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<Snipped quote by King Kindred>

I've had it that Eilidh has always been at the tower - so they would have had contact. Maybe they have bonded over being twins. Eilidh might have sensed Kali's longing, but hesitance for friendship and probably frequently tries to invite her to dinners which she may or may not go to.

I think in the two years, Eilidh re-enrolled and finished her degree, and maybe is working slowly through a Masters of Psych now. She's stayed at the tower and treated it as her home, keeps tabs on various things that may be of interest to them and has been working on her powers.

She will likely have a very good connection with Red now as shown in the IC, they can communicate pretty wordlessly if need be and probably from a distance.

I could see Kali refusing to take up the dinner invitations at first, but eventually going and connecting with Eilidh. Now I'm imagining Kali leaving her little braille notes whenever she leaves to go on missions so she's not worried about her sudden disappearance after she finds out how she lost her family. I think even finding out about Ewan might have Kali reach out to and connect with Rose, because they never really got to have that connection she and her brother did before he did. She'll probably mention her own brother and how he was mute.

He's never sought out formal education and doesn't see the value in it, valuing knowledge itself and the never ending pursuit of knowledge over any piece of paper an organisation would give you for it.

As @spicykvnt mentioned, I view the two years they've kind of been thrust upon each other as doing wonders for their communication and platonically (after Red became desensitised to his own torrential hormones) forged bond.

I could see Kali making use of Red as a viable sparring and training partner though.

Kali's a dropout so they probably have the same views on formal education, but still seeing the value in knowledge and always learning and growing. I could see her picking up any languages she doesn't know from him.

And since Kali's been in an all girls' school and traveling the world with mercenaries and assassins during her puberty and hormonal development I could see her and Red giving into physical desires once they started training together, but it never went anywhere further than that romantically. Since she'd see him as a friend, but also someone that could keep up with her in every way.

Edit: I forgot the most important. I can see them initially connecting and really bonding over being kindred spirits with not wanting to be like their fathers.
How is everyone doing?

I'm good and motivated so I'm looking forward to where this goes. How are you?
So we don't have an exact timeline but basically Julian got put into a coma by a psychic. Conor tried to lead the team but his poor social skills resulted in issues and he left as the team fell apart.

People can have stayed behind and used the tower obviously

With this being said if anyone wants to work on some relations with Kali/Lady X while the team was still together and after they disbanded, I'm down. She's still in Seattle, but may not live in the Tower, but she does check on it every now and then hoping Julian finally awakens.
Gonna make a Kali post later. I'm inspired and she's pissed the RP ended after she joined.
<Snipped quote by Sep>

I've got your CS right here.

Ayeee more Teen Wolf peeps.
Rachel entered with Dick and the others. She was conflicted about having to leave Gotham. She became comfortable in the mansion and in the dark city. Like she belonged there. She wanted to protest joining the team and moving to sunny San Francisco. With Nightwing gone the city definitely needed another bird-themed hero. She was starting to regret not wanting to become a permanent partner to the Batman.

She rolled her eyes at seeing Wally flirt with and subsequently get attacked by the receptionist. At least they had a genuine frontline of defense if any villains discovered what this place really was. She wondered where Bruce found her or if she was a regular hero in disguise.

She moved to sit down with the others when she noticed Static exit the bathroom.

Virgil walked out of the bathroom dressed to the nines in a business suit that looked to be personally tailored for him. He arrived a bit earlier than the others and wanted to make sure his suit was perfect. It wasn't hard for him to get his dad to agree to send him to this program. A Wayne foundation, fully paid for, and away from the dangerous Bang Babies? He couldn't wait to pack Virgil's bags.

Virgil noticed a fireball pass through and walked around the corner to see the origin. "Wally again?"

"Wally again." Rachel responded before walking over to the seats.

Virgil followed with a laugh. "I'm not even surprised. When are you gonna learn, Wally? But how was everyone's flight? Ready to kick ass and show the world we're better than the Justice League?"
Sorry I haven't posted yet. I'll be posting soon.
Hmmm... I'm trying to think about the best way to have them do prolonged superhero missions with the start of the school year imminent in-game, and one idea is to have them tutored for the remainder of their education so that they are not locked into a normal school schedule and can do missions easier. Like, they each get permission from their parents to enroll in a special private tutorship program through Wayne Enterprises or something that will help them finish their high school education and prepare for college. Then they could live and study at Titans Tower between missions with a more flexible schedule that prioritizes superhero activity. What do you guys think? Black Canary/Dinah Lance could be their den mother of sorts to watch over their education and training at the Tower.

I like this idea. That way they don't have to wait until they're all out of class to do missions.

I'm reminded of when Wally started school before everyone in Young Justice and they were having fun while he was suffering through the longest first day of school.
I'm still interested.
@CaptainManbeard I have a question. I can’t remember if this was discussed or not. Are our characters living in Titan Tower? Or are they living separately?

Separately for right now. From what I gathered this is their first unofficial outing as an unofficial team of sidekicks. But I can see Nightwing and Batman discussing getting a base of operations for them after what just happened so they could have a place to come together to face this new threat.
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