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Location: Headmaster's Office -> Hall outside the office
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy's face lit up when Zari came in. Mads quickly filled Zari in on what she had missed. There had been a lot of yelling, and it was enough that Andy gripped her coffee tighter. Coulson had done a good job of defusing the situation enough and shooed everyone out of the small office. She wondered why Vicky was to stay behind, but she didn't worry about it too much. Vicky didn't seem to accept the 'it's not your fault,' but that was for her to figure out.

In the hall, she waited for Zari. There was going to be a lot of group restructuring and she wanted to be included in that conversation. She may not see the merit of the contest but she figured at this point she might as well still participate. "I'd like to be there for that conversation." Andy told Mads. She wasn't filled with a sudden need to be in the contest, more the desire to see it through.

"Zari," Andy said when Zari joined them in the hall. She was smiling again. She wanted to make sure Zari was okay and felt she needed to talk to her about how much she could say to the therapist. She could go through it without fully opening up but she doubted that would help her. "Can we talk? My room?"

Ed Penior

Location: New Orleans - Botanical Gardens
Skills: Magic
Magic cloak (like Dr Strange that allows him to fly)
Protection Amulet from Klara

Ed wasn't certain what it meant when Guin and Annie both dropped to the ground. Whatever it was couldn't be good. Had Chrysi done something to their minds that hurt them? He had in the past been able to heal minds that had taken damage. He wondered if now that would work too. Ed reached into his special coat pocket that had been added to keep vials of each member of the group's hair. He touched the two for Guin and Annie and started to try to heal them.

His magic, the orange light, emanates from him and touches the pair. He has done a lot of healing recently with his time as an X-Man and because of that, he realizes that they are not hurt. But have been imprisoned. He can assume that Chrysi has them. He can reach out to them, and he does. "I believe Chrysi has imprisoned you in her mind." He tells the pair of them.

"They are trapped in a mental prison." Not unlike the bubble, he thinks. An odd stalemate. Would Chrysi let them go if he let her go? But Pietro has a point, his bubble couldn't honestly hold the Phoenix. Not if it wanted out. "I cannot free them." Ed's skill set when it came to mental abilities was to block intrusions.

The idea from earlier bubbled again. If Guin was inside Mary's head could she push out Chrysi and the Pheonix? Could he protect the inside of Mary's mind?

"Guin, I have an idea, can you push Chrysi and the Phoenix out from the inside? I can try to bubble Mary so she is safe and you, now that you're inside, push the others out?" He didn't like the idea on principle. It was too close to break the Laws. However, it may be the only way to save Mary.
Mandy Mason

Location: New York Streets near car
Skills: N/A

Mandy tapped her chest once with her thumb, her hand open fingers splayed. "It's fine." She wanted to tell him she was proud of him. But as she raised her hands to say more she noticed the boy leaning in her car. She pulled her keys out of her pocket and hit the red button to turn on the alarm. Mandy tapped it once and let it flash and beep for a few seconds before tapping it again. Hoping that would scare the kid off. Or get the attention of the officer.

Who in their right mind would try to carjack right next to the police like that? Mandy had a healthy respect and fear of cops. Being Deaf meant that if they gave her an order and she couldn't see them doing it, like coming up from behind, she'd never know and wouldn't be able to comply. She had learned horror stories from her parent's friends.

Location: Camp Half-Blood (Arena)
Skill: Sword Fighting

Andy got geared up and joined Kristin on the Arena's practice field. She had done a whole lot of practice fighting on this field. She had learned how to fight beyond some rudimentary jabs here. It held a lot of memories even though she had only been at camp a year now.

Andy held her sword up and took the starting stance. But her grip was wrong and she realized it quickly as she stepped forward and almost immediately dropped the weapon when she went to swing. Kristin didn't even have to try to defend. Her face grew hot and she quickly scrambled for the weapon to try to recover. It was probably a good thing she was sparing Kristin and not one of the boys they'd have made a lesson of the fumble.

Her recovery was not much better, the only saving grace was that she didn't drop the weapon again. Kristin could easily block or step away from any attack Andy tried. The heat in her face had spread and she was getting more upset with the mistakes and failures.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Roman area

Niah wished for a moment the ability to curse people. This Greek did not understand the Romans. Why they stood together in battle. The Greek way of fighting was chaotic and unorganized. For the Romans standing together, shoulder to shoulder, relying completely on those around you was everything. If you couldn't trust your shield mates death was sure to follow. Niah was aware that Demi liked Leandra, which was precisely the reason she didn't want him with them. She couldn't trust him.

She didn't say anything back. Fighting with him would only piss them all off more and drag this out. She marched on one side of Leandra. There had been a time when she had trusted Leandra. It burned to have been betrayed. The broken oath was like broken glass under her feet.

She clenched her fists and jaw, marching on to the edge of camp. Niah was ready to keep going. Pass the edge and march all the way back to New Rome and take it back right that damn moment. No wonder the Greeks and Romans weren't supposed to share space. They were too ideologically different. Maybe some of the Romans who suffered under the strict rule of New Rome would have been better as Greeks.

"I'd rather fight another damn dragon." Niah hissed through her teeth.

Location: Headmaster's Office
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy's attention had been caught by both Mads and Mary Sue's changes. She was surprised by them, but it didn't take her long to realize that Mads made sense. She remembered when she had accidentally started draining Mads of her soul. What had happened in that fight matched what Mads looked like now. Interesting. Mary Sue's situation was different. The damage to her eye hadn't happened in the fight with Arcade. Andy knew that since Mary Sue had been magically healed. So this was new. Andy didn't let her attention linger on either of them as they crammed into Coulson's office. A thought did cross her mind that if she had mental wounds to match the physical ones she probably wasn't the only one. The group as a whole needed to process more than just what had happened with Ed.

At least they weren't getting in trouble for murdering Usagi, which was surprising. It's possible they had no idea what happened to Ardere. His giving them all A's for the quarter actually annoyed Andy. She had been putting so much work into trying to pass by the skin of her teeth and here she was being given A's without any effort. Andy wanted to learn. She would continue to go to class and do her work. She probably wouldn't do as much effort as she had been doing up to this point but she still wanted to learn. That's one of the reasons she had come to this school. The primary of course was Zari, who still hadn't joined them.

She did appreciate that they'd be given counseling. However, could she explain everything that was weighing on her to a counselor? There was a whole lot that she had agreed to not talk about. Not to mention the killing of people by eating their souls in her sleep.

Andy didn't say anything. She wanted Zari on her team, but she also didn't even want to be in the contest. To her, the contest wasn't important. Sure she was learning through the experience but that didn't mean she needed it to reach her goals. She liked being on Lady Nimue's team. However, she knew that April was way more gung-ho about winning the contest.

Andy decided she'd let the people who cared about the outcome of the contest decide what to do about the setup, be it recruit a new member and coach, or break up the small team and divey them into the other two teams. So she sipped on her coffee and waited to be dismissed so she could go to class and try to learn still. Even if learning hurt her head.

Andy winced when her name was mentioned. She'd rather not have attention drawn to her at this time. However, she couldn't blame Vicky. She didn't hold a grudge for what happened in the Framework. That hadn't been Vicky's fault. She hadn't been in control of herself. Andy failed to notice how she was freaking out about the death of someone she hadn't had control over the situation for either...but there was one major difference even if she did acknowledge this. Andy might do it again. Vicky likely wouldn't be controlled by a megalomaniac again. Overall she agreed with a lot of what Vicky said. The only thing she didn't agree with was the need for therapy. That was needed.

She'd have to make sure to find time to chat with Zari. They needed to agree on what a counselor could know. Andy had experienced counseling at Northwood and that hadn't been a good time. She hoped that this more open future would be willing to talk about accidental deaths without threatening to lock someone up forever.

"Not mad at you or anything about that by the way." She said leaning toward Vicky. Sure in general she didn't super care for Vicky but she didn't hate her and certainly didn't hold a grudge against her. Though she would have much rather just have everyone believe that Arcade hadn't been as good at his craft as he thought he was and Andy hadn't died but had survived the whole thing by chance. Missing freshman aside.
Mandy Mason

Location: New York Streets near car
Skills: N/A

Mandy nodded appreciatively as the Paramedic explained. She had been thinking right. But it didn't seem to be working. She did some quick mental math and compared a big dog to the kid and he should have been asleep by then. He wasn't though. A cop got the kid into his cruiser, Mandy felt relieved at that.

"Hermes, we should go home." Her phone hadn't gone off in a bit. Her dad hadn't texted her in what felt like a long time. She took a few steps back towards the car waiting for Hermes to join her. With what was happening she just wanted to be home around her parents and in a building she knew. They had dropped Hannah off. A paramedic was there for the old man. The kid was in the cruiser. They could go, everything was going to be alright.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Beach

"Either is fine with me." Andy had gotten better at fighting in the year she had been at Camp. Prior to coming here most of her fighting had been taught through scrapes or a few decent older homeless people. She remembered when her dagger was given to her. Long before she knew what she was, but after her first fight with a monster. It was because of the monster she hadn't been surprised by a dagger that could pretend to be a bracelet.

Here and now, she grabbed one of the practice swords. Even in a society that could heal wounds easily it was always better to practice with dull and blunted weapons. Bruises were a lot easier to deal with over gushing blood. Practice was necessary though.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Roman area

Niah joined Nancy to lead Leandra out of the camp. The oath had been bound. There was the chance Leandra tried to find a loop hole or something. But for now they'd be done with her.

One less worry for them. It felt like the mountain of worries weren't any smaller. Why had Leandra betrayed them? They were supposed to be Legion...family. Niah would die for New Rome if she had to. Leandra had betrayed it to not die. It was non-sensical.

Niah was stone faced as she marched out of the tent toward the border of the camp. She didn't want to talk in front of Leandra anymore. Anything that needed to be said to the others could be said after she was gone. But there was Demetri.

"This does not involve you." Niah said, her voice was colder than she intended it to be.
Mandy Mason

Location: New York Streets near car
Skills: N/A

Mandy couldn't follow what was happening. A guy had tackled the teen that had attacked Hermes. Mouths were opened wide, which made lip reading harder. Mandy hated it when hearing people try too hard to get her to hear them or lip-read. That wasn't how it worked. The old woman was pointing at the teen. Even Mandy could hear some of what she said. Was she saying that the kid was who had bitten her husband? She said he looked like him right?

One of the paramedics signed. That caused some of the tension in her stomach to loosen. She nodded. "Yes, it was just a bird." She explained. Unless this was a bird flu pandemic that had gotten very out of hand Mandy was not concerned. The wounds on her face would be easy enough to clean later. She just had to get home. That seemed less likely as the minutes ticked by and they got involved in stuff. How had they gotten wrapped up in all of this anyway?

"What is happening?" Hermes was freaking out. His brows were furrowed. He was tense and looking at the kid on the ground that the paramedics had injected with something. Mandy's medical assumption was it was a sedative. She was no EMT, and couldn't care for humans. Animals were easier. They didn't try to talk to her when her back was turned.

With Hermes distracted he couldn't keep her in the loop of what was happening and Hannah didn't have the experience. She wasn't used to family dinners where people talked over each other and Hermes would give her a running commentary. That first family holiday years ago popped into her mind.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Beach

Andy had no idea how Janelle fought. She wondered if she had a way to fight even blind. She smiled. "Yeah, you can come if you want. Stella was going to go to the fields." She told Janelle, trying to make sure her smile came through her voice.

Andy was a bit antsy. It felt like days still till the Door would appear. She wanted to be doing something now. This morning she had allowed herself to wallow a little and her friends had indulged that. Now she was done with that and needed to be doing something.

Location: Camp Half-Blood Roman area

Niah nodded. Though Nancy had asked for two volunteers there was no reason not to accept three. The strange Cyclops seemed eager to help. She wondered about him.

Niah did wish for some alone time with Nancy, but she had no idea how to talk to her anymore. How could she talk to her? There was a huge gap between them. She didn't know what to do. At least getting Leandra out of here would be a good step Niah felt.

Location: Her room
Skills: Enhanced Reflexes (Passive)

Andy sat on the edge of her bed, her hands wrapped around her Everfill mug, her leg bouncing up and down. The perfect coffee, at least according to her, was inside. She sipped at it. Trying to center herself. The last week had been frustrating. The incident with Ardere wasn't weighing on her. Andy had done what was needed in that situation. She also had a strong feeling that killing Ardere was what brought her back to life. She looked at the doll, which was her mother. She hadn't talked about that or what had happened while she was away from the school. Andy knew that both incidences would probably overjoy Selene, and it was the latter that was causing Andy distress. She hadn't even told Zari yet, Andy didn't know who she had killed. Didn't know what the repercussions could be. This hadn't been an issue of fighting someone who was trying to hurt her. This had been out of her control. She hadn't even known she was doing it. That was what scared her.

The nightmares that had once plagued her had stopped with the pillow that Magneto had given her. That pillow didn't stop her from sleepwalking, and she had to sleep for it to work. Could she sleep now? Could she trust herself in this school with students? Killing in the heat of battle was one thing. What if she killed a sleeping student? Those questions plagued her.

Andy didn't think of herself as a villain or a menace or anything like that. She had had issues with that line of thinking prior to meeting Zari, but Zari had by her very nature helped Andy move through that self-loathing. But this new issue was beyond her control. It made her worry again. Was she a danger to others just by existing? She wanted to go to school to learn how to protect her mother from those who might try to free her, but was this the right way? Could she find a safer place? If she did would that mean leaving Zari? Andy didn't think she could do that. Life without Zari didn't seem like something she could ever deal with again.

Finally, Andy stood up and left the room, still clutching her coffee mug. It was a good thing she didn't have a roommate. If Andy did she would be worried for their safety. Something about Zari kept her safe and that was enough for Andy. But no one else was.

Finding her way to Coulson's office Andy took up a place in the growing line of other students. She nodded but didn't say anything. Just sipped the coffee. Maybe she should talk to the school nurse? There had been a time she had taken sleeping pills. Could that help again?
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