Avatar of Lava Alckon


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In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interaction: Brigitte @Tae, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione

The journey proved to be a quickly paced one, which Bardulf had no issue with really. Fast and subtle movements were his forte and he would likely be sticking to the edge of the treeline should anyone appear outside of their group again, not wanting to repeat his earlier mistake. He appreciated that there was one more in their group even if she did somewhat cause Bardulf's inner beast to re-surface. But she had no way of knowing that, it wouldn't be fair to hold a grudge against her for it and she proved herself capable of rectifying the mistake easily enough. He appreciated her kind disposition, but her more outgoing nature did certainly startle Bardulf on occasion.

As they approached the city, Bardulf stood and stared for awhile as he took in the scenery. He had to remind himself to keep walking as he observed the tall buildings, the properly cut and developed paths, the over abundance of people. There was so much activity in this one square of the world he could hardly believe it. The most people he had seen at once was maybe 1,000. This city dwarfed that number handedly. Bardulf took note of the statue that Mister Luum pointed out, however, as he recalled hearing about this King Zanithel. If his quest was to be fulfilled, this would be the one he would have to kill, maim, or usurp in some way shape or form. Well, him and his pack of course.

Mister Luum presented an interesting offer, albeit terrifying considering the implications of having to go into such a denseley populated area. Bardulf did want to acquire some supplies for hunting, but to do it among so many people. His anxiety began to bubble ever so slightly, but also his sense of reason warned him against the dangers of being spotted in such a densely populated city. "Uhm...Would it be safe for me to be around here? If there's this many people wouldn't they.....recognize me?" He walked up to Mister Luum and said in a faint whisper while making sure his cloak hid his face exceedingly well. "I wouldn't mind some....hunting supplies but...I can always wait for a smaller town." He continued to stammer on as he waited to see what the others would say.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mentions: Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Amisra @Tae, Arlen @Silverpaw, and the Thugs @princess

A fair amount had happened in such a short time. Tanithil took the moment to process the situation at hand. Previously he had every intention of simply turning the group into a pack of swiss cheese and being done with it, but now his friends and crew were all together creating all sorts of chaos and diversions....just the way he liked it. His gaze fell to the dark elf leader charging him. How inspiring. The little runt thinks he can match up to this...slightly taller runt. He thought to himself. He snickered while the man approached, blades drawn and threatening to slash at his arms. With a devious grin he saw exactly what the elf was looking to do. Either loss his weapon, or loss his hand....again. So naturally, Tanithil simply let his weapon go. The conjured gun fell forward as Tanithil jumped back, likely giving the bandit a false sense of victory for all of about 2 seconds.

After his fingers came together, as if to cast a spell, the shadow gun morphed entirely. Its shape bent and formed several long tendrils coming from a central blob of dark magic. The tendrils attempted to wrap around the face of the man charging at Tanithil, allowing him to create some space and a diversion all while making him look rather silly with a shadow creature hugging his face. Tanithil spun around the elf in an attempt to dodge and took a brief note of the situation. He noticed Arlen scaling the rooftops, with the fairy in tow. He nodded in appreciation of Ismael's kick against the fairy's torso and noticed the vines ensaring him. He saw Amisra throw, of all things, a potato, at the big orcish brute. The Captain, watchful as ever, was taking a safe watch from the distance and allowing his crew to handle this mess. Rightfully so, as if these four thugs could outdue their gang then they had no business being saviors of Avalia.

Tanithil crossed his arms and shot them out to either side, quick wisps of shadow energy raced across the alley in either direction towards Amisra and Ismael, and quickly wrapped them up in shadow magic. "Some Shielding outta give you both an edge. C'mon now, show Tanny boy that spunk we all know and love you two!" He chuckled, finding the silly little nickname growing on him somewhat. But he wouldn't let Amisra nor Arlen know this outright. He swiftly pulled a dagger from its sheath and turned to face the short dark elf, his tone somewhat changed. "Right then. How's about I show you a proper knife dance?"


Location: Sorian Beach
Time: Morning of the 23rd
Mentions: Charlotte @princess, Olivia @potter, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Ariella @Tpartywithzombi, Dali @Ojo chan 42, and Dr. John @Conscripts


Farim took note of the general atmosphere as he played his quick little game with Charlotte. The woman seemed a bit shy, and albeit he definitely pushed the normal acceptable social distance for having only met her twice now. He took the hint and scooched just a smidge furhter to give her a sense of ease. He was a flirt but he had compassion for treating women properly when he could. His immediate focus went towards Lorenzo, who spoke of another more promiscuous beach. Farim shined a smirk his direction, althought through his closed eyelids Lorenzo would likely not see it. The thought of suits even more revealing than what he had chosen or what others had chosen was certainly interesting, but he wouldn't let his mind wander too far into indency so early in the morning.

"Well that is an exotic idea, Lord Lorenzo. Maybe someday we can go work on our tan together there, hmm?" He jested in friendly banter towards the Duke. He spoke of fine white sand and bountiful coconut trees, a proper tropical paradise if Farim had ever heard of one. Definitely worth at least a courtesy visit. His curiosity about the place and its revelance to them had been immediately answered by Charlotte. "Well now that is certainly good to know. Do you often get home sick when you visit here by chance?" Her mannerisms were not lost on him as she twirled her hair and nervously spoke of something other than the fact he was practically breathing her air a second ago. He held back a chuckle, finding the woman quite the fun person to tease and socialize with.

The pleasantries continued as the nice woman who was friends with Charlotte spoke to him in sweet words, complimenting his appearance and inquiring about his home. He smiled wide enough to have his eyes close partially as he bashfully talked about his homeland. "Well you certainly are the flattering one. I do believe a lot of people from where I come from are hailed as 'exotic' so people love to stare at us like we stare at stars in the night sky. I will let you all judge whether I am the exception or the rule." He winked in Olivia's direction. "As for my home, the heat is much less pleasant than here I am afraid. With rolling hills made of sand that stretch as far as the horizon can go. On a clear day you could see for miles and see nothing but mixtures of yellow, red, and orange." A brief pause ensued, with Farim realizing he wasn't doing much justice for his homeland. "But! The beauties between the dunes are the ones that make the journey so worth it. Oasis sanctuaries with plenty of water and trees to offer shade from the pulsing heat of the sun, and caves that appear from almost nowhere and lead to sparkling gem-encrusted caverns that pull the attention of many coveting tradesmen like myself."

As he continued talking about his homeland, he would share distinct facts and opinions about the cities, the state of the commonfolk, how trades are in his land and what interests him. He did not spend too long, and would give them plenty of time to interject and ask as needed. Farim's body shifted back as he leaned on his hands and appreciated the view of the people and the beach around him. In the distance he swore he could see what looked like a seaweed covered man being assaulted at first but then hugged by some blonde haired woman with different colored eyes. Farim even spotted a few interesting pairs, far off he saw Ariella with his brother Dali and he sported a quick smirk. There was also a gentleman in a rather interesting choice of clothes. He swore the man could suffer heat stroke any minute but he figured anyone who dressed like that in this heat knew what they were about, so he wouldn't judge.


Attire: Coat/Shirt, Pants, and Shoes
Time: Morning of 23rd
Location: Castle Gardees
Mentions: Sadie, @Potter Alexander, and Lianna @FunnyGuy

The mention of Lianna's lost sight did cause a look of concern to come across Drake's face. For someone with no use of one of her senses, she seemed rather comfortable in her setting. Obviously the errant twitch or sudden outburst would be due cause for alarm. Something like a loud trumpet blarin- BBRRRRRRRRPRPPPP. As if on cue with his mental train of thought, a sudden burst of noise came from the prince and Drake couldn't help but slightly wince at the preceedings. Wasn't this supposed to be a regal and relaxing event? Why is so much happening? Drake at least appreciated the addition of some more sweets as he noticed more guests flooding into the main area.

Turning his attention elsewhere, he motioned towards Alexander. "The dinner last night was truly that bit of marvel? It would seem many events are turning more...exciting than expected nowadays." There was a pause as he took a brief sip of his tea. "But no matter, I appreciate your compliments, Sir Deacon. I do like to keep my ground when things get shakey. Best to be on solid footing when defending oneself."

His body shifted to direct itself towards Sadie, who had just excitedly inquired about Drake's possible attendance to this masquerade. He already had plans to go but to hear that she would go as well made him rather excited. He flashed a charismatic smile to ease her possible worries before taking her hand in his. "I would be delighted to go, especially if you plan to attend, Princess Camilia." His voice dropped a little low, as if to flare a hint of charm in his speech. "And thank you for such kind words. I will make sure to heed both yours and Sir Deacons advice." His voice returned to its usual cadence, and his gaze once again met Alexander's.

"Well I do appreciate your company, Sir. I do not wish to keep you any longer than you'd like, but if there is anything else you'd like to discuss before you take your leave I am more than happy to share some more words." He would give the man some due time, and he didn't want to outwardly shoo him away, but there was a part of him that wanted to enjoy some of his time with Sadie. He had a feeling at the party it might even be more chaotic than it is here so whatever social time he could spend with her he would gladly secure. Yet all the same, Alexander was not rude nor would Drake try to usher him out like an unwanted puppy. If anything he was curious if Alexander had any other notions to approach aside from complimenting the two of them. He kept a friendly smile on while gently holding Sadie's hand aloft until he would feel it pull away, then he would separate his fingers and let the Princess' hand return to its resting position should she choose to.


Location: Sorian Beach
Time: Morning of 23rd
Mentions:Charlotte @princess, Olivia @potter, and Lorenzo @FunnyGuy


Farim paid attention to the trio as they shifted and reacted to his presence. His smile stayed wide, but his eyesbrows instinctively raised at Lorenzo's initial statements. He couldn't help but chuckle lightly as he waved his hand over the sun. "Trust me, Sir. There is no blocking the almighty sun. But I shall keep note to not give you too much shade this fine day. I hope you end up as bronze as myself by the end of the morning." He stepped around him, before hearing him ask about if anymore of "him" would be coming. He turned around and placed his hands on either hip before smirking. "I do not know, Sir Duke. Are any more of you coming?" His quip wasn't meant to be harsh, only to imply that such a question was rather silly. "I am not tied to the hips of my other family members but if you are scared of them...I shall run, how you say....interference." He laughed lightly and turned to look at Charlotte, who was flashing a rather cute smile and handing him a well made sandwhich.

With an elegant bending of the knee, and a crossing of his legs, he sat right next to Charlotte as he took the sandwhich from her hand. He took a rather eager bite as the various ingredients filled his mouth. He closed his eyes and relished in the blending of bread, meats, cheese, and veggies. With his other hand he gave an enthusiastic thumbs up and swalloed the chunk of sandwhich, turning to speak to her. "That was simply deli-oh!" Not realizing how close he got, he was mere inches from her face before his eyelids lowered and a smirk pulled on the corner of his mouth. "My apologies. Personal space is a big thing here I presume." He pushed himself only a mere inch away from her to give her some breathing room, but he wouldn't be surprised if she moved to look for more room for herself. He took another big bite of the sandwhich, the pure joy evident on his face as he savored the flavor. "This really is a nice sandwhich, Charlotte."

Leaning forward, he looked at this new friend of his, Olivia, and held his half-eaten sandwhich up. "Miss Livvy, I implore you to try one of these." He realized her bow was not met with one of his own, so from his seated position he gave a bow with the top half of his body, still likely pushing into Charlotte's bubble without meaning to impeded for too long. "I like your beach here. It reminds a little of home but with nice water instead of neverending dunes." He chomped another chunk of his meal and quickly swallowed it before addressing the group as a whole. "Do you all often come out here?"


Attire: Coat/Shirt, Pants, and Shoes
Time: Morning of 23rd
Location: Castle Gardees
Mentions: Sadie, @Potter Alexander, and Lianna @FunnyGuy

Drake's posture took a more relaxed turn as he noticed Sadie had begun to feel better about the situation. Truthfully it wasn't worth getting riled up over the opinion of someone he did not even know, but for her to face such scrutiny was something he wouldn't abide by. Sadie had only made a small mistake, something everyone was guilty of at some point in their lives. He took a sip of his tea as the help continued assisting Sadie with her requests, prompting him to smile sweetly at them interacting. She seemed abuzz with bright joy now that the awkward scenario had come and gone. Seeing her pause mid-bite of her pastry was rather adorable to him. Despite all of her antics she simply had this picture perfect way of catching the light in a way that was magnificent. Truly he was blessed to be in her company.

The sound of footsteps quickly shook him from his borderline unattentive state as he noticed the man from earlier approach and introduce himself. Again? I sure hope I haven't met this person and simply forgotten. How terribly uncouth of me. He nodded in agreement, standing to meet the man and offering a firm handshake. He would sit back down shortly after as Alexander commented on the previous altercation and how she should be recognized for her high standing. "You sir, have a keen eye. She certainly is worthy of all the praise in my honest opinion. Thankfully the whole foobar is behind us and it seems they are minding their own for now." His tone was somewhat hushed, no wanting to call their attention once more as they continued the conversation.

He took a look towards the table he strolled from and began to piece together who this couple was, if only vaguely. He recalled a few names showing up in some guest lists of posh events he had been a part of. The Deacons. He wasn't entirely sure about who they were and what their standing was in terms of etiquette but so far the Alexander gentleman had provene to be rather personable. He motioned towards the woman and looked up towards Alexander. "I apologize if my earlier outburst seemed bold to either of you. I wished to speak my mind but shall refrain from being outright belligerent. Is Mrs. Deacon doing well?" He asked with an equally platonic expression adorning his face. As he began to ask, he couldn't help but notice Sadie's gaze and subsequent excitement at the newest guest to enter the gardens. A well-dressed woman he believed to also be of Varian nobility. He took note of the rather large and prominent man she was with, and wondered if that was the Count Sebastian he had heard of. His eyes remained locked with Alexander's, but his mind buzzed every so slightly with questions.

It would seem this event is going to be a rather large gathering after all.

Attire: Coat/Shirt, Pants, and Shoes
Time: Morning of 23rd
Location: Edwards Estate -> Castle Gardees
Mentions: Sadie, @Potter Alexander, and Lianna @FunnyGuy

Drake had enjoyed his rather nice tea, taking small sips as he observed the gardens around him. He couldn't help but notice the eyeing gaze of the Deacons who had previously greeted, and wondered if perhaps they were looking to interact with him. Nonetheless he would give them some space for now, as it would be rude to simply rush them first thing. Not to mention, he had a very important guest he was still waiting to entertain. He smiled and thought wholeheartedly about her once again, thinking back to their little meeting. Almost on cue, Sadie then appeared in the gardens and his head swiveled almost too quickly as he heard the voices of her and her entourage. Like something out of a movie he noticed her ensemble and the way she carried herself. What a work of art that woman is.

The cinematic experience took a turn however as she tripped on the carelessly laid out dress of some random woman. Drake hadn't the faintest idea who she even was, but the overall tone as the table scorned her prompted his fingers to clasp together for a moment, holding back an immediate remark. He stood up and moved a chair out for Sadie as she dejectedly approached. His hand reached into his breast pocket, pulling out a small handkerchief and handing it to her. "Of course, Princess Camilia. I'm always happy to have your company. Here have this to help wipe off any excess dirt." His gaze shifted to the table that laughed at his date, and he couldn't help it as they all seemed so pleased with themselves. Putting down a woman who had done them no wrong, shame on them. "I also would like to apologize. Some people seem to forget themselves around here and leave their overpriced, gaudy, and frankly poorly colored clothing out on the grass like animals. I sure hope everyone else knows to tuck their dress and coat-tails like proper ladies and gentlemen. But I suppose they'll let anyone into these events nowadays...."

His words weren't direct, but they may as well have been. He shot the table another look, daring them to say further after they had already been publically shushed once. Once the words were traded, he softened his expression and sat across from Sadie. He took a moment to hold her hand, the very intricate cloth surrounding her skin catching his eye. "I sure hope you have had a good morning aside from that little exchange. I'll do my best to make the rest of this event a good one for you, dear Princess. He took a moment to wave at a nearby butler who had a pot of tea ready to be served. "Miss Camilia, would you like some tea or perhaps a few pastries of some sort? I believe this right here is a chilled sweet tea but please if your palette requires anything else I am happy to retreive it for you." The butler eagerly awaited her request while Drake softly stroked the back of her palm with his thumb, simply lost in the look of this woman, but wouldn't hold on tightly should she wish to free her hand from his gentle grasp.

Attire: Coat/Shirt, Pants, and Shoes
Time: 11pm -> Morning of 23rd
Location: Edwards Estate -> Castle Gardees
Mentions: Ariella @Tpartywithzombi, Kazumin @samreaper, Sadie, @Potter Alexander, and Lianna @FunnyGuy

Drake had spent the rest of the 21st in his study before retiring to bed. He had alot to think about over the confrontation. How to protect his sister, not only from his family but from herself. She would likely do something else to upset mother in their never-ending battle for who is right and who is wrong. Drake of course saw his sister as the more reasonable as the pair, but that did not stop Victoria Edwards from exacting any kind of tyrrannical parenting she was capable of onto her poor daughter. With a shot of brandy to calm his nerves, Drake made for his chambers and lay to rest for his day to come.

On the fine day fo the 23rd, Drake arose from bed with a long stretch and an ethusiastic yawn. He grabbed the paper neatly folded and placed onto his nightstand and reviewed the recent happenings. Nothing much caught his eye other than the strange drawing along the front. He found it distasteful, but with tabloids that was almost par for the course. He stood up, wandered to his wardrobe and began to pick out his outfit for the day. A brief look at the events and he already had it set in stone where he would be lurking. Firstly, the tea party in the gardens that Princess Sadie had invited him too would be a great start to his day. Secondly, the masquerade party was something he had been pining to attend. A night socializing and getting away from the usual hum-drum of the day's busy-work was something he could desperately use.

A quick carriage ride and Drake found himself standing at the entrance to the esteemed Castle Gardens. The day's weather simply was too good to pass up such an event. The blessed sound of strings plucked in the distance beckoned him inside the garden. He took a moment to close his eyes and simply take in the atmosphere, but before too long he began his paces into the seating area. He gazed up at the statues of the King and the various ancestors. For a moment he thought to himself If King Edin is nothing else, he at least knows how to make a regal setting. Something to set our noble minds at ease I assume. He hid a chuckle beneath a sligt smile and took note of who all had begun to enter. He noticed two particularly interesting individuals he barely recognized, Alexendar and Lianna Deacon he believed to be their names. They of course had quite the getups for such an occasion, and Drake would offer a courteous wave to the pair as he wandered to find his own area to sit in.

He took his seat at a table with a few chairs and decided to make himself at home, fetching himself a pot of tea beforehand with a few biscuits laid out near the chocolate fountain. The instruments continued to serenade Drake while he took small sips of his tea. It was a decadent lemon tea that held a refreshing taste to it. The tea was hot, just as he liked it, and he continued eyeing up those who would approach and offer a friendly greeting their way. He made no moves to turn anyone away but certainly didn't move from his graceful spot for the time being, soaking in the ambience and properly enjoying this organized and well-thought out gathering.


Location: Sorian Beach Bonanza
Time: Morning
Mentions: Charlotte,@princess Lorenzo,@FunnyGuy Olivia,@potter and Ruby@SausagePat


The following day, Farim awoke to see a neatly wrapped newspaper sitting in front of his door. He smiled and immediately began to pour over its contents. He chuckled at the very on brand compliment for himself and his cousin Munir. It would seem the lades do indeed love a little exotic spice in their life. This line of thought continued as Farim spotted the ad for the beach bonanza. He nodded in agreement with his own mind as an idea began to form. He turned to his wardrobe and looked through its contents to procure a particular swim suit he felt would definitely draw some eyes. A short yet slightly maniacal chuckle separated his lips as he changed into the not-so-appropriate clothing. He knew he had to make good impressions, but he could still have a little fun here and there while he had the chance. He slipped on some fancy woven flip-flops of his with a simple beige color and made his way to the nearest carriage by the stables for his trip to the beach.

As the driver pulled up and Farim stepped out into the bright sun, the first thing people would notice is his lack of headwear. Farim almost always kept something to cover his hair, almost out of force of habit at this point. But here at this place, with the rumored "lax" swimsuit attire that King Edin himself approved, Farim decided to go all out himself. He carried with himself a small bag with a simple lunch and a deep blue towel draped over his shoulder. His head scanned along the shoreline until he spotted a particular group of individuals he almost immediately recognized. He kicked off his footwear and reached down to grab them in his free hand before briskly walking over to the group.

The music filling the air filled his footsteps with an infectious rhythm. He couldn't help but shimmy along the sand as his toes sank between the grains. This atmosphere had a nostalgic feeling to it, something like springtime back home when the oppressive desert heat would yet be revealed to Alidasht. Approaching the Vikenas as well as a woman whom Farim had not yet met. He smiled at the trio and planted his feet, looking at each of them and noting their various attires.

"Well well well, some among you here look rather familiar. But all three of you are fine looking folks in your swimwear if I may say so. I rather enjoy Sir Lorenzo's bold choice of attire here. Lady Charlotte you are of course a gem to look at, with your well tailored dress. It really matches your body well. And to you third unknown mistress, it sure is nice to meet you. My name is Farim, and I must say your hair and dress are both quite gorgeous. If you all are wanting extra company, may I perhaps join you for a while? The sun is rather good today." Farim laid on his honeyed words while talking to the group, keeping himself ready to either join or move on should they request privacy.


Location: Sultan's Chambers -> Farim's Chambers
Time: 8pm
Mentions: Sultan, Hafiz, Anastasia @princess, Nahir @Rodiak, Ariella @Tpartywithzombi, Dali @Ojo chan 42


Farim entered the Sultan's room as requested at the hour, finding Nahir likely to be sat there and his ever loving father present. A slight scowl had adorned his face, but this was not to Farim's surprise. Likely there was some inconsequential thing that Hafiz found distasteful and he would make it his mission to give Farim hell to pay for it. But for now his attention was reserved for someone far more important. He couldn't help but feel anxious at what the Sultan would have for him, and he took the chance to bow before him and take a seat next to his cousin.

"Your Radiance." He greeted.

Then the Sultan spoke of his pride for him. To hear this praise was a welcome change of pace. For a few moments it felt as if he was speaking with his uncle rather than the ruler of Alidasht. He made some firm points, to which Farim would nod in agreement. Hafiz's glare would be everpresent as the mention of a potential partner came up, and Farim couldn't help but think on what exactly entails an ideal partner for him. Sultan Raif made it abundantly clear that he couldn't just pick any person here for potential courting, but someone that would fit with his role as a potential world leader. He felt the notion to be a touch on the nose and pragmatic, but he still kept a postiive demeanor for the time being. Such a big choice could hardly be made in a day.

As the group spoke amongst one another, whatever it is they would share between one another, Farim would make sure to end the night with another bow followed by his usual cadence of respect and tactful words. "Your Radiance I shall not overlook such praise. I am deeply humbled by your words and will consider them deeply in the days to come. I hope I can do you and our family proud." He would ignore any remarks from his dad and proceed to walk out of the room once dismissed. If he were to pass by Nahir on the way outside the chambers, once they had gained some distance from the doors, he would give a much more casual and friendly grin her way before they parted to their rooms.

"For what it's worth. I appreciate how you handled yourself at dinner. As much as this whole 'race for the throne' is between us, I hope we can still remain close as a family regardless of outcome. If you were chosen I want you to know I would give you my support in any way I could." He turned to face Nahir and pulled the cloth turban constantly protecting his head off, showing the brown curly locks that would likely be still wet with product. He tucked the headpiece under his arm and looked at Nahir. "No matter what may happen, even if something violent like the dinner. Whatever you or Mayet or whomever may say I still consider you all family. Tisbah β€˜ala khayr (Good night) my cousin." He would pause for her to say or do whatever she may in response and then head into his chambers for the evening.

Once inside, Farim began to change into more comfortable clothing fitting for someone resting for the evening. His simple white cloth robes were smooth to the touch, expertly woven by one of the more finer artisans from back home. He made sure to stride over to Thara, petting her along her head and giving a single kiss along her beak. She would coo softly and ruffle her wings, clearly tired from the days activities. He put together an arrangement of hookah nearby, cleaning off his pipe, nozzle, and preparing a well-woven batch of herbs from his brother Dali. Tonight had been stressful, and for just a few moments Farim needed to take the edge off his stress and worries.

After a moderate session of smoking and reflection, Farim disposed of the pipe water and used leaves into a nearby bucket. He placed it outside his door for a servant to come pick up later on in the evening or early morning. His eyes were slightly reddened from the rather potent arrangement his brother had made. He couldn't help but silently giggle to himself as he continued rattling possibilities of futures in his head. For once, he felt like he had many paths to choose, but he knew to watch himself as best he could. Because he knew there was always a certain someone watching his every move.

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