Avatar of Kuro


Recent Statuses

2 days ago
Current My parcel has finally left purgatory hell. It says that it should arrive by tomorrow, but I doubt that tbh.
2 days ago
Going to be working overnight for a week in case anyone wonders about a change in activity.
3 days ago
Ordering things online is all fine and dandy until they send it to the literal void of all shipping facilities. Wish they would stop routing my stuff through there.
4 days ago
no wonder you're computer illiterate you went with an iphone
1 like
4 days ago
Trying to do management reports on my work's ancient PCs is frustrating. I've tried multiple computers and I can't even get to our landing page.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

Most Recent Posts

damn bruh you wouldn't make it long on a season of master chef
Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

Pandemonium had broken out in the Twin Seasons. The previously panicked customers had grown even more distressed at Jeff's collapse onto the floor, outright declaring him dead. Such claims weren't of much help to Kali, who had half the mind to rip into the customers. What gave them the right to declare her co-worker dead? How would they like it if the roles were reversed? Surely, the customers would've been equally pissed off as much as Kali was at them.

Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed. Isaac burst into the dining room, taking control of the situation as he checked Jeff's pulse. He yelled for someone to fetch ice, which a familiar scruffy man began to follow up on by ripping apart a nearby table cloth for an ice pack. "Y-Yeah," Kali responded as she came to her senses, scrambling to her knees. "Let me go get some."

Racing to the soda fountain, Kali grabbed a cup and pressed it against the ice dispenser. Not knowing how much would be needed, Kali made certain to fill it to the top just in case before she headed back to the dining room.

"Here," She mentioned, offering the cup to the man with a hint of worry still within her words. "Is this enough?
but what kind of chicken
Was in discussion with a friend about how frustrating it can be to miss out on messages when the site only allows you email notifications on NEW private messages, and not any consequent messages after. In profile settings this is the only listed option available, with two other greyed out tick boxes simply marked TODO.

Is it possible that we can have some more options for email notifications? I know I've missed when people have posted more than once in my art thread despite having it bookmarked. It would be nice if we had more ways to customize that as I know I'm not someone who checks the site every single day and thus have often missed correspondence sent to me days prior.

All depends on whether Mahz fleshes it out further, which is currently unlikely as he typically isn't around. No one else has access to the back end of the site, not even @LegendBegins.
Requesting that the powers that be allow me a name change.

The Deadname: Wayward

The Livename: Little Bird

You can do name changes yourself now in profile settings.
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