Avatar of LadyAnnaLee


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22 days ago
Current It's my birthday! Hooray! I have to work. Boo. But I do have Nutella. So, it's a good day over all.
24 days ago
I know that not every one on this site is from the USA, but I would like to remind all my fellow USAers that taking a moment to remember what happened 23 years ago wouldn't be bad.


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I thought having them both be Argent was fine. Like maybe it was the Remnant version of Smith. And like @TGM said. There's no real point worrying about it until the roster is finished. Maybe we'll both make it. Maybe only one of us.

And I don't really have any pleasant discord experiences to speak of. If our amazing gm does create one I might have to bow out. Weird I know, but true.

I fixed it. A full grammar/spell checkreview will have to wait until later.

Goldie is Goldie Argent because Gold plus Silver make Electrum. Very clever. I know. As such I'm not dead set on Argent. I just need a silver based last name. I'm at work right now, but if you can wait a I might could find another silver based last name. I'm happy to take suggestions. Or we can leave it. Like you said it would create some interesting interactions. However, if we do change it I rather be the one to change it since Goldie is a secondary character and Artemisia is your main. If that makes sense.
So, funny story. I'm laying in bed, eagerly scripting a Glory Trailer, totally excited. Beyond pumped. I finally fall asleep. Then I wake up and it's all gone. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Bleh. I will hope to find another burst of inspiration before Saturday. It's just so frustrating.

I wasn't happy with Glory's character sheet so I basically rewrote it. It's in the original post under the second hider. I don't think there's any new information, but I feel much happier with this version. It is a lot longer, but I feel like it is a lot clearer. At least I hope it's a lot clearer.

Also, I was wondering what your thoughts on "trailer" posts were. I'm thinking like text versions of the first four videos in the OoC tab. It wouldn't be part of the application, but I have a few ideas for a "Glory Trailer" rattling in my head about that I think might be fun to share. But I wanted to clear it first. If that made sense.

Thank you!

Hello! I'm about to go to bed, but I figured I would ask my questions before I forgot them. Please forgive me if this is information you've already shared. I'm just a bit loopy from being up 24+ hours. Thank you for understanding.

1. Do I still have time to do a quick revision/polish of my character sheet. I thought of some more I would like to add to his appearance and back story. It wouldn't be now. But within the next 24 hours for sure.

And 2. Would you be alright with lurkers?

Thank you for your time! I appreciate it!

PS. I think it's totally awesome that you are sticking to your two teams plan. Mad respect for staying firm. I am positive you'll figure out the math.
This is going to be interesting. Even if Glory isn't selected I might just have to read along.
Geez. These characters are all so neat and cool. I'm not sure Glory will be able to keep up.
I remember that now. I remember reading that. I forgot. I'm sorry. Thank you for answering.
Thank you!
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