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Je suis un homme qu'adorer le RPG, jeux vidéo, et histoire. Si vous veux jeux avec moi, envoye un PM en RPGuild et Discord.

If you can read that. Then as long as I have time. I'm happy to Roleplay with you. I'm okay with my French, but don't expect a Masters Thesis level of French from me.

I'm also cool with Roleplaying in English though!

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Both women were enjoying the sights and sounds of the bar, with Xiang Min quite surprised when Julia said that this was the exact spot she liked hanging out back in the day. "Well, that sounds highly convenient." She responded when Julia mentioned that. The woman could only smile though, as her day was slowly getting better and better, She met someone who could match her in fights, someone who seemed to vibrate on the same wavelength as her, and someone that she just found pleasant to hang out with. Barring her sister of course. She had half a mind to make her a job offer right on the spot, but she was a bit curious about her past, what she went into, and how she ended up here, so she decided to delay that thing just a bit longer to see where Julia might take her.

Then she talked about her past, and Xiang Min did not expect what she was saying, as she talked about the incident, and just a little bit of her past, how she took the fall of a lot of things and got eventually imprisoned. Xiang Min's brain worked once more, her face was contemplative when she heard the little details of Julia's story she was willing to divulge, and thought about her as a potential addition to SDS. But, unfortunately, her thoughts are interrupted by two developments, firstly by the Robot bartender bringing both her and Julia their desired drinks, and secondly by an unexpected order of red wine that arrived shortly after the drinks they ordered, her head swiveled as she saw a man wearing a fur coat, and with visible signs of aging. Nothing too unusual for her, sometimes there are old and creepy men that think she's just some escort looking for work. Creeps.

But her face turned when she saw Julia's face change into a look of dread, concerning, but simultaneously piquing her interest. She studied the man further, and her eyes widened as she saw a connection forming. That man is Black Maria, most likely a Don too judging by how nonchalantly he's going by the day himself. She doesn't need to be a genius to see that Julia is visibly afraid of him, and her mind slowly turns again. Is she? She's E-Street? Xiang Min thought, the only person that would either be visibly afraid or enraged by a Black Maria are either E-Street members, people that have been wronged by them in the past, and people who've been on the receiving end of the Black Maria's rage tend to not live for long, their bodies disappearing as frequently as the Sun over this damned city.

"Hey? Julia, are you okay?" Xiang Min asked. "We can get a private room if you are feeling not well." She offered. The no. 1 Rule when dealing with strangers, is not to make them feel uncomfortable, she learned that from his parents whenever they entertain guests on formal occasions. And this fits the bill.

She didn’t know what happened. It all happened so fast, and she didn’t expect the witches to move with such speed and precision. It’s like the matron mother of the Faith family decided that their presence is such a threat that they need to be silenced immediately. At one moment, they were just checking out the entrance of the faith manor, examining the defenses, magical and otherwise, and devising a plan, the next moment. They were knocked out by some sort of spell that was cast at all 4 members of the party, and all she could see was darkness.

She woke up, her mind still woozy at the sudden knock-out spell she was subjected to, she tried to move her arm to at least acknowledge that her motor functions were working, but… strangely, her hands couldn’t move, quickly roused from her grogginess, Amanda realized that she is trapped. “Oh… damn.” She said. Looking at some of her restraints. She noticed that she was wearing a collar, a collar that prevented her from communicating with other Androids for help, and, adding to her problems. Her limbs are also stretched out, spread eagle style, and restrained by 4 massive metal tubes. Try as she might, she could not break her arm free from the restraints. “Well, this is annoying.” She quipped, looking for other people who might be able to help her, but only meeting fellow restrained OMR agents the further she looked.

The first person she looked at was Faye, and she was in a similar predicament. A collar that was inhibiting her magical abilities was in place, while she was wrapped in manacles and chains all around her. She also looked at the composition of the metal itself. The collar on her might inhibit communication, but it doesn’t inhibit her from going into her internal database and analyzing what is in front of her, and she was surprised. “Low radiation steel huh…” Amanda posited. It does make sense, low background radiation steel has… well, low background radiation, and is comparatively ‘cooler’ compared to the metals used in most stuff nowadays, a consequence of the nuclear age perhaps. “Hey, Faye! Are you okay?” Amanda asked. “Just hold tight ok? I’m trying to devise a-”

Her sentence was cut short when she saw Mikey in a similar predicament. The man himself is tied down with magically enhanced weights, making any effort from the Shaman essentially futile, she also saw the three gods restrained heavily as well, and only a glancing look from her is enough to confirm that even his accompanying deities would not be getting out of those cages by themselves. “Fuck. Seems like we’re well and truly stuck huh?” She said to herself. “Wait… where’s Morgana?”

It didn’t take long for the Android as all of a sudden, all of their cages, seemingly hanging in the air, were all lowered, giving everyone a good look at the circular room they were all in, and a still unconscious Morgana Faith being prone in the center of it. “Morgana! Hey, Morgana!” Amanda tried calling out, but before she could get any sort of response. A bunch of witches suddenly materialized within the chairs and tables that surround the circular stage, seemingly like an audience for a play or something, the elevated seating also adds to the mood. “Uhh, can someone tell me what the hell is going on here?”

All of a sudden, a gag appeared on Amanda’s mouth, silencing the Android to ineffective mewls and grunts. She was first shocked but then frustrated by the inability to speak her words effectively. Never thought that I would see my mouth be gagged. She thought, now reduced to only looking as an older-looking woman strode towards the center of the circle. The older woman gives Amanda a very stern look once she determines Morgana’s condition. “I do not need some upstart, some thinking mechanical abomination created from the depths of the OMR to ask me any question.” She addressed her. “Nor do I appreciate the OMR using its heretical magicks and technology to create an aberration of the natural world such as yours… Amanda.” She can see the bile coming out from her mouth as she mentioned her name. Wait, how does she know my name in the first place? Something that I need to snoop on once we’re out of this mess.

“Wake up, daughter.” The woman then said towards the sleeping Morgana. “You and I have unfinished business, and I will not let a Faith family member be sleeping in the trial hall like so. Her loudness eventually awakened the sleeping witch. Such lack of discipline from the daughter of the great Angelica Faith, perhaps the OMR has softened your resolve yes? Mingling with all these heretical texts and whatever it is they call ‘doctrine’ over there?” She scoffed.

“I will admit. I half expected you to not come, perhaps I set the standard a bit too low now that we are here, but regardless. Considering that we are in the Trial Hall. You know what’s to come yes?” She asked Morgana, knowing how many times she had toured her daughter in these very halls.

Xiang Min was waiting in her car at the front entrance of Julia's apartment. Both the CEO and former E Street gangster agreed after their shower that both of them were going together to Vivian's to hang out. She wasn't sure why Julia called it the Black Cat, but a quick database search from Xiang Min's phone revealed the ancient name of the bar before it was renamed to Vivian's. "Huh, so this person is... quite a bit older than me." Xiang Min posited. "Must already be doing some stuff while I was still a kid. And considering how scarred her body is, probably someone that has done a lot of side business before ending up here."

Xiang Min's mind is slowly turning. Should she make a job offer to Julia? Assuming she even accepts, her upcoming ventures would need someone who knows this city inside and out, someone with as much experience as her could be a massive asset for SDS should she start making moves against anyone who dares defy her dreams. She is an old woman in a profession where people tend to die young, and that is not someone who's to be underestimated. She can easily see Julia being a fearful enemy should any of her rivals get a hold of her, and killing someone who just got into the spire, someone who just has a taste of the good life... She won't lie that it's sometimes necessary, but it will break her heart. Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted when someone knocked on her car's door, startling the blonde-haired woman. "Gah! Oh. It's just you." Xiang Min said. Opening the door of her car to let Julia in. "Alright, all dressed up? We'll just go to the bar then, alright?"

She hit the gas pedal on her car. And the custom-made engine of her vehicle cranked to life, whirling out a rumbling sound that even shocked Xiang Min. This particular car of hers was designed specifically so that the Biofuel engine it has in its hood would mimic the sound of American racing cars of the late 20th century, and by the heavens above it sounds beastly. "Sorry for the sound Julia." She said, rather startled by the sound. Even though she has had this car for two years at this point. "I kinda sorta made this car myself. Engine sound and all."

In truth, as Xiang Min drove the vehicle through the tight streets of the Spire, easily getting some interested looks from onlookers. The car she's driving is the only car she made almost from scratch. She had to get the steel frame made by another company, the engine pretty much custom-made, and all the bits of pieces within the vehicle (including the electronics and weaponry) had to be made specifically to fit the chassis of the vehicle. It took quite a bit of convincing, and not a small amount of bribery, to get this car street legal for the streets of Megacity-01. And considering the small fortune she expended making this car, she might as well use this vehicle for its intended purpose. A one-of-a-kind vehicle befitting a CEO of her reputation.

Sometimes, making a statement is not necessarily about getting the best dress, or having the biggest bank account. Just having a unique vehicle that defines your identity can send a better message than a million credits worth of stock options.

Soon enough, she parked her car in a small parking lot beside Vivian's. And both women got out and walked to the bar. The bouncer, all 145 kilograms of muscle, and mostly rebuffing people who tried to enter the bar, quickly mellowed out when he saw Xiang Min and Julia enter his view. Welcoming her and her friend to the establishment.

"C'mon, let's go to my usual spot." She says, inviting her to a set of rather comfy-looking sofas before she slumps into one of them. Sighing in comfort at the soft material hugging her. "I always loved this place's sofas. No idea how they make these things so soft and so comfortable." She said, just in time for a robot bartender to visit the duo, wondering what they would like to order. "A cold, sweet tea please, but please. Keep the sugar levels pretty low. I've just finished working out and gaining weight is the last priority on my list right now."

With her order placed. The blonde-haired CEO looked at Julia, her inquisitive eyes trained as Julia ordered something as well. "So. What's your story? I don't see a lot of people from outside the Spire move here. Not gonna judge you or spill your secrets or anything like that. I will confidently say that my lips are sealed. Unless you plan on killing my family that is." She half-jokingly said. "No, but seriously, I am fascinated, it's not every day I get to meet someone that can fight that I have to immediately kill."

Xiang Min smiled at Julia's proposition. She was quite tired, but the short talk with her indicated that this is someone that she needed to keep tabs on. Moving into the Spire? Not a lot of people could do that, the money and connections alone she would have is going to be substantial. If she would prove an enemy to her plans, then she has to plan something to make her as insignificant as possible, or possibly... well. She doesn't like it, but it's not like she hasn't done it before in her lifetime. Sometimes people need a push in the right direction after all.

"Yeah! I can do that. Although both my arms are robotic now, so uhh... probably get something that trains the biceps more than anything." She responded. Finishing the weightlifting routine with Julia and going quickly to the dumbbells. Both women quickly showed their musculature as both Xiang Min and Julia lifted these dumbells and flexed their biceps and triceps for all the gym to see. "Ugh...rraaaahhh!!" Xiang Min cried as she finally finished her reps for the day. "Sorry about that. I have a particularly intense fight with that punching bag over there, was already feeling tired but eh, might as well hear your story out for a little bit."

"And as for your question." Xiang Min responded to Julia's inquiry. "I kinda have to. Wasn't originally this buff initially. In fact, I didn't know much about fighting at all, not until I was 21 at least. But... well, circumstances are the mother of all necessities, and I kinda have to learn it myself. Have fought people that would really like to have me bleed out in the street or captured for... their own designs I guess. I swear, the corporate environment can be just as deadly as the streets outside the Spire sometimes..." She sighed. despondently at that thought. "I still remember that first taste of combat, the ambush on 72nd Street. Was damn near panicking at one point."

A short burst of memories flooded Xiang Min's mind. The acrid smoke, the screaming, bullets streaming about. She had just gotten her augmented arms at that point, and it was equal parts luck and skill that saved the day before SDS forces arrived to help her and the remaining survivors. "Don't know about you, but you never forget the feeling of your first firefight, and the first time you killed someone. I'm pretty sure someone with your... history knows quite a bit about that. I never got used to it myself though."

"Aaaanyway." She finished her reps. Putting the dumbells back in its place. "You seem like someone I'd like to know more. Wanna go hang out a little bit more after we hit the showers? I know a place called Vivian's. Good bar, good drinks, and even better food. Pretty sure someone that just moved to this district would enjoy it." Xiang Min may not realize it. But she has just been working out for well over 2 hours at this point. The physical exertion of her limbs and torso really did make her perception of time a bit... wobbly.

Gosh, she hoped Mingfan wouldn't worry too much, she knew that her sister would be fine most of the time, and with a potential friend to take care of, she decided that her co-CEO could work more hours right now. Besides, should there be an emergency, Mingfan always has her sister on Speed dial, so she's not overly concerned about the situation right now.

Within the gym. Among the multitude of men and women of various shapes and sizes, there is a single woman that no one dared to approach, her physical body alone is very toned, but not a standout among the various bodybuilders within the gym. And yet, people still nonetheless stayed a good distance away from her as she practiced her punches and kicks on a significantly reinforced punching bag. The woman visibly getting tired, but still pushing through the exhaustion as she did the entire routine again for another 30 minutes. It took some time for the woman to completely give up on the punching bag that was never going to yield, her punches, kicks, and various other tortures she inflicted on the object not earning a single groan of pain, but she was done. She felt she had done her day's work of physical exercise.

Only at this moment of respite though, did Xiang Min. The CEO of Stalwart Defense and Security, the woman so many rival corporations tried to kill unsuccessfully, noticed that there was also another person, a fair bit older than her. But nonetheless possessing an internal fire that was easily noticeable in her workout routine. This woman was bench pressing and lifting weights like there was no tomorrow, her robotic right arm complimenting her very much human left arm. It's easy for someone with her experience to notice that this is an individual with a history, perhaps not a very good history but a long and storied one nonetheless, and it would be foolish for her to not extend the courtesy of a Purnama to someone like that.

She waited until the Gray-Haired woman finished her sets. Seemingly exhausted after lifting so many weights, and outstretched her hand. "Hey there! Never saw you in this gym before." She greeted her. "It's almost like the gym gave us a wide berth or something. Never understood why they did that. But hey! It's not like I'm complaining myself."

"I'm Xiang Min Purnama. But just call me Xiang Min for short. It's nice meeting someone who doesn't seem afraid of me at a glance, may I help you with the weights ma'am? Seems like it's only the two of us for the moment." The woman said. Trying to make sure whoever this Gray-haired woman is doesn't feel too intimidated by her presence. Honestly, it's not her fault that she had to modify her body to be very hard to kill, it's not like she is the one who initiated the multiple assassination attempts on her life. Fucking bastards.

Made a sheet!

Made some stuff up at the places of interest, I hope it's not too out of the blue for the RP.

I'm kinda interesting in playing an 'oddball' character for the Heirs faction. Can I DM you @TheNoCoKid to talk details?

Arriving at the Faith Manor was relatively uneventful. Amanda and Madeleine knew that solving this quandary is important, especially considering Morgana's relationship with her mother. The android herself has a silent feeling that this confrontation between Morgana and Angelica is going to be borderline cataclysmic, she can already see the simmering conflict brewing within Morgana throughout her time with her, but the fact that her mother sent that letter and practically goading Morgana to come back to her family’s manor is undeniable.

They not only have beef, but they have a history with each other, and not the typical family history type of deal, some serious disagreements can only end in one way. And gods in heavens does Amanda hope she’s wrong about all this.

Madeleine opted to stay back in Germany and help out with deciphering some of the evidence they have collected, with Xaviron volunteering to do the same, so it’s only Amanda, Faye, Micheal, and Morgana going to England to solve this small (not small) family dispute. Personally, Amanda thinks that both Xaviron and Madelelne are a bit too afraid of potentially assaulting a witch’s coven, buuut she’s not going to mention that considering how close they are to cracking this Mr X case wide open.

The manor of the Faith family looks subdued, but filled with history. The overgrown walls, the centuries-old architectural style, and the ever-present stone walls and gardens that surround the house. it is a veritable aristocratic house, but its compact size indicates some tactfulness and… restraint she doesn’t see in a lot of the traditional manors and mansions she’s seen in her database.

In short? This is the house of someone who wants to stand out, but not too much for fear of something else. A product of the incredibly complicated history of magic in Europe perhaps, or maybe it’s because the Faith family has grown attached to this house after centuries of habitation. She doesn’t know herself.

But that is a question for another time. Right now, she has a job to do, and that job entails a deep analysis of the house. While she can see some defenses in the house like visible rune circles and outward-facing lightbulbs that are conveniently strategically placed, she doesn’t really know the magical side of things in this house. And with that, she turned towards Faye and Micheal for help.

“Yo, Mikey. Can you send one of your deities to analyse the back end of the house? But make it, like, subtle and unobtrusive, we have to know what kind of problems we might be potentially facing should things go south between Morgana and her mom. Faye, just analyse the front, see if there are Fae influences or any other type of magical traps/ defenses that we should be aware of.”

They are about to enter into a Witch’s coven centuries old, and with a Head witch that has a lot of problems with one of the members of her team. The only thing that she wants right now is to have her brothers and sisters from the facility to back her up. Her ‘species’ may lack magic, but they more than made up for it in combat ability and firepower. Something Amanda needed now more than ever.

“Ugh, let’s hope we don’t end up all captured or something. That would massively suck.” Amanda commented as Faye and Micheal do their thing. “What about you Morgana? What do you expect your mother would do?”

The Android internally ordered her arm guns to turn off their safety switches, and an almost imperceptible signal could be detected from her processing unit towards the suitcase she was holding on her left arm, the Axe inside was pretty much primed to unfold should Amanda need it’s assistance once again.

Amanda heard every suggestion voiced out by her team members, and while she did appreciate all the proposed theories, realistically. Only one of them’s going to be true. She knew it, and she’s pretty sure everyone knew it, but either way. The thought of Mr X’s power is quite concerning for her.

If Mr. X is a mortal, then he is someone who has amassed great power and influence throughout his life and probably has OMR agents in his pocket, potentially even deities in his pockets as well, not to mention the potential of him being taught by OMR agents how to fight, which is going to be a massive pain in the behind for everyone. Why would he do this? Who knows, the reason is as many as there are stars in the galaxy. Could be he turned insane, could be that he has a grievance against the OMR. But either way, bad news all the same.

If Mr X is a deity, it is even worse for everyone. Mr. X is effectively an immortal that shouldn’t be killed, but can only be contained for a very long period, which will probably involve the assistance of a deity, but… the thing about deities is that they are part of a close-knit group, with not a lot of members, they also tend to form cliques and can be a bit cantankerous with each other, historically the source of a lot of wars in ancient times before governments managed to keep them in check.

So there would probably be people within the OMR that would vouch for Mr. X should they capture him, and potentially let him free in the process, not necessarily a realistic outcome considering the checks and balances the OMR has, but a potential outcome nonetheless.

It was during this period of ruminating and thinking that an unexpected development occurred, a literal piece of paper materialized out of nowhere and landed on top of the desk where Amanda was sitting. Confused, but a little bit curious, Amanda picks up the letter and reads it. Only to give it to Morgana with a stern expression on her face.

“It’s from your mother.” She said to the Witch. “She’s demanding you to go home.”
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