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Location: Hotel Valhalla: Feast Hall of the Slain

"You're telling me stabbing someone doesn't relieve you of stress, weird." Dalisy said with a huge grin on her face. She was being mostly sarcastic. "Yeah, you didn't explain why you want to talk to the Thanes. What was that about?" Dalisy asked Elizabeth. Then the deaths started showing. Dalisy gave it some attention. She liked to know what to expect out of the new people.

For the most part, they were all standard. Fought someone or something, probably saved someone from certain death, and of course, all had a weapon in hand. Dalisy remembered there had even been a person who had had a fire extinguisher and that counted. The Thanes were pretty generous but it was required.

Sadly she had no new half-siblings. Dalisy was fond of family, even with the weirdness of being half Asgardian. It was part of why she was still attached to Niah. Though she always felt closer to Niah, even after years of being dead, Niah and she had grown up together. They were more family than the half-blood relations that came through here. And Niah would never enter these halls. Then what seemed like the final video started playing. It was for the girl Klara had carried into the Hall.

Ed Penior

Location: Xavier's Mansion - The Danger Room
Skills: Thamaturgy: Shield, Force

What the actual hell was going on? Ed had a strong suspicion suddenly that the groups had been picked specifically to be as dividing as possible. They were at each other's throats. It was chaos. It definitely did not help that there were hundreds of spiders filling the room now. Even Ed who didn't mind spiders was a little wigged out. His leg hurt and he didn't trust himself to put weight on it.

They needed the dice back. Ed sighed and pulled the small shield from his pocket. Spiders were swarming around the dice that Bethany had thankfully pointed out, but no one could get to them because of the spiders. It would take a little adjusting on the shield. He often made it so that things could leave the shield but things couldn't enter it. He needed the shield to work both ways. Not letting things leave it and not letting things enter it.

With that decided he cast the spell and then pulled a mental string on the shield toward himself. That was the hard part. It took a little bit of work and then the dice were within reach. Unfortunately, some of the spiders had hitched a ride too, they seemed completely unfazed by having been dragged through fire. He raised his staff and directed a couple of quick blasts at the spiders blasting them off of the shield, which he dropped and grabbed the dice.

"Iris it seems the fire isn't bothering the spiders. It might be more prudent to not have the fire. Also here's the dice." He held up his hand with the dice sitting on the palm. "I can try to heal Lance again, but I don't know if it will work. I also need to heal my leg. I'm lucky the hyena didn't break it."

Time: +6:30 hrs
Location: Space, a very far way from Earth

Location: Water Processing Room
Skill: N/A

Y92-6 pinned under Vinnie still had given up the code to Zarina. A part of Tessa wondered if they had given it up too easily. But Y92-6 was now speaking again. Responding directly to Vinnie. "Please. I understand you're afraid of me and Them. I have no choice though." Y92-6 took a deep breath and then said, "They made me. I have no free will."

Tessa frowned looking at Y92-6 face. Tears had formed, small, in the corner, in their eyes. They didn't even seem to be struggling against Vinnie's pin anymore.

"I can't help you. I wish I could. I see my past in your future and I'm powerless to do anything." Y92-6 continued. "The only good I can do for you is if you throw me over the edge of the catwalk. The fall will kill me. They won't know you did it." They then turned to Zarina and said, "There is a function to change the language to English. What you see is my native tongue."

Tessa's jaw had dropped. Y92-6 was literally asking the group to kill them. Could they do that? Was it murder or assisted suicide?

Noah knelt beside Y92-6, "Is that what you actually want?" Tessa felt like more was being said in Noah's question. Like he knew something the rest of them didn't.

Location: Galley -> Atrium -> Water Processing Room

Luke followed after Cal into the Atrium. Upon entering the Atrium they found it empty of anyone. All were either behind them or apparently missing. The water was no longer pouring from the pipe though, and it seemed that turned off some automatic system as the pond was not actively draining.

"Where are they?" Luke asked Manny, who pointed to the pipe. Luke ran over to it and looked inside. "I don't see them."

"They went beyond it. Climbed in and up some ladder I guess. Raynor tried to contact them via the radio but someone else responded. Sophia said there was someone there, but she didn't exactly explain. She couldn't see cause it was above wherever the ladder starts."

Luke nodded and climbed into the pipe. It was a tight fit for him, but his swimmer's build made it a bit easier than for the others. At the ladder, he noticed that the rungs were farther apart then he was used to. He exited the ladder and was on the catwalk in time to hear Noah's question.

Location: Argo III - Wheelhouse

Alannah called for Andy to come help, but Andy didn't want to. She was nervous about what had hurt the creature following it to them. "What if it is a trap?" She asked Alannah. "What if what hurt it is nearby and everyone is so focused on fixing the Gryphon that they don't see them coming?" Andy had been lured into her fair share of traps when she was wandering alone. After she had gotten the dagger she had gotten better at fighting her way out of situations, but she knew it was better to not get into a trap then have to fight her way out.

Andy sighed, she'd help but only cause Arthur was there too. She took a last glance at the screens, left the wheelhouse, and took a look at the skies just to be certain there wasn't anything coming at them. "Will you watch then?" She asked Alannah and then set to work helping Rebecca and Arthur. She had no idea how to help them out so she just let Rebecca direct her. Andy also didn't think she was the best at not looking threatening, but her dagger was away on her bracelet so at least she didn't have a weapon out.

Location: Camp Jupiter: New Rome, Senate Building -> Cohort 2

"Yeah that seems safe." Niah said sarcastically. "I'd rather use a raft again. Why didn't we tie ourselves to the raft? We are lucky no one fell out and we didn't get attacked on the way to Mount Rushmore." Niah shook her head laughing a bit. "Also we will have three more people I don't know if there are enough places to grab onto me for all five you." Niah said shaking her head. "Enjoy de-robeing. Meet you between the barracks."

Niah waved at the cohort five group of three making their way back from the Augury. "We're gonna meet out here when you're done packing." She told them. Emily gave a wave with her free hand to indicate she heard. Niah went into her cohort barracks. She thought of the time she had packed up to go to Mount Rushmore. The three of them had faced a lot of danger on that trip, but they had been successful. Now the crystal was at the center of this again. Had she been set up from even back then to be involved in this larger prophecy?

Her stomach twisted and she set to packing. It didn't take too long, her armor was kept in good condition so she just had to put it on. That was what took her the most time. The rest was making sure they had some extra cash and nectar. Last quest they had resorted to a bit of stealing to get what they needed. Oh and a map or at least some sort of travel plan. They had winged it last time. It had worked out with the armor, but Niah didn't know if it could handle six people so she figured a plan a and b would be good to have first. She'd mention that once they all got together.

Location: Camp Jupiter: New Rome, Augury -> Cohort 5

Emily gave a small wave goodbye to Alexandra as she shut the door to the Augury. She didn't blame her for wanting to be alone. It could not be easy being the camp prophet. Em was thankful that wasn't her burden. She squeezed Marco's hand gently as they started walking back to the cohort. Hopefully, the Preators and Niah had been able to get permission for their little gang. Just as the group got to the barracks Niah waved at them and let them know they'd be meeting in the barracks square once they finished packing. She gave a wave and entered the cohort five barracks.

Emily let go of Marco's hand to pack. She checked that she had a few different plant seeds. She could use plants around her, but they weren't always vined plants which made it hard for her. Bacchus was a god of the vine, not dandelions. Though she supposed since you could make dandelion wine she probably could control them. Other than that was just packing a backpack real quick with a change of clothing, some toiletries, and a week's supply of HRT. She hoped that would be enough to get them through this mission. She hoped they would swing back by the camp before heading out again if she was going on a second quest.

Location: The Roof - Quinjet -> The hall outside Agent 13's apartment
Skills: Pistols

Niah followed after Bonnie and Cass, her ICER drawn. Whatever was going on was a nasty wrench in their mission, not to mention her attempts to plan to convince the whole group to defect. She watched as Bonnie was touched in the forehead by one of the women in the group outside Agent 13's apartment. She had the look of fear Niah had once seen in people trapped in Wonderland's nightmare visions back during their training in the Framework. Niah's heart tightened and Cass was touched next. The same thing happened. But Cass tackled the woman and pinned her down to the ground.

Cass was one of the few people Niah didn't worry about accidentally hitting if she aimed near her. She took aim at the woman on the ground, the woman dodged the first shot, her second only grazed the woman and the third hit her squarely. The ICER dart did its work from there. Niah sighed a little relieved that the woman who was messing with her friend's minds was out of commission but she didn't know if that would fix what happened to them.

"Cass, Bonnie, get behind me." She told them and tried to maneuver herself between them and the rest of the group of...she didn't even know what they were. A part of her wondered if they were Skrulls like Ryanor and Roman had been. Did they get the powers of whoever they copied?

Location: Agent 13's apartment

Matt had expected that Flynn would flip out at Kwassi, but he hadn't expected to get shot at as well. He was able to dodge the bullets enough, but his gun was hit and broken. Ass. Matt's recent power acquisition had made him phenomenal at using weapons, especially hand-guns which he had already been highly trained in. Without it that left him one recourse, knocking Flynn out. Kwassi shot him with one of his darts. Matt assumed was his paralytic. He wondered how well it would work on Flynn and considered trying to paralyze him with his own power. Kwassi's thing might be a different type of ICER basically.

Matt was about to turn to whammy Flynn when the door flew open and some dude was there asking for a cup of sugar. Behind the man was Cass on the ground tackling some woman that Niah was shooting at. Cass's face looked wrong. Like she didn't know what was happening. Clearly one of these people had the ability to do some major psychic damage. Matt moved and tried to hit the guy asking for sugar with his paralytic touch. But the guy manipulated a literal tornado into existence at him. Matt dodged it, "What the hell? Flynn, did you call these people with that stupid button? You were planning this?"

It was one thing in Matt's mind to defect, something it was clear Flynn was about to do since they had been at the base. It was another to sabotage the mission. Matt was pissed and worried. His girlfriend was in danger and it was Flynn's fault. Matt knew Cass would be in danger every day that was part of the job. But someone she trusted and called a friend was at fault for it. How dare he?

Ed Penior

Location: Xavier's Mansion - The Danger Room
Skills: Staff; Thamaturgy: Force

Ed was going to give his two cents but a hyena tackled him to the ground and chomped on his leg. He could hear that Mary sounded different and was yelling, but he was much more focused on the pain in his leg. He had screamed, he could tell since his throat hurt. Thankfully he still had his staff in his hand. He swung it down on the hyena's head as hard as he could. There was the sound of bone breaking and blissfully the hyena's bite on his leg loosened. Hyena's bite force was powerful. With the loosened bite there was hope that he could blast the hyena off of him.

Ed pointed the end of his staff at the hyena's head and sent a blast of force at it. The hyena was knocked off his leg. He cussed. He was in a lot of pain and he doubted he would be able to pull off his healing spell in this much pain. The part of Ed that wanted to be with his sister again begged him to just lay back and let the blood pour from his leg. He fought against it and sat up. He prepared this time. If any of the hyenas leaped toward him he was ready to hit them with a blast of force. Ed knew his skill level, he wouldn't be able to heal his leg and prepare for another attack.

Rose Buckner

Location: Camelot

"Thank you, Merlin." Rose said when her bag transformed. She wondered if it was a permeate change or if it would wear off. She nodded to his edict to not let anyone see the contents. She made sure the electronics like her phone were tucked deeper and under the jacket. It might not period-appropriate but at least it was leather.

She followed Merlin onto the main road. Rose snickered to herself and leaned over to whisper at Cass, "I wonder if this is the path my mom famously wondered off of." She wondered how much of her mom's story was true, how much had been changed around for modern audiences. Rose looked at the back of Merlin's head wondering how much he was winging it. One thing she had learned as she had gotten older was how little adults had it actually figured out. There was so much going through her head, but she was happy and excited. She wanted to share the truth with the Buckners but she didn't know when she would get the chance to do that. If ever.

Colby Jackson

Location: Camelot

Colby gently tightened the bracers for Matthew. "You don't have to be afraid of me you know." He said quietly to Matthew not wanting the others in the group to hear him. When he finished fixing the bracers up for Matthew he pet Carroll under the chin. Both cats were perched on their respective owner's shoulders. Colby then smiled at Matthew and turned to Merlin. He had answered the groups questions and was no leading them onto the main road.

It felt better being on the main road than in the middle of the woods. Colby adjusted the sword he had picked up on his hip. He looked back at the road behind them. Colby wondered where the road was coming from. He felt like Merlin had a lot of plans but wasn't really telling the group what any of those plans were. That worried him. He wasn't naturally a trusting person and Merlin was being vague. Colby hated that.

Time: +6:15 hrs
Location: Space, a very far way from Earth

Location: Water Processing Room
Skill: N/A

The being hit their head with a sickening thunk and for a moment Tessa worried that Vinnie had killed them. But then they blinked. "Look I don't mean you any harm. I'm just a technician. Please." Tessa winced. They needed answers, but maybe almost killing technicians wasn't a good way to do it. "You can search me. I swear I don't have any weapons."

"What about that weird device you've got?" Tessa asked them. She didn't bother trying to search the technician, Vinnie had them securely pinned.

"That's just a computer. It stores information about the systems in here. It gave me an alert that a water valve had been shut off. I was coming to check pressures anyway and then you lot were attacking me." Tessa bit her lip at that answer and looked at Vinnie.

"Maybe we take them with us back into the pipe to the rest of the group." She was convinced that what had transpired was a misunderstanding. She didn't trust the capitol Them, but this person was just a technician, a grunt. They probably didn't have a say in the kidnapping of the group even. Tessa realized she didn't know the being's name and felt weird about calling them the being and so on in her head so she asked, "What's your name?"

"My designation is Y92-6." They said the dash. Tessa frowned, was Y92-6 a robot like the one girl in their group had been?

"Hey, either of you got your steak knife still? See if they bleed green like the robot did?" Y92-6's eyes widened in fear.

"Wait please don't hurt me. I swear I'm just a technician." They begged.

Location: Galley

With Cal's help, the group was able to get the camera taped to the grabbed Roomba. They soon had a makeshift set up and set the robot down. It returned to its hidey-hole and the group could watch on the monitor at the end of the line. It was dark in the tunnel, but thankfully the camera was equipped to handle that. At first, it was just a straight line, then it t-sectioned.

"Turn left." Luke said forgetting that they didn't actually have control over how the Roomba moved. It turned right instead. Luke frowned but soon the view showed the Roomba joining several other Roomba in what could be best described as a charging room. There was a door though. Large and round. They had a route to an exit. There were now two doors the group could try, but getting to either would be a tight squeeze.

Manny entered the room at that moment. "Zarina found someone. There apparently is a scuffle going on. What are you lot up to?"


Manny nodded and moved away from the opening. As he made his way to the Galley he noticed Noah. "Hey, can you fit inside the pipe? You're small." Noah looked up at Manny. Several emotions crossed his face before he finally shrugged and stood up. Manny kept going and went into the Galley.

"Excuse me Raynor, Sophia. Let me see if I fit." Noah said.

Location: Hotel Valhalla: Feast Hall of the Slain

Dalisy nodded at the dead guy's friend. Well, they were all dead technically. Just the guy she had skewered was more dead at the moment. She picked up the knife that he eyed and the extra dead guy's napkin. She used the napkin to clean up her sword before resheathing it. Back at her spot, she smiled at Arnora "Well sometimes I do it and you never even know."

Beth joined as well. Dalisy at first gave a small shrug at her comments and then added after she remembered the girl was blind. "It was cathartic. And sort of like a warning shot. If he bugs me again I'll make his afterlife Hell. Also, some people are like animals if you don't make it obvious why you are punishing them they don't get it. You got to strike while the iron is hot or some other such nonsense that people say."

There was little belief in what Dalisy said in her voice. She knew that she didn't believe any of that. She knew she had snapped and was taking it out on the man. Dalisy was always that close to being murderous, it was nothing new.

Location: Steve Roger's apartment -> the Roof - Quinjet

The few precious moments of alone time on her way to the quinjet Niah took a few deep breaths. She didn't know if she was doing this the right way or not. Everything was messy. Niah considered the SHIELD team Secret Warriors her family, but it was the core group that was that family. She cared about everyone who had been there for the Age of Ultron. For her, that was the team that mattered, and so many of those were dead. She needed to keep them together. Needed to get them to agree. She wanted a plan, but nothing was coming to her. How could she hope to make this work?

The team started getting onto the jet, minus the group that had gone to Agent 13's apartment. Niah wondered what was taking them so long. "He probably hates it because he prides himself on having good computer security and you keep getting through it." Niah shrugged slightly. She wanted to say something about where she stood on this situation. To tell the team that she was with Captain America, she felt like she was lying. She looked at the back of Bonnie's head knowing she was upset with Flynn. Niah wanted to fix it, make everything better again. She rubbed at her temples.

"What happens if we fail to bring in Captain America?" She asked, mostly directing the question at Cass.

Location: Agent 13's apartment

Matt sighed frustration rising in him at Agent 13's response. She was being flippant. Matt wondered how far off Kwassi's assessment was off. She was definitely hiding something. If all else she probably just agreed with Rogers. There might be more there, it wasn't unheard of but was really unprofessional. Matt was going to leave when Kwassi went off about Flynn.

Flynn was difficult to work with, but the guy did a good job. Matt frowned at Kwassi, was he defending Flynn? Agreeing to be against Hill's laws? He admitted to being a vigilante in the past, which was just that - the past. It was like hearing two things from him. He thought Flynn was an idiot but agreed with him. That was an odd combination. Matt agreed Flynn was hot-headed and figured it just came with the territory of being a fire user.

"Thank you for your time." He told Agent 13. The situation needed to be de-escalated before Flynn could kill Kwassi. "How about we discuss your differences on the quinjet and not in the apartment of an undercover agent?" Matt said and started toward the door.
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