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You’ll adjust to arriving on time soon enough.

Coming from someone with Grandmaster’s reputation, that didn’t sound like a reassurance or a prediction; it sounded like an order. The guy had that kind of intensity to him; the kind of rigid professionalism that made her unconsciously straighten up her posture a bit more and left her feeling like she was about to be scolded for not polishing her costume more before she came here.

Maybe she was overthinking things, first day jitters and all that, or maybe the armour and all the guys with guns she passed on the way here and the fact that she was technically a government employee now put her in the mind set of thinking this was closer to the first day or boot camp than the first day of school. I mean, the Protectorate was an offshoot of the PRT right? They were kind of like a militarised police division or something; kind of like SWAT, but more specialised towards dealing with cape stuff? Yeah, that sounded about right. So the PRT and therefore the Protectorate and therefore the Wards, were all in the same vein as the police and the military.

Okay, yeah. Shit.

Probably best to think of anything Grandmaster said to her as an order and not a suggestion then.

Just in case.

Jessica wasn’t the last to arrive, but that wasn’t comforting information at the moment; if anything it just meant that she had the embarrassment of being late and still had to wait around for someone else before they could get started. The worst of both worlds. It sounded like whoever it was that had yet to show up was someone the heroes knew as well; one of the former Wards maybe, or an out-of-towner they were bringing in? They had expectations placed on them from the sounds of it, which probably meant they were different from the new recruits like herself.

She would find out soon enough. In the meantime, Jessica stepped forward to get a closer look at whatever glowing tinkertech thing Axiom had just placed on the table. Special earpieces that blocked out Master powers were cool and it was good to know that they were protected from some of the scarier Parahuman abilities out there, assuming they worked as well as the pitch made it sound, but at the same time looking at the innocuous devices gave her a sense of dread. It was the same as her armour; reassuring in their presence and at the same time deeply concerning that she needed them at all. Reaching out to pick one up, Jessica cracked it open to look at the small earpieces inside. She was wondering whether or not she could pass them off as off-brand AirPods or something when she felt someone new appear on the periphery of her power.

Well, truth be told, with her range there were more than a few people walking in and out of her new sense in a building this busy; learning out to tune it out and not get distracted was something she had been working on. But this particular person was walking down the corridor that led straight to this room and was moving with the brisk pace of someone in a hurry to get somewhere.

Guess this was the person they were waiting on.

Even that forewarning didn’t prepare her for the girl’s entrance though. Not the door flying open, nor the brightly coloured combat gear, nor the… everything else that came with the girl’s appearance, attitude and general demeanour.

As the newcomer stomped into the room, snapped at a member of the Protectorate and put her feet up on the table like she own the place, it wasn’t hard to get the impression that this girl was kind of full of herself; loud, obnoxious, a disregard for everyone else in the room and a clear disrespect for the supposed authorities in the room. Hell, Jessica couldn’t imagine being bold enough to act like that towards a seasoned cape, let alone with someone like Grandmaster in the room who, as she had previously noted, kind of scared her. But this girl was acting like she was the one in charge here, or at least acting like no one was in charge of her.

If Jessica didn’t already know exactly who this was, this first impression alone would have given her plenty of reasons to dislike this girl; she wasn’t looking to deal with someone’s overinflated ego with everything else that was going on. As it was, it was still a bad impression and she still didn’t like this girl, but that was slightly overshadowed by the fact that this was Shattercrash she was dealing with. The vigilante had a bit of a reputation in this city, to say the least and even someone who didn’t follow capes religiously like Jessica knew about the girl who was both a huge help to the PRT and an embarrassing thorn in their side at the same time. Any annoyance Jessica might have felt at the girl’s attitude problem was tempered by the fact that said girl could fold her up like a newspaper if she so felt like it.

So she wisely bit her tongue, folded her arms under her chest and didn’t say anything.

Thankfully, the bullying Orc wasn’t persistent enough to follow after her once she’d made it clear she was trying to leave; Akeno had been worried that he would take her walking away as a challenge or some kind of disrespect and take either as a reason to harass her further. People like that didn’t need logic to drive what they did or who they went after, often they just needed an excuse. Maybe things were different with Orcs, it wasn’t like she had any idea of Orc society worked after or, or she had misread this one and he wasn’t like that, either way it was probably better to just leave and not look back just in case.

Still, that left her with the problem of what to do next. She’d investigated one of her leads, sort of, and found it to be a dead end; Akeno didn’t know anything about farming beyond the absolute basics and if this guy knew to fertilise the soil then he was probably fine to figure out the rest. There was still the Shaman to ask, but she’d been talking to another young Orc earlier so maybe she already had things covered. The blacksmith needed wood or ore; Akeno could maybe swing an axe well enough to cut down some trees given a couple pointers, but from the sounds of it ore was the bigger issue and Akeno knew about as much about mining as she did farming.

That left the hunter, who might need some help skinning and gutting all of those creatures that she and the other Orcs had been bringing in today. Once again Akeno was in the position of not really knowing anything about the kind of work that was required of her, but she could at least handle a knife better than a saw or pickaxe. It was better than nothing, as far as leads went, so Akeno began to approach the far west side of the camp where the hunter was located.

If Akeno didn’t know why the hunter had chosen to set up shop so far out of the way before, she sure as hell figured it out once she got close enough to smell the fumes. Tanning the hides that came from their kills was… pungent work and more than once Akeno considered the idea of going anywhere else instead of pushing forward. She stuck to her decision though, continuing to walk forward and breathing through her mouth until she reached the hunter’s hut.

“Hey! Do you have any work that needs doing?”


Protectorate HQ, Changing room, 8:37 AM
June 19th, 2021

Jessica held her helmet between her hands, stared into the glossy black eyes as she hesitated to put it on, and wondered if it was too late to change the design of her costume. The original drafts she had seen, after sending in some rough sketches and some notes on what she wanted, includes a helmet that was just a blank yellow plane, featureless and inhuman, and Jessica had rejected them on the basis that it would be too intimidating. She’d thought that the eyes and the black lines here and there to break up the expanse of yellow would help it look more like a face, but now those shiny black eyes bore into you and you could see yourself in them if you were close enough and maybe that was worse. The effect was more intense that she expected and she couldn’t help but think about what it would be like to be stared down by someone wearing this.

Letting out a sigh, Jessica put the helmet down on the bench next to her and procrastinated having to put it on by checking the rest of her costume for the fifth time.

Wearing her costume still felt strange to her. It was heavy with all of the armour on it, but not as much as you would think; the plates at her chest and back weighed on her shoulders more than a regular t-shirt would but less than her school backpack did when it was full of books, the gauntlets on her wrists made every movement of her arms feel like the swing of a pendulum and her helmet added a weight to every nod and turn of her head that felt uncomfortable. But overall the whole ensemble didn’t weigh so much that it felt like a burden to walk around in it. More distracting than the weight was the inflexibility of it all; not that it was restrictive exactly, whoever had designed and made this had been sure to provide her with the normal range of movement she would have without it, but she could still feel the rigidity of what she was wearing every time she moved and it was… distracting.

Everything she wore felt new, like the stiffness new clothes tended to have, because it was. The feeling was like a reminder that she didn’t quite fit yet, that she hadn’t had time to settle into her costume or the role that came with it; she’d barely triggered two months ago and now she was supposed to be a Ward and in a couple years she would move up join the Protectorate and then Jessica would have stand alongside people like Grandmaster and Axiom and Trinity. Barely two months since she’d gotten hurt, since her friend had… since she’d triggered. It didn’t feel like enough, even though a week ago it felt like too long. Two months of getting used to her power, of training to fight and defend herself, of getting a crash course in PRT protocols and rules and all of the jargon that came with being a Cape.

Two months of recovery.

It felt like too long at the time. It didn’t feel like enough now.

Picking up the helmet again, Jessica didn’t risk getting caught up in its blank stare again and just slid it over her head and felt its uncomfortable weight setting into place.

Everything she wore felt heavy and rigid. Because she was wearing armour; bulletproof armour, because now she was in a situation where that was a thing she needed. Her power made her invincible in short bursts, made her super strong and let her hop around the place so long as there were people to hop to; but that wouldn’t be enough, so the armour was there to catch her when all of that failed to keep her safe. Because being a Ward was dangerous, because the city was dangerous right now even if you were just a normal person, because even though Confessor was dead and gone Bridgewater was still a mess and the gangs were out of control. Jessica had triggered in the first place because things were dangerous and the whole reason she was being introduced as part of a whole new team, and not just as a new Ward member, was because all of the old Wards were gone; either quitting and moving to a new city or dead at the hands of Confessor. Dead along with who knows how many civilians and who known how many more killed or hurt in the instability that followed.

Turning to the floor to ceiling mirror in the changing room, Jessica got a look at herself in full costume for the first time. It felt strange to wear and the helmet was still intense up close, but she had to admit that she liked the way it looked; the sleek lines and smooth planes of the armour, the stark contrast between the black of the under suit and the yellow on top looked good. Even when you knew what to look for, between the full-face helmet and the way the armour hid the shape of her body, there was no hint of who was wearing it underneath; even if the mirror she could almost forget it was herself she was looking at. The only thing ruining the image was the slouched, hunched posture as she leant forward, so she straightened her back and tried to inject some of her usual confidence into her posture. When the effect was less pronounced than she liked she stood up as well, standing tall and with her head up and facing the mirror head on.

It looked better.

It looked like the Hornet she had seen in the costume drafts.

It looked like a Ward. Even if she didn’t feel like one yet.

Protectorate HQ, Meeting room, 8:56 AM
June 19th, 2021

Hornet hurried down the corridor towards the meeting room, her efforts to arrive early this morning still ended up with her being late with how long it took to get into her costume. As she approached the room itself and the people within came into range of her power, she could feel how many people were already inside; four, five, six, how many new Wards were they supposed to be getting?

There were nine people in the room total, the final three standing at the back of the room coming into range last. She resisted the urge to speed things up by teleporting into the room, figuring that jump scaring one of her new teammates was not the kind of first impression she wanted to make. Instead she just walked up to the door like a normal human being and opened it just wide enough to quietly slip inside without being noticed. Though given how brightly coloured her costume was compared to basically everyone else in the room, it was inevitable that at least one person was going to turn in her direction.

“Sorry I’m late.”

Following her instinct turned out to be a mistake. Instead of stumbling across some unforeseen opportunity to use her somewhat limited and niche skills of teaching karate to beginners to make a place for herself in the tribe, Akeno found herself being mocked by a clichéd trio of bullying Orcs who were harassing a farmer.

It was a situation that Akeno doubted she’d be able to just turn around and walk away from now that she’d been noticed and pointed out in the way she had, especially when the one doing the pointing was an Orc she vaguely remembered as being someone who regularly picked on the younger Orcs in the camp. Maybe she would try anyway, walking away that was; she wasn’t much in the mood to stand there and be heckled and she didn’t really want to start a fight to defend herself either. Not when it was three against one and she wasn’t sure she could beat this guy even if it was just one on one.


Making a sound of annoyance Akeno turned on her heel and walked away from the idjit’s, all four of them, hoping against hope that they would find it more interesting to go back to making fun of farmer than to keep their attention on her.

And since that hope was likely to go unanswered, she kept an ear open for the sounds of footsteps and made sure she was ready to either run or lash out as the situation demanded.



While Akeno failed in finding anything resembling a kitchen or a cook for the time being, she did manage to find a few Orcs within the camp that caught her eye for one reason or another and was able to overhear a few little snippets of conversation that seemed interesting. A woodcutter who needed more wood to satisfy the blacksmith, a blacksmith who needed more ore for his craft, someone carrying a towering pile of baskets full of what might have been food who looked like he could use some help, a shaman who may or may not need someone to gather stuff for her, or maybe just an extra pair of hands for her work, a hunter and tanner who had a bunch of carcasses to skin and some kind of bigwig that she was planning on staying as far away from as she could. A cave to the south that some Orcs had gone missing in; given that she had just run away from a dangerous cave she wasn’t too interesting in finding another. An aspiring farmer and a clogged up spring that needed clearing.

Within that collection was more than enough opportunity for her to find some kind of job to do and hopefully start earning her way towards a place to sleep and some kind of stability in this place. Compared to all of that, the last thing she heard was almost not worth paying attention to; it sounded like idle gossip, or bullying. An Orc disparaging another for being too weak, in a tribe that made their children kill wild animals or die trying as a rite of passage. Given that she had just been musing about opening a dojo however, even just as a joke, hearing about an Orc who couldn’t fight seemed a little too serendipitous to ignore completely.

Rather than follow any of the more obvious leads, Akeno found herself drifting over towards the Orc who was mocking the ‘weakling’ to see if she could find out more. Her other options would still be there when she was done with this; it wouldn’t hurt to follow her instincts or to indulge her curiosity for a while.

Morgana Faith

Morgana couldn’t help the grimace that crossed her face at Madeleine’s request to dispel the curse trap hidden in the dirt. Dispelling curses was nasty, dangerous work and something that could easily become a specialty all of its own; they were dangerous and malicious by design and more often than not created in such a way as to resist being dispelled or to actively strike at anyone who attempted such a thing. There was a reason why curses laid over tombs could still claim victims, even thousands of years after they were initially cast. The easiest way to deal with a curse was simply to trigger it while diverting it towards another target like a poppet or a witches bottle; both of which acted half as a lightning rod and half as a facsimile of oneself that would confuse the magic of the curse. Failing that you would just set the damn thing off while protected by the strongest wards you could possibly create and hope they were strong that you would survive.

Unfortunately Morgana had failed to bring any poppets with her and while she was supremely confident in the strength and competence of her own wards, she wasn’t quite so confident as to metaphorically point a gun at her own head and pull the trigger.

“I’m afraid not. Just don’t step on any, if you please?”

That would have to do she was afraid and if Madeleine had any complaints about that then, well, she didn’t have time to voice them before the next problem made itself known.

The large, metallic golem that came crashing through the building towards the demon seemed to be something that even Madeleine couldn’t deal with easily. It pushed her back, overpowering her strength and resisting the blade and flames of her sword. This too was something that the demon wanted the witches help with, but unfortunately it was another problem to which she had no quick solution to.

“They didn’t. Constructs are not traditionally something witches dabble in; I’m afraid this is something my mother had nothing to do with.”

No, artificial constructs were not something a witch’s coven would deal in; certainly not one from England, or from anywhere else she had heard of. Perhaps one of the more modern magical orders would be able to make one, since those glorified old boys clubs tended to putter about with a little bit of everything with no rhyme or reason; a bunch of bored socialites trying their hand and anything that caught their interest and laying themselves in illusions of tradition and heritage. Something of this quality was likely above them however; most likely it wasn’t from Britain at all.

Where else could it have originated then? The places most associated with constructs of this sort would be Greece and the Scandinavia countries, possibly Egypt if you went back further, or even Italy due to their modern attempts at reviving the art. But the most obvious answer was that it was exactly what Madeleine had called it; a Golem. Though Madeleine had probably used the term in the more vernacular sense and not the literal meaning, it being a true Golem made the most sense given its seeming autonomous nature and their current location. The creation of Golem was actually quite common in the countries formerly of the Soviet Union.

That was the likeliest answer then, but even if it were true that didn’t bring them any closer to knowing how to defeat it. The nature of a Golem and the best way to go about stopping one could vary from maker to maker and if it was in fact not a Golem then the methods of stopping it became even more varied. The only thing that held true across all options, was the need for an operator or a handler to be nearby; someone to activate or deactivate the thing when it was needed or not and someone to hold onto the failsafe should something untoward happen.

“Try to keep that thing busy for now; I’ll be back in a moment. See if you can find its Shem for now; an inscription or decoration. Remove it.”

Morgana closed her eyes and took a few moments to steady her breathing, before breaking from behind her cover and running towards the building that the Golem had make its dramatic exit from. It was not a graceful run, Morgana being neither particularly athletic, coordinated or properly attired for this sort of thing. She’d known they were heading towards the woods, why hadn’t she worn more suitable footwear? Nonetheless, the witch made it to the building without being picked off by an errant cultist, smashed to pieces by a raging Golem, or dying from embarrassment from tripping over a tree root.

She darted inside, following her own advice as best she could to avoid any curses that may have been laid for them. Avoiding crossing thresholds was obviously out of the question, but she stuck to every other lesson her upbringing had taught her when it came to entering the demesne of an unknown magic user. Thankfully, there was nothing to trigger and even more thankfully no one she had to fight; all of the cultists seemed to have gone out to fight off their assault, or Madeleine’s assault as the case may be, or had already fled. For a moment Morgana was worried that the handler for the Golem may have done the same, or may already be dead, but a slight pressure from her wards alerted her to the presence of someone else in the building, along with the threat they posed before it could catch her off guard.

The door to her right was flung open suddenly, but not surprisingly, and the man that appeared swung his arm towards her to fling a fireball in her direction. The witch raised her own hand in turn, the newly enchanted glove she had spent all of the previous night making lighting up with a complex array of circles and lines that saw a small shield of magic appear before her hand. The fireball collided with the shield and rather than splashing around it or explode the flames were simply drawn into the shield, its energy being quite efficiently absorbed before being fired back at the caster as a bolt of pure, unadulterated magic.

The solid bolt struck the man in the chest and the concussive effect knocked him to the ground and the air from his lungs. Morgana raised her other hand and her other glove glowed with an entirely different pattern than the other as she fired her own attack at the cultist. An orb of blue light flew silently through the air to touch down on the supine figure rather gently, the light flattening out and spread across their upper body and sinking to the floor below them. By the time it faded the man would find his upper body and arms quite securely glued to the ground beneath him.

“It’s always fire that people go for first when the spells come out. Why is that? It’s no more lethal than any other spell and the conversion to heat energy is rather inefficient all things considered.” The man opted not to answer, instead trying rather vigorously to lift themselves off the floor now that they had caught their breath. “That won’t work; believe me. Are you the one in charge of that construct outside?”

No answer was forthcoming, but the way in which the man visibly pressed his lips tighter together was answer enough. Not much of a poker face on this one. Then again, Morgana was quite outside of her element trying to conduct an interrogation of any sort, so perhaps the two evened out in the end. A loud crash from outside, followed by a high pitched groaning and a subsequent crash that sounded rather like a tree falling over, informed Morgana of the continuing fight outside. “Tough little thing. It’s a Golem, correct? Did you make it?”

Still no answers, but the man had ceased struggling entirely now and resigned himself to being stuck where he was for a little while longer. The lack of noise in the room made the fight outside even more apparent; Morgana rather hoped the sounds were of Madeleine winning at the very least. “Well, I won’t pretend that I’m going to torture you for information; that act would fall apart rather quickly. Let’s just hope you were dumb enough to leave some notes lying around.”

That remark actually managed to provoke a reaction from the man, who suddenly looked worried as the witch stepped away from him to examine the rest of the room; a look Morgana managed to miss because she had already turned her attention towards a rather well used workbench against the far wall of the room. Several things lay on its surface such as the obvious collections of metal and woodworking tool, a few pieces of metal in the process of being worked and most intriguingly, a notebook.

Picking it up, Morgana flipping through the book to find that someone had indeed left a lot of notes lying around, almost all of which seemed to be related to the creation and animation of Golem. It was also, however, written almost entirely in Hebrew; a language which Morgana was unfortunately unable to read. The diagrams however, transcended language and it only took Morgana a few moments to find the page detailing where the Shem of the construct was located.

Slipping the book into the inside of her coat, Morgana strode past the now renewed struggles of the cultist and headed towards the front of the building. There she found the fight still in full swing, with both Madeleine, the Golem and most of the surrounding area much worse for wear. “Madeleine! Target the inside of its left thigh, slightly towards the rear; damage the inscription there.”


Having checked the wiki it looks like Vista got stabbed by Hookwolf at some point, though I couldn't find any more info than that – probably because the encounter occurred sometime pre-cannon and was only ever mentioned in passing.

Right, I think that was brought up in either Vista's or Clockblocker's interludes as a thing that happened pre-canon.

On a separate note anyone got any interesting concepts for characters? I've currently got a few ideas swimming about, but I'm not sure yet, probably a former villain of some sort since that's on the table.

Told myself I wasn't going to make a Tinker. Probably going to make a Tinker.

A Tinker whose creations lean strongly towards single-use, perishable, or easily destroyed devices; stuff that's strong, but balanced by the fact that they can only be used once before breaking, or they break as part of how they work. They would be able to replicate stuff quickly and easily reproduce past results though. Creations mostly have a defensive or support focus, rather than offense, but they can be flexible.
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