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Greetings friends, partners, enemies, acquaintances, and strangers. I am Kassarock, or just Kass if you prefer, welcome to my profile. Anyway, I am a 20 something male roleplayer from the UK and a long time user of the site, although I have come and gone a fair bit over my time here. I used to be more active on the old site, and I still am relatively active in the off topic sections today, as well as in the guild's discord. So you might see me around.

I generally consider myself to be an advanced writer, I pretty much always write multiple paragraphs, and will drop walls of text if the mood takes me. My grammar is okay, but not formally perfect, so I do not expect that from my partners either. I normally like quite dark and dramatic themes in terms of content in my roleplays, regardless of genre. Unless I have got an interest check up, or have messaged you, I am not usually looking for new partners to write with.

I think that covers just about everything. Message me if you want to know more.
Original Join Date: 07/04/2009

Advanced, Casual, 1x1, Nation, Tabletop

Historical, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Drama

Writer, Archaeologist, Cymro


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House Saan

House Saan is an ancient noble family hailing from the Free City of Lys and descending from the dragonlords of Old Valyria. The House has the dubious distinction of also being the progenitor of a number of successful pirate lords. During the reign of Aegon I there was the pirate King Sargosso Saan, and more recently the pirate lords of Wreckstone, Sharako Saan and his son Lysono.

Currently the House is split into two different factions on either side of Daemon Targaryen's war for the Stepstones, House Saan of Lys and House Saan of Wreckstone. House Saan of Lys is the senior of the two branches of the family and is active in the magisterial politics of the Free City of Lys and the wider Kingdom of the Three Daughters. The junior branch, House Saan of Wreckstone, are pirate lords based on the Isle of Wreckstone, and are currently a vassal of the Kingdom of the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea.

House Saan of Lys

The Lysene branch of House Saan is both the senior of the two and the more powerful, prestigious branch. Headed by Magister Samarro Saan, its members are predominantly made up of his own children, although other descendants through matrilineal line can be found in both the noble Houses of Ormollen and Haen. Samarro is a man near the height of his power, a rich and well respected trader who sits on the Conclave of Magisters which rules the Free City of Lys. He has numerous sons and grandsons to succeeded his legacy and has made shrewd political alliances with other Lysene houses like the Rogares. However, a threat to his family lies in their renegade cousin, Lysono of Wreckstone, whose actions in the War for the Stepstones have raised questions about the loyalties of House Saan as a whole and has soured relations with other members of the Triachy.
House Members:

  • Magister Samarro Saan (55), current Patriarch of House Saan and sitting Magister of the Free City of Lys. Widower.

    • Sylvarrio Saan (32), Samarro's eldest son and heir apparent, manages most of the families mercantile activities . Married to Ryella Ormollen.
      • Syaella Saan (10), daughter of Sylvarrio, twin of Syaello.
      • Syaello Saan (10), son of Sylvarrio, twin of Syaella.
      • Saera Saan (6), daughter of Sylvarrio.

    • Salloreon Saan (29), Sammarro's second son, a captain of the city watch of Lys. Married to Elaena Saan.
      • Saathos Saan (8), son of Salloreon and Elaena, nephew of Lysono.
      • Selenya Saan (5), daughter of Salloreon and Elaena, niece of Lysono.

    • Saenerys Saan (27), daughter of Sammarro. Married to Lysandro Rogare, politician and banker.

    • Syrio Saan (24), third son of Sammarro, proprietor of notable pleasure house. Bachelor.

    • Saenyx Saan (20), youngest son of Sammarro, apprentice to the Lysene alchemist guild. Bachelor.

House Saan of Wreckstone

Originally founded by Sharako Saan, a cousin of the Lysene Magister Samarro Saan, House Saan of Wreckstone is a fledgling house of Pirate Lords of the Stepstones. Until recently the house was landless after being purged from the Stepstones by the forces of the Triachy, but through allying itself with Daemon Targaryen's War for the Stepstones it has found fortune once more. Headed by the renegade and ambitious Lysono Saan, this small house represents a challenge to the status quo of Lysene politics.
House Members:

  • Elaena Saan, (27) daughter of Sharako Saan, currently resides with senior branch in Lys. Wife of Salloreon Saan.

  • Lysono Saan (25), son of Sharako Saan, pirate lord of Wreckstone. Bachelor.

  • Vysenna Saan (18), daughter of Sharako Saan. Debutante at King Daemon's court.

Captains of the Wreckstone Fleet:

  • Khorane Marr, Lysono's trusted leftenant, the one captain of his father's fleet who returned to Lys after the mutiny.
  • Garin the Green, Lysono's closest companion, a young Dornish orphan of the green blood.
  • Torreo Sathmantes, dangerous and ambitious captain from a somewhat prominent Lysene house.
  • Moredo Sathmantes, younger brother of Torreo, obedient follower.
  • Left-hand Lem, Oldtown smuggler turned pirate.
  • Skullsplitter Stygg, an Ironborn raider.

Full Character sheets:

Vysenna Saan


House Saan of Wreckstone


Vysenna Saan shares many similarities appearance wise with older brother Lysono. They are both small, slim individuals bearing the blood of Old Valyria which manifests itself in their pale and silvery hair. Like her brother her eyes are not the deep purple of a Valyrian, but rather a sea green colour. Though fully grown into her womanhood for a number of years, Vysenna's waif-like proportions sometimes causes others to mistake her for being younger than she actually is.

Her dress differs drastically from her brother's in terms of the her preference for simple elegance over gaudy extravagance. Her dresses very well tailored but often are cut from plain silk or satin with little additional embroidery to embellish them. She prefers blues and greens, colours that bring out her unusual eyes. Though she has many jewels, Vysenna is unlikely to be wearing many of them at any given moment, often choosing a single necklace or broach depending upon the outfit. Though no doubt her dress sense would be considered foreign and revealing by Westerosi standards, in Lys it would be considered demure.


Vysenna Saan was born on the isle of Wreckstone in the year 93AC, the third and final child of pirate lord Sharako Saan, and his second daughter. Vysenna spent most of her childhood in Lys, with the Wreckstone branch of the Saan family originally leaving the island when Vysenna was only three years old prior the assault of the Triarchy in 96AC. The death of her father a few years later in a mutiny on the summer sea and the subsequent disappearance of her older brother to life a piracy left Vysenna alone in with only her Mother and her older sister Elaena.

Though they were nowhere near as wealthy as they had once been, the Wreckstone branch of the family still possessed some property in Lys. This along with what profits Lysono erratically sent back to them allowed Saan family enabled them to live a comfortable enough life independent of their cousins. But when Vysenna's mother was struck down by a sudden illness when Lysono was at sea this changed. Magister Samarro Saan acted as guardian to the two sisters, and married Elaena off to his own son Salloreon. Supposedly to maintain close relations between the two branches, but others said it was so Samarro's family could claim her portion of the inheritance for themselves.

When Lysono finally returned to Lys and heard these tidings he was furious and immediately took custody of his other still unmarried sister, Vysenna, fostering her with friends in ports and cities outside of Three Daughters. She has spent time in the free cities of Pentos and Braavos, on the isle of Driftmark with the Velaryons, and at King Daemon's Court on Bloodstone. She has returned to Lys since her brother claimed her, but only ever in his company.

Lysono Saan


House Saan of Wreckstone


Lysono Saan is a svelte and lithe man of shorter than average stature. Like many other Lyseni the blood of Old Valyria flows in his veins. This tells true by his long silvered hair that is twisted into a mass of braids and the gracile features that adorn his face. But Lysono's eyes are not those of some Valyrian dragonlord, instead they are an unusual blue green hue, the colour he likes to say of the seas he has made his fortune on. Most often he is clean shaven, and when taken into consideration with his fine facial structure, long hair, and full lips, there is more than just a hint of androgyny about the pirate lord.

Lysono dresses richly. Turquoise silks from beyond the Jade Gates of Qarth, bone white Myrish lace, purple dyed satin made from Tyroshi sea snails, and cloth of gold and silver from Lannisport and the mines of the West. From each ear hangs long teardrops of black amethyst set in bright silver, its purple so dark it almost looks like jet. His thin wrists jingle with bangles of precious metals or carved from ivory and amber. His slender fingers seem almost overwhelmed by the abundance of gaudy rings set upon them. But if called to action, those fingers can still easily reach down to Lysono's sword belt and grasp the two weapons that hang from it. From the left hip hangs a silver hilted narrow arming sword, while from the right, hangs a valyrian steel dagger with a black dragon bone handle.


Lysono Saan was born on the isle of Wreckstone in the year 86AC, the first born son of Sharako Saan, a pirate lord of the isle of Wreckstone and head of a cadet branch of the ancient and noble Lysene House of Saan. His father was the cousin of the senior branch of the family, which was at that time firmly based in Lys and in mostly legitimate trade. Though they both descended from the infamous Sargosso Saan who had been a Pirate King in the days of Aegon I, only Sharako's side of the family decided to take up his mantle.

Lysono's childhood was spent between the rugged and dangerous pirate dens of his father's world, and the genteel pleasure palaces of his cousins and kinsmen. This simultaneous induction into dual worlds of ruthless violence and idle hedonism marked the young man strongly, and is something which stayed with Lysono throughout the rest of his life. Though relations between both sides of the family were generally good, the same could not be said for the relations between most traders in the Triachy and pirates in the Stepstones. As the situation began to boil over into a crisis in the year of 96AC, word was dispatched from Lys warning the Saan's of Wreckstone to flee their island fastness lest they be swept away along with the other pirate lords and petty kings that profiteered off the flow of trade between the Narrow and Summer seas.

Sharako was a prudent man and elected to sail his family to Lys until the threat of war receded, while he himself would seek out somewhere else to continue his piratical activities. But in leaving the rich trading routes from which his family derived their income, he opened himself up to a danger from within. After a lean few years rumours began to spread amongst his crews that Sharako didn't have gold enough to pay them without the plunder from the Stepstones, or that he had secreted away an a larger than fair share of the recent hauls in order to support his family in exile. Talk turned to mutiny. Before long words turned to actions.

Sharako was murdered by his crew in his sleep while sailing the summer seas. Anarchy descended upon his small fleet as rival captains turned upon each other. When the news of the calamity finally reached Lysono on Lys, he found all that he had once expected to inherit, a lordship, a fleet, an army, was all taken from him, along of course with his own father.

The news hit the young Lysono hard, and for a year he turned to running up debts in the pillow houses and wine sinks of Lys in order to escape the reality of his much reduced situation. It was during this time that the rumours first began to spread about the unusual.. preferences that the young exiled lord possessed. Soon his credit began to turn bad, and even these distractions were lost to him. Indeed, all seemed lost. Until one day, a familiar ship limped back into the harbour below the city. Only one ship, one ship among half a score, had remained loyal to the elder Saan and had sought out his son and heir. It was only one ship, but it was enough. Enough to start again, restore his fortunes, and maybe one day take back what was his by right of birth.

And Lysono did just that. Over the next six years he raided and traded in every port from Ibben to Asshai, he stole from men, sold his wares to others, and as his fleet of corsairs grew, he began to sell his sails in petty wars all over Essos. But none of it was enough, the grip the Triachy held on the Stepstones was too strong for one mere pirate lord to break. But one day word reach his ears of another who might share his goal and was far more than just a pirate lord, he was Daemon Targaryen, Prince of the Iron Throne, and dragonlord.

Lysono sailed all the ships he had gathered to Driftmark, and bent his knee to the Rouge Prince on the condition that he and his heirs be named Lord of Wreckstone in this new kingdom Daemon seeks to carve out from amongst the Narrow Sea. Other than the Sea snake himself, Lysono brought the largest contingent of ships to Daemon's cause and he quickly found himself a part of the prince's war councils. Three years later, in 109AC, when the prince is crowned King of the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea, Lysono Saan is confirmed as Lord of the Isle of Wreckstone.
Karlus Marsh

Character Summary

Nadia the Nazairi

Original art by Lesly Oh

King Ozragad of the House of Gwydion

King of Morganyth, Lord of all Fomori, Nemesis of Eorzia


King Ozragad appears almost as formidable as his reputation would suggest. He is taller than most men, easily standing over six feet in height, and carries himself with an air of strength. His face his angular, almost gaunt, with a proud straight nose and a prominent chin. It is framed by his long black hair, threaded now with faint strands of grey. Like the rest of his Fomori kin, Ozragad bears the ashen complexion and pointed ears of his kind. But by far, the most notable thing about his face are his eyes: orange-gold irises like pools of firelight cut in twain by slit pupils. Beneath his furrowed brow they smoulder fiercely, their gaze intent, their owner inscrutable.

Outside of the palace Ozragad most often wears his armour, it is surprisingly plain for that of a king, lacking filigree or ornamental fancies. When not in armour he favours darker colours, black or maroon, and simple garb. The circlet he wears during occasions of state is yellow gold, set with beads of jet and garnets. A sword is most often at his side.


To the people of Eorzia, King Ozragad is the source of great terror. Known as the Nemesis, the Defiler, the Accursed, (amongst other less savoury monikers) he is considered a cruel tyrant responsible for the woes of the Kingdom. But those who faced him on the battlefield or have studied his life emphasise different traits - Ozragad's cunning and bravery. For decades the Kingdom of Morganyth has held its own against Eorzia largely because of the military and strategic genius of its leader, who has won countless battles against larger armies, and always commands from the front lines. His own soldiers are known to be as fanatically loyal to him as Eorzia's are fanatically opposed to him.

The rare few who have visited Ozragad's court in the hidden city of Cirith Anyr and returned to Eorzia tell tales of a cold place, with few acts of gaiety or revelry. An air of sadness hangs of the place. The King himself has shown dislike for residing at his own seat, and even when not on campaign, prefers to throw himself into the management of his realm by touring its provinces personally.


King Ozragad's history is inevitability tied up in the century of war between Eorzia and Morganyth. He came to the throne at an unusually young age for a Formori, not yet having seen his first century. The early years of his reign were quiet, the Formori of Morganyth had always kept to themselves in the years before the war, and at first that did not change with Ozragad. Then without warning, over twenty years after he had taken the throne, the King led a host out of the mountains and into Eorzia, claiming it as the ancestral homeland of the Formori people. In what would later become known as his first and most successful campaign, King Ozragad cut his way into the heart of Eorzian territory, culminating in the capture of its capital and the killing of its King.

That winter Ozragad held court in lands that no Formori had ruled in over a thousand years, but come the spring he would driven from the city by King's son and heir. When he realised he could not hold the capital, Ozragad burnt it to the ground.

What followed was a century of bloodshed, as the two Kingdoms traded flesh wounds year after year. Sometimes Ozragad would hold the upper hand and strike deep into Erozia, at other times he would be pressed back into mountains and besieged in his fortified citadels. Kings and Princes of the Hydaelyn dynasty have been slain by his hand, but always another rises in their place to oppose him. After so many years, the war took its toll on both the Kingdoms. Their populations began to deplete, their borderlands all but abandoned because of the continuous fighting.

Then came the peace. The proposal made to him which was expected to be flatly rejected - he accepted. With only one condition, that the dowry paid to the bride by her father be made in land, not gold.
Elijah 'Eli' Redgrave

Y'know Redgraves have been in Westcliffe almost as long as the DeWinters, but no one gives a shit cos we're poor now.

Name: Elijah 'Eli' Redgrave

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Sexual Orientation: He's not really figured that out yet.

Character Role: Tragic Backstory

Extra: Faceclaim credit of Matthew Clavane
Good post, I've enjoyed these last couple, next few should wrap up this current scene I think.

Where do you want to go after that?

Skip to one of the pre-wedding traditions, or is there anything else Elise would like to do first now she has her freedom of movement restored?
Eli Redgrave

As the school bell rang Eli slunk out of his seat and out of the classroom. He hadn't been paying attention for most of the day, but that didn't mean he hadn't been thinking. He had been thinking about a lot things, but mostly, what Violet had said that morning and what they all knew was coming up. The Harvest Festival and the killings it foretold. It would happen again this year, Eli was sure of it. He just hoped that it wasn't anyone he cared about, there weren't that many of those left.

His parents. His brother. How many more people could the curse take from him?

Although, now he thought about it, there were some people he could think of in this town he wouldn't mind seeing dead. His uncle for a start. Maybe if I beg Violet nicely enough she'll send the curse to him this year. That was of course if the DeWinters had anything to with it, and more importantly, if Violet had anything to do with it. But she is the DeWinter heiress... if they are behind it, she would know.

As he put his stuff back into his locker, Ben came out of their classroom and called to him across the stream of students pouring out of the school. Ben wanted to goof off around town, and that suited Eli just fine.

"Yeah sure thing man, just lemme grab my bike first."

He walked round to the front of the school and unchained his bikes from railing, placing the heavy metal lock in his backpack. When he looked inside and remembered what was in there, he smiled.

"You want one?" He asked Ben, as he revealed a pair of crumpled cigarettes.

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