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Je suis un homme qu'adorer le RPG, jeux vidéo, et histoire. Si vous veux jeux avec moi, envoye un PM en RPGuild et Discord.

If you can read that. Then as long as I have time. I'm happy to Roleplay with you. I'm okay with my French, but don't expect a Masters Thesis level of French from me.

I'm also cool with Roleplaying in English though!

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Oh man. Tsi is going to have a field day with Mitsuko. I can already feel the rage in her.
Hey! I'm interested!

Can I PM you for a Deity/ Champion idea I have in mind?


Srikandi was slightly taken aback that Garrett and his team could communicate over long distances. These people from other worlds, just what do they not have? Machines that can instantly wash your clothes? Machine farmers? Instantaneous travel across continents? The possibilities are flashing across Srikandi’s mind as to what wondrous things these beings would see, and, what they would consider ‘normal’.

Back to the mission. Srikandi still has a mission to complete, the 3 individuals seem to be incredibly powerful, and she would definitely need assistance if the worst comes to worst. “Garrett.” She ordered. “You are coming with me, the rest of you, form into whatever groups you want, but I suggest groups of 2.”

“Garrett and I will take the eastern half of the adventurer's quarters, while the rest of you will take the western half. If you see any suspicious individuals, you can… make a mental note of their person’s appearance, and see if it matches the ones we’re looking for.” She said as she gave each of them a copy of what these wanted individuals looked like, “look for all these 3 individuals, but don’t force a confrontation if you don’t have to, they are rumored to converge into one building for coordination purposes, and perhaps we can confront them at their base, lessen casualties in a way.”

“I trust that you are capable of doing these investigative tasks, I’m aware this is not easy, but rest assured, the servants of the Dark Lord possess a distinctive aura around them, for laypersons, it might be invisible, but for someone who’s seen battle and combat, there is an aura of either malice or sadness that envelops them. Good luck.”

And without a second’s hesitation, the adventurer walked out of her chair and exited the tavern, where she was greeted with a sight all too familiar to her. Adventurers milling about.

She perused with Garrett for a good while, looking around like some tourist, but it was at that moment that she spotted someone.

The details mentioned someone from Himetsu wearing Oberian clothing, so someone with black hair but wearing clothing similar to Anki, and she looks like she found one. The black armour only adds the feeling, but by the way, she walks, she can easily tell that she is one person you do not mess around with, the aura she gave is cold, borderline lifeless, Srikandi can feel that the woman has been through countless battles, most likely in service to the Dark Lord, and many times she has come out the other side alive.

“Garrett, look at her,” Srikandi whispered. “Can you feel it? That raw energy emanating from her? She looks like our target, goodness gracious she looks powerful…”

“We’re going to tag along with the target, are you up to the task?” She asked Garrett. “I don’t want anything obvious, just make sure you look like you’re checking out the sights of Cendana without arousing her suspicion.”


On the other side of the city, Anki is looking at her options, seemingly presented to her by both Dumas and Catherine. She could go forward with the invisibility option or at least the one presented by Catherine, or she can just pose around as a tourist, hmmm… decisions-decisions.

But then, at one point, her mechanical brain clicked and she decided to go with what is obvious to her in hindsight. “Catherine, I need you to brew 2 of your invisibility potions, and Dumas, you can walk around and ask in Elven for trinkets or information. Whichever is to your liking.”

She can easily kill two birds with one stone here.

“Myself and Catherine will look around, see if there are any Elves that might be a servant to the dark lord, while you Dumas can ask around and see what information you could gather. We can then converge and then discuss the information we gather right here.” She stepped on the pavement. “After exactly 2 hours. We will make our decision afterward.”

“Will this decision satisfy all of you?” Anki asked everyone.


“The dockyards Q-T, and you know why I ordered you to go there right? The mayor told us that there might be something amiss in the dockyards in conjunction with the Adventurer's quarters and the Elven district, and as good people, we surely would be good friends and snoop around to find out whatever the Dark Lord’s minions are scheming at the Dockyards right?”

She knew she was bending the rules a little bit, but hopefully, nobody should know about their little escapade into the dockyards, nobody except the trio holed up in this house that is.

“Try to look for suspicious individuals, maybe overhear some casual conversations that don’t sound right to you. Just give us information. And if you feel that you might be in danger, exfil immediately, you don’t need me to tell you to exfil if you think you’re in danger.”

Almira hoped she can gain intel on how this world worked, and also whatever it is the Dark Lord’s scheming in this town, assuming the Dark Lord is as bad as the name implies.


Amanda quickly pondered on her head and quickly responded to Micheal's question with a thumbs up. "I may... have kinda sorta forgot to ask the staff for a database of clearances and staff active in the Minsk office. Let me ask them for a quick second. I'll have that database downloaded in my head in a jiffy."

The Android quickly returned as fast as she left. Bringing a small notepad on her left arm, her face seemingly happy at Mikey's request. "Alright, got what I need. This office got some 300 agents of varying credentials, but we only have 1 guy with a full access credential, the head of the office itself. People are not given their credentials on level, but more on area. So accounting people are responsible for handling the finance section, and can't go into the armoury unless they ask the Security section, and vice-versa with security. People would usually ask for the staff of different areas' credentials if they need something in a hurry, the staff said that it is a 'common occurrence around this office.' And honestly, that kinda reminds me of my own time in North America."

"So someone that has a credential that can access any part of the office would be very off, unless if he's the head, and the head of the office rarely leaves his front office anyway, so we can strike that down."


The next morning came and Amanda went to work immediately. The group voted to go for the mole first, and Amanda will oblige.

Her first objective is to go to the surveillance room and ask for some copies of surveillance data from all rooms just before Amanda landed, and she brought all the tapes from the surveillance data into her room. A player device is available and linked into a small television set. On this TV set, cables ran from it into Amanda’s ports on her arm, allowing the android to rewind and forward events seen on the CCTV camera as desired.

Of course, as soon as the rest of the group arrived. Amanda greeted them warmly, the Android woman knowing that a potential fight might go down if they managed to track down the fiend quickly and promptly.

“Morning!” She greeted. “I have CD’s where there’s CCTV data yesterday. I was kinda wondering if we can piece together some information about the mole and what he/she’s doing just as we arrived into the city. It’s not much, but it’s all we’ve got for the moment.”

“If we manage to find the mole, then I think we’d better ask around for whoever that person is, and probably confront the individual about their role in our ambush. We also probably have to raid the person’s personal office in order to get the evidence we need to prosecute should we commit to the person in question, I’m a senior agent, so I do have the power to do these searches due to my seniority, just be discrete about the matter. We don’t need to needlessly inflame tensions in the Minsk office after recent events, agents here are already stressed enough as is, and we don’t need them to be even more stressed about the mole.”

She has been hearing about the recent stuff from the agents here, apparently after yesterday’s attack. The Eastern Europe OMR branch had decided to give this Minsk issue their full attention, and agents are being sent out to scour the city, asking the public and conducting their own investigations as to who possesses the weapons, and the gall, to attack an OMR office so openly. Connections with Mr X and his endeavours are of course being assumed, but ultimately not proven, yet.

And Amanda has every intention to let them conduct their work while she and her group will conduct this little diversionary mission in order to find the potential mole within Minsk’s OMR office.

If anything, she’d be playing an indirect role in helping the Eastern Europe branch, finding the potential mole may make the Minsk office’s operations smoother and more airtight, keeping their element of surprise should violence be necessary to cull whoever powers that be that attacked their office yesterday.

“Alright, it’s up to you to vote on whichever tape you want to go first. I have tapes from the laboratories, the parking lot, Administrative offices, the front entrance, and even the various hallways within the Minsk office, do you have a first preference for a tape we want to see?” Amanda asked.

@Martian@King Cosmos

Madeleine began charging the rest of the group, her eyes fully intent on killing everyone that dared to interrupt her pleasant chat with the Roggenwolf. These bastards are most likely the cult members she talked about earlier, and it seems that they have their own designs for the Roggenwolf for whatever reason.

Xaviron was providing good covering fire, his precise shots and spells providing a distraction to any would-be assailants of her, she has already lost count how many enemies was on her blindspot was distracted by Xaviron’s shooting, sufficiently distracted that Madeleine will be able to finish them off with her Feuerschwert.

She wasn’t without any injury, however, as the personal shield spell she erected during the confrontation couldn’t last long enough for her to dispatch everyone involved, and she quickly became marred with wounds all over her body. The impact of random bullets throughout her torso, and some light slices on her arms from the cult members using their knives were sufficient in making the Demoness’ moves slower and more sluggish.

But thankfully that is where the Roggenwolf and Xaviron came in. The woman, already going through hell and back, got help in dispatching the rest of her assailants in the form of a mystical wolf spirit, whom decided that it is best to maul and tear apart some individuals, and Xaviron, who got up from his secure position and starting running and gunning anyone that stands in his way.

The half-elf even subdued several individuals for interrogation later on, knocking out a cult member unconscious before resuming his job of shooting and killing the assailants.

The battle eventually ended, the rest of the group failing to capture the wolf, and quickly exiting the garden via magical portals that they have created. The trio too exhausted to pursue the enemy after the battle.

“Sorry for that… haaahhhh… I didn’t know we would be attacked…. heeehhhh.” Madeleine said to the spirit, wheezing and panting, moans of pain quickly followed suit as the adrenaline wore off and her wounds quickly showed off it’s deadly masterpiece on the woman. “Perhaps… we should go to Morgana…. and bring you back to where you… come from… Is that… okay?”

The Roggenwolf nodded it’s head and did a gesture Madeleine didn’t expect, the creature lowered it’s back, seemingly allowing Madeleine to ride on the creature’s back. An offer the woman could hardly refuse.

And so, with Xaviron on her side, the woman rode back to Morgana on the back of the Roggenwolf, seemingly gaining his trust after that affair. “Hey, Morgana.” The Demoness greeted the Witch. “I’ve brought the wolf back.” She said as she dismounted from the creature, petting its soft fur. “Do you have the spell ready?”


@13org@King Cosmos@Martian@DracoLunaris@ShiningSector

The first thing Almira did when she arrived in her space is to let loose. The door’s already closed and there are no more prying eyes, she can unveil her bunny ears and be comfortable with the least amount of clothing possible.

She set the box on one side and let go of her jacket and hat, putting it on one side. Riley and Neilsy were busy relaxing in the pretty large bed, quickly regretting their decision to lie down as the bed proved to be much harder than expected.

“Alright Q-T, you can go out of your box now,” Almira said, opening the box to reveal the Q-T-sized content hidden inside. “You can observe the room and move around all you want, just don’t get outside that door and we’ll be fine.” The woman pointed to the door where she was brought into.

Looking at Neilsy and Riley. Almira quickly postulated that their intended function was to relax and enjoy their leisurely house arrest while Srikandi and Anki would be busy with adventuring and all the fun stuff that comes with it. While the Captain isn’t necessarily thrilled at the prospect of sitting down while Garrett, Catherine and the rest of her team would be busy doing stuff. She does know that Neilsy and Riley ain’t exactly combat-worthy material out here.

That leaves only Almira and possibly Q-T who can leave the area and fight any potential threats. Something the woman is taking into account.

“Alright, everyone. I’m just wondering here, but I think that I haven’t seen the city in it’s full glory yet. So I am wondering if we want to explore the area somewhat and be back here without anyone knowing about it.”

She looked at Q-T. “You do have a stealth mod installed right? The one with the reflective screens and all that fun stuff? I can lend you the program if you don’t have it. I was just thinking that, maybe, just maybe, you can go out of the door there, with that stealth mod on, and explore the city and all its surroundings for all of us. This is completely up to you though Q-T, I’m just thinking of some ideas here so that we’re not bored to death waiting for Almira and Anki to finish up whatever they’re doing. Might give us some valuable info on the inhabitants of this city and what they’re doing.”

“So… what do you think?” Almira asked Q-T.

Srikandi’s mind was all over the place as she surveyed the area she was led to. The leads she got from the city officials have gotten her and her group to the Adventurer’s quarters, the place where she saw familiar faces strewn all about. All of them could be the mole to the dark lord.

The leads have given her three individuals with the characteristics seen. An individual from Gremarre with blonde hair and wearing a thick jacket (she was reminded of a certain alchemist, but pretty sure she’s not the one) prodding around the local adventurer’s quarters asking questions about the meteor, an individual with thick black hair seemingly coming from Himetsu wearing Oberian clothing, and an individual with a thick beard carrying a sword, they seem to congregate at a house somewhere in town.

She has briefed her team as to what’s happening, but she doesn’t know how Almira’s team operates, so she is gauging their operating procedures while they’re all sitting at a tavern.

“So. I was wondering, but how do you conduct internal investigations in your uhh, ship?” Srikandi asked. “Because I have an idea on how we conduct this investigation, and I want to be on the same page with you regarding this matter.”

“I usually conduct investigations like these by asking people around, and personally look at the sights in the area and see what feels off. Usually when something feels off, even just by a hair. I am usually on the right track, let’s just say that tracking corruption from the dark lord is very straightforward if you know what you’re doing.”

“The problem lies in fighting them once they’ve been outed. Oftentimes I usually need help in fights against aqgents of the dark lord, they usually possess powerful magic and superhuman strength, while I can compensate for that with my summons. Fighting two or three agents of the dark lord can be a bit too much even for me, and I usually call for someone’s help on the matter.”

“I feel that we need to be close to each other investigating this since I am not sure if we can signal to each other should we get into trouble. But what do you think about this? We have three individuals of interest, and I propose we split into teams of two to deal with two of these individuals first and then team up for the third. Miss Sumiye, since you are not a fighter, I think it would be best if you accompany me for this task. I would not like for a member of Almira’s crew to be killed in action for the moment, do you have any suggestions for how we conduct this investigation by the way?”

Srikandi was busy gauging the responses of each of these individuals, not sure how any of them would respond.

Anki and her team finally arrived at the Elven Quarters. The Automaton woman surveying the various Elvenfolk milling about and doing their daily lives. She has brought both Catherine and Dumas, both of them are potentially deadly in fights, but none of them are familiar factors in Anki’s short-lived life.

She is not sure as to what to investigate either, by the looks of it. The agents in the Elven quarters are all elves that came from Oberia, a natural extension considering Oberia’s elven population, most likely the highest in the world.

The wrinkle in her investigation is the fact that everyone are elves in this quarter, and that everyone looks roughly the same, with the only difference being skin colour, slight visual inherited differences due to the tropical climate of Cendana.

Anki got information that the elves are ‘indistinguishable’ from the regular elves. And this just adds a further wrinkle, since all of the elves here look visibly sun-kissed, sporting outside looks similar to Srikandi rather than the elves in her homeland.

“We have a slight problem here.” Anki mused to herself, sitting on a bench flanked by Catherine and Dumas.

“So we need to find a single elf, a female elf, and the information we received is that she is ‘indistinguishable’ from the other elven population of Cendana. A problem considering the majority Elven population here. I am sure that you have eyes, but we are the ones that stand out in this particular neighbourhood, and this will add further complications due to our clearly foreign nature.”

“Catherine, Dumas. I was wondering but personally, I am thinking about passive observation, look for anything that stands out, I don’t know about this, but do you have a spell that might make us invisible Catherine?” The automaton mused. “If we are invisible, we could probably conduct our investigation in a much more discreet manner, find out our Elf of interest without anyone noticing.”

“Otherwise, we are the ones that stick out here, all of us are from Avalia, so we are Northerners for these individuals, and we stick out like a sore thumb, our chances are not high in searching for the Elf in question if she can notice our mannerisms from a long distance and evade our detection.”

She then turned her head 90 degrees towards Catherine and then to Dumas. “Do you have any other suggestions that I might be receptive towards?”


Amanda feels conflicted.

She is happy that her team managed to survive the onslaught the moment they arrive at Minsk. Everyone performed their tasks very admirably under very stressful and unexpected circumstances, she might have to commend the team on a job well done once she’s finished supervising Faye right now.

But also, there is also the threat of who got the beat on her team when they left Frankfurt for Minsk, there is a potential mole in this town’s office, and she has no idea who they are. The group could be in grave danger even if they are secure for now, potential poisoning of their staff meals, sudden darts out of nowhere laced with poison that might kill a team member of hers, and of course, luring them out into an isolated position where they can call no help, and then finishing them off right then and there.

The potentialities are endless.

But, those are thoughts for a later time, since miss Alexeya here just finished patching up Faye, telling the android that all her vitals are stable and well functioning again. “Just don’t expend your mana too rapidly for the coming days, I know that might be hard since you’re on a mission right now, but please, don’t do more of this, it’s not healthy for you.” Alexeya told Faye. A conversation that Amanda overheard and took note of.

She also didn’t forget about Scarlet thanking her. The android responded with a nod and a head pat to the Homunculus. “Alright, now, both of you, take sometime to rest, in some 30 minutes I have a small question I wanna ask all of you.”

The android had gathered all of her team in her bedroom. She was assigned her own bedroom office type of deal for her to work on during her time here, and it is large enough to accommodate Faye, Scarlet and Micheal with minimal problems.

“Alright, so first of all, I have to congratulate you for your quick thinking and tenacity in the face of those bullshit odds. Encore for all of you.” Amanda clapped her hands quickly afterwards.

“And secondly, I am now pretty sure that we have a mole inside this office. I don’t know where I should start investigating this issue, but I know that this is something that will demand our full attention. I should also note that we have that portal location Faye tracked to Minsk that also needs investigating, and with that. I am now in a conundrum here, and so I leave the choice to you.”

“Do you want to investigate the potential mole here? I can contact Alexeya and we can conduct whatever we need to find out who this person is, I can also use my authority as a senior agent to get files that no other agent can. It’s relatively low effort, but this can drive us up into the highest levels of the OMR command here, and a confrontation with the higher ups is something we must prepare for.”

“Or do you want to investigate the site Faye tracked down? Finding the portal location is very important, and it might lead us to clues as to how wide this operation is, I think there might be some people trying to clean up the site after the mess we’ve made to their ops in Frankfurt, and I am interested in confronting whoever’s cleaning up the Minsk site should we encounter them. Expect lots of action, but the mole in the OMR office here might run away to some hiding place after we’re done here.”

“So, which task do you wanna choose? And no, I am not splitting up the team again, splitting our forces even further will only lead to disaster and we need to stick together.”

@Martian@King Cosmos

It came rather suddenly, Madeleine didn’t expect the Roggenwolf to be immediately on their tail the moment they entered the site, but here they are, forced to confront this mythical wolf creature head-on.

Okay, so some context is needed. The duo managed to meet up with Xaviron in the garden, and Xaviron explained that the wolf is inside it. Probably holding up with the plants and flowers there since it’s the only major natural setting here in the Frankfurt region. It will be a very tense encounter and Xaviron suggested that they prepare weapons should the confrontation turn sour.

Unfortunately, Madeleine agreed to Xaviron’s proposition, that a natural spirit like a Roggenwolf should probably stay in their realm and not here, and the last couple of incidents where a natural spirit stumbled into the human world without adequate preparation ended in a… tragedy to say the least.

Lots of people dead, the spirit dead, and a massive crater in the middle of it all, not a good look for everyone involved. She still remembered the casefiles from Peru and Australia where that exact thing happened. The description of the scene did not bring a lot of confidence to her, but a job’s a job, and the Roggenwolf needs to be stopped before it wreaked any more havoc.

And so, Madeleine ordered Morgana to prepare a ritual circle and a binding ritual to take to the place the Roggenwolf resides. She’s a witch, and she should have no problems doing such tasks. Madeleine and Xaviron meanwhile, will go into the garden itself and convince the Roggenwolf to enter the portal set outside.

And safe to say, the mission should be a success, until the Roggenwolf suddenly appeared in front of them. Xaviron told the team that the wolf is holed up inside the greenhouse on the Palm Garden and the Demoness and Half-Elf went in to investigate. Little did they know the Roggenwolf has been watching their movements the whole time.

It was fortunate that Madeleine was bringing the best weapons she could summon for this encounter, lest the duo would be dead for all she knows. She carries a magical greatsword she forged herself some couple of centuries ago, the hellish energy in its reddened steel enough to cut anything down its path. She has a growing feeling that the sheer magical energy emanating from her blade is the only thing preventing the Roggenwolf from tearing both of them to pieces.

She has to make sure it stays that way.

“Great Spirit.” She bellowed. “We are not here to fight you, we request your audience for a few seconds.”

The Roggenwolf hesitated but nodded its head to Madeleine’s offer.

“We are here to bring you back to your realm. We mean you no harm, and we understand that this world has brought you great distress. We seek to alleviate that distress by bringing you back into your own world, where the corn grows without harvest and forevermore. A friend of ours is making a doorway into your world, and we request that you vacate this building into the area outside. Our friend is making the doorway as we speak outside.”

The wolf hesitated, unsure of Madeleine’s proposition, certainly, it would be beneficial for it to return back to its world, but it is not sure about whether this Demonic being could be trusted or not.

Before the wolf could retort though, the glass on top of the greenhouse shattered, alerting everyone to whoever shattered the glass on top. There are people rappelling down, full tactical gear in hand, and Madeleine knows those ain’t OMR tactical gear at all.

One of them spots the Roggenwolf and shouted in German. “There it is! The spirit is here, brothers and sisters. Let us capture this wolf and sacrifice it to our great altar! The ritual must be completed!”

And soon enough the tactical-wearing people started shooting magic spells and bullets in their general direction. Forcing the group to dive for cover. The Roggenwolf makes one look at Madeleine and she knows the innate meaning of the stare.

If you want to earn my trust, you must fight these intruders to show that you are not part of them.

With that in mind. Madeleine steadied her blade and looked at Xaviron, who is at her opposite side, crouching down on an elevated platform and hoping the ceramic pottery for the potted plant he’s hiding under is strong enough to block bullets. “The Roggenwolf wants us to fight against these intruders. Ready your weapons! Suppress their fire while I hack them a new one!” She ordered.

And just like the stories of old, the Demoness stood up and charged into the intruders, her magical shield blocking any potential bullets from penetrating into her skin, the greatsword found its target in one unlucky intruder who rappelled a bit too close for Madeleine’s liking, the sword’s enchanted steel slicing his kevlar armored vest like nothing, cleaving the person in two while other enchantments light up a black flame that slowly consumed the man, starting from its wounds.

She hopes that Xaviron is giving her the fire support necessary. She needs a distraction so that her Feuerschwert does its work of slicing, and then igniting the intruders who dared interrupt such delicate negotiations.


@13org@King Cosmos@Martian@DracoLunaris@ShiningSector

The fight didn’t last long, as the group finally dispatched every thug who so much as thinks to mess with the joint combo of the adventurers and their friends from space. Catherine and Garrett made a particularly strong impression on Almira, as both of them managed to thoroughly subdue a thug, Catherine admittedly much more brutally than Garrett, but once Srikandi managed to calm down the raging woman, she reluctantly gave the thug, practically on his last breath, a potion to heal his wounds and everything turned out well.

As well as one would hope considering the situation that is.

“You know, I have to get me one of those potion thingies Catherine. Do you know how much you’d sell the recipe for?” Almira asked curiously. Just in time for a pair of city guards to notice the commotion and rush into the scene.

While initially not sure of what happened, once they noticed the thugs, and especially the Ksatria Naga, they knew what happened, and promptly arrested the various thugs that were assaulting the group. One of the Knights also informed the group that the Mayor at the city hall was also asking for their presence.

They didn’t ask of Almira’s group, much to her relief, making up a cover story for yet another group of people is going to be such a mess and telling them the truth will also make it even messier. Almira silently hopes that they just assume they are Srikandi’s team members, and it is looking that way as they enter City Hall.

The City Hall itself was a magnificent building, filled with elaborate carvings and artworks of past battles and artefacts from the City’s history, but Almira and her group could only see them in transit because they were quickly shuttled into the Mayor’s office.

The mayor himself seems very distressed, his mouth moving and his glorious moustache moving along with it. His well-tailored batik suit did not match his movements at all, as he slowly moved back and forth, his facial expression changed for the better though, as the long-awaited party consisting of Srikandi and her friends arrived at his office.

“Alright, first of all. I have to thank you, Miss Srikandi. Anything that the Ksatria Naga can do to improve the city, I am more than happy to accept it. But, unfortunately, there are more pressing issues at the city of Cendana than just a bunch of thugs roughing up unfortunate souls.”

He handed the Ksatria Naga a letter, stamped with a black dyed seal on it, immediately grabbing the attention of the Knight. A black seal indicates that it belongs to the dark lord, or a messenger of the dark lord, the seal has already been cracked open, and the Mayor’s apprehensive face is all the more indication that she should read its contents.

And as Srikandi opened it, and read its contents. Her facial expression turned from cautious, to downright terrified, she handed over the document towards Anki. Who similarly felt alarmed at what she read once she finishes.

“This is something that will impact Oberia too, I will assist you in this case.” Anki responded, creating some confusion among the other adventurers as to what the problem was.

“Hey uhh, Srikandi. I have no idea what just happened, but can you fill me in on what just happened?” Almira asked, scratching her head at their alarm. “I assume it’s something very bad right?”

“Incredibly.” Srikandi replied, Anki handing the letter over to Dumas, and then to Catherine. “The Dark Lord has sent emissaries towards this city, specifically to find out what the meteor that impacted the Dragonspine was exactly, and perhaps utilize it to their advantage. I do not know the full details of the situation, but I am aware that, per the letters’ details. They are assembling in 3 select areas, the Elven Quarters, the Adventurers Quarters, and the Dockyards.”

“I will personally lead a task force into the Elven Quarters.” Anki indicated. “Catherine and mister Dumas, can you perhaps indicate as to whether you want to accept a small adventure together?”

“And I will go to the Adventurers’ Quarters.” Srikandi responded. “Mister Garrett, and Miss Sumiye King, would you be so kind as to accompany me in this? We need people who are physically capable if we were to get to the bottom of this.”

Almira was about to respond. But she was cut short by Srikandi. “I cannot let you risk yourselves in the dockyards. You are not aware of this place and that can put you in serious risk should something happen.”

Drat. It seems that Srikandi knows me better than I know myself. Almira thought. “Fine then, but if something happens, don’t blame me for trying to defend myself.”

“Don’t worry about that. Guards?” Srikandi politely asked the guards nearby. “Can you please guard Almira inside a personal room here? I am going on a little adventure alongside Anki, and this ma’am here is a newcomer to this town, she’s a bit too assertive for her own good, and yes, before you ask, she comes from Bagalpur, you know how those Bagalpurans are like.”

Almira personally doesn’t know Bagalpur, nor what the people in Bagalpur are like, but she knows that is not a compliment towards her, she could only look in Srikandi, a feeling of mock betrayal in her face visibly forms, a feeling Srikandi knew all too well, but knows that she is on the right for ordering this.

Just before Almira was about to be escorted out though. Srikandi and Anki looked at each of the participants. “Again, we need allies doing this thing. Do you want to join us on this little quest of ours? I assume that the Mayor will compensate us well for our services right?”

She turned towards the mayor, who quickly nodded in response. “O-of course, gifts of gold and property for everyone that does not own one in Cendana! Please, the Dark Lord is not someone I can tolerate in my town. If only that accursed meteor didn’t hit the Dragonspine near my city, ugh.”

Anki could only give Srikandi a small thumbs up. Her facial expression not matching her approval. "Your quick thinking on this situation will always be an asset Srikandi." She whispered. "Thinking about financial compensation for our errands in such a quick manner. I will have to study your wit and way of thinking more, those previous adventures with you is not sufficient for me to learn all of the complexities of human interaction."


Amanda looked stunned at the rapid response from the Minsk office agents. Especially that one Orc scientist, claiming that his computer summons demons that he can control, while Amanda may not be familiar with the inner workings of a demon summoning computer, she will take all the help she can get at this point.

“All right, Ahab right?” Amanda inferred from his nametag. “Do whatever you need to take down these fuckers. We’ll cover you!”

It eventually resulted in all the hostile agents either retreating, injured, or dead on the street. The commotion near the OMR office forming a small crowd and necessitating those agents to form a cordon to ward off the crowds as medical specialists stream out of the office, taking the dead bodies for further examination.

More than sufficient time for Amanda to wheel the entire team into the confines of the Minsk office, before she took a nonexistent breather before the whole team. “Alright, all of you except for Faye and Scarlet, take a rest for the day. I was planning on hitting up the place when we arrived, but I don’t think that’s possible right now. Faye, you follow me to the infirmary. We need you to get checked. You’re still having those migraines right now, right? Yeah, we can’t have that.”

And so the Android brought Faye towards the Infirmary. When a certain lady with a black themed outfit was doing some computer work, she noticed the two female figures approaching her, and delayed finishing her computer work to greet them. “Greetings. you are miss Amanda and… Faye correct?”

“Yes. And your name is?”

“Ah, where are my manners? My name is Alexeya Yagayevich. I am the head doctor of this quaint little facility in Minsk. How can I help you?”

“Well, can you check Miss Faye here for any potential injuries? I’m sure that you’ve heard of her right? Little girl wonders if she has a strong connection with the Magical world of the Fairies, she’d probably used a bit too much magical power and is suffering migraines, can you check that out?”

“Hmm? Ah, of course! Miss Faye Hayward from Britain. Yes, yes. Let me prepare my equipment for a moment alright? if she’s suffering from migraines then we’d probably need some stronger stuff right now. Please wait a short while alright?”

As the woman walked towards the back of the infirmary, seemingly preparing some stuff. Amanda looked at Faye, her eyes having full intent on making sure that she’s okay. “Faye. I’m not leaving you with that woman alone okay? If you feel some discomfort then tell me. I’ll be right by your side.”

"As for you Scarlet. Do you need me to bandage up your wounds?" Amanda asked. Grabbing the nearest First aid box and revealing it's contents. "Just so you know I am trained in first aid, kind of a requirement if you're a senior agent."

@Martian@King Cosmos

“Sooo. How was he?”

Madeleine certainly didn’t expect Morgana to meet him. In truth, Madeleine’s encounter with him didn’t originally start on the best of terms. Some villagers were reporting to him of a certain ‘Demon infestation’ during the days of old, and he and her came to blows. Her magic against his Sword Mastery.

In truth, Madeleine didn’t even think that the both of them would be good friends after that. But, as the old adage goes. Time heals all wounds. He learned of the true nature of Demons, and his demeanor changed greatly as the years went by.

It was Madeleine who proposed to him and his wife that they probably should play a more active role in Germany after the country’s destruction in World War 2, even teaming up with him and the rest of the big figures of Germany in forming that little coal and steel project, and moving it forward into its current form today.

“I told you Siegfried’s a fun guy right? Sure he looks big and burly and all, but he’s mellowed out a lot as the centuries go by. Now, I’ve just got news from agent Mosley that he knows where the Roggenwolf is located. It’s near the Europaturm, we can talk about my exploits with him on the way. Siegfried and Kriemhild are the two power couples of Germany. There are tons of stories involving both of them.”

And sure enough, Madeleine blabbered about the legend and his wife’s story throughout German history, regaling Morgana about tales of adventures long in the past. Her tone sounds incredibly jovial, not like the more demure and calm manner Madeleine usually takes on. Morgana can easily tell that she and Siegfried have a long history with each other.

Eventually the duo arrived at the Palm Garden. Meeting Xaviron who is waiting beside his car. “Hey Xaviron. Just introduced Siegfried to Morgana here. Let me tell you, the face of Morgana when she realized who she’s meeting with is PRICELESS, PRICELESS I TELL YOU. Seriously Morgana, are you that shocked by Siegfried’s presence? Like, I know deities have a strong presence magically, but I never thought someone as knowledgeable as you could be so… ‘awed’ by his presence. Heaven and Hell above.”

The Demonic woman then coughed a little bit, returning to her more mature expression, knowing what the task requires of her right now. “Anyway, Xaviron. Brief me on this Roggenwolf. I assume that the wolf’s inside this garden right? What else do we need to know?”
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