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In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Edus Penior

Skill: Magic (force)

Ed's head hurt. His whole body hurt. Honestly, he was rather done with this whole situation and it was a good thing for Sabertooth that he was in Guin's body and not his own. As rage coursed through him. He slowed down, took a breath, stood up and orange light emanated from his hands wrapping around Guin's body.

He made the substance of the bubble soft and pliable. Then lifted it slightly off the ground. Sabertooth was now basically in a floating hamsterwheel. Ed could dispel it when Guin returned. But for now, he didn't feel like getting his ass kicked when he couldn't fight back. He left the alley and started back the way they had come, bringing Guin's body along. Time to get out of here. There was no way that wasn't going to attract attention.

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors
Skills: Wilderness Survivalism

Rose sighed relieved that the wolves ate the food and didn't go after any of the people. She took the knife from Merlin, though she had no intention of using it. Not on a wolf. Not with the memory of one protecting her burning in her mind. She still took it and headed in the direction she had seen Rosalia go. She didn't know what to say to the girl that was so unlike her.

Rose could understand the reluctance of some members of the group not wanting to connect with their birth parents. But Rose had always carried the memory of them. She also had been lost in the woods and not dropped at an orphanage. She knew that would have changed how she was shaped. She wouldn't have come here if that was what had happened to her. But it wasn't, and she was here. And these woods were not her woods, but they sang to her anyway. They smelled of home and memories and comfort and giggling. Woods had always felt right. But it had never been so real before coming to this world. And maybe if the others felt it that way they'd be more willing to make this place that felt so right their home too.

She sighed, letting go of those thoughts, and followed the path she presumed Rosalia had gone. She had seen the direction, but these were not her woods. Not the ones she had grown up with, nor the ones she had claimed as her own in Kansas. She didn't know how to read it quite right. So even though she looked for the markers that would indicate where Rosalia had gone, she soon found she didn't know exactly where she was in relation to Merlin. She froze knowing she couldn't find her way back to the place where the wolves had halted their progress scared her. She didn't fear the woods, or even the wolves though she knew she should. She worried for the others. She spun slowly in place trying to orientate herself.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

Colby leaned over the counter next to Maddie. The pair of cats that had been perched there, hopped off and stretched. Both moved languidly before finding a spot to curl up. Whatever dislike they had when he had first summoned Silky seemed to have worn off as they found a spot in the sun next to each other. He smiled and then looked at the book. He lifted the page so he could read the spell for transportation while Maddie looked at another page.

He wasn't really the most studious. He passed most of his classes because he had to. But it took him a little longer to learn and he would never be an A student for something he didn't actually care about. Magic he cared about. But he would have to learn how to learn it. It came slowly. Memorizing the spell wasn't easy. But the shape of the words and the knowledge of what he was supposed to do sank in eventually. Once he felt certain he'd be able to recall it later he stood up straight.

Location: House of M
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive), Electrical Manipulation

"Yeah that's not something I have plans of using very often." She could imagine it getting out of control. She wasn't surprised that Magneto had moved the ex-spoon, but that put a crimp in what she had done. If Zari had been able to get to it before Magneto had moved it this wouldn't have been as much of an issue. She nodded when Zari asked her to get rid of it. She held on tight as they dove and Zari grabbed the item.

The field had done its purpose. Distracted Magneto. She felt a little tired though. She had never used electricity outside of herself before. Normally she just punched things. She sighed relieved, and slid off the pegasus, stepping away. She had never ridden a horse before meeting Zari so she didn't really know how to interact with one, let alone how to interact with a pegasus.

"Good catch. I was really worried when he started spinning a bunch of stuff around it we'd never get it. Glad you had Mr. Sparkles too. I can't fly." She then looked to Magneto to listen to him dissect their fight. This was something Andy knew all about having fought a lot in amature boxing.

Location: EARTH 257: The Aerie

Armor wrapped around Niah. She was a little surprised, but also very relieved. So far though she had not been attacked. She had been so ready for Luminous to try to hurt her, she was more surprised she didn't. A lot was going on and she got very concerned about Oliver's actions. How much of this world was bleeding into them? Could she keep herself? Or would the person that was from here overwrite the person she had become? The other versions of her were still there, but they didn't have Oliver and this version did.

Matt and Cass had the right idea. And what Luminous said hit a nerve. They had attacked first. Well, Rogue had. And she was this world's Rogue. She wasn't part of their group. Niah noticed Bonnie's transformation and raised an eyebrow. Something had been going on with her friend for a while. Maybe it was time to talk to her about it. After this fight, in the next moment of reprieve. If they got it again.

"We really are from another reality." There wasn't a good way to prove it. Not really. She wasn't going to attack though. She had only touched Luminous to make sure she wasn't their Luminous. But if what was happening to them was happening to her too, maybe Dr. Doom and Luminous were also suffering the strange effects of being in a world they didn't belong in.

Location: EARTH 257: The Aerie

Matt was a little confused about the guy fighting with Cass's actions. He lowered his gun a little, there wasn't much he could do anyway. "Just helping my girlfriend here. Speaking of her not being the one from the Iron or whatever, would I be in a relationship with her if that were true? Also, does the version here have mutant powers?" He had only seen her use the suit in the fight on the train so it was unlikely.

"Take a look at us. Do we match what you believe us to be like? Why would we be working together if we were from this world? We are defending each other." He said backing up what Cass had just said. He hoped some reason would help here. There was of course the issue of some of them probably were unknowns here. Like himself.

Location: Big House (Basement)

They were dismissed. Andy sighed relieved. They were going to have to do another vote. She had no idea who she would even vote for. It seemed like everyone was leaving on a quest now. "Let's go. I've got to find Mads and Mary and let them know I'm ready when they are." Leaving was not something she wanted to do. She wanted to stretch out the last moments. Maybe she could go look for her brother and let him know he was wanted in the Big House. That he had his own quest now.

She stood and half followed Kiera out, walking with Arthur, still hand-in-hand because that was the only way she wanted to be right now. Maybe they were heading for a terrible co-dependency. But when your life is one of the demi-gods you hold onto what makes you happy as long as you can. Outside the Big House, they found Arthur's quest partners. Were they forced to part here? "Hi." She said quietly. Not really wanting to get Leda's attention because it meant Arthur would leave with her and Kiera.

Location: Big House -> Beach

Niah nodded and pushed herself up from the wall. It was time she found her quest partners. Her bags were packed and ready. She hoped the same would be true for the child of Mars and the little girl, the daughter of Ceres. She expected this quest would not be a socially easy one.

She left the Big House and didn't see either of her quest partners in sight. She decided instead of looking for them first she'd find Nancy and Mads and say goodbye first. She headed for the beach.

It wasn't hard to know where Nancy was. It also wasn't hard for Niah to know now was not the time to approach. She stayed back. She waited, looking out to the water. She could wait to say goodbye a little while longer. At least until Nancy could compose herself. Then she'd go find her quest partners. And she'd leave the Greek camp and if she was lucky, which was unlikely, by the time her quest was done they would have found a way to get New Rome back. Then she'd forget about this place and keep living her life the way she had come to love.

Rose Buckner

Location: The Moors

Rose only had time to not her head yes, and start to point in the direction Rosalia had gone. She blamed herself for not saying something sooner. She had seen the damn things and should have put the group on alert. Well, she had only seen one. And when there is one wolf there are more. She dodged the attack from one.

"Shit, no." She didn't want to hurt the wolves. She liked wolves but also wasn't stupid. If there were wolves attacking humans right now it meant they were very hungry. Scaring them off would be a good choice. Or feeding them. She dashed over to where she knew some food was stored and pulled out some meat. The wolf tilted its head slightly, seeming interested, but it also still looked like it wanted to eat her.

Colby Jackson

Location: Agrabah

"Cool" Colby said to his dad's antics. There was some peace in knowing his dad was like him. He looked at Willow with surprise and a bit of horror on his face. "How can you say that?" One side of his lips turned up into a smile though. "Cats are the best. I can teach you all about them if you'd like? Though the ones here are way smarter than the ones back home in some cases." He glanced to the black cat on his shoulder, the only one from Kansas. Then once inside the shop again he added. "Cats are how I met Maddie originally. I've known him for a lot longer than we've been dealing with this stuff." He waved one hand, the other still holding the cat.

"Though I've got to say. It is troublesome we've already been spotted by the guards. Or are they just that suspicious with everyone in town?" He asked his dad. It was worrisome in either case. That meant that getting into the party would be difficult. They'd have to be in perfect order. He frowned wondering how that was going to work out.

Ed Penior

Location: Inside Frost International
Skills: Magic: Thamaturgy (Force); Sympathetic (Healing)

Both Ed and Mage were thrown through a wall. That hurt like hell. Ed stumbled trying to get his senses back together. Everything hurt. Nothing seemed broken at least. Though a concussion was possible. He pulled at his magic twisting it around both himself and his counterpart. Healing them. Sort of. It was enough to ease the pain.

Mage nodded at Ed. Appreciating the healing, and taking the offensive. He moved through the rubble back into the other room. He immediately started throwing force blasts. A blunt tool, but good at distracting and bruising and knocking someone off balance. The first couple Quicksilver dodged, but two hit him hard, knocking him over. Perfect. Now he hoped Klara would take advantage of the downed speedster.
In What If? 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Edus Penior

Skill: Magic (force)

Guin was being sweet, but there was no way Ed would abandon her. And it wouldn't have been in the cards anyway. Sabretooth was focusing on him, which he was fine with. This fight couldn't last long. They needed it to be over and done with as quickly as possible. That meant one thing. Going for a kill. Something Ed wouldn't have done prior to this whole situation. His sister's death here though had broken him of that habit.

He flung blasts of force. Sharpened as much as he could with the intentionally dull tool. His magic was never meant to be used this way. But he focuses still with intent. And cuts flesh. Sabretooth is blinded and the wind is knocked out of him. Still breathing. "Run, do not go back to the base." They can't risk Sabretooth following them. Hopefully, Guin listens to him. Hopefully, she doesn't go back to the base.

Location: EARTH 257: The Aerie
Skills: Psychometry

UGH! They would have to explain this all over again. It was getting real annoying real quick. Each time they encountered a new person the automatic response was to attack them. Their group's counterparts had pissed off someone at one point or another and it was endless. And of course one of the new people to show up was Luminous. For a split second, all she could see was the death of someone who had never existed. Good to know those memories weren't being overwritten. It was like the two worlds that she had lived in that were gone were more real than the life she had legally lived.

Oli moved away. Something about that set her teeth on edge. She didn't like that he wasn't by her side and wanted to complain about that, but she bit it back. Bit back a lot of comments she wanted to say. What she needed to establish was if this was their universe's Luminous. There was an easy way to do that. She pulled off her gloves and stashed them in her pocket. Before darting forward to touch Luminous. That's all she needed was a brief contact.

The first attempt was dodged. The second was not. "She belongs here. Not the one we are looking for." She backed up away from Luminous. "We are from another universe." She said seriously. "I'm getting real tired of people thinking I'm a clone. I sort of wish I was. It'd make things easier." She touched her leg, prepping it. Arming it for defense. She didn't want to hurt these people. Not even Luminous. She was one of the best Warriors for the Blue.

Location: EARTH 257: The Aerie
Skills: Jack-of-all-trades [Guns]; Specialization in Guns [Hand guns]; Hand-Eye Coordination; Weapon Proficiency

A whole lot started to happen. Amelia was still at a complete loss of herself. She was the local Amelia, which got really confusing when the local one showed up. Something Matt hoped wouldn't happen to anyone else.

At least Matt's desire to solve murders didn't stop him from caring about Cass. Who was trying to fight someone he had no hope of getting a touch on. This was going to have to be dealt with quickly. He aimed for the man's shoulder hoping to remove him from the fight without killing him. This place surely had good enough medical care that it shouldn't kill him. He hoped anyway.

In the end, it didn't matter. The bullets were stopped. Whatever the man's clothes were made of stopped the bullets. Great. Just great.

Location: House of M
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (passive), Electrical Manipulation

The complement meant a lot to Andy. She had grown up with very little reassurance that she was doing good. Especially when it came to being a mutant. Only the Drummonds had ever given her praise for her skills. Andy couldn't help but smile. But she still had a task to do. Get the metal disk from Magento. Zari summoned a pegasus! And pulled her up onto it with her. Andy was excited to be on the pegasus.

As they took to the air Andy wondered something. She knew that metal could be magnetized by electricity. Could the opposite be done? She reached out feeling the electrical fields around her and the items in the room. How close was magnetism to what she could do? She focused on the small object, their MacGuffin. And twisted at the electrical field. It coursed through her. Electricity could still hurt her, it had in the past. And she could feel it pulling at her very insides. Like her body was ready to rip apart if she did this wrong. She tried to push through it, but couldn't. It was just out of her reach. Maybe with practice. Maybe with training, she could, but for now, that was not in her skills.

Not deterred, Andy problem solved. They were in the air, making the disk reachable. But they needed to get past Magneto's defenses. She couldn't bring the item to her. A few ideas crossed her mind. One seemed even more impossible so she discarded that immediately.

"What if I distract him and you work on trying to get the piece?" She asked, staying on the pegasus, but reaching out to the nearest piece of furniture that flew by. A charge left her hand, and now that it was out there she kept it alive. Kept it rotating through the furniture. A field of electricity came to life using the furniture and its movement of it to create a zone of electricity. Her goal?

Distraction. Magneto would have to slow down and move the furniture further apart to deactivate the field. Hopefully, giving them the opening to grab the ex-spoon. She had never done anything like this before, but the idea came from Tesla Coils, which would mean the electricity could discharge with great prejudice.
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