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I'm a fuckin' weeb, but one of my great-grandparents was Japanese and a Japanese can't be a weeb by definition so...
7/8 Weeb

...kill me.

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@Izurich HMMMMMMMMMMMMM well he is kind of my de'facto tank on the enemy side. One of the only ones I have a real personality in my head for. But I'm sure with a little direction from me you could play him just fine. Think a grumpy conservative for this guy. Doesn't even like how loosely members of the church today take their faith. That's without even scratching the surface of his hatred for witches. It is a bigoted, uninformed, uniform judgement as many religious fanatics do. Now put all of that in a physically imposing, 6'4" frame covered in Platemail and quoting scripture as he cuts men down, and you've got Gregor. The most violent and bloodthirsty of the witch hunters.

Edit: he really is everything Elizabeth hates huh lmao

The delicious irony being that if you see 'witchcraft' as just another religious dogma, between the boomer mindset, fanaticism to their respective faith, and violent bloodlust, then they're really two birds of the same feather. A prime material for the "We're not so different, you and I" villainous monologue.

Maybe that's one of the prime reasons why Liz hates him so much, she sees a (twisted) reflection of herself in him.

@AliceInRedHeels for now, yes. In my experience multiple characters tend to cause posting to drag. However, I'm thinking I'd like to allow players to play some witch hunters or British captains for certain sections. Sort of a "bad guy of the week," scenario. So there's options there.

Oh yeah, regarding this, I mused some ideas about Beth's arch-nemesis, Knight-Bishop Gregor, and would love the opportunity to play as him myself during those 'bad guy of the week' scenarios. By your permission, of course.
Soooo... we'll wait on proceeding with the 'main timeline' until these collabs are done, right? Otherwise, there'll be a risk of disjointed interactions and narratives.

But just tell me if I'm not making sense.
Oh hey, I've watched Rave Master when I was a kid, but not so much Fairy Tail.

I'm putting my tentative interest here. I'll still need to polish the rust off my knowledge about Mashimaverse, it has been years after all.

If I come up with a character concept I like, I'll let you know, GM @Urizen.
@RoseKnightJason Aye aye, cap'n! Moving the CS to the char tab.

Also, as Alice said, you can go ahead and basically copy-paste the interest check to the first post of the OOC tab. Since you've already made this thread, the interest check has served its purpose. Future applicants will just go to the main thread (this one) instead of the old one.
It'd be extra funni if somehow, all four of our mains have some sort of healing spell. James and Beth already have them, 2 down, 2 to go.

Might break the game, which is why we should do it.
@RoseKnightJason I've updated Beth's CS as per your suggestion, adding this part:
When cast, a sanguine magic circle gradually expands outward from underneath her feet and those who're touched by said circle will feel their blood being drained out until they have no more to drain. It's functionally a hex-type spell and like all curses, it can be nullified or resisted. In this case, someone with enough physical endurance will be able to brute force through its effects.

Also moving the draft from the Interest Check to here for convenience.

Jon "The Shadow" Jones ain't got nothin' on my man Lamont. Truly, there's always a bigger fish.
@RoseKnightJason My CS is up for review, GM!

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