Avatar of Kassarock


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1 yr ago
Mahz finally picked up the milk.


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Greetings friends, partners, enemies, acquaintances, and strangers. I am Kassarock, or just Kass if you prefer, welcome to my profile. Anyway, I am a 20 something male roleplayer from the UK and a long time user of the site, although I have come and gone a fair bit over my time here. I used to be more active on the old site, and I still am relatively active in the off topic sections today, as well as in the guild's discord. So you might see me around.

I generally consider myself to be an advanced writer, I pretty much always write multiple paragraphs, and will drop walls of text if the mood takes me. My grammar is okay, but not formally perfect, so I do not expect that from my partners either. I normally like quite dark and dramatic themes in terms of content in my roleplays, regardless of genre. Unless I have got an interest check up, or have messaged you, I am not usually looking for new partners to write with.

I think that covers just about everything. Message me if you want to know more.
Original Join Date: 07/04/2009

Advanced, Casual, 1x1, Nation, Tabletop

Historical, Fantasy, Sci-fi, Romance, Drama

Writer, Archaeologist, Cymro


Current Roleplays and Interest Checks

My 1x1 Interest Check Thread | Currently CLOSED

Other Things

Current Avatar | Connor Fawcett

Check out my Character Archive for other/old character sheets.

Most Recent Posts

I used to play in person stuff, but obviously, that hasn't been happening over the last year or so. I've tried it online in other ways, but it hasn't been quite the same. It's very different to play-by-post, but the fun of it I think is the unpredictability, the dice determine so much that often situations go completely differently from how you were expecting them to.

Are we out of initiative order now that combat is over?
Oh cool both on the new partner and getting the vaccine, both my parents had their vaccine today actually. I'll still be waiting a while I think as I'm in the lowest risk group.

And yeah, I'm good, looking forward to spring and being able to go outside and do stuff again. In the mean time I've been trying out playing some tabletop stuff on the Guild, which is a nice change of pace.
There's so much stuff I want to do lol, I was writing that post being like 'but how do I fit in introducing X NPC and Y NPC?'


It'll just to have to wait for another one I guess.

Anyway, how's you? I saw you were looking for someone to roleplay that book series you were talking about the other day, any luck yet?
Ozragad caught sight of her as he reached the bottom of the stairs. The Princess was bowing deeply, much like his own subjects, surrounded by a knot of the ladies he had placed to serve (and spy on) her. He had half expected some kind of scene, a continuation of the game of mutual hostilities and disrespects their relationship had largely been up until this point. But there was none. Perhaps they were past all that now, with their new arrangement... and all else that had happened since.

Strange, how he looked back on their bitter arguments with almost an element of fondness now. It felt like a different time, simpler, less dangerous. Less dangerous for you maybe. It was always dangerous for her, after all, it was you she was fighting with. You almost strangled her. Ozragad winced at the memory of her delicate throat under his hands. But it was true, she had always been in danger in Morganyth, from himself as well as others. He was still a danger to her, after all, it could still be her who had tried to kill him. She had plenty of motive. And what will you do then?

As the crowd parted for him, Ozragad could see that the grooms and stable hands were bringing the horses up, ready for their riders to mount. There was an order of precedence to the whole thing, he would mount first, followed by next in precedence and so on and so on. The next highest ranked person here would be the Princess herself, being a fellow royal, albeit a foreign one. The King could see his own tall black stallion drawn up across the ward, but next to it there was another horse saddled and ready.

He could tell from here that it was a magnificent creature. The palace stables at Cirith Anyr kept some of the finest horseflesh in all the country, even before he had needed to mount and outfit so many warriors for his armies. They bred for speed, rather than size, and he could see by its build it would fast. She was a filly still, just on the cusp of being considered a mare. Her coat was palomino, a pale cream, with flowing mane and tail of pure white. He did not know her by sight, but a horse so fine must have come from his personal collection, and there was only one person it could have been brought here for.

This was a mount fit for a Princess.

Normally he would have marched on past his bowing courtiers and got on horseback as quickly as possible in order to get the assembled court moving, Ozragad hated waiting. But now he paused at the foot of the stairs. This was supposed to be political theatre was it not? Then he would give them some theatre to talk about. He turned and walked to where the Princess still knelt, planting himself directly in front of her. He proffered a hand to her.

"Your mount awaits you, Princess."
@TGM Cool character, I also really like the BBcode you used for the sheet, great design.
Seeing the goblin's life slowly snuffed out by his attack, Nethruel once more raised his book to his face, content that the job was done.

Cold, my dude, cold.
You hoped in vain

Azra Flametongue

"How do I like it? I fucking love it!" Azra exclaimed at the Tortle's elaborate storytelling performance, applauding wildly as he did so. All thoughts of boredom fled from his mind, which became filled instead with images of the mythical jungles of chult and their giant ferocious lizards. Such a performance, with such passion, from such an unexpected source. He had to give his review, of course, to show what an attentive and appreciative audience he was.

"Wonderful, simply wonderful, my friend. I was not wrong when I said you were natural performer, and I can definitely see that pizazz now. You were just hiding it under that shell of yours before! My favourite part was the-" From over his shoulder Azra heard the driver shout something, probably just more congratulations.

"Quiet please, I am trying to give my review as an audience member. Now where was I? Ah yes, the sound design of this piece. Outstanding! Really the highlight of the whole thing, such dynamic use of the your voice and the use of thaumaturgy to produce the rumbling and those whispers? Bravo, could not have done better myself." The pretty young half-elf said something as well, but Azra didn't listen, he was too busy formulating some constructive criticism, his eyes rolled upwards in contemplation. How rude, trying to inject before he was finished.

"Just a moment, then you can chime in. Of course, there are areas for improvement. Costume and prop design, for example. I mean, while your attire could be more... engaging. And the tooth, it needs to be bigger. There's a prop maker in Waterdeep I know who cast a much larger on in plaster for only a few gold, I could make the introduc-" A blood curdling scream cut the Tiefling off. Another interruption, this one ruder than the last, and that was no way to respond to criticism, even if you disagreed.

"Well yes, I suppose authenticity does have its own 'charm', but there are other areas that could definitely be improved. What I think the whole thing was missing were some lighting effects, or better yet just go full atmospheric manipulation. I've heard of this druid that works in a theatre down in Amn, some sort of weather worker, they actually use their magic to physically manifest the weather conditions called for in the play being performed. I'm told its most immersive of experiences. Do you know any weather magic? Well, I suppose its beside the point really, just something to consider, if you are interested in elevating your performance to a higher form of art - and I mean, aren't we all? Is that not the most noble of pursuits that one can follow in this life? To live, to perform, for the sake of Art?!"

As he finished speaking Azra leapt up and struck a pose, one arm outstretched, the other with forearm turned to cover his eyes, as if he were some kind of dramatic actor performing in a play. There was no reply. Odd, it seemed everyone had been so eager to join the conversation moments before. Azra moved his elbow a fraction to peep out in order to see their reactions.


Azra stared at the slumped over halfing driver bleeding profusing from an arrow wound. He dropped his pose and turned around to see the big human and the young half-elf standing over a pair of what appeared to goblin corpses. It was hard to tell, one of them had been ground to paste with the human's large hammer. Further off, another pair of still living goblins brandished bows at them threateningly.

"Well fuck... you could have said something?!"

Reaching down to grip his arcane focus, a large red garnet set into a pedant hung around his neck, Azra let his infernal magic flow through him. His tongue comforted in his mouth as he rapidly spoke a stream of incantations in a language that sounded more like a series of retches, screams and hisses than actual words. From his other hand, a bolt of burning fire, aimed at one of the goblins in the distance, came flying out with a sudden whooshing noise.


The fire fizzled out to nothing on the ground a few feet away from the goblin.

"Oh... well fuck again!"

Oh shit, I knew Poly was ill, didn't realise just how ill though.

Anyway, while I never roleplayed with her, I did have a bunch of discussions (and a few dumb arguments) with her in current affairs on the Guild's discord over the years. While I can't say that we were on the same side in a huge number of those, I will miss her contributions to the discourse.

Goes to show, be nice to people on the internet, even the ones you argue with. Don't let the last thing you say to someone be part of some bullshit flame war.

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