Ed Penior
Location: New Orleans - Botanical Gardens
Skills: Magic
Magic cloak (like Dr Strange that allows him to fly)
Protection Amulet from Klara
Ed didn't want to fight Mary, even if she was not herself. He protected the others as best he could. Some fire got through his shields and he couldn't cover everyone, including himself.
As he was prepared to take the damage from the fire the amulet from Klara protected him. He sent a silent whisper of thanks to her for it. He didn't know if she could actually hear him, in a way it was a prayer, but he didn't care he'd thank her in person later.
He touched the vial in his pocket with Bethany's hair, healing her. Orange light surrounded her soothing wounds. He then cast his bubble spell specifically to try to trap Chrysi. It wasn't pleasant trying to bubble a friend like that, but if he could they might be better of. He expected her power was strong enough that it would do little to help them. The orange bubble surrounded Chrysi and he focused on it, trying to keep it in place.