Avatar of Kassarock


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Mahz finally picked up the milk.


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Greetings friends, partners, enemies, acquaintances, and strangers. I am Kassarock, or just Kass if you prefer, welcome to my profile. Anyway, I am a 20 something male roleplayer from the UK and a long time user of the site, although I have come and gone a fair bit over my time here. I used to be more active on the old site, and I still am relatively active in the off topic sections today, as well as in the guild's discord. So you might see me around.

I generally consider myself to be an advanced writer, I pretty much always write multiple paragraphs, and will drop walls of text if the mood takes me. My grammar is okay, but not formally perfect, so I do not expect that from my partners either. I normally like quite dark and dramatic themes in terms of content in my roleplays, regardless of genre. Unless I have got an interest check up, or have messaged you, I am not usually looking for new partners to write with.

I think that covers just about everything. Message me if you want to know more.
Original Join Date: 07/04/2009

Advanced, Casual, 1x1, Nation, Tabletop

Historical, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Drama

Writer, Archaeologist, Cymro


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My 1x1 Interest Check Thread | Currently CLOSED

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Current Avatar | Connor Fawcett

Check out my Character Archive for other/old character sheets.

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Karlus Marsh

Character Summary

No worries, take your time.

It doesn't change the continent map too much right? Astoria, Vinguard and Ostguard are all still attached to Carthus as a single landmass?
Ooh, new map I see.

I'll go post Karlus over in the character tab.
Welcome to the Guild, Rex.

A lot of people on here do some solo writing as well as RPing, we have monthly writing contests for short stories or microfiction/poetry, check them out if it interests you.

Yeah, its a shame when people drop in a character driven small group RP like this, oh well, such is the hobby.

But, it was fun getting to write with you all! And @Hedgehawk lemme know if you're thinking of reboot, I would happily join again.
Tense just sounds better when it's past tense.

I have to disagree on this. The present tense can be just as beautiful when in the right hands. I think it is often unfairly maligned as the sole property of frankly poorly written young-adult novels. But the present tense has given us novels like Hilary Mantell's Wolf Hall, Anthony Doerr's All the Light We Cannot See, and Maraget Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale. It's not a problem with the tool, its a problem with those who use it poorly.

I understand why most people don't use it to RP with, because we want to have a consistent style while writing a story and the majority of people are most comfortable writing in the past. But when it comes to the poetry of language, the present is not inferior to the past in my opinion.

As for everyone's thoughts on collabs, I 100% agree. In fact trying to co-ordinate people to create collabs that don't read like an absolute mess is one of my personal banes when it comes to roleplaying. I always try to have it that whoever is the person posting the collab when its finished is the only one who gets to use interior monologues or thoughts.

One of the things I like about collabs though (or switching to a more distant third person perspective in general) is how it can build a sense of mystery about your character. When we get out of a character's head, the reader does not know necessarily why they are doing what they are doing. It builds intrigue. So often, in pivotal moments I will either deliberately join someone else's collab, or I'll just switch to a more distant third person because I don't want to explain my character's actions. I want my partner to wonder at them, to be thrown off, to be surprised. I always love it when that happens to me in an RP.

Oh man that was fun to write!

Ozra's going a little bit full on atm lol
It was the cry of the Princess and the sudden clash of her glass against the surface of the table that stopped Ozragad from sipping from the goblet. At first he thought she was having some kind of outburst of defiance against the tentative agreement that they had only just realised, throwing down her cup in disgust rather than drink to his toast. You are a fool for thinking it would be so simple, she means to vex you once more. She is your enemy, do not forget that. His brow darkened and his eyes narrowed in anger, before widening in surprise as she threw herself at him.

Unconsciously, his hand went to the sword at his side and began to bare the steel blade. It seemed to him she was trying to attack him in some way What is she doing? Has she gone mad? But she was not attacking him. It was not at him her ire and agitation were directed, but rather he saw, what he held in his other hand. The crystal goblet filled with wine.

She pulled the glass from his hand, as Ozragad let his sword slide back into its scabbard. He was at a loss, trying to comprehend what had just happened. The Princess set the glass down on the table and then spoke a single word, suddenly all the pieces fell into place.


He repeated the word back to her.


Poison? Poison! Someone had just tried to poison him! Someone had just tried to kill him! Here in his own council chambers! In his own palace! And she... she had saved him?! His mind reeled.

"How did you... why did-" Ozragad began to speak to her, uncomprehending, almost as if he were a sleep walker, before he shook his head and stopped himself. As his incomprehension faded, another emotion began to take its place. Rage, pure, unadulterated, rage. He bellowed for the guards who stood outside his door. The pair of them burst through the doors, swords in hand.

"Seal the Palace! No one leaves unless I say so! And find me that wretch of servant who was just in here!" The King barked out his orders and his men scurried off to do as he commanded.

"Your Majesty-" Manawyndan spoke, still sat at the table. Ozragad's head snapped to him and affixed him with his molten eyes.


"If I could beg a private word." The old Formori's eyes were pleading. But Ozragad's blood was boiling in his veins. Manawyndan was more than just a general and his deputy, Ozragad trusted him with the secret matters of the state too, the intricacies of spy craft and subterfuge. Suddenly the King found a valid target to unleash what was building inside of him.

"You can beg I do not throw you off of my council! How was this allowed to happen?! How was this Eorzian child a more competent spymaster than y-" The King slammed one fist on the table, the other wildly gesticulated to where the Princess still stood.

"Sire! Please! All might not be as it seems." The Lord Steward's eyes flicked in the direction of the Princess, wary and suspicious. But Ozragad was past subtlety. The weeks of tension building since the betrothal, the forced niceties of his return to court, the shadows of those who were once friends that now lurked knives in hand, and no where to release it. No killing or fighting to be done. It all came out, in blinding, blistering fury.

"Oh spit it out! You bloody old fool!" Even calm and unflappable Manawyndan looked taken aback. He began to speak in his low gravelly tones, quickly and quietly.

"Your Majesty, though I hate to besmirch the word of your betrothed, it is thus far only her word and her word alone that there has been any attempt on your life. We should not act rashly. Though I sincerely hope it is not so, this could be some form of Eorzian ploy designed to lower your guard and sow distrust against those loyal to you. Send for the kennel master for a dog, or better yet, the rat catcher, in order to test the wine on some pest or vermin and see if it is truly poison, rather than jumping to conclusions."

At that moment the doors of the chamber swung inwards and a pair of soldiers appeared, hauling between them the Formori servant who had brought the wine in not minutes before. They dropped him to the stone floor in a heap at the foot of the King.

"Test the wine on vermin you say?" There was a savage gleam in Ozragad's eyes. "Finally you say something useful."

The King picked up the still full glass from the table and advanced on the servant who began to crawl away from him. With a kick to his ribs he flipped the man onto his back and pinned him there to the floor with one knee. The man cried out in pain, eyes wide with abject terror and weakly tried to fight the King off. The two guards stepped in and restrained the man's arms. With one hand, Ozragad pinched the servant's nose shut, and with the other he began to force the wine between the man's lips.
So this is thread is inspired by a status bar discussion we had on the site a few weeks ago that I keep thinking about and would like to have some more input on. The long and short of it is:

When Roleplaying, what tense and perspectives do you find appropriate and/or useful to write from?

The general consensus seemed to be that most people preferred (and expected) roleplays to be primarily conducted through the third person past - although there were a few exceptions. I also generally prefer the third person past as a default for roleplaying. It makes the weaving of different character perspectives easier, and as the most common style of roleplaying (at least on this site) its safest bet in terms of meshing well with other writers. But, I have written and still do write in other styles for specific reasons I will outline below:

1) Thoughts - This one is actually very common I think, and its using first person in order to portray inner dialogue or your character's feelings.

2) Dreams - The other change in writing style I like to use relatively often is changing tense/perspective for dream sequences or states of altered consciousness. The slip from past to present I think is a really good way to make the experience seem more disorientating, more fluid, more unstable. Changing to first person can also emphasis the inherent subjectivity of such experiences, rather than the more omniscient third person.

3) GMing - Some people like to use second person perspective for describing events while GMing a scene. I've seen people do this, and I do this in table top roleplays, but generally not in a play by post - although I don't rule out using it in the future.

So, other than these, are there any other times you would change Tense or Perspective when roleplaying? Do you roleplay in a tense other than third person past? If not, would you ever consider it?

Leave your thoughts below.
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