments!

@Estylwen Since we'll be in a collab-heavy period, I'm thinking we could have a side-story scene with Headmaster Ashan and Matriarch Jezebel. Maybe she's there during the timeskip period to teach at the College, officially at least, while behind the scenes, she'd be scheming with the headmaster, maybe with the goal of sabotaging the Royal Gardeners. Hey, anything to help realizing her daughter's mission (Read: her ambitions) easier. 😏

--Hathforth - Castle Gardens--

Upon Valor's mention of a certain monarch, a flash of recognition came to Melisande, the real one.

King DuFairre... so, this is not a test of loyalty by the Wizard-Queen after all.

Why does it not surprise me that the masked mortal's allegiance lies with the spectre-king? Heh, a new society, 'Enlightened', as expected coming from the monarch who sought to imitate the Shadelings' timeless and ethereal existence. His hubris may just be a match for the human-elf queen.

You speak truth, Kronos. The Duke, the Wizard Queen, and now, the Spectre King. We shall see who shall be left after the dust settles...

"..." As Valor left, Kronos decided it'd be best to keep its silence. For now, they'd simply follow the decision of the Court Mage.

--Hathforth - Workshop--

For the next seven days, Melisande focused on the Seed Grafting project with a devotion that'd rival a dwarven craftsman. Together with her half-elven mentor, she analyzed each nodule of the seeds and meticulously weaved them to join together in harmony, so they might become one, a single Seed, more powerful than the sum of its parts. Finally, she'd employ her mastery of time and space to carefully hasten or hinder certain reactions as appropriate, enabling the project to be completed by the deadline instead of the months it'd have required.

In order to accomplish this delicate task, Melisande didn't have the time to humor hearsays and rumors, fortunately, Kronos could handle such matters via the Simulacrum. The Dremora vowed to keep them safe until it could return home, this was one of its ways to keep that promise.

Apparently, one Duke Willowsteel made a fool out of himself at the gala, one severe enough to land himself in the chopping block, while a whole noble house, the Corrins, found themselves murdered at the hands of an unknown party. Even when there was no open conflict, truly, the life of royalty and nobility wasn't for the faint of hearts.

Finally, on the night of the seventh day, a multi-colored gem shone brilliantly in the Arcane Wing's workshop, the magical stone brimming with mystical power as its magic circuits flowed with perfect harmony. The power to traverse even the most treacherous water with the agility rivaling Princess Azalea's kin was made manifest, for good or ill...

--Hathforth - Harbor--

At the promised day, Her Majesty Evelyn's commission wouldn't arrive via the pier, instead, a ripple in space spawned a few feet away to her side, followed by the formation of an archway-shaped portal. If Evelyn turned her gaze there, she'd see her court mage and his apprentice, and behind them, their workshop.

The Lilim's power over space-time ensured no unauthorized parties could even have the chance to pilfer the Amalgamated Seed mid-transit.

As Melisande was assigned the task of handling the portal, Eirwen would be the one who'd present the Wizard-Queen her prize, her means to - as the Ghost-King would claim - 'summon a monster from the deep'.

@Estylwen @LunarParadox
I'm loving all these new characters, I can't wait to see how they'll interact with one another!

@RoseKnightJason Sure! I've made a few edits to the CS with that information in mind.
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