Avatar of Lava Alckon


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In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interaction: Brigitte @Tae, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione

Bardulf took the various reactions in, and couldn't help but let out a slight sigh. He had only been here a week and was already causing problems. Even Rue's Pegasus seemed annoyed with him, and he had grown fond of the creature in the coming days. His gaze shifted downward for a few moments in reflection of the past few events. He did indeed let his emotions get the better of him, and frankly had no idea just how dangerous that would prove to be. Here, now more than ever, he would simply need to hide who he was. He had let a bit of his more savage side slip out, as he always had in the past, and yet again he was proven right that he would struggle to fit in no matter where he went. Yet his clouded mind seemed to settle as he felt the tight embrace of Rue. Even here in this imaginary world there seemed to be people willing to tolerate and protect him. This feeling of acceptance brought joy to his heart and his arms wrapped around Rue for a few moments while his head sunk into her shoulders.

His head tilted back up, and a slight level of dew rose in them to those who may be perceptive. He blinked away the oncoming tears and shook off his depressive self-depricating thoughts. His mind had a habit of breaking him down cruelly and letting that happen unabated could result in more trouble for his new friends. The realty of what was to come seeped into him and he would need to grin and bear any troubles that came his way. Any wayward emotions would need to be cast to the side, even if he became a husk devoid of anything human by the end of this journey. If it would keep his new "pack" safe, it was a small price to pay.

"I...am sorry. Won't happen again." His voice shook slightly but he finally returned to his more stoic posture and expressions, stepping back from the embrace and making sure to hide his face beneath his cowl with a few extra adjustments and fidgets. His neck turned to face his gaze to the new elf they had just met, who seemed bewildered with the events that occurred. "I can talk more of it when we are safe, but I think for now I need to....process some things.

"I don't think you would accept 'natural causes' to be an explanation of that?" He innocently suggested. "Also, maybe we should, uhm, move along before too many people come to look at what happened. All that magic might have made a lot of noise...." He nervously coughed at the end of his sentence and stepped to the side to let the others lead the way.

Drake, Ariella & The Edwards

As the two entered the carriage, Drake would knock twice on the wall behind him, signaling the driver to go. He let loose a quiet sigh and placed a hand on Ariella’s knee. ”I am sorry, Ari. The two of them quite literally ordered me to come find you. Before we make it back to the house, what have you done that may have gotten them riled up like this? Perhaps there is a way to circumvent the lecture this time.”

Ariella leaned against the back of the carriage, She held her hands together in her lap as she shrugged, “Who knows...maybe I got mud on the carpet again.” She let out a long sigh as her head tilted back against the carriage, “ How embarrassing... Do you know that he may be the future sultan, and now he’ll remember me as the girl whose brother took her home to get yelled at.”She groaned and buried her face in her hands.

Drake felt a tinge of regret in the back of his mind. Perhaps he had been too rash. In his momentary lapse of judgment, he embarrassed his beloved sister. But the man’s reaction was not one of discomfort, rather it was one of either resolve or determination. As if he was trying to read Drake’s intent and character from a brief glance. He was certainly an interesting individual.

” Future Sultan you say? Well, I’m sure a man carrying such a title would have the patience and understanding that a world leader has. He definitely seemed more concerned with your safety than the fact that you were being rushed home.” Drake silently applauded his sister’s taste in men, at least that one. ” Aside from simply slinging mud, did you do anything in those woods? They say you were with a man. Was this the future sultan you were with or someone else?”

Ariella's eyes widened, “ A man!?” she asked “ In the woods? “ she shook her head with an exaggerated movement. “ No I was down at the Tavern with Farim and Princess Anastasia”

Drake could only raise an eyebrow. ”But you said earlier you tracked mud onto the carpet…Would that have been from the tavern?” His arms crossed as he let out a slight sigh.

Ariella took a deep breath ” Because…I fell in the mud, getting in the carriage.” She looked at Drake, clearly a terrible liar.

Drake leaned in and couldn’t help but smirk a little at his sister’s adorable attempt at subterfuge. ”Ari. I know when you are fibbing. We don’t have much time and if we are to try and curb our parents' wrath I think it best if we do it together and get some form of story together. I really am trying to help you, sister.”

Ari sighed heavily, “ I was with Prince Callum. I had gone for some drinks and ran into him there and I had invited him to come see the little place in the woods and that was it. I came home an hour before Dinner and got changed for supper.” She looked at her brother, “ Nothing happened if that is what they were worried about, I was just showing him the woods.” She said her face show just how nervous she was.

If his face would show anything, it would be utter shock at first. ”Prince…Callum? Like Danrose Callum? One of the three royal princes of our kingdom? First a future sultan then a potential king. Your tastes are certainly bold sister…” He realized he’d have his work cut out for him if he was going to watch over her in the way that he had done since she had come of age. ”We will address that later. For now, is there anything in those woods that would be cause for alarm? Maybe some weird art you drew or perhaps a diary of some sort that Mother would be livid to see?” Drake rattled off ideas, looking nervously out the window as their destination was not too far off.

Ari smiled awkwardly. “ You make it sound like something scandalous that a prince would be interested in spending time with me.” she said crossing her arms, “Plus it's not like that, he was interested in seeing the woods I told him about at the prince's court. But no, I do not think that there was anything about here. Maybe a bunch of novels, various mythology books..romance novels.. different flowers, and Twiggs that I found around. “ Except that was where she kept her book… “ Why are they spying on me anyways, I’ve never done anything remotely wrong but enjoy nature and the woods. I could be going to strange parties and getting high off various plants but no... I'm just enjoying the outdoors... Why am I being questioned over it.” Her tone grew more annoyed.

All he could offer at the moment was a shrug and a confused glance. ”You know Mother. When she fixates, she truly does not let it go. Perhaps it was a string of occurrences that made her jump to conclusions. But whatever it is they found you must deny it. I think trying to say you were ‘just enjoying the outdoors’ would only spur them on further. But I like the approach of you simply showing Prince Danrose around the estate. Perhaps as part of the ‘tour’ he asked to see the more overgrown areas of our property. That might work….” The carriage turned a particular corner and Drake took another look out, as time seemed to be rapidly waning. A slight click of his tongue signaled his frustration that they couldn’t discuss this further. ”I know you are terrible at lying, but just convince yourself that you do not know what any twigs or flowers or roots or books or art or whatever it is they found. I will think of something…”

He opened the carriage door and stepped down, offering her his hand to help her out. He walked side by side with her to the doorway and opened it for her, quickly yet softly closing the door behind them. The foyer they entered was rather well lit for this time of night, and the sight of a very angry-looking Victoria and bewildered Gideon Edwards would only further exemplify just how serious these two were about this ‘meeting’.

Ariella accepted his hand and moved out of the carriage, she stepped out onto the gravel as she felt a bit of nerves building up. She clearly was about to enter into a potential warzone, and something told her she wasn’t going to leave unscathed.

She walked into the lobby, gripping her brother's arm for dear life before letting go. “ Father… Mother Has someone died? They must have in order to embarrass me like that in front of an Alidasht royal,” she said in a snappy tone.

"About time you returned.” The duchess was seated in the foyer, a servant girl standing at her side wielding a giant lace fan. She waved the girl off as she rose up from her seat, her gold gown shimmering under the chandelier light with each movement. “We’ll all go to the drawing room.” Victoria said simply and coldly, dismissive of her daughter’s complaint.

As their mother made her way into the next room, Duke Gideon pushed off the wall and approached Ariella. He lightly touched her shoulder with a warm smile. “I am glad you’re alright dear… We have no intention of embarrassing you. I apologize sincerely.” His gaze slid to Drake questioningly, “...I hope you did not make a scene, son.”

Ariella’s face softened with her father's touch. She wished so badly it was just them. Life would be much simpler. Let out a defeated sigh “ No, Drake was … Drake. It's just hard when you’re being summoned by your parents in a very stern tone while you're on a stroll with a potential suitor...Now the possible future sultan will just think of me as some puppy with her tail between her legs.” She groaned as she started to head towards the drawing room. Walking inside she took a seat across from her mother who still held a burning look at Ariella.

Drake sighed as he looked his father in the eyes. ”It was a matter of importance, so I treated it thusly. The man seemed rather respectable of the notion and I did my best to make the notion as vague as possible. I simply said there was a family emergency and left it at.” He began to walk towards the drawing room, stepping beside his father and ushering a whisper. ”Please tell me everything's okay. What in gods name did you all find that made you feel the need to meet this late?”

“ We found various items in the woods where Ariella snuck off to that could imply that she has intentions of affiliating with the occult.” Duke Gideon got straight to the point, and addressed both of them instead of just Drake. “Considering it was an outsider who saw Ariella go into the woods with that man, we are concerned about anything getting out or twisted as we know-” Gideon began, intending to express his unwavering belief in Ariella's innocence, but his wife interrupted, unable to contain herself.

"Oh please we don’t know anything.” Victoria retorted dismissively. She had been sitting down at the table when the two had walked in. She turned her body to point a finger at Ariella,hazel eyes filled with fury, "Listen here, Ariella. You are lucky to be a part of this family. If you're going to be an Edwards, then you need to start acting like it. You are the daughter of the Duke and Duchess of Soralia. We are directly under the King and Queen. Do you know... Do you know how important we are? How important I am? You're an Edwards and you're going to start acting like one."

She rose up to her feet. “That means no running in the woods with men and collecting chunks of hair or keeping insane diaries about plants. Oh. And.. It means wearing shoes. “

Duke Gideon sighed patiently, “Let me handle this, dear. Please, feel free to retire for the rest of the night and relax.” Victoria simply glared and folded her arms.

He turned his attention to his daughter and gently greeted her, “Sweetheart. “ Gideon gave her a moment to think before adding, “We found your journals and trinkets in the woods. We also know you snuck off to the woods with someone today. We are concerned and would like you to tell us what these items are and who you snuck off with.”

Ariella stared in disbelief at her parents. Her mother's reaction was to be expected, however, it was still just as frustrating. Her father stepped in a little too late, Ariella's blood was already starting to boil. She took a long inhale of air as she let it out slowly trying to calm herself.

“There is nothing to be concerned about, I promise.” she said, “I keep a small library there, I like to read. A person I briefly met at the tavern overheard me discussing some of my favorite authors and was interested in exchanging some books. I offered a tour around the building and showed him where my books were. The little items you found were just rocks and foliage I thought were pretty. I like drawing.” she shrugged “ I don't understand why you are both freaking out. Yes, I was barefoot, the rocks are slippery and my heel would break. I didn’t want to break the beautiful shoes you bought me, Mother.”

Ariella lied through her teeth, mainly to protect Callum. Although his name would likely make her mother shut up, she didn’t want his name associated with her space. She needed to keep him as far away as she could from them even suspecting a thing.

“Going off alone in the woods where no one can find you is dangerous, Ariella... I am uncomfortable with it. The Damien Estate was just attacked today and there are criminals in the city. “

Drake looked on as the three of them began to argue. He knew this was coming, but still felt a slight migraine creeping on the edge of his psyche. For now, his expression remained calm and calculating. He thought of ways to provide any leeway and leverage for his sister, but found very little. He was at least happy she was giving them the story that they talked about on the way in. But that’s when an idea came into his mind. ”So the books and art pieces are a simple collection. Do we even know these items are occult related? What exactly was concerning the things you both found?” He wasn’t sure what exactly they found, nor the nature of their concern, so perhaps prodding the situations carefully would give him an edge to help his sister.

“ We don’t know that, but some of them were strange. A book of plants, twigs with flower wrapped around it, human hair… It could look strange to some.” Gideon explained to Drake. “Even if it was innocent…” He leaned in to whisper, “The kingdom guards are paranoid about magic use... We have to be careful.”

“A library in the woods when there’s a library in the city? Ridiculous.” Victoria scoffed, “Plus, what would a noble lady be doing in a library or with a book in the first place? There’s a reason those stuffy Damien girls and deranged Vikena girl all do not have any suitors. Girls who spend their time on looks instead of their nose stuck in a book are going to be the ones who win the game.”

Ariella rolled her eyes, “ Wow a woman who enjoys educating her mind. Fancy that. “ She scoffed, crossing her arms against her chest as she sat back in the chair, “ Perhaps their more educated minds are simply settling for the first man that offers her attention.” she sighed heavily, “ I understand it looks strange without any context behind the matter, but I just told you. I enjoy drawing, I was documenting the different types of plants I found around. Have you never seen a herbology book? It's used for medicine and cooking, teas… And again the twigs were just pretty things I found to decorate my little place. The human hair you say is just my own, it got stuck in some branches when I was looking at some plants. So I cut it off, just wasn’t sure what to do with it. “ She let out an exaggerated sigh “ The two of you certainly could create the most interesting tales the way your minds wander.”

Ariella started to realize just how serious this situation was. With Callum having been at her place, and all the magic-infused items not to mention the book that she had left there. She was going to need to find a way to fix this, she wasn’t going to let this kingdom's largest mouthpiece run around claiming all these tales. Perhaps a spell she could use. She would need to go there at night. She also would need to be more careful.

“Father,” she said turning her attention to him, her large eyes looking at him with sadness “ I swear there was nothing going on, You cannot allow me to not enjoy what I enjoy, it will be torture.” she leaned forward. “ Have I ever done anything to cause worry? I went to all my studies, I learned about all the latest fashions, I come home on time and put in the effort that mother insists. I just had dinner with the sultan and his family for crying out loud. My best friend is the daughter of the king and I have been nothing but good. Sometimes I like to just relax with my shoes off in the woods. Don’t you do something you enjoy? Smoking cigars in your office…enjoying a strong drink after a long day… this is just mine, Father.” she looked at him with a pleading expression “ Please believe me, I would never do anything to insult you or your name. “ she shot a dirty look at her mother “ Even though I am constantly being reminded how much of a failure of a daughter I am to you “ she turned her attention back to her father “ I really am trying my best. I know I don't have any potential suitors yet, but the courting season has only just started. “ xher face turned into a sad expression of defeat as she tried to lay on the innocent daughter act.

Drake did his best to hide the disapproval in his body language and soon his tone. This all seemed rather far fetched in his mind. Another excuse for his parents to be worried or frustrated with her. ”Well I for one enjoy a learned woman myself. Makes for far more involved conversation. And to further attest for her she really was in the process of establishing relations with a rather personable man.” Drake chose to ignore the comments of the other women. His opinion of them was on the positive side, but that was because he didn’t buy into any of the tabloids and gossip like his mother.

”Also I can’t remember the last time I used the public library. I prefer a private study as well. I believe I remember lending a botanist journal to Ariella the other day. So far I think this all might be one giant misconception, but feel free to digress.” His manner was calm, and the little white lie he sprinkled in there was hopefully one that his parents wouldn’t catch on. His tone carried no hint of nervousness or worry, but he still took great care in observing their reactions as he and Ari wove their little tale together.

“Ariella stop the melodramatics.” The Duchess finally declared with a sassy eyeroll. She was secretly interested in hearing more about the dinner with the sultan, but she wouldn’t give Ariella that satisfaction. She’d wait on that. “...You’ll be just fine if you stop obsessing over writing about leaves in a book and sitting around in the woods while bugs crawl on your skirt.” Her gaze intensified. “You need to let go of this sick hobby before you tarnish my reputation…”

Angrily, she moved to the doorway, but couldn’t resist turning around for one final remark, “Drake, Ariella, from this moment forward, we’re doing things the way I want them. No. more. woods.“ With that, she left Gideon to deal with the two pests.

Gideon sighed. He moved to hug Ariella, rubbing her back comfortingly. “My dear Ariella.” He began with a tone etched with warmth and reassurance. “I’m proud of you. Your intelligence and your passion makes me so proud. I understand you enjoy this pastime and your love for nature. I, too, find fascination in the like… I believe you and I believe you come forward every day with nothing with good intentions.” He let go and brushed hair from her eyes with a steady hand. “Your mother and I may have different opinions on how you should act and how you should behave, but I want you to know I trust your judgment. That is not why I asked you here. You’re an adult capable of discerning right from wrong. I am here only with love.” He gave her a warm smile that gradually faded into a more serious expression.

“But… I need you to remember that not everyone is as kind as you are, my little flower. You have to be careful with how they perceive you. I won’t ask you to abandon your passions, but I need you to exercise more caution and discretion, for the sake of our family and for the sake of your safety… Can you promise me that?”

Ariella's eyes narrowed in a serious expression. She looked at her father, discretion … she was being cautious even now. However, her sanctuary was no longer a safe place and she would find a way to make it safe once again. It would be a shame if her mother and father simply forgot this conversation even happened. Her brother wouldn’t dare say or do anything to put Ariella in a position but perhaps she also needed to be cautious there. Drake had his own agenda and was too much like their father.

“ I promise,” she said plainly. She would put on an act, wear fancy outfits, and attend parties… but in her own time, she would start to learn, and learn more magic so no one could cage her again. She knew the perfect person to reach out too.

Drake’s cold demeanor only seemed to be exasperated by his mother. He turned towards where she had left and began to start a retort, but ultimately found it fruitless. ”Blanket statements and commands are unbecoming of you dear mother.” He spoke under his breath and sighed before turning to the other two.

There was something about the way Ariella spoke and acted towards their father that seemed off. He could tell she had something going in behind those innocent eyes. This truly felt like a game of subterfuge and deceit, as was the case with all noble families nowadays. He nudged back any suspicions he had for now and finally directly spoke to them both.

”With all due respect. She is not 12, and neither are we. Weak rumors and whispers in the dark so not dismantle a family nor its titles. You and I both see to that daily.” He paused before lowering his voice and stepping beside him, merely a whisper coming from his lips. ”The more you alienate her, the sooner she will stop being your daughter and will simply be Ariella.” Stepping back, his body turned to look at his sister.

”Well my lovely evening has become a bit of a wash. I’m sorry dear sister for all the trouble. If it means anything I doubt you were up to anything nefarious. For now I think I will retire to my study. The door is open if either of you wish to have further word.” With that he took long and slow strides across the tiled floor and the echoing clacks of his shoes grew fainter as he journeyed down the hall.

“ Thank you, Drake… Your wisdom is beyond your years. However, when it comes to rumors of any occult or witchcraft, the King will not take them lightly. You must take this seriously, Drake. ” Gideon said to his son before he left and then glanced back at his daughter, “ Ariella… Will you be alright? I have some work I must attend to.”

Ariellas ears perked up as she looked over at her father “ Oh yes, of course. I will likely retire to my room for the night. You mentioned the king … does know any of this, was he the one that reported it?” she asked curiously “ I just would hate if that were the case, to have such a silly misunderstanding affect the family like that” Truthfully she just wanted to know if she needed to give Callum a heads up.

“...It was not the King but one of his guards, the Edin’s Enforcers, did take notice.”

“Well, it won't be a problem again.” she said with a smile “ Goodnight Father. “ Ariella left the drawing room, she had a few letters to write and it seemed.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mentions: Ismael @Th3King0fChaos and Odds and Ends Shop @princess

Tanithil watched with interest while the human's shape seemed to turn, twist, and shimmer to meet the mental image Ismael had in mind. Much to his disappointment it was simply another form of human. His shorter black hair was a different touch and the scars along his face seemed to have faded. Did humans always have ears this big? He couldn't tell just what may be wonky immediately, but his best guess would be that his ears seemed about twice as big as they were before. He snorted a little and let Ismael eye up his image in the mirror.

"Don't think we really got much of a choice for ya considerin' that's the only one in town. Should be good enough if you choose an actual elven disguise, big guy." He turned and made sure all the amas were in order, sliding an extra 20 to the shopkeep with a serious expression. "Oh by the way. We were never here." With that he grabbed his two items, pat Ismael on the back, and began to walk with him out the door. "Seriously though. Either you become an elf or the hood should go back on on." He said with a hushed tone as they made their way out the door, letting Ismael decide which form to take.

With the shopping done Tanithil would guide Ismael from that particular stretch of town to a few back alley shortcuts he knew. "Normally I'd show you around but I'm still wary of some wandering eye catching us in public and crying wolf." Walking down the alleyway was rather quiet, not too much trouble would typically surface so long as you moved quick and fast. But today it seemed the two were not quick enough. A single figure stepped into the middle of the pathway Tanithil and Ismael began to walk. The normal casual posture Tanithil had stopped as he straightened his back and put a hand out in front of Ismael to stop any forward progress. A deafening silence seemed to fill the air as the man and Tanithil stared daggers into each other. Finally the man stepped out, revealing himself to be another dark elf who spoke in a slightly gruff voice.

"This is our town, scrub!"

Almost immediately another higher pitched voice rang out from behind them. "Yeah, beat it!"

Two more figures approached from the left and right, surrounding the pair on all sides. Each person stood about 10 feet away from Tanithil and Ismael in either direction. To their front, a dark elf man. Behind them, a small fairy with a nasty scar under his eye. To their left, another dark elf who seemed short yet packed with muscle. Finally, to their right was an orc who stood taller than everyone there.

"On second thought. Why don't ya empty ya pockets and come along real quiet like so we can use ya for some fun in the fighting pits, eh?"

The orc spoke up. "Doubt they'd make more than a dozen amas. The one elf's real scrawny. The other ones got a bit of meat on 'im but doesn't look like much."

The dark elf, presumably the head of this bunch, snapped at the orc. "I don't fuckin pay you to consult and analyze our prey, dip-stick! I pay you for muscle. Now go fucking crush those twerps!"

"Right on." The orc's voice bellowed as he began to approach the two.

Tanithil's hand stayed near Ismael, the other moving in an instant to conjure a shadow-tinted blunderbuss, prompting the thugs to stop their advance for a moment. "Woah there cowboys. I'm gonna need you all to slow your roll and realize who you're dealin' with. Lest you want a hole in each of your stomachs I think the best course of action would be to let us on through. I won't ask twice." He then pulled the hammer on his conjured gun and aimed it at the orc.
Farim & Anastasia

Location: Outside Alidasht Guest House
Time: 7pm
Mentions: Anastasia @princess and Leo @Helo


Farim wandered back towards the guest house, almost lost in thought over the proceedings of the night. His confrontation with Mayet, then the Sultan’s summons, Charlotte investigating the party from the other night. A lot seemed to be happening all at once that his mental energy simply seemed to be at an all time low. He let out a long sigh as he pulled his gaze from the stone road to the sight of Anastasia and another gentleman he believed to be called Lord Leo. But it seemed he caught the end of their conversation, being just out of earshot as he saw the man begin to head inside. He felt his lips curl into an almost involuntary smile while his attention moved to Anastasia. His walking pace sped up to a brisk stride before he stood behind her, not trying to be loud but not necessarily being super quiet either.

”Well well well if it isn’t the star of my day. You certainly have a way of brightening up a rather sour evening, Princess. Have time in your busy day to talk to a friendly foreign noble?” He would chuckle and place his hands across his chest in a casual stance. ”If so, perhaps you would like to share how the rest of your day went after our fateful little meeting?”

Anastasia’s eyes, a shade of amber, lit up with excitement as she twirled around to face her new friend. “Farim!” She closed the distance and enveloped him in a brief hug. “I was so hoping we’d get to talk. My day was okay after that I guess… I went home and got some sleep after what happened.”

The air in his lungs escaped as her arms wrapped around. He let out an audible ”Oof!” but quickly returned the hug. ”I am glad we can be seeing each other again so soon! Thara must’ve been good company if you were giving her treats. She did not make a mess did she?”

“Yes! She was such a good girl. We’re totally best buds now.” She replied excitedly.

He smiled happily as he continued to hold the hug between them. ”Yes I rather do love that bird. I’m glad she had been good company. I must say, you certainly missed quite a lot before your grand entrance.” He leaned back to look into her eyes with a bit of a bashful expression. ”I may or may not have made one of my cousins mad enough to never want to speak to me again…”

“Really?” She looked up and frowned, “What happened?”

He wanted to choose his next words carefully. Slander would get him nowhere and exaggeration would only make things worse. ”There was a disagreement at the table to say the least. My cousin was saying things I simply did not agree with so I stood up and said my piece. It resulted in a very unhappy Mayet storming out of the room and renouncing all ties with me.” He would sigh and shrug. ”Seems like I still have much to learn in the ways of the diplomat.”

A look of disbelief flickered across Anastasia's face, her voice laced with shock, “Oh gosh… How could she do that over one disagreement? … Ah nevermind, I guess we know I kinda know how you feel today...” Anastasia took a moment to gather her thoughts, allowing empathy to guide her response. As she looked up at him, her gaze filled with genuine kindness, she offered words of reassurance. “ I am sure you did a great job. Sometimes people just have miscommunications. You seem nice and well-spoken to me.”

Farim would smile and return the kind gaze that her eyes gave him. ”Thank you. You are just as talented. The room was rather dull until you came in. As I’m sure you can guess the argument happened shortly before your arrival. But it’s good you’re here. Now I can say my day ended on a high note seeing you again.” He grinned and winked briefly at her as his body and mind began to settle. It really had been a taxing night yet somehow this woman he never met before just seemed to calm and settle his nerves without lifting a finger.

“Yeah everyone seemed super tired and weird. “ Anastasia admitted. His next comment did manage to pull a smile out of her and she gave him a wink back. “I wanna say that too buuuut my day’s not over yet. Talking to you would be a fantastic way to end my day though.” She audibly groaned as her arms slipped off him, reminded of her next task. She threw her head back and glared at the sky as if it were the source of her problems, telling him, “After I’m done here, I gotta go talk to mister party-host and ask him what the heck happened. “

Farim’s hands moved onto his hips as she pulled away, he secretly wished they could just sit there hugging warmly to fight against the slight evening chill. But he settled for this moment and felt his face tighten slightly at the mention of this party host. ”Well truthfully I do need to see my Uncle and Hafiz within the hour. Likely about this dinner. As for the party host….if they’re bold enough to pull the stunts they did before they may try to do other things. Will you be okay going alone?” He had a gut feeling about such a thing. Late night meetings with morally gray people hardly ever go well.

“Oh geez. Good luck with that… As for me, I hope so. Wulfric and Leo seemed worried about my safety and now you do too now. “ A small amount of fear crossed her expression as she spoke, “ I thought I’d feel fine going to see him but now I’m getting a little nervous since everyone else seems so spooked.. My brother’s making me bring guards so I don’t know if the guy will even let me talk to him honestly.” Anastasia then straightened her neck to look at him and smile, “But I promised Callum. I wanna prove to him that I care and I’m trying.”

So he hosts secret parties, potentially uses drugs on whoever attends unwillingly, won’t meet if guards are involved. Yeah this guy is bad news. But Anastasia says he is a friend, perhaps he is misunderstood? Either way. Caution is best. His thoughtful gaze would likely seem to look almost through her for a moment before he blinked himself back to reality. ”I don’t mean to alarm you. I just would like to help. Do you want a less conventional guard? I can always have Thara fly around again.” His tone was more calm, and suggested a more agreeable mood rather than one that outright disagreed with her questionable nightime excursion.

Her expression had mildly lit up for a brief moment. “Oh, no that’s okay. I don’t want Thara to get lost or hurt. I’ll be fine... What’s the worst that could happen?” She shrugged and gave him an even bigger smile, her tone lighthearted as she assured him “ I’ll just wear one of my cloaks so no one notices that I’m a cute princess wandering the streets in the dark of the night.”

Her smile was quite infectious, prompting him to grin slightly at the sneaky adventures of Annie. ”Oh you are certainly a fun person, princess. But if you find yourself in trouble my door is always open.” He gestured towards the guest house and with a bit of a chuckle he spoke again. ”I will be wanting to know if you are safe so, would you perhaps like toooo meet again tomorrow?” His voice teetered for a moment as a small bump of shyness hit his throat. He quickly staved it off and resumed his friendly expression.

“Of course!” Anastasia answered immediately and joyfully.

He clapped his hands together with a quick sharp breath annunciating his excitement. ”Amazing! Where and when would you like go?”

Her eyes brightened and she closed the distance between them to take his hands, “ Let’s go do whatever’s fun tomorrow night! I’ll come to your room tomorrow and we can look at the newspaper together!” She exclaimed excitedly.

”It’s a date then!” He slyly stated. He may be acting a bit bold but he also wanted to see how she’d react to stating such a thing. ”I’ll make sure to be on the lookout for you then.” He glanced up for a moment at the moon rising in the night sky. He let out a slow breath before returning his eyes to look into hers. ”I think it might be time for us to end our fateful meeting, sadly.” He didn’t necessarily want to rush her, but keeping the Sultan waiting would be bad news.

Surprise had filled Anastasia’s eyes. She had then felt a mixture of happiness and fear at the same time. After a slight hesitation, she smiled at him, “...Yeah! Let’s do it!” She responded happily. Anastasia held her hands together then nodded, “Sure. I’ll see you tomorrow then, Farim. Stay safe!”

Farim noticed the slight pause, but her joyful smile simply wiped away his suspicions. As she went to say goodbye however, he reached out and gently held her hand, taking a few steps forward and giving her a strong yet caring embrace. ”The one who should be staying safe tonight is you, dear Annie. I will see you tomorrow. But until then, may the Sun Gods light your way.” He would hold the hug as long as she’d want before letting her run off to wherever she needed to be. He couldn’t help but worry, but he silently prayed to the Sun Gods to watch over her.


Attire: Coat/Shirt, Trousers/Coat-tails, and Boots
Time: 7pm
Location: Sorian Park -> Edwards Estate
Mentions: Ariella Edwards @Tpartywithzombi,
Interactions: Victoria and Gideon Edwards @princess

With the delivery of his letter gone off without much of a hitch, Drake had resumed his leisurely stroll through the city. There wasn't much to observe or think about as he made the steps across the smooth pathways. It was, for once, a rather calm evening for him, and he felt rather pleased with how things were going. Of course he had his anxieties over how Princess Camilia would take his letter, and wondered if perhaps the others present would get a peak at it. He gave himself a mild shrug, as a man who can’t pronounce his feelings in front of an audience shouldn’t be doing things like sending love letters. He continued his walking pace, daydreaming about what he could possibly have in store for himself tomorrow. A daydream that would come to a quick halt as he approached the front of his estate.

The most obvious thing would be Gideon and Victoria Edwards standing at the doorway, as if ready for his arrival. He wondered if he had forgotten something as their serious expressions seemed to dictate. Drake thought to himself for several moments as he slowly approached them, keeping his calm as best he could before addressing them. ”Mother. Father. I am glad to be so well received on my return home but it seems something is amiss. What is it that troubles you both tonight?”

"Yes, something is amiss, Drake," Victoria greeted him with a disdainful tone. The Duchess's gown shimmered under the chandelier as her eyes bore down at her son from the top of the staircase. She slowly descended, her every movement exuding an air of haughtiness and superiority. Eventually, she came to a stop before him, her flowery perfume overpowering the air.

"Unfortunately for you, you'll be going straight back out," she declared with a dismissive wave of her hand. With a grimace, she suddenly began straightening the collar of Drake’s shirt.

“What your mother means to say,” The red-haired Duke of Sorian finally emerged from the side, he himself also adorned in the most luxurious of clothing. With a warm smile greeting Drake, he displayed a reassuring demeanor despite the concern lining his face. Placing a firm yet comforting hand on his son's shoulder, he spoke with an unwavering resolve."We need you to go back out tonight, my son... I apologize for the inconvenience. Rest assured, I can arrange for guards to accompany you, if necessary... However, there is a pressing matter involving your sister, Ariella, that requires our immediate attention." he explained calmly, “We need you bring her home.”

"...I swear if she’s barefoot in the woods again…” Victoria’s grumble could be heard behind them.

Drake took in the words calmly as he could but felt his mother’s blatant attitude to be a touch drastic for simply requesting an audience with his sister. He furrowed his brows as she adjusted his collar and made his own rudimentary adjustments after the fact. ”Walks on the town are no inconvenience to me. The fresh night air does wonders for a stressed mind.” He made a motion for a nearby servant and calmly requested for him to bring a carriage around to the front of the house.

”Last I heard she was to attend the Alidasht dinner party with one of the Shehzade royalty. Surely this fuss isn’t over one of her retreats into the woods?” His tone was slight disbelief mixed with curiosity as he wondered just what his parents, or most likely the Duchess herself, would be so animated about.

" It’s exactly that, but worse.” Victoria told him, patting his collar down until it was perfect, "She was seen sneaking with a man into the woods and it won’t be long until rumors run amuck… Do you know how hard I work to make sure everyone thinks well of us? …It’s like she doesn’t have any empathy for me.” She vented, clearly vexed over this. " Anyways, we were able to find out where she’s been going and we had the area searched-”

“Some concerning items were found.” Gideon added curtly, “Some that could suggest she might be involved with the occult. We want to conversate and shut down these rumors as fast as possible for the sake of her wellbeing,”

" And especially mine.”

“Right, of course, my darling Victoria. We all care deeply for the stress this is causing you.” He took his wife’s palm and kissed the back of her palm. She relaxed a little, though, she still yanked her hand away from him. “Drake, please bring her home as soon as possible.. I’d send our staff but I fear she may resist them.”

”Yes Mother I am sure this event is rather stressfu-Come again?” Drake stopped mid sentence after the mention of occult items. He rubbed his jawline with his fingers for a moment as he was truly perplexed by the notion. This must be a misunderstanding. But it is still best to just do as they want for now.

The carriage had begun to turn around the building, prompting Drake to talk once more to his parents. ”I shall see to it. No need to send any guards after me. I have a very persuasive word and an even more persuasive…method should I run into any trouble.” It wasn’t really a secret that Drake kept a flintlock pistol on hand but he figured he should subtly allude to it for his father’s sake of mind. ”Perhaps mother could use a glass of her finest champagne to ease the mind. And before you say something, dear Mother, no you are not suddenly growing crow’s feet and gray hairs.” He turned to walk out the door, holding it open with one hand as he turned to look at them once more. ”Anything else before I take my leave?”

They both shook their heads, though Victoria did not seem happy about his suggestion and was glaring at him.

Sensing her distaste Drake decided to add. ”Oh, come now. It was merely a quip to try and lighten the mood. In all due seriousness I shall get her back shortly.” He walked to the carriage and shut the door, finally adjusting his collar back to his preferred position.
Charlotte & Farim

Location: Alidasht Guest House
Time: 7pm
Mentions: Charlotte @princess, Munir @Infinite Cosmos, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy

Farim had been looking rather grim at the moment. The servant came by and refilled his wine in due haste, prompting a short nod from the young Shehzadi. He took a sip before a sudden rush of wind hit the room, as the woman he met earlier had arrived for dinner after all. She had gone through a few introductions, and then approached Farim. He watched every step of hers with a new intrigued look. What was first pessimism on his face began to warp into a more joyful expression, if only slightly. But he knew that with her, came another familiar friend. He smiled wide as she brought his lovely bird back to him. His heart began to soften at the sight of his loyal companion. He immediately allowed her to hop into his lap, his hand cupping for her head to naturally fit for a gentle pet. Thara happily rubbed her head along Farim’s palm before looking around the room to investigate the many new and familiar faces she now saw. A soft coo came from her beak as Farim continued to pet her.

”I am ever grateful. This is just what I needed to turn the night around, dear Princess.” Her soft words and positive personality certainly had an effect on him. He could tell Thara had been well kept and she seemed rather content. For this he was grateful. His shoulder could feel the slight rub, and to further seal the deal he reached up to take her hand and give it a soft kiss along her knuckle. With a grin he looked up to her and nodded. ”I will make sure to hold you to that, my friend.” She was then off to interact and mingle with the other dinner guests as she pleased.

Farim looked at his bird and with a less dignified voice he would softly ask. ”Were you on your best behavior?” Thara could only tilt her head in mild confusion since she obviously couldn’t reply, yet Farim knew that his lovely falcon would never do anything bad unless severely prompted. He gave the underside of her chin a scratch and stood up, placing Thara onto his shoulder before giving a slight bow to the Sultan. ”I shall excuse myself for the time being, Your Radiance. Despite the chaos that came, I am still glad to be seeing all of you in good health. It truly has been far too long since I have visited home.”

He then turned and walked from the room and to his bedroom where he would place Thara onto her perch and give her a fresh bowl of water to drink from should she find herself thirsty. ”I shall return. I must go mingle with the guests and see how our friend Ariella would like to end her evening.” He spoke aloud to the falcon before giving a soft expression that became somewhat of a frown. ”You have missed a lot, dear Thara. I shall key you in later. But for now, enjoy some well deserved rest!” He then walked out of his bedroom to see the dark-haired woman from the table, Charlotte, leaving his cousin's room looking somewhat perplexed.

”Why hello there, Lady Vikena. Is there something the matter?” He seemed rather puzzled and somewhat curious as to why she would be leaving Munir’s bedroom. Frankly he was surprised she wasn’t half-clothed with his reputation.

Charlotte paused in her step and smiled at him in greeting.. She seemed as she had in the dining room, except her hair had been now let down, framing her face. ”Oh, hello Shahzade Farim.” She greeted, “No, nothing’s the matter… But I was actually looking for you. Think you could spare a moment to talk with me?”

He offered a pleasant smile, and turned to face her, his attention now fully caught as she seemed to be asking a few of his family questions. His curiosity was piqued, to say the least. ”Of course! And by the way, I am truly sorry for how some things came by tonight. We can be a bit…passionate at our family gatherings. But rest assured I don’t believe anyone actually wishes ill will on you or your family.” After the display that had happened he figured it would be best to calm her nerves about any potential dangers she may be concerned with.

Charlotte sucked in her lips, nodding awkwardly. She somehow had some doubt regarding the last statement. After a moment, she smiled once more, “I should actually thank you really for protecting my stepfather. You were brave to stand up for him like that, though I’m very sorry it caused such strife between you and your cousin…I’ll just say your good intentions were understood by the rest of us. ”

He raised his hand as if to wave off any worries she may have had for him. ”It is of no worry, Charlotte. If a wall is felled by a single blow, then it wasn’t a very strong wall to begin with.” He sighed in reconciliation for the potential lost connection. ”I thank you for your kindness all the same. But alas you are here to be asking me something. What plagues your mind, young mistress?”

“I understand…” Charlotte wanted to give him words of reassurance, but she wasn’t sure if that relationship had been worth saving. She fiddled with a strand of hair, twirling it with her finger. The conversation topic hadn’t gone all too well with Munir, but at least this man was keeping his shirt on thus far. “Well…" She drew off with some hesitancy, “I wanted to ask you about the party you attended last night if that’s alright with you.”

Farim’s eyes shifted off to the side for a moment, as if to gleam if anyone else may be present. He crossed his arms and let out a brief puff of air as he tried to remember just what it was that happened the other night. Nothing but flashes of images and thoughts, like a dream that you couldn’t quite catch. ”Ahh…it still eludes me now, but I shall help you as much as I can. What is it you are wanting to know?”

She nodded gratefully to him and asked, “Can we start with what happened leading up to the party please?”

Farim pondered himself for a moment and thought back to the events leading up to it, and began to speak his thoughts as soon as they came to him. ”Yes. I remember coming home from a long night of traveling. I had just gotten here well after all of my siblings and found my dear friend Saiya waiting for me. Naturally I was elated to see her and her…cough attire for the evening.” Farim couldn’t help but smirk at the rather revealing dress his friend had on. ”Forgive me. As a man I can hardly contain myself when a beautiful lady wears such fine dresses or robes.” He shot her a friendly wink before continuing.

Charlotte had nodded along with each statement as if she was making a mental note, but she was uncertain why he had decided this information had been relevant. She then paused her nodding to digest the last statement as well as his wink. Eh? She glanced at him then down at her dress for a few seconds, only glancing up again once he continued.

”Right but, I had went with her in a carriage to a warehouse ... .somewhere in the more lower class area of the city I surmise. Definitely outside the castle walls. We went down into some basement area and that’s about where my memories begin to falter. I can catch glimpses, like there being a fight, dancing, and many people practically drooling over one another. But it isn’t anything you wouldn’t normally see at any secret party.” He stopped his story to give her a moment to respond.

She paid sharp attention as the information was much more important. Charlotte hung on every word with a determined expression, her eyes slightly narrowed. A warehouse basement. There was a fight, dancing… Suddenly she looked at him with peaked interest and a sudden glimmer of hope in her gaze, “...Do you remember the warehouse number?” The warehouses were right by her house along a few side streets. She could just simply sneak over there and check them out.

He took notice of her initial reaction and placed both hands up, feigning an apologetic stance. ”I am sorry if that was too much. I was simply looking to compliment, not offend. I promise I will not try anything like my dear cousin.” He snickered for a moment before adding a little quip. ”Unless of course that is the real goal here.” He let loose a slight chuckle before returning to a perplexed and thought-filled expression. He tapped his chin and began to sound out some words he had remembered seeing scrawled on some parchment. He rubbed his temples as if to physically bring the memory out of him ”There was an invitation ... .something about a…420 wicker street? Gods above why is this so hard to remember. I normally can stomach more than just a few shots. I couldn’t have even been there for more than an hour or two before we were all rushed out…” He trailed off as he continued thinking of the strange night he had at the party.

Charlotte shook her head at his concern, deciding to assure him. “It simply… took me by surprise. I appreciate the compliment. I’m just not all too used to them.” She told him and smiled to ease his concern “420 Wicker Street. Hm. I’ve never heard of that street.” She then paused thoughtfully before inquiring, “ …Do you remember anything that happened afterwards?”

”Well that is reassuring to hear. I’m shocked you don’t get many compliments. You are a fine looking woman!” He took a moment to glance up and down at her once more as if to further check his previous statement. ”And as for the after. I just remember feeling rather awful and lots of noise. People storming in, taking the royal children out as if they were blackout drunks. But from what I heard most people did not drink that much. It’s…rather strange, don’t you think?”

Charlotte tried to play off her blush by looking around as if the hallway had grown very interesting, “Oh well… I guess.. I mean, not that I’m conceited or anything…I just appreciate you saying so.” She found it hard not to cringe at herself in that moment. She quickly added to her statement with a more forced smile this time as to clean up the mess. “Thank you. You’re a very lovely looking man yourself, Farim… And yes, your cousin said he knows his limits as well yet had somehow blacked out.”

Farim found her innocent reactions rather adorable, if he was being honest. He shared a similar interest in the wall around her as he gave a slight jab. ”I did not think you were, Charlotte. I also agree that the wall there is rather well made. I think it’s mahogany!” He let out a slight puff of air that resembled a chuckle. ”Those are some sweet words, mistress and I thank you for flattering me. After interacting with you here and seeing you at the dinner I think I am beginning to understand my cousins’...fondness of you.” He leaned back against the wall, arms crossed while his gaze continued to examine her, as if to gauge what more she may hold or tell with her body language.

She raised a brow at his initial words, wondering if he was poking fun at her. Even worse, the man seemed to be examining her as if she was performing an entertaining show of some kind by simply standing there. These Alidasht men are a little bizarre…Though I suppose perhaps the women were too…

“See something you like?” Charlotte asked finally, her tone somewhat amused and somewhat not. She had kept up a polite smile, though it was obvious she had dropped her formality. Granted, her current state of exhaustion and less-than-perfect sobriety may have influenced her impulsive remark. “We could find a photographer perhaps.”

All Farim could do was raise his eyebrow at the remark. His shoulders lowered and his body relaxed a little more as he motioned towards his temple with his finger. With a few quick taps and a friendly smile he gave her a retort. ”No need, mistress. The world’s best camera is right here.” With a mimicking motion he blinked his eyes and pretended to work a camera, as if to quite literally ‘take a picture’. ”I’d say I rather enjoy the view right now. Do you enjoy what you see, madam?” He gestured down towards his own robes and body as if to show himself off to the woman despite maintaining a relaxed posture.

Her gaze instinctively followed his gesture and she pulled her eyes up with some frustration. “Is it commonplace for men in the Alidasht to be so quick to flaunt their body to women?” She asked. The dark-haired woman tapped her foot, folding her own arms. “Just curious.” She added, her smile tight-lipped. Charlotte’s thoughts returned back to the rumors she had read this morning. She couldn’t help but also tell him, “Also, you need not refer to me as mistress.”

Farim took note of the reaction, as she seemed to be growing somewhat displeased with his words he resumed his casual lean against the wall, hands now placed at his hips as he gave her a straight-faced answer to her question with a slight shrug at the start. ”Somewhat. My countrymen and women know life is fleeting so we like to live dangerously. On the edge, some would say. I know it is not for all, so that is why I like to gauge people’s limits at the outset. I will do my best to not push yours too much, Charlotte.” He added some emphasis there, not to sound mean or sarcastic, but simply as a sign of respect to the woman who had clearly been through alot. ”I know you’ve had a long day. I apologize if my words upset you all the same. What else are you curious to know about either my country, its people, myself, or that particular night? I am a rather open book right now.”

“...It certainly is fleeting.”Charlotte mused after an initial silence, her tone carrying a hint of melancholy. After giving her own arm a comforting rub, she said, “I apologize too… I normally hold more restraint with my tone. I am not certain I have too much time tonight as my father is waiting in the carriage for me, however I’d be open to talking to you again so you can tell me all about yourself and the Alidasht. I’d love to hear everything about it…” She drew off before she moved up to him and gently took his hand in hers. Charlotte raised their clasped hands between them so she could place her other hand on top in a compassionate gesture. With a warm smile this time, she told him, “I wanted to also let you know that you’re never alone… There will always be someone who cares.”

Farim’s own expression seemed to lessen at the thought of fleeting life. He knew it may not be what everyone liked to hear, but it was in essence the truth. He met her initial words with a friendly joy-filled smile as he straightened himself off the wall. What she did next certainly had him thinking for words as she took his hand and held it warmly for those few moments.He felt his hand smothered between the soft, delicate, and warm feeling of hers. Then she went and said something that he entirely didn’t expect. He stood with a shocked look on his face, thinking of some words to respond before finally collecting his cool. His eyes met hers and with a truly friendly and genuine smile he softly spoke. ”Thank you. I believe those are words we don’t often hear. I will happily talk with you again. I shan’t keep your father waiting. I hope he hasn’t eaten all of our naan in the meantime.” He couldn’t help but giggle at the slight poke, but he had felt just a little more relieved as the night had been going on.

Charlotte let go of his hands and managed a giggle at his words. “Ahh. I might be the one to do that actually... I really like bread.” She confessed then bowed her head as a means to bid him adieu, “Thank you as well, Farim. Hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.”

Farim gave Charlotte a kind bow with a courteous ”You as well, Lady Charlotte.” before proceeding to walk to the Sultan’s chambers. He had a mixed feeling about what would happen there, but he obviously couldn’t simply ignore His Radiance. Even though He might be there…
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interaction: Brigitte @Tae, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione

Bardulf continued walking along the path, for once not really looking where he was going or thinking of his surroundings. All of his focus was entirely internal as he fought a draining battle with the suddenly loud conscious inside him.

It wasn't even mine. Mister Luum finished it off, and the group did it together.
The only thing we did was likely scare our friends. Whatever the hell you're "supposed" to be, I don't like it.

Bardulf would stop in his tracks, his head shooting up and eyes forward, as if starting at a ghost. There was nothing there, not even an apparition. Bardulf was merely seeing slight flashses in his mind's eye of the fateful night where his life truly took the darkest turn. He had tried to repress it, to ignore it and move on from it. But the feeling of watching his wife fall before that beast that dwarfed his own size was simply too devastating to let go of. His body felt weak, and he began to tumble to the side. He heard voices and even footsteps behind him, somewhat blurred by his lack of awareness. But as soon as he began to think about the others, about Rue, Bowyn, Brigitte, Mister Luum, and this new elf girl whose name was slipping his mind, the voice in his head rang clear once more.

Shut up...


Bardulf's rage became tangible. He was frustrated on so many levels. This persona of his that came bubbling forth was no apparition or possession. It was merely his own contempt for being unable to protect what was most dear to him. Even now, with all these powers, he barely kept his own against a near carbon copy of the animal that haunted his nightmares. Bardulf's senses finally began to return, his breathing heavy, hair hunged over his face. His anger wouldn't stop, as the normally stoic man felt the emotions come to a critical point, he noticed a shift in the air. Spark of energy seemed to dash around, his hair began to almost stand up on end. Not out of fear, but because the amount of static in the environment began to skyrocket. A few clouds overhead began to rumble, and before Bardulf could react...


A bolt had pierced the heavens and landed onto the ground in front of him. It nearly caused him to fall back from the sudden shock of it all. The energy from the bolt seemed to almost cling to Bardulf, as latent sparks flew from his body towards the ground or into the air. Wherever the energy could find paths to travel, it leapt. He found this sight surreal, as the raw power coursing in his veins seemed to shocked his entire system into overdrive. He took a step forward and launched a couple feet in a mere moment. He had done this earlier with the owlbear, but now he began to truly understand what it felt like to adapt his powers into himself, as well as the risk of letting himself loose could hold for his group. As his ears began to ring from the crack of thunder so close to him, the voice called out one final time.


Bardulf took one final look at his hands, now turning around to face Bowyn and Rue, who were likely closest after the whole spectable. His face was now calm, serene. He showed no signs of anger or discord for now and pulled his hood back up as he walked towards them.

"I'm sorry, you both. And to the rest of the group. I am still....struggling with who I am, and what has happened to me. I realize in my haste I neglected the very thing we all agree on, which is to never waste a kill. To always make sure everything returns to nature whole and properly. Do you both want to....take care of it? Or shall we go?" Bardulf approached the two and stood before them, the energy from before having dissipated as he brought his mood down to earth and controlled himself.

For their sake, I need to be better. Stronger. In control. I can't just run away and I can't just hide. This is my fate, and I will need to see it through.


Location: Guest House Dining Room
Time: 6pm
Mentions: Everyone at the Alidasht Dinner


Farim could only watch as his cousin seemed to double down on every action. It was a bold manuever, but without even needing to read the room or hear the rest of her tirade, Farim knew things would be rough from here on for her and the others. She spoke on her thoughts to them condemning her actions, how the might Alidasht family seemed to be simply a shell of what it was. How they had essentially 'shown their true colors'. Many other words and threats were thrown, causing Farim to even further solidify his cold stare. There was a part of him that hated the verbal barrage that was being thrown between him and his cousin. The notion of keeping the family together was one Farim held to himself dearly. To hear her suggest otherwise hurt him deeply. But he wouldn't show such an emotion to her. He wouldn't give her that satisfaction.

Perhaps you and I have different memories of Auntie. She was the one reformed the Sultan. Made him the kinder man. But I know she too was a proud woman, and rightfully so. He thought to himself. He let her words flow forth, and if she would care to listen, offer her one final word from him.

"Sever our bonds if you must. I prefer you alive to hate me than stuck in the gallows for inciting a war between nations. Perhaps you may never forgive me for my acts, but it's a price I'm willing to pay, dear cousin." He sipped from his wine, the glass nearing its completion.

Heh. Alone. You're probably right, Mayet. I am as alone now as I ever have been. I have no immediate family, truthfully. A father who sees me as another piece to his game. A distant uncle far too concerned with his star children to be worried over some nobody. I do not know my mother, not even her voice or face can comfort my darkest moments. My brother is ever constantly away, on his religious journies and vision quests. Finally, my cousins who I have yet to see for many years seem to be slowly disproving of my actions. How long before Layla too sees me as some annoyance to cast aside? Or for Nahir to do the same? Munir as well? I truly wonder.

He heard Nahir speak up, and decided it would be best to try and lighten his mood. He nodded his head and sighed. "Yes. Chicken masala is just what I need." He reached for some of the dish and scooped it over to his plate. He looked around to see Duke Vikena chewing on some naan like a terrified child watching his mother scold him. His daughter, all too familiar in her grief, seemed to be appalled at the aggressive chaos that had resulted from this dinner. What could've been a blending of nations became an evening of grave misunderstandings. To top it all off, it would seem Prince Auguste had the full intent of sending for his cousin to be punished beyond what the Sultan decided. It only made sense, given the circumstances. If they were to decide Lorenzo's fate the Royal Family would naturally try to decide Mayet's.

Yet again Farim was helpless to do anything helpful. Why do I even bother. He meekly pushed some chicken into his mouth to fight back the temptation to wallow in self-pity. But the waves kept coming. All that talk. All that talk and for what? You try to calm the Sultan, and you just make him mad. You try to calm Mayet, and you just make her mad. Am I just doomed to fail at everything I endeavor? Fuck. This is all becoming exhausting. How many times do I have to try and be the diplomat only to fail miserably. I liken myself to being a master of foreign affairs but I can't even get my own family to like me.

His face simply looked on, his hand reaching for the last of his drink before looking at a nearby servant with a mortifying intensity. The man seemed to shake as he wondered what Farim would say. He merely lifted his glass and spoke aloud "Another please."


Location: Guest House Dining Room
Time: 6pm
Mentions: Ariella @Tpartywithzombi, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Charlotte @princess, Layla @Potter, Leo @Helo, Auguste @Inertia


The immediate sound of Farim's chair being pushed out was what all that filled the hall during the immediate silence of Mayet's display. While it was certainly in character, Farim had a few choice words to say to her, and he regretted it had to be in front of family and guests like this. His steps echoed across the room as he walked firmly yet briskly around the chair where Lorenzo sat. He stopped himself and calmly pulled the knife from the back of Lorenzo's chair. He walked around Mayet and placed the blade on the table gently, and turned around so he would face her. His arm reached out and two fingers gripped the flat edge of the blade, pulling it away from Lorenzo's neck. His expression, for the first time in some time, was unapproving. His mouth stretched into a frown on either side of his face, his eyes looked down at Mayet with a cold indifference that would only be mimicked by one other man in the room. This gaze was the same cold heartless stare that the Sultan's brother had perfected on Farim. A stare that seemed to permeate his now sour mood to the rest of the guest as he stood there for several seconds looking at Mayet. Farim then drew a very, VERY, slow breath before speaking.

"Are you quite finished?" His tone was ice, threatening to chill the very air as the words snuck from his mouth. It was very unlike Farim to behave like this, but the behavior and etiquette he had seen today had simply been too much for him to sit by and act his usual chipper self. For once he had to bring out the firm and dispassioante side of him that he would write off as being one of "genetic flaws". But here it would hopefully do him well to deliver the message he had for his dear cousin.

"Not just that. Do you know what it is you are doing?" He then let the sword hang in the air where she gripped it and moved his arms and hands behind him, taking a stance not unlike a parent scolding a child. "I don't think you do, cousin. Because if you did, you would realize just how folly it is to threaten death on a guest of the Sultan. To bring blades within an inch of his skin while the man sits in a table and chair made in his own country." He would stand his ground no matter how Mayet would react, because this dinner had gone far too off the rails to be simply and quietly obsolved of all misgivings and malcontent. Farim decided it was time to end this constant back and forth ego-fueled chicanery.

"You come to their country. Insult their people. Look down on their traditions. Speak nothing but thinly veiled insults under the guise of 'wisdom' and then threaten violence to them when they do the same? In front of an audience no less? Have you gone mad or are you simply looking for a reason to cause the worlds first international war? Or perhaps be thrown in the stockades for murder in a foreign land? If not either of those, do you think yourself above everyone here? That you can threaten violence in someone else's home and be waved off just being a 'spicy shehzadi'?" He figured the last line might be a bit silly, but it held a nugget of concern for his cousin. He didn't exactly want her to be disciplined for acting reckless in a precarious situation such as this. His tone and body language gave no clue to this currently, as he elected to keep his firm voice pointed in her direction as he said his peace.

"You have the gall. To use decorations on their own dining room to murder one of their nobles. Do you want to go ahead and surmise if someone had done that back in our country, Cousin Mayet? Think strongly now. How do you think they would react if the shoe was on the other foot? Did you consider that perhaps? In fact, there is no need to ponder! Look right there. The SON OF THE KING of the very land you are standing in right this second is right here at the dinner table with us. Would you like to ask him what he thinks on the matter? Or, even better, on what authority would you be able to carry out such an execution? I'm sure my questions are getting rather dull so allow me to paint the picture." His tone became sharp, like a bird of prey who could tell that danger was coming, yet chose to stand its ground. He knew Mayet would hate this next part, but it was precisely why she needed to hear it.

"The Sultan invited this man to have dinner with us for weeks. You did not make it one single day without letting your temper do the talking for you. How do you expect to rule a country when the tiniest slight against you means death on sight? You have no decorum, no patience, very little respect, and demand all of those things from others. That is unsightly, unfair, and undignified. Not to mention, you are completely stepping all over the Sultan's choice of guest, and actively voicing your disapproval- no - your HATRED of this man. Do you not trust his Radiance's plans or ideas? What do you think he would think if the person he invited to dinner was killed in hot-blooded anger right before his eyes. Tell me Mayet. Look at your father and tell me that's what he wants his children to do. Because I am willing to bet ALL THE GOLD IN MY VAULTS that he would very much NOT approve. I would highly suggest you return to your seat. I do not speak for his Radiance, but gods above I do not wish to see another cousin ejected from tonights proceedings before we even get to the main course."

With his intense display of words he walked back around the chair and bowed before the Sultan. "I am sorry for speaking out of turn, and if my choice of words were poor, then I pray I find better ones for the next time I speak so boldly." He pulled his chair back in and sat up staright, eyes locked onto Mayet for what she may decide to do next.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mentions: Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Amisra @Tae, and Odds and Ends Shop @princess

Tanithil was fairly intrigued by the wares laid out before him. He looked at each product meticoulously and thought for awhile before speaking. Ismael was right and they had every concern to wonder why such a popular item might be sold with a "funky" effect to it. He smiled and thought how the first outfit would make him look rather scavvy and scandolous. Just the thing that might get a rise out of his friend Amisra. But alas, she also likely scold him for spending "her hard-earned amas." so he shelved the thought for now. He softly picked up the disguise ring, the spyglass, and the compass with the strange eye. After placing the items on the counter, he eyed up the saleswoman and began his pitch.

"Right, miss. So I have these three items here for about 560 amas iffin my maths is right. But my friend brings up the excellent point. You say the ring is buggered, but kinda paused after that. What's exactly goin on here with this?" He motioned towards the ring before picking it up and hovering it over his finger. "Perhaps it best if I just try it on and see the quirk for myself?"

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