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Location: Edge of Lover's Lake
Time: Evening of the 23rd
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, Mina @tae


Farim looked at Mina as she approached and nodded - finding both her and Roman's tribal wear to be rather authentic and impressive. He felt almost underdressed for such an occasion, but realized he had no such garments of his own made at this moment. He would make a mental note to prepare such things incase he would ever encounter such an occasion again where he would need druidic style loins. He left the two main bodies of the event begin talking about what preparations and steps still needed doing - talking a few steps back and giving a slight bow before wandering into the speeding body of Anastasia, whose vice-like hug was a tight but welcome surprise.

The gasp of air hit him first, but then as he recognized the soft touch of Anastasia followed by her flowing hair that shined like the brighest gold in the desert. His arms wrapped around her, returning the hug and resting themselves on her back until she would pull away herself. "Princess! I am happy to be seeing you! This seemed like just the place you would like - and I could not pass up such a chance to see some more customs of far away lands. I see we even decided to match today, eh?" He smiled, noting the matching blue colors of their garments. His own navy blue tunic would seem a touch dark next to the more vibrant shades of Anastasia's dress, but the similar hues were something that made Farim chuckle slightly.

"Now please, tell me all about your day and the other evening. I hope your meeting with your friend went okay, and that you were not too bored today." He smiled brightly as he looked directly into her eyes with his own. He let out a slight click of his tongue as he remembered another important member of their little gang. "Oh right! There is another who would love to see you." Farim gave a short whistle and from the treeline came a rustling body of feathers that quickly perched herself onto Farim's shoulder. It was none other than Thara, who lightly coo'd as she noticed Anastasia's presence.


Attire: Mask, Jacket, and Pants/Shoes
Time: Evening of the 23rd
Location: Damien Estate -> Edwards Estate
Mentions: Ariella @tpartywithzombi

Time had continnued on, Drake patiently awaiting outside the gates as he wondered if the dear princess was okay. He had figured that her mention of needing to work on personal projects as well as her overall predisposition to such social events would likely have her busy this evening, so with a slightly disappointed look on his face he turned and began to head towards the front door. However, a young servant came running across the street and approached Lord Drake. "Sire! I- uhm...I believe I found Lady Edwards." Sebastian had started with a bit of a shout, but quickly toned down his voice as soon as he realized people were casting gazes their way. Drake stopped in his paces and turned to face the young man.

"Good on you Sebastian. Is she alright?" Drake was beginning to worry if his sister would be able to make it out of the house at all after the likely chastising and nagging their mother had put her through. Sebastian nodded and whispered once more "She was...uhm...in your room sir." Under his mask, his eyes widened with slight surprise at the statement, but Drake nodded all the same. If there was one place their mother wouldn't check, it would be his own room. Drake placed a hand on Sebastian's shoulder and leaned down to whisper in the young lad's ear. "If they allow you entry, do tell my parents that Ariella is safe, and wishses to attend the ball as an anonymous lady seeking ones prince charming for the night. Whatever you can say to get Mother on board." He smiled and pat the young man on the back, prompting him to run off as Drake hailed a public carriage.

With a swift payment and an swifter trip, he made his way back to their house and quickly yet quietly made his way to his studies. Three firm knocks sounded on the door as he spoke aloud, making sure no one was nearby to hear him. "Ari...it's me. May I come in? He patiently awaited her response beyond the other side of the doors, and couldn't help shake the feeling of dread any brother would have when about to confront their crying sister.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Afternoon
Location: Cargo Hold/Crew Quarters of the Saltrunner
Mentions: Amisra @Tae and Sirena @tpartywithzombi

Tanithil looked in slight confusion at the mention of "whoever you are" came from Amisra. At the same time, he felt a flow of relief hit his body at the first signs of her being okay. He lays his right hand on her ribs where it looked like bandages were packed the best. He may have been hasty to judge this unseen helper, but they definitely seemed to know their stuff. He did not push against her body too hard for fear of making the injury worse. He clicked his tongue in frustration at the thought of her being hurt while he was right there.

"Sorry you got all bent up like this. I should've given you some more magic.| He slid his hands off her ribs and sighed. "At least you're okay for now." He got up to walk towards the cot that happened to be nearby, pilfering through some random crewmates stuff until he found a cantine. He opened it up, eyed the contents, and took a small swig to make sure someone hadn't traded their daily water for something a little more...fun.

Sure enough, some plain old H2O hit his lips and he brought the mostly full cantine back to Amisra, offering it to her. "Don't fess too much about it being someone else's. I already took most of the icky germs you hate so much." He chuckled aloud. Water, food, and rest were the top 3 things this woman needed right now. Well, that and safety. His eyes turned towards the side of the ship he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched from.

"Stowaways are hardly looked on favorably, whoever you may be. But you helped my friend so I'm in a pretty good mood. Care to come out and talk a little bit about your predicament?" His voice was passive, showing no aggressive or commanding nature in the way he spoke to the possible unseen person.

Location: Damien Estate
Time: Evening of the 23rd
Mentions: Duchess Victoria, Sadie @Potter, Drake, and Ariella @tpartywithzombi

The Duke had moved on the tea party, quickly moving to calm down his “loving” wife - and after some back and forths, managed to convince her to leave with him so they may enjoy the rest of their morning without any further stress. As they arrived home she ordered for the Duke to “mind his own business for once” and strut off to her dressing room in a huff. With a sigh Gideon went to his study and began to piece together a fun little ensemble he had been crafting. He picked out the suit and tie and the mask he wanted to wear.

The outside itself seemed extra showy and wasn’t something he’d normally wear, but tonight would be a night of excitement! He was to be daring! The life of the party, perhaps! Well, maybe not that ambitious, Gideon. He chuckled to himself. He placed on his garments and ushered his wife Victoria to finish her preparations, followed by yet another short tirade along the lines of “It takes time to get this beautiful!” and “You can't rush perfection!”. So the Duke patiently waited until Victoria was ready, and guided her to their carriage where they would ride together to the Damien Estate.

Once he had arrived in the carriage, he immediately saw a familiar figure standing at the front gates of the property. The Duke quickly sauntered over with a smirk displayed as clear as the moonlight sky would allow, and held out a hand for his son Drake to shake. With the deepest voice he could mimic, he pretended to be yet another stranger amidst the masquerades guests. ”Well there, what is a strapping lad like yourself doing here by his lonesome? Surely you have plans to attend such a magnificent ball with company?”

Drake looked at the approaching figure and quickly made out the distinguishing features of his father. With a slight smile he humored the little game his father was playing, shaking his hand and responding in kind in a slightly husky voice. ”Well, good sir, I am not one to rush such a fine lady as the one and only Princess Camilia. However I shall join the festivities soon enough, milady seemed rather - distracted. So she may have other matters to attend to.” There was a slight melancholic look in his eyes, but the mask did well to hide his expression. He rebounded this feeling, however, with a chuckle. Drake then spoke in his normal voice. ”I appreciate your candor, Father. But it shall be fine. Have you seen Ari tonight?”

Gideon thought for a moment and his mouth dropped to a slight frown. Now that he thought about it, he hadn’t seen her since the other night. ”No…but I am sure she is keeping well! Let us not worry ourselves too much.” There was a long pause as the man let his anxiety get the better of him. ”Oh but it can’t hurt to just check in on her right? Oh dear Sebastian!” The young servant who had delivered Drake’s love letter a few days ago came from the back of the coach wagon and gave a quick bow. “Yes sir?” He chimed. ”Please go look for Ariella. If you cannot find her by midnight, then find me and we shall do a more in-depth search. I do not wish for her to be…out and about.” His gaze looked around as he made sure no one heard him other than the present company. Sebastian gave a quick nod and went to the coach driver, leaning in to whisper the Duke’s instructions. Then the wagon began to take off with the Edwards now accounted for sans Ariella.

”I shall head inside with your mother. Do try to come in and have fun, my boy. You deserve it.” He said in a welcoming and gentle tone. The typical ‘politician’ voice that Drake had recognized. He knew that Gideon meant well, but there was something tacky about that tone. As if his own father was putting up a facade around him. Nonetheless, Drake nodded and gave a casual wave to the Duke and Duchess. ”Enjoy the night you two. Once we enter those doors, we do so as strangers, right?” He said with a wink barely visible through his mask, and then he returned to loitering by the gate entrance.

The Duke and Duchess approached the front doors and made their way amidst a fresh wave of guests. The music, atmosphere, smells, sounds, food, and the barrage of stimuli to their senses were truly magnificent. Gideon smiled at his wife, who also held a smile of her own. This was a slight shock to him, as she had been in a sour mood all day, but even she must keep up appearances in a place such as this. For now, it seemed things were going well. He turned to Victoria and provided her with a quandary. ”Well, my beloved, would you care to dance? Or perhaps we shall introduce our mysterious selves to the host of this masquerade?”
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Amisra,Tanithil, and Sirena

Tanithil raced throughout the port town of Vanarosa, his gaze shooting to either side of the street for any oncoming threats or innocent people walking in his forward path. He stuck to the lesser traveled streets, as two dark elves sprinting in broad daylight would garner ample attention. He narrowly avoided several head-on collisions by sharply changing directions with what reserves of magic he had left. As he finally approached the docks, he skipped the long walk around and up the pier and simply conjured a thick mist underneath them both that carried them aboard the Saltrunner. Once on board, he ran below deck, sharply replying to the other crew members if they tried to stop him. ”Step in front of me and I kick ya square in the groin hard enough ya won’t walk right for a day!”

Needless to say no one impeded his descent into the lower decks. He knelt down, carefully placing his dear friend onto her particular cot. For the first time over several minutes, he finally had a moment to catch his breath. His heart pounded in his chest as his lungs desperately clung for what little oxygen it could between his rapid breaths. He ran his hands along her arms, her legs, her sides, her back, just about anywhere he could try and find any source of a broken bone or perhaps some form of internal bleeding. ” Sorry, Amisra. Not tryin’ ta feel you up but I gotta make sure the fucker didn’t break you…” He softly spoke. It seemed the impact left several marks, perhaps some bruises, but there was definitely a fracture or two beneath the surface he could not see. But the way she reacted as he poked and prodded would tell him all he needed to know. She was hurt, and it worried him deeply. He turned on his feet and ran around the corner to where they kept spare medical supplies and began to rummage for what he could.

Tiny and small sobs echoed around Sirena as she hid in the back recesses of the lower deck. The moving shadows of Tanithil carrying Amisra danced alone on the back walls as she peeked around a barrel she hid behind. Her eyes landed on the injured woman and a worried Tanithil but what captured her attention was the sobbing child who was beating and pounding on the woman's chest “Wake up Mimi…wake up…wake up!! The child cried as she fell onto the woman's chest sobbing.

Falling back into the shadows Sirena attempted to ignore the cries but as Tanithil left she couldn’t help but feel sorry for it. Suddenly the child stood up with a quick speed “ Help her!” the small child shouted at Sirena “ Help her! It’s your duty! You must help Mimi!” Her pleading and wailing broke Sirena’s heart. She had seen so many spirits in her life but this one was strong. The bond between the child and the woman was rare. Normally Sirena would ignore the call of them, drawing out their screams and sobs but this one was different.

Peeking around the barrel again she quickly scurried over to the woman's body as it lay unmoving. The vision of the child had dissipated as an overwhelming feeling of grief hit Sirena straight in her chest. She felt the breath leave her lungs as she struggled for air. Trying to work past it she quickly pulled some items from her bag that was slung around her hip, pulling out a couple vials and satchels. The first was a vile of a potent snake venom, known to numb the nerve system for extended periods of time allowing the body to rest pain-free. She opened the vile and placed the liquid to her lips making sure she ingested its contents. Once Sirena was certain the venom had enough time to kick in she began to do her work.

She quickly ripped open what she could on the woman's chest revealing her chest. Thankfully the woman had undergarments on which likely helped with any severe injuries to her torso thanks to the boning. Looking around she could see bruising along her ribs, a sure sign of a fractured bone. Pulling out large strips of cotton Sirena wrapped the woman's chest tightly in the bandages to help support the ribcage to allow it to heal faster. Moving quickly she then applied a herbal paste to the wound on her head, wrapping her head with some thick bandages as well.

Sirena checked over her body more, searching her arms, the back of her head, her stomach then down to her legs where she saw large amounts of bruising but no cuts. Thankfully the woman was in rough shape but with some rest and the tonics she provided for pain relief she would be just fine. Pulling out one last vile she held another liquid to her lips as it flowed into her mouth. It was blood that had been collected from a beast that had self-healing properties. Although other species would not self-heal, it was found to help quicken the procedure even just slightly, enough that the bruising would slow. Once done Sirena tossed a blanket over the woman to cover the exposed parts of her body. “ It’s okay small one…” Sirena whispered to the small child that lingered around the women. She felt the relief in her chest as the child settled beside the woman, her head resting on her chest as if to fall asleep.

Hearing footsteps Sirena scurried back into the corner she had found residence in, hiding behind some large dusty barrels. She peeked around ever so slightly to get a glimpse of who was approaching.

Amisra lay still on the cot, her consciousness drifting in a sea of darkness and fractured memories. Her body ached, every bruise and fracture sending waves of pain through her. It was as if her entire being was suspended in a void, a place where time had no meaning.

In this half-conscious state, Amisra found herself in a dream. She stood in a lush, vibrant forest, the air filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the gentle rustling of leaves. The sun filtered through the canopy above, casting dappled patterns of light and shadow on the forest floor.

As she walked through this serene woodland, a soft voice called her name, a voice she hadn't heard in years. "Mimi," it whispered, like the wind through the leaves.

Turning towards the sound, she saw a figure approaching, a small child with hair as white as Amisra’s and bright, curious eyes. It was Lyrei, the baby sister she had lost so many years ago. Amisra's heart swelled with emotion as she ran towards her, tears of joy in her eyes.

The two sisters embraced, Amisra holding her in her arms and spinning them around, the warmth of their love washing over them like a gentle breeze. She could hardly believe that she was holding her sister again, that she could feel her presence, hear her laughter. They talked and laughed, sharing stories and secrets, as if they had never been apart.

But as the dream went on, shadows began to creep in at the edges of the forest. Amisra's sister turned to her, her eyes filled with sadness. "Mimi, you have to go," she said softly.

Tears welled in Amisra's eyes as she clutched her sister's hand. "I can't leave you again," she pleaded.

Her sister smiled sadly. "You have to, Mimi. You have a purpose, a destiny. You can't stay here with me. I’ll always be with you, even if you can’t see me."

Amisra's heart ached as she watched her sister slowly fade away, her form dissipating like mist in the morning sun. She reached out, trying to hold on to her, but her sister's touch slipped through her fingers.

And then, Amisra woke with a start, her eyes fluttering open. She was back in the dimly lit lower deck of the Saltrunner, her body aching and bruised, yet not aching as much as she anticipated she would. The memory of the dream lingered in her mind, a bittersweet reminder of the love and loss she had experienced in her life. In that moment, she could have sworn she saw a figure darting back into the shadows behind some barrels. Her mind was foggy, however, and she wasn’t sure what she was actually seeing. ”Tan, is that you?” She called out, her voice hoarse.

The sound of Amisra’s voice had called Tanithil’s attention as he rummaged through the ship’s medical closet for supplies. He wasn’t much of a nurse, but he found some bandages, gauze, some natural balms for pain, and a few other things to help ease Amisra out of her injuries. He turned on his heel and walked briskly into the room. ”Yeah it’s me, Amisra. I just gotta help…dress your wounds?” He paused and noticed that Amisra’s shirt had been ripped, exposing the undershirt she had beneath. It was for that split second that Tanithil felt a rage bubble in his gut. Shadows began to pull from around the lower deck of the ship as sharply-edged appendages crawled out of Tanithil’s back, gripping the wood of the ship with an eerie creaaaaaaak. The four “arms” instinctively surrounded them both, as if to shield them from some unseen third party. He whipped his head around. ”You must be ballsy or completely mental if you think messin’ with a woman while she’s out cold is the right move. So help me-” His words paused as he noticed just what state his friend was in.

Sirena felt her body push against the wood of the ship as the forces that built up around her caused a tremor in her belly. Her eyes darted around the cob-webbed corner as she felt her breath hitch in her throat from fear. The sounds of screeching and yelling echoed in her mind as she covered her ears tightly, her eyes squinting closed as she pushed tighter into the corner of the ship.

She was slightly undressed, yet had plenty of cotton strips to hold her ribcage together, which had shown signs of damage. Not to mention the gash on her head had a salve applied to it. The grotesque conjured limbs slowly receded back into Tanithil, his mind and heart now set a little more at ease knowing whoever it was that touched his friend, it was seemingly in good faith. He knelt down and quickly covered her up, his gaze shifting to meet hers while he spoke. ”You took a proper hit there, Amisra. You’re alright though, you’re back on the Saltrunna. I need to know where it hurts the most right now and if you need anythin’.”

As his limbs receded Sirena's body relaxed as her breathing steadied. With a timid crawl, she used her hands to pull herself slightly forward from behind the barrels. Her large round eyes observed the grateful man as he looked upon his friend. However, the small child looked at Sirena with tears in her eyes. They light up large as her tiny hands tucked into her chest and a smile grew on her face. The child leaned down, planting a gentle soft kiss on the woman's forehead as her body faded off into the shadows. “ she sleeps…” “She is sleeping now.” “ Not gone.” “Small child” the whispers echoed in her mind.

Amisra blinked in confusion as her gaze shifted from where she expected to see Tanithil to where he actually was. She then glanced back to where she could have sworn she'd seen a figure, eyes scanning the dim light for any sign of a person. Then that dim light became dimmer as his shadow arms surrounded them and she glanced around alarmed. He said he needed to dress her wounds, but as she looked down at herself it seemed that had already been done. So either Tanithil hit his head too and forgot he'd dressed them or there was a helpful stowaway on board.

“Tan, that's enough. I'm fine." She said, her voice raspy as she tried to get her friend to calm down and see sense.

Finally it seemed he came to his senses and she breathed a small sight of relief. “Thank you, Tanithil,” Amisra whispered, her voice weak but filled with gratitude. She winced as she shifted, pain lancing through her body. “I ache all over, but I think my ribs are the worst.” Her eyes shifted to the corner where she was sure she'd seen someone. “And thank you, too... whoever you are.” She managed a faint smile, appreciating the kindness she had been shown.


Location:The edge of Lover's Lake
Time: Evening
Mentions: Munir @Infinite Cosmos, Anastasia @princess, Roman @ReusableSword, and Mina @Tae
Appearance: Casual Attire


Farim had chosen to travel to his next destination on foot. It seemed to rather fit the occasion, and the brisk walk around the city limits would do him some good. His clothes were unassuming, and the way he carried himself suggested he was none other than some strange foreigner with a nice necklace dangling from his chest. He would let his hair flow, a rare sight that was becoming less so with the past few days, and his jewelry was left at home save for the aforementioned necklace. That was one thing he would never part with, no matter how silly it sounded. In his hands was a peculiar object, a bit of pottery that he had made some weeks ago. It was by no means a craftsmans piece, but it was rather well put together for someone with little experience working with clay. There was a fine pattern of lines etched along the center that some would immediately assume are the cascading waves along the ocean shore. Those who had a more keen eye, however, would note that it was in fact the rolling dunes of his country that Farim had drawn. This was what Farim would offer as a gift for the ceremony. The jar itself was about the size of a soccer ball, and was filled most of the way with a preserves made from berries grown back home in Alidasht.

Farim made his way into the campgrounds and began to hear the familiar voice of Roman. He stood rather tall amongst the people as he instructed on how the ceremonies worked. Farim stood in the back of the small crowd, a soft smile planted on his face as he took in the sites around him. He noted the words and advice of Roman while appreciating the dedication it took to prepare such ceremonies. Farim quite liked being submersed in other cultures, he found a great joy in learning the ways of those outside his usual circles, which is the very reason this getaway seemed so much more natural to him than a stuffy party filled with literal and fake masks. But all the same, Farim did not judge those who preferred one over the other - for there were many walks of life and many shoes for which to travel them.

After the instructions and words were said, Farim made his way to the bench of offerings, and took a long look at the many items placed. Finding a decent enough spot, he placed his jelly jar onto the bench and took a moment to look around. "Forgive my insistence, but I wish to say a few words to someone." He spoke to those immediately next to him. He spotted the direction he surmised to be where the capital of Alidasht would likely be, and made sure to face that way as he knelt onto the ground. His hands reached out above his head before his upper body slowly climbed up back to a kneeling position. His hands would come together at the palms, his eyes closed, as just barely above a whisper he began to sing in his native tongue.

A well of emotions built within Farim, his face growing somber. As he finished his brief tune he stood up, and with an even softer voice that brimmed with melancholy, he spoke. "Thank you. He walked off to let the others provide their own form of offerings to their own form of gods. Farim was here to witness such proceedings, but he felt it proper to provide some of his own. He approached Roman for a quick interaction before the man would finish his own preparations. "I hope I did not disrespect the way you do things here. I heard you mention offering words and....well my heart felt it necessary to pay a good friend some needed words." His hand instinctively clutched onto the necklade he wore around his neck, and the same vulnerable sounding tones in Farim's voice seemed to imply something tragic, but it soon faded as Farim did his best to perk up around present company. "You have a lovely setup here, I can appreciate all the work you had put in to such a gathering, and just wanted to pay a simple greeting without taking too much of your time."

His voice still carried a hint of depression to it, but the mostly charismatic and positive demeanor he so eagerly sported around most folks had begun to shine once more. He did not want to take up too much of Roman's time, and once the man would say his piece, Farim would leave Roman to his affairs. Scanning the crowd, Farim would finally begin to put names he knew to faces he recognized, starting with his cousin Munir. Ah, jahim (Ah, hell). I hope he did not catch too much of me singing. If I hear one more time about my flat voice I will- Farim stopped himself. He figured Munir was just as much of a guest as he was here, and would face whatever shenanigans awaited him once they met. For now he continued looking, he spotted the one he believed to be called Mina also assisting Roman with the rituals, and made sure to imprint her appearance to memory in the brief moments he could spy her. There was one person he was certain he would see here, yet her face had not been spotted as of yet.

I wonder where Annie might be? This seems like just the kind of place for her to enjoy herself.


Attire: Mask, Jacket, and Pants/Shoes
Time: Morning -> Evening of the 23rd
Location: Tea Party -> Edwards Estate
Mentions: Ariella @tpartywithzombi, Sadie @Potter

The tea party, as engaging as it was, proved to be slowly peetering out in terms of momentum and likeable guests. Despite Callum's enthusiastic attempts at livening the party, it seemed to only add a little chaos to the event. However, as Drake's father departed from their conversation, Drake observed a few of the guests leaving. A few then turned into a bunch, and it seemed like the mornings tea was unofficially over. He rose from his seat and offered a hand to the fair princess across from him.

"It would seem this morning's tea is concluded. Would you perhaps like a walk back to your estate or will your carriage take you?" He would patiently await her answer, and make sure she arrived safely. Before they would separate for the day, Drake would request Princess Sadie to meet with him in front of the Damien Estate before entering, so they may enter together as a proper 'duo' should she so please.

Then, with a bow and a soft smile, he would depart to his own lougings and plan for the upcoming evening. He donned the attire (listed above) and looked at himself in the mirror. Not many would know but Drake was quite fond of the classical pieces of music, and had decided to reflect this taste of his in the mask he wore. He would be lying to himself if he said he liked the idea of wearing a mask, which is also why his only covered half his face. So that he may still participate in the good fun yet still show off himself for who he is. This was simply his way, and he liked it. As he looked at his reflection in the mirror, his thoughts wandered to that of his sister. I wonder what Ari is up to tonight...Hopefully not catching mother's ever-watchful eye. He contemplated. He hadn't seen her since the events of last night, and he hoped that his father could hopefully stem the wrathful tide of Victoria's overbearing standards. Knowing them, his parents would likely be forcing Ariella to the very party he was about to attend. He decided he would keep an eye out for if he would spot and made his way to the carriage parked outside.

After a short journey, Drake arrived at the Damien estate, and already there was a flow of excited party-goers in tow towards the front gates. He breathed in slowly and stepped out into the crisp evening air, taking a spot just outside the front gate outlining the property and began patiently waiting for his date to arrive.


Location: Sorian Beach
Time: Late Morning
Mentions: Layla @Potter, Roman @ReusableSword, Dr. John @Conscripts


Farim took after his cousin as she stormed off the scene, her words likely still recoiling in the minds of his newly made friends. But the thing about these people is they would not simply lay down and take such tongue-lashings and forget about it the following day. There were reputations to be made, relationships to be built, and people to meet. His dear cousin was throwing every chance of any meaningful interaction away and for what? Pride? Social standing? Principle? He had to get to her and try to see if he could steer the more radical ones of his family to a more diplomatic approach. If he couldn't change their hearts, what hope would he have to change the hearts of his people, should he very well become Sultan or perhaps even the Grand Vizier?

Before he could go off on another internal tangent about his future he came face to face with Layla. She wore an expression that let him know she was sharing similar thoughts about the arrival of this Calbert Damien. "The man is peculiar and has a bit of a.....reminder of home to him." He chived to her. He paused for a moment, then let out a sigh as he looked at her with a drooped posture. "I think it is high time we talked about our situation here. We already had 2 of your siblings have to go back home, I do not wish to see you share the same fate. Think about why it is you are here, and what it is you really want. Tonight we shall speak, if only briefly, so we can both figure out if I am to help you or leave you to your chaotic and spicy endeavors.” He gave a nod, and with a rare melancholy look, turned and left her to think on his words.

He spoke to her not out of anger or frustration. If anything it was in confusion and desperation, it felt like all his life his family had drifted slowly away from him, and with this new plan to come and see each other and find new beginnings in Caessonia, he felt it would be a new beginning for all of them. Yet, as the days pushed on, it only seemed to widen the gap between one another. Would he need to bridge the gap between them or would this just be another reason that he would need to keep his distance? It all began to be too much for him, but he kept his composure all the same while seeing just what his cousin really wanted.

With that, Farim left to reflect and think on just what their conversation meant. It was tough, having his family act in such ways. He knew they all had pride and egos, much like he did, but it was a spectacle to see them act out in such ways even when the sake of their people and country could very well be affected. His feet dragged slightly in the sand, his gaze lowering as he lost himself in his inner thoughts. But as he re-approached the scattered individuals at their previous spot, he could not help but overhear something that caught his attention. A price hike? Over a social dispute? It took everything in him to not sigh at the thought, but Roman raised a good point. The rabble had to be quelled somehow.

He sauntered over to the small group and made himself apparent, straightening his posture and resuming his more carefree and personable smile. ”My friend, I do not find such measures necessary, or effective if I may give my input.” He pivoted on his foot and stood to Roman’s side, the difference between their sizes catching him for just a moment before continuing. ”You see, Layla operates a little outside the public eye. Your ‘tax’ as we may call it, will only harbor ill-will with many who are innocent to the events that transpired. A rise in cost, means less projects procured overall, meaning you earn less profits, and we come out short on supplies and well-worked items. Less supplies means caravans aren’t as well guarded from thieves and crooks who like to steal all our hard work. Overall, this is what we call in the business, a net negative. No one wins. Except the robbers I guess.” He took a pause, letting the information sink in for a moment and casting a curious look to see who may be watching.

”If I may offer an alternative, trust in me to...resolve things and temper the tide of my family and I shall make sure you get a favorable cut of the mining shipment that goes out next season. If anything, consider it an apology on my end for how things have become lately. I do not choose your business policies but, I can assure you any tax you levy will either be sorely ignored or cause a cut in trade that neither of us would like to see. I shall handle the spicy Shehzadi, dear noble blacksmith. I promise.” He stuck his hand out, giving Roman ample time to decide to shake and respond to what Farim proposed as well as allow anyone else to give their thoughts.

Once their exchange finished, he would then give a slight bow to them. ”I would like to continue to mingle but the appearance of that Dr. John individual has my interest piqued. I believe I was looking to share a word with him during my time here in Caessonia so I shall seize the opportunity. But Roman!” He paused and put a hand on the man’s shoulder as he began to walk past. ”I heard there is a festival you are holding tonight, I would be much interested if I am still invited. I hope I did not offend with my proposition.” With that he walked from the group and approached the good doctor.

”Dr. John was it? My name is Farim. It is a pleasure to meet you. This may be our first meeting but I have happened to hear a few words about you and your practice. It is an interesting one, and I was looking to potentially pick your brain as they say. Mainly for a bit of knowledge in the medical field which I am sorely lacking, and maybe even for a potential business opportunity? I rarely get a chance to meet someone from the Far North, and I like to make friends there when I can.” His approach was direct, friendly, and he did his best to make a great first impression for Dr. John.


Attire: Coat/Shirt, Pants, and Shoes
Time: Morning of 23rd
Location: Castle Gardens
Mentions: Sadie @Potter

"Oh how lovely! You both are simply getting along fantastically!" Duke Gideon rejoiced in the success of his son, and was relieved that at least one of the Edwards was enjoying themselves this fine morning. With a cursory glance he could see the veins practically popping out of his wife's head from afar as she interacted with Prince Callum. The sight of him barefoot and enjoying some pastries alongside the Duchess made Gideon shudder to think how this would all repricate back at the homestead. That girl is truly her mother's worst nightmare... He thought to himself, knowing only one person in all of Sorian who simply loved to get in touch with the earth and walk in her bare shoes in such a way.

His attention turned back to the pair for the time being, wanting to properly close off any interaction before running to soothe his dear wife as best he could. "I thank you for your kind words Princess. It seems the tales of your cheery attitude and the way your carry yourself are mere shells compared to the actual person. And as for my son..." The man paused before patting on Drake's shoulder. "The boy has done plenty on his own to earn his keep. Many nights he kept to his studies and stayed out of trouble. Some would say he was stuck up, I simply say dedicated." Drake, at this point, could barely hold in the embarassment of having his father and the Princess he adored chatting in such casual cadence. It was enough to make him cringe entirely, but Drake settled for a mildly anxious smile at his father. After a slow inhale, Gideon nodded and straightened his posture, giving a formal bow to Sadie. "It was so grand to meet you, Princess Camilia. I am afraid I have other matters to attend but I shall look forward to seeing you more often! Perhaps a family dinner by week's end? I think you would rather enjoy the Edwards Estate."

Drake stood up and gave his father a gentle, but firm, pat on his back with a slightly forced smile that curled into a more professional "smile". "And I agree that it was certainly lovely having you here, Father. Perhaps such plans can be discussed at a later time?" Drake leaned in for a slight whisper. "I think I can see Mother foaming at the mouth..." Gideon turned around and began to worry that if he did not intervene his wife may end up causing a scene. But his heart sank when he saw her conversing with the King himself. Lords have mercy on me... He finished his bow and looked to the both of them. "Farewell! May the day be blessed with good fortune." He gave a brief farewell before hustling off into the distance, stopping a waiter for Victoria's favorite tea and an extra pastry to help calm her nerves.

Drake let out a sigh and looked with an embarassed smirk towards the princess. ...Sorry he is a rather social creature. He had noticed a few nervous ticks coming from her, and although his father did not put out an overbearing presence, sometimes all it took as some fancy name to show up for any and all nerves to begin firing off left and right. He walked to Sadie's side of the table and held out a hand for her. "If it isn't too much trouble, perhaps we could get some...fresher air? A walk could do us both some good to remove ourselves from this increasingly stuffy event. But if you'd like to stay, I would not mind that either." He did not wish to coddle her all day but he would certainly milk the time he had with her. He felt that maybe getting her out of this party might help ease any anxiety she may be feeling. Drake could barely discern her actual inner thoughts, but he figured she would share anything if it became too much.
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