Location: EARTH 257: Subway
Niah was relieved that Oli was able to turn solid, though his explanation made that relief short-lived. If he was only able to do it by concentrating... that was really bad. She chewed her lip thinking. They all got onto the train and it started hurdling to the next stop. Hurdling through a world they barely knew anything about. She wished her sister, specifically her sister, was here. Dalisy had been world-hopping since she had been re-written back into existence and she might have had a clue what was happening. Or better yet, could get them all back home in one piece. Maybe she could find this world's Dalisy...there was a whole lot of if's and maybe's in that thought process so she put it aside as a wild plan Z.
She was just about to turn to Sparky and continue explaining why she was trying to see if Novi had told her about what she had seen in House of M when the train's emergency exit was opened and an Iron-man-Esque suited - Cass joined them. Oh...no. Her stomach did a flip and she looked between the two Cass's the only difference, other than what they wore, was their accents. She held Oli's hand and pulled him a little, trying to put distance between them and the others. If they could pretend they weren't with the main group, and maybe just maybe slip away they could later rescue their friends. She didn't want to split them up, but it would be much better if part of the group was outside the hold of this world's Big Brother. She also didn't dare say anything afraid it would draw attention.
Location: EARTH 257: Subway
Matt who, for what it is worth, isn't dumb, but just over his head in this situation. Followed along with the much smarter rest of the team. He sort of had a grasp of what was going on now. But if he had been asked to explain it to a ten-year-old it would have been something like "well we got teleported to another world that was sort of like ours but not quite and my friends were actually wanted criminals".
He really didn't know what to think when Cass was there to arrest three members of the group...and congratulate two of them for their work in capturing them. It sort of hurt his head and at this point, he was decided he was just along for the ride. He'd punch or shoot if and when deemed necessary, otherwise, he'd let the heavy thinking be left to the professionals in the matter.