Avatar of Kassarock


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Mahz finally picked up the milk.


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Greetings friends, partners, enemies, acquaintances, and strangers. I am Kassarock, or just Kass if you prefer, welcome to my profile. Anyway, I am a 20 something male roleplayer from the UK and a long time user of the site, although I have come and gone a fair bit over my time here. I used to be more active on the old site, and I still am relatively active in the off topic sections today, as well as in the guild's discord. So you might see me around.

I generally consider myself to be an advanced writer, I pretty much always write multiple paragraphs, and will drop walls of text if the mood takes me. My grammar is okay, but not formally perfect, so I do not expect that from my partners either. I normally like quite dark and dramatic themes in terms of content in my roleplays, regardless of genre. Unless I have got an interest check up, or have messaged you, I am not usually looking for new partners to write with.

I think that covers just about everything. Message me if you want to know more.
Original Join Date: 07/04/2009

Advanced, Casual, 1x1, Nation, Tabletop

Historical, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Drama

Writer, Archaeologist, Cymro


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Current Avatar | Connor Fawcett

Check out my Character Archive for other/old character sheets.

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Yeah I sat down to write summat last night but got distracted, will finish today
>[X] Forage for Food
Greetings, you f*cking weirdos who actually go through this forum and read people's old character sheets.

I finally decided to make a centralised location to store all my old sheets. Who knows, maybe I'll go grubbing through my old hard drive at some point and dredge up all my Oldguild sheets. Anyway...



Forgive me mods for I have sinned.

Pls delete this thread, it was a mistake.
Derek regarded Charles with a look of suspicion. Charles was always exceptionally dressed, especially so for software department. In fact one could say he was expensively dressed, with his navy suit and white satin tie. How did he afford such fancy suits? Could... could Charles be in on it.

He evaluated the other actors in the chaos around him. Sam, the long serving janitor... who for some reason was staring at him, curious but no matter. Carl, running off to purchase a Subway, but with whose money? Dave, completely non-plussed and just not giving a fuck. And Stanley, rubbing his ass all over the copier machine. Which among these would he choose to be his erstwhile ally to unravel the web of treachery, conspiracy, and poor accounting that Derek found himself enmeshed in? It had to be someone he trusted absolutely, someone he was certain could not be in on the plot.

There was only one person.

Stanley. Stanley had not the guile or subterfuge to be involved in such heinous financial chicanery. He was pure and innocent soul, who lived only for the thrill of moments such as these - unsanitary use of company property for the sake of juvenile pranks that would result in numerous HR complaints.

Yes - this was the man for the job.

Derek hurried to catch up to him. But lo and behold, what did he see but Stanley conversing with the Boss, and the Boss promising throw him a 'recommendation'! Lies all lies. Even sweet Stan had been dragged into the quagmire of falsehoods.

No one, he could trust no one it seemed.
Phew that was a long one.

I've had that scene, or at least, the bit leading up to Ozragad's last line, in my head for ages. I knew at some point he was going to raise a toast to The Arrangement since we started this practically.

Also, I do hope Elise notices the powder, otherwise we might have something of a problem.
"The negotiations should not take much longer, Your Highness. A few weeks at the most, assuming there are no further sticking points." Manawyndan supplied the answer to the Princess's question. At the mention of the Eorzian customs his eyes lit up, an idea catching in his mind. "Plenty of time to arrange for such a demonstration of talent. In fact, it almost reminds me of an old Formori custom, reversed however, where a suitor demonstrates his ability to provide for his betrothed through the hunting and slaying of some great beast. It would make for some nice symmetry would it not?"

Ozragad's brow darkened and he shot his councillor a poisoned look as he listened to what he was saying. Was all of this really necessary? He had given his people peace, and he was working on giving them plenty, what more did they need than that from him? His suspicious mind went to the places in normally did. Does he want to make a fool of me? Does he want to undermine me?

But the Princess had already agreed to preform her 'talent show', if he were to back out now, would it make him seem weak? He would not have that, he had already humbled himself to her once and made an apology. He would not have her thinking him craven too. But he looked craven either way, if he shied from the fight to come and indulged in worthless festivities instead.

"Manawyndan, you know I mislike most useless pageantry. I imagine it will take more than some mummer's farce to quell the discontent brought about by my choice of bride."

"It is at least worth a try, sire. It need not come to swords." Manawayndan seemed nonplussed by the King's response. At times he seemed unflappable, he was perhaps to used to the King and his moods. Ozragad cast one eye over to the watching Princess. Should he be having this conversation here in front of her?

"I have put down rebellions before. I will do it again if I must." There was that harsh edge to voice once more, as if he was daring his councillor to disagree with him, waiting for a chance to vent his fury.

"Indeed you have, sire. But I imagine this way would definitely be cheaper than a war."

Damn. He has me there. It was certainly true. Ozragad was just finished fighting one long ruinously expensive war, he could ill afford to start another within his realm. Not when he was still uncertain if this peace with Eorzia could even hold. He still had his share of the wedding to pay. Only after that would the Royal Treasury begin to replenish. The King audibly sighed and reached up with two fingers to massage the bridge of his nose.

"You try my patience councillor... Fine, I will agree to take part in these distractions, provided the Princess plays her part too."

"A wise decision, your Majesty."

The look of smug self-satisfaction on Manawyndan's face left a bad taste in his mouth. He let his mentor and favourite councillor grow too bold, too often. It was a weakness. But then again, old Manawyndan was the last of those older soldiers he had looked up to as boy, who had trained him to fight and raised him after the death of his Mother. Gone too were those rowdy boys he had once trained and sparred with, most dead or now against him. There were few he could ever consider friend at court, in so much as King's could have friends. Let Manawyndan have his satisfaction, who knew how much longer the old man would be around to enjoy such things?

A knock came at the chamber door to interrupt his maudlin train of thought. A serving man entered with a silver tray laden with his midday meal and a pitcher of wine. He let the man set it down before dismissing him with a wave of his hand.

The King rose from his chair and stood at the centre of table, framed from behind by a pair of towering likenesses of his forebears upon marble plinths. Someone had thought to place three crystal goblets upon the platter, instead of the usual one. He poured a glass for himself and went to pour second for his smug councillor before Manawyndan stopped him.

"I shall take no wine, sire, it disagrees with me to take it early, these days." As if to illustrate the point the old Formori suppressed a small coughing fit. Manawyndan reached out and took the second glass, filling it water from another ewer.

Ozragad almost set the wine pitcher back where it lay before his eye caught the Princess once more, he consider her for but a moment, before he poured another glass of wine and passed it down the table to rest at her elbow.

"You should raise a toast your Majesty."

"A toast? To what?"

"To peace. To marriage."

"I think it may still be somewhat premature for that." The King shot his councillor another dark look, before his eyes rested on Princess Elise again, and perhaps... softened... almost. "But it seems we have come to an... Arrangement for now. So how about to that? To the Arrangement."

Ozragad raised the glass to lips, as he did so, it caught a beam of light from those long narrow windows. He could not see it, but it shone through the glass from the side as he went to drink. And illuminated so in the crystal, the dark wine turned translucent and gave up its secrets. Floating in there were some tiny, almost unnoticeable, specks of powder.
So I've just started The Mirror and the Light by Hillary Mantell, the final book in her trilogy about the life of Thomas Cromwell, possibly the finest historical fiction series of the century thus far. I'm only a hundred or so pages in and its already living up to its predecessors. Its a shame the book did not make it onto the Booker Shortlist, the prize its two predecessors won, as so far it seems every bit as captivating and beautiful as the last two.

You see, Mantell has such a grasp of language that sometimes her work reads more like prose poetry than anything else, something I think you rarely see in historical fiction. There's also the driving immediacy of it all as well, created through her skilful use of the third person present, it really makes it feel like events from 500 years ago are happening right now in front of you. And then there's Cromwell, intelligent, cunning, funny, sympathetic, ruthless, compassionate Cromwell. I know how it all must end for him. And yet I do not want it to.

But nothing lasts forever, and the more dizzying the rise to the most glorious of heights, the greater the fall to those deep and terrible depths.

If you haven't read this series yet, go and do it. You're missing out.
*Unscrews pommel from hilt of sword and throws it at @Snickersnacker*
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