Location: EARTH 257: The Aerie
Whatever Sparky was thinking Niah didn't want to fight her friend. Not if she could help it. Raynor thankfully distracted her. She went to evaluate what was happening with the fight when Maria kicked Hercules into a support beam. The whole building collapsed. Niah threw her arms over her head to try to protect it.
Niah thought at this point she was used to seeing those she loved die. She was surprised she was able to avoid being buried. Looking around she tried to see who she could help. The most visible person was Bonnie. The world froze for a moment as she took in the horror that was her friend, dead, again. That was the last straw. It didn't matter anymore. Niah was done working for SHIELD. She couldn't bear it. Even though she had taken the break and thought she could handle it. She couldn't. Not anymore. This would be her last mission.
Then Bonnie moved and removed the iron bar that was in her skull. Niah closed her eyes and counted to ten. Thinking of the fear bear. She took a slow breath. And opened her eyes hoping this was all a hallucination. It wasn't. Where was Oli? She closed her eyes again. Trying to shut it out. Her heart rate rocketed.
"Oliver!" She cried out. Begging the universe to let him be okay. And let this nightmare end.
Location: EARTH 257: The Aerie
Matt wasn't about to get cocky with this fight. If he slipped up even a little bit this guy would shread him. He was odd, the man in white. His voice and outfit changed with his fighting style. Matt didn't know what to think about that. But it meant to him he'd have to be even more on his toes. Maybe the guy could do even more different styles.
It didn't matter though. The building collapsed around them. Matt was lucky and was able to extract himself from the rubble. He looked around but didn't see Cass.
"Shit." He cursed, ignoring the blood coming from his forehead. He figured it probably looked worse than it was since head wounds always bleed like crazy. That was a later problem.
"Cass!" He shouted, hoping for some sign that she was okay.
He saw Niah, crying out for Oliver, which meant he was probably buried too. And he saw movement. Saw that Bonnie was the source of it. And saw that something was very wrong with that situation. He shunted that to the side to look for Cass. That, like his bleeding forehead, was a later problem. After he found Cass he'd worry about other things.
As he searched though, he slipped and dislodged some of the rubble. It came tumbling down around him. Now he was like most of the others, trapped.