Avatar of Lava Alckon


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Location: Sorian Beach
Time: Late Morning of the 23rd
Mentions: Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Layla @Potter, and Count Calbert @princess


May the gods help me, this man is really trying to get himself murdered. Farim thought as he saw the very weak-willed brush of Lorenzo's hand against Layla's chin. He felt a need to intervene, but as if by divine providence he noticed a new figure approach. One that held all of his attention, and likewise, all of his ire. The man before him, followed by a manservant of some kind, was introduced as Count Calbert Damien. Farim initially thought nothing much of the man, but it was his eyes that made Farim stand on edge. The casual stance he held became more alert, his posture now standing up straight as if he expected some sort of brawl to occur. Farim had seen those kind of eyes before, in the very man people would call his "father". Those eyes held about as much genuine care for others as a beast would care for its prey before hunting.

He was both thankful and offended the man could barely spend the energy to "invite" Farim and Layla himself. He instead ushered his side-man to speak with them. In spite of all of this, Farim's face never really showed any outright disdain. He was rather good at hiding his expression around his father, and it seems like it would apply here in Caessonia as well. He smiled and took the invitation, stowing it away on a nearby beach towel amongst their groups belongings. He gave the man a slight bow and watched as he ran off to extend a few other invitations. Farim couldn't help but maintain a childish smirk as the one fellow seemed to be slurping exceedingly loud on his beverage in the midst of this Count Damien's prideful affair.

Watching the Count, however, it became even more clear that the man was simply out for anyone that didn't allign with his own goals, whatever they may be. The way he walked, the way he talked, the way his eyes scanned the "competition". Oh Farim had seen it all before. This man reeks of Hafiz's shenanigans. It took quite a bit of willpower to not give his own Alidasht level brand of sass, but it would be in poor taste after he had just finished arguing with Layla over such a matter. No, today would not be the day he decided to lash out on those like Calbert or Hafiz or even King Edin himself. If Calbert did cast a glance back Farim's way, he would shed the veil for just a moment in time, looking past the man's eyes as if to say "I know who you are, and I am not impressed."

But just as quickly as the moment would arrive, his facial features would resume their unassuming charm as he would turn slightly to Layla and talk in a hushed manner. "(We will talk later. For now, behave.)" He spoke these words in their native tongue, and still barely above a whisper at that. When they first interacted, his tone was casual and loving, as he would usually talk to his family. This tone, however, carried a more heavy and demanding feel. He knew Layla would likely fight against him barking orders at her but then his eyes would turn to meet hers. There was a fire behind them that was slowly roiling. He grew tired of playing babysitter to family and today was proving to be the last straw. He held a look in his very soul that seemed to scream I dare you to try me. All the while ignoring the fact that Lorenzo was still practically clammering onto Layla's legs for forgiveness.


Attire: Coat/Shirt, Pants, and Shoes
Time: Morning of 23rd
Location: Castle Gardens
Mentions: Sadie @Potter

The conversation between himself and Sadie seemed to be hitting quite the depth to it before he heard an all too familiar voice chime into the mix. He turned and with a slightly surprised expression stood up and gave a bow to his father, his hand slipping from Sadie's for a moment as he knew just what Duke Edwards would have to say to such a thing. Before he could let the man embarass him he would offer his own reply to the question at had, despite it's intended recipient being his heartfelt crush standing across from him.

"Very much so, father. I see you and Mother have found yourself at this fine event this morning. How are things back at the estate?" His question was double-sided of course. To Sadie it would seem like an ordinary question, but to Duke Edwards he knew the hidden meaning behind it. Drake was asking about Ariella, and how things were proceeding. But it did not phase the man as he casually addressed Drake.

"Oh the estate is in order. Since your mother and I are out here there is not much to tend to in the office, so it is a rather ordinary day for the butlers and maids running around. I am sure they are enjoying having the house to themselves if not for a few hours!" A slight puff of air escaped him as he thought of their servants acting far more brash and natural when not in their Lord's and Lady's presence. Drake took this answer at face value, assuming nothing further happened between them and Ariella. He still was slightly concerned about how his mother would react to her not being present, but for now Drake decided it was better to address that headache when it arrived.

"Well that is certainly good news. Allow me to properly introduce you two." He said, turning to Sadie while still standing. "Princess Camilia please meet my dear Father Duke Edwards. He is a fine man who has taught me everything I know about proper etiquette and how to handle myself. Father, this is Princess Camilia, of Breoven. She and I have been having quite the lovely conversation this morning, as well as a fine outing the other day at the beach."

Drake's father couldn't help but swell his chest slightly in pride as his son managed to gain an audience with the Princess Camilia of the land of Varian. He took a courteous bow to the Princess and continued his greeting from earlier. "Well, it seems you two are enjoying each other's company quite a bit! I hope I am not intruding, and shall only stay for a moment longer. With all this talk of outings and events, I don't suppose either of you have heard of the recent Masquerade that is being held this evening at the Damien estate? If you both don't have any plans, that would be a fine place to spend the evening!" Still the ever-helpful father, Gideon wanted to help this budding romance as much as he could. He read the many drafts of the fated letter he delivered to the Princess, as well as overheard his many musings for the woman. He only hoped his son would not put himself too high on airs for fear of falling back down into a crushing pit of rejection and dejection. Still despite all this inner dialogue, he kept that cheery smile adorned on his face while looking to the Princess for her input.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mentions: Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Amisra @Tae, Arlen @Silverpaw, and the Thugs @princess

Tanithil scoffed as the leader ran off with his figurative tail between his legs. Not too far off was the big brute-like orc who was surprisingly quick to run off. "Get in line, then. Got loads of blokes who are rushin to off me now adays!" He yelled at them as they turned the corner. He then took a more serious stock of the results of their scuffle. Arlen stood above them looking down with what looked like rather mild injuries, so he assumed the fairy was dead or ran off with the others. Ismael looked a bit shaken up, and reasonabley so. Tanithil saw the gun jam, and wasn't sure what he would have or could have done in the event that a bullet found its way towards Ismael.

He gave a gesture towards the man, his fingers curling into the trademark "ok" symbol everyone knows with two fingers forming an "o" and the other 3 pointing upward. "Good first tussle, Ismael. We gotta work on that dodge work, maybe get you to make a shield or some sort of smoke screen with your magic but..." As he had spoke, Tanithil's gaze wandered over the rest of the back alley. There was the dead elf still leaking blood all over the stone walkway and the sight where Amisra had just been forcefully shoved into a wall. Several cracks lined the brick and even looked like parts of the building were beginning to buckle under the impact. But it was when his gaze fell on Amisra herself that Tanithil's foolhardy demeanor came fullstop.

He rushed to the unconscious woman's side and quickly looked her over. He began to realize the magic he had placed around her had practically shattered under the weight of the orc's strike. He had hardly noticed the faint return of his shield spell to his mana pool amidst the chaos. Panic swept through him as he checked Amisra's body for bodily injury. A cursory inspection revealed no fatal wounds or fractures, but he could see very little with his naked eye. His arms snuck under her back and legs, hands cupping her body as he lifted her up. He turned to look at the duo, and silently wondered where in the hells their captain had wandered off to. He swung his head to the side as if to point with it and shouted to the both of them. "I gotta take her back to the ship. You both can come with or keep looking on the town, but she's hurt and I ain't letting anything else happen to her. Arlen you're officially on guard duty." With that he ran off in the direction of the ship as he rushed to treat any injuries his dear friend may have sustained in the fight.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interaction: Brigitte @Tae, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione

Much was discussed while they lay on the outskirts of town. Mister Luum in his usual archaic ways seemed to always have a contradiction to whatever the group had desired. Or perhaps it was them deviating from Mister Luum himself - it would likely be what the man would say as a counter to any sort of protest they had. For the time being, Bardulf shelved any desire to resist being split off just yet. He had to think this over...this wasn't his home after all and perhaps the elf had some form of extra knowledge that the others didn't. From what he gathered he was more familiar with this place than perhaps all of them, save maybe the new light elf woman who joined them.

Her actions seemed innocent enough. Bardulf had been around malevolent people before and Zeva, while capable of great violence, did not exude such traits. But he didn't blame Bowyn for holding suspicions. Territorial animals always protect their pack and home, whether the intentions of the supposed "invader" may be good or not. You stumble into the den of a mother deer or elk watching over its young, you'll find your innards painted on the forest floor before long.

As his internal monologue rattled on, there was a discovery of a tiny adorable thief in the midst of their group. Bardulf gave a faint smile at the appearance of Bowyn's critter friend, whose innocence seemed to lighten the mood a little. He had no additional words to add to what everyone had said, so for now he joined everyone at the suggested bakery as the smallest pangs of hunger struck his body. Perhaps that display of magic earlier had taken more energy than he thought. He looked up at the menu and remembered everyone prattling on about this "honeyed toast", which was about the most familiar sounding thing to him. That and the apples. Bardulf really enjoyed some apples. He was, however, scared that even his accent could give away his identity. He made sure his hood shielded his facial features as he pointed to the words "Honeyed Toast" and after a brief pause the words "Toffee Apple", and then placed 5 golden coins onto the counter (when it was his turn of course).

His posture was firm, slightly rigid, his breathing shallow and hidden, and while making every effort to seem inconspicious he would likely draw just a little too much attention as nearby customers and passerby would wonder "just what is up with that man?" Some would consider it creepy, some would consider it not their problem to worry about, and Bardulf would simply consider it "acting natural".

Location: Sorian Castle Gardens
Time: Late Morning of the 23rd
Mentions: Duchess Victoria, Sadie @Potter, Drake, Ariella, Violet @tpartywithzombi, Wulfric @Silverpaw, Alexander @FunnyGuy, Callum @helo

A bit of nervousness fluttered in the Duke's body as he walked about the tea party. He was not one for sitting in moments like these, wanting to see the many faces of the nobility that have come to grow around Sorian as of late. In his hand was an ornate cup filled with his favorite, grey tea, and his attire was of the standard affair for such an event. He wore a beige colored jacket with a white shirt underneath, and slight white frills sneaking out from under his coat. His black tie and pants added further professionalism to his stature in addition to his pointed blacked shoes. His cuffs were nice and snug against his wrists, and the jacket was tapered off at the waist to avoid any accidental dragging of coat-tails. Truly this man was dressed to impress, but not nearly as much as his dear wife Victoria.

He gazed over in her direction, noticing her rather calculating gaze. He would normally go and say hello to her but she had chastised him at the last event for disrupting her "reportoire" as she put it. Gideon found it somewhat melancholy but for now he chose to ignore his wife and continued purusing the area. He took note of the flood of people coming in, some faces familiar and others not so much. Two of the Danrose princes were in company today, with Callum of course causing a ruckus, as he does, and Wulfric being his usual cold unapproachable self. Yet in spite of this he seems to have found a female compatriot. Good for you, Wulfy boy! Get those courting chops wet. I have faith in you, yet, Silver Wolf. He smiled to himself as he took another sip of his tea.

His sip paused as he realized just who it was the prince was talking to. The Duke had to stop himself from an unceremonious spit-take as he realized the recently pronounced dead Violet Damien was now walking among them. Curious... Gideon's usual cheery demeanor dropped for just a hair's breath of a moment. But before any could take notice he went back to his patrolling and observing. There were some Varian nobility he was rather unfamiliar with making their way through, one he believed to be Count Sebastian was already with a couple females at the table. How apropose~

He stopped for another sip and took particular interest in his son, Drake. He couldn't help but swell with pride watching him interact and "woo" the Princess from the Camilia family. It would seem Gideon would need to learn more of their nobility should Drake be taking a vested interest in it. He was his son after all, and impressions matter. Speaking of impressions- Gideon noticed as Alexander approached his son and the Princess with friendly intent. He couldn't help but feel a slight pit in his stomach, as if the man before him was not everything he said he was. He could very well be mistaken but Gideon felt the veil of a mystery behind the man that was Alexander Deacon, and he did not like the possibilities behind what lay beyond the mask. Those in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones. I should leave them to their affairs.

As he noticed Alexander leave to pursue his other affairs, the Duke found it a perfect chance to approach his son and the princess that he had seen him gushing about for the past few days over. He gave a courteous bow and gestured with his cup hand to the pair. "Good day to you two. Drake, my son, I see you have found yourself rather exemplary company!" He turned to look to the princess with that charisma-filled smile. "I trust my boy has been behaving himself? Being the proper gentleman he was raised to be? You let me know if he gives you any trouble, Princess." He gave a slightly jovial finger wag at Drake's direction, entirely meant to be light-hearted and not a serious accusation. He took the final sip of his tea and held it in his hand as he looked to the two with an eager desire to learn more of their budding relationship.


Time: Morning of the 23rd
Mentions: Beach Crew w/ Charlotte


The deep look of reflection and thought on Farim's face gave way to a particularly snarky grin. He sauntered his way towards his cousin, who unsurprisingly had begun starting even more drama between herself and the group. His steps were slow and deliberate, not too goofy and not too long of strides. He had a message to send, and an image to keep, afterall. He approached Layla and casually wrapped an arm over her shoulder before shaking his hands in a slightly mocking motion. "Layla, mark your words? I've marked so many words I can hardly keep count. Should I erase the ones you spoke the other day?" The hand opposite of the one hanging over her shoulder pointed towards her, that same cock-sure grin drawn across his face. "Or how every single one of you have probably threatened my life about 5 times over yet....I seem to be quite alive and healthy." His gaze shifted to those around the two of them. His stance was neither threatening nor perverted. He was simply slinging an arm over his cousin, but it was the general casualness of which another person touched the seemingly untouchable Layla Kadir that Farim wanted to display for everyone to see.

"I understand you wish to be this strong cannot-be-fucked-with woman, but surely you are pushing the message a bit too far no? What is the harm in just indulging a little? Socializing is the whole reason we came all the way out here yet you insult me for doing just that! Now that is rather silly, Layla." His hand now slipped off her and moved to rest on his hip, yet his stance remained ready for a retalitory strike from his feisty cousin. "Speaking of regrets, mind simmering down just a smidge for us, cousin?I see more people approaching and it seems like every time you speak you wish to have more enemies upon us. I would prefer you not at the edge of a knife, believe it or not." With this he paused for a moment to let her speak, with a side glance at anyone else as if to say Do not worry my friends, I got this.


Location: Sorian Beach
Time: Morning of the 23rd
Mentions: Olivia, Layla @Potter, Charlotte @Princess, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Dr. John @Conscripts, Ruby @SausagePat, Kazumin@samreaper, Sjan-dehk @Apex Sunburn, and Dali @Ojo chan 42


As his conversation with Olivia continued, Farim couldn't help but notice the slowly growing crowd of individuals. Charlotte had left to see one person, and Lorenzo had dashed off to deal with his....affliction. But suddenly they had both returned with extra bodies. Farim didn't mind this one bit as he welcomed to opportunity to socialize. Lady Ariella he had recognized instantly, which made Farim cast a curious glance as to what exactly Lorenzo was placing into his cantine. She is just like my brother, heh. He thought to himself, thinking of the many times Dali would've introduced himself to some errant herb or spice he wanted to try.

With Charlotte, came three distinct looking figures, and with the raise in company, Farim would put his hands on his knees and will himself up from his spot, doing his best to seem graceful and not disturb Olivia who had sat close to him. With his arms crossed and a wide smile he looked up the three men and nodded approvingly. "What a fine group of individuals we have here! All three of you I do not think I have met formally, but allow me to introduce myself." He gave a bow, his torso moving to be perpendicular with his waist as one arm softly swung behind and in front of him in a crossing motion. He rose back up to meet the gentlemen's gaze and continued. "I am Farim of Alidasht. Proud owner and propietor of the Farim's Dream trading company. I am pleased to meet each and every one of you. You all seem like fine people. If you have need of anything, please do not feel shy to ask. My pockets run deep, connections deeper, and well, I am a sucker for a good deal." He let out a light chuckle before taking a moment to size up the gents.

First was notably the giant of a man Roman. He wasn't entirely dull to the Ravenwood name. Frankly it had turned to be one of his more dependable foreign vendors and workshops to work with in his years as an up and coming entrepeneaur. "If you want quality, find the Ravenwoods." His stature and figure led Farim to see why such standards were in place. Yet the man's stride was deliberate, as if holding back from crushing the sand beneath his oppressive form. As he spoke, his manners were fine and pragmatic as usual. Farim rather enjoyed getting to know his business partners a little better. "Well I am familiar with the legendary blacksmith himself, Lord Ravenwood, but it is lovely to get to have some more friendly banter together away from all the dull paperwork and transactional language I am sure you hear plenty of. Pleasure to meet you."

The other two held far less of a connection to Farim, not because he avoided them but simply he had no occasion to procure medical supplies or practitioners. But now that the thought crossed his mind, it wouldn't be a bad investment into public health and medicine. He shelved the idea and made sure to send a warm grin and nod towards Dr. John's way. The outfit he had chosen was certainly interesting but Farim held no reservations. It was his body, he should cloth it how he pleases! Not to mention, a man who brings some refreshments with his presents was always a positive in Farim's book. "Free smoothies! Ah what a delight! I love good drink and food, Dr. Williamson. How fairs your latest endeavors in the medical field. Good, I hope?"

Then the man with the big hat and the even bigger ship accompanied them all. This fellow was quite the exotic one to Farim's eyes. He had features and speech patterns unlike any he had heard before. It was clear that perhaps the mother tongue of this land was not his first one, but Farim admired his tenacity in learning multiple languages like he had. He quickly darted his eyes up and down the mans physique, finding himself rather impressed that despite the light clothing there was clearly some definition in him. This was a man who knew his ship, knew his crew, and worked them both to their core, as he should. There were certainly some questions and opportunities in knowing such a capable vessel and its captain, but for now Farim chose to be more social rather than political. "Sada Kurau...a fine name for a fine ship. I admire your capabilities already, dear Sjan-dehk! Welcome to this lovely gathering of fine nobles. What exactly brings you to this part of the world, my friend?"

His attention flicked over to Ariella, offering her a second bow, albeit less dramatic than the first. "And to round it all off, I do hope you had a pleasant end to your evening when we last met, Ariella. It was wonderful to get to walk with you the other night." He didn't want to mention the sudden arrival of her brother and the emergency that permitted such a speedy getaway, not in front of everyone. He kept a bright smile just for her though to avoid any unsolicited reactions or suspicions of her evening.

Just as he was about to finish his round of introductions, a familiar figure approached, and every footstep carried just as much sass as he feared it would. His dear cousin, flaunting the bronze beauty of her skin to the onlookers that he knew existed. He figured she got a bit of a kick out of watching people "Far below a woman of her stature gaze at her like dogs who could only dream of getting a taste of the perfect meal in front of them." Or something to that effect. They had just spent a rather pleasant day shopping together and he finally began to see a more kind side to his cousin, yet a coin always carries two sides, and here she was baring down on his group of newfound friends with plenty of insults.

Still, he kept his cool and smirked at his cousin, not wanting to lose to her taunts. "Well it is a pleasure to see you too, cousin. I figured you could enjoy yourself at a place like this, so remniscent of our homeland. But I suppose I underestimated your ... oh what was it we used to call it back home ... killjoy potential?" He gave a sneer before crossing his arms and continuing his friendlier cadence. "I doubt you are interested, but we are just conversing over some-" His words were cut off as she more or less ignored him and continued her relentless verbal assault. An assault that quickly became volatile as she poured an entire smoothie over Charlotte's head, and the subsequent reaction from Olivia.

As the guards surrounded her, Farim stomped into the sand, dragging his foot under the front facing guard's stance and toppling him in one move. He grabbed the shoulder of the guard to his left and pinned the arm of the guard to his right that held a weapon. "You come here to start some trouble? I will quickly dissolve it before another national tragedy is upon us." He threw the two guards off their balance, shifted their stance back. He turned to the final guard and glared at him, daring to make a move. Farim had an unassuming build, but back home he had trained under the watchful and oppressive eye of Grand Master Hafaam. He learned the ways of the Krav Maga and knew how to throw several men twice his size on their feet.

"Do not think you can throw your guards around so flippantly here, cousin." He sneered once more and crossed his arms. "Unless you wish for me to knock each and every one down to size." He looked around at the group and slowly exhaled. "Allow me to offer an equal claim to yours, dear cousin. I hold you all to the highest standard and so far, I am disappointed. So from here on, you touch any of my friends, and it is you who will be in trouble. I will have each and every one of you sent back home if I must, hadid kalimati (mark my words)." It was then the guards gathered and Layla left just about as quickly as she appeared. With a final quip he spoke out "Hells if she undressed she would still likely have more clothes on than you, but you have yourself a day as pleasant as your attitude, Layla." He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

With that, he reached down and grabbed a towel, flicking the sand off it and quickly rushing to Charlotte's side to wipe off any errant slushy liquids that may be on her. "Forgive my intrusion but my family caused this mess so I shoud be the one to clean it up. May I?" He wouldn't go errantly rubbing her with a towel without her consent, but he felt partially guilty for not stopping the smoothie pour. He likely couldn't have reacted in time, but that tinge of what if hung on his mind. "At the very least, let me purchase some new clothing for you, should this set be ruined."

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mentions: Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Amisra @Tae, Arlen @Silverpaw, and the Thugs @princess

Tanithil could only smirk as the elf charged him once more. He had an entire plan in mind from the very beginning, his gaze now shifting to the lump of shadow magic on the floor. One hand held his dagger while taking a feinting stance, and the other hand flicked upwards to point his index finger upward. In response to his fast hand, the blob flung itself at the thug, quickly sharpening itself into a spike on both ends. The thin diamond-shaped spike hurtled towards the dark elf, piercing the side of his neck while he wasn't looking. With a new opening presenting itself as the man reacted to being stabbed in his neck, Tanithil side-stepped and shoved his dagger into the mans shoulder. With one side of the elf stabbed in the neck, and the opposite stabbed in the shoulder, Tanithil figured the elf would bleed out. He pushed the man onto the ground, pulling on the magic spike shoved into his neck and yanking it free. In his hand, the spike quickly formed back into a gun and with a warped sound, the hammer pulled back.

Tanithil hopped over the bleeding elf and pointed his shadow gun at the orc threatening to break Amisra's femurs. But his attention then diverted to the warping of shadow magic aimed right at Ismael. With a frustrated click of his tongue he continued aiming his pistol at the orc. Then, a resounding cry came from the rooftops, confirming that at the very least Arlen was keeping his quarry at bay. He took a sharp breath and spoke in his usual cocky manner, which slowly began to twist into a more malicious filled cadance. "Right this has been a fun little scrap here. But I just sticked ya mate there and iffin ya don't drop my friends and walk the fuck out of here....I'm gonna make swiss cheese jealous with how many holes you'll have, Tiny." His voice held no hesitation, and he kept himself spaced enough between the leader and the orc to hopefully keep a good sightline if either of them pulled anything. But he secretly hoped his friends had something up their sleeves. He hardly had the speed to keep them both safe apart from his shields.


Location: Sorian Beach
Time: Morning of 23rd
Mentions: Olivia @Potter, Charlotte @Princess, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Dr. John @Conscripts, Ruby @SausagePat, and Kazumin @samreaper


Farim witnessed Charlotte rise up and approach the rather interestingly dressed gentleman. He gave her a wave, although she likely wouldn't see it, and extended the greeting to the man should he choose to gaze his way. Then it was him, Lorenzo, Olivia, and the after-stench of what he assumed was Lorenzo's breakfast. His wave to them was useds stratetgically to waft any errant smells away from his face as Olivia spoke to him. With his attention now on her, he flashed another charisma-packed smile at her and took a brief pause to think on her flurry of energetic inquiries.

"Well for starters, some water would not be bad. I often overlook such things since I am so used to the heat. In regards to the beauty of the night sky, yes you are right in every way. The sand seems almost muted in comparison to the brilliant cascade of bright dots along the black canvas of the night. It makes night travel somewhat tranquil when you are not in some dangerous area filled with scorpions or gods forbid snakes." With a light chuckle he would then take whatever water bottle she would offer and take a firm drink from it, likely spilling some of it down his neck as he raised his head. Perhaps he was thirstier than he let on, since after finishing said drink he would let out a pleased sigh.

"Gemstones...hmmm. Well rubies and diamonds are the popular bunch. A few sapphires and emeralds here and there. I've even seen some obsidian in some of the cave networks in a few certain key spots. I will not tell though...my little secret." He winked and let out a single chuckle. "I am good on sandwiches for now, perhaps in a little while once the first one has made its course. I am curious about something myself." His gaze now shifted from her, and a finger pointed towards the ongoing scene of a cow-licked blondie somewhat covered in seaweed either being harassed or harassing the local youth. He was not sure which. Then to make things even stranger there was a woman with two different colored eyes screaming at the top of her lungs about sharks. The two seemed to be getting along just fine so he did not wish to interupt, but his curiosity was rather palpable. "Do you happen to know them or what it is they may be doing?" The distance between them was noted as she got closer, and Farim certainly did not mind one bit.

"Also. You seem mighty curious about me but I have yet to hear much about you, Olivia. Think you have any fun bits you wish to share with me?" He turned and continued smiling, giving her a chance to answer his own array of questions.

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