Avatar of Lava Alckon


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In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interaction: Brigitte @Tae, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione

Bardulf's eyes flicked madly across the small clearing after his initial assault. Firstly, the one elf who started it all was delivering a clean combo of movements and strikes to further weaken the owlbear. Bowyn and Rue's ice magic proved to be simply too much for the bear to handle at once. The wound on the animal's neck was still jostling and twitching with electric energies as it poured blood onto its feathers. That is when Mister Luum himself walked towards the beast and began to chant a spell. Bardulf kept his halberd in his hands, ready to strike if the creature made it towards them again, but then a flash of light rendered him completely blind. He put his hand up to block his eyes from being seared from the pure energy and once it finally receeded, only a pile of burned feathers and skin remained.

Bardulf quickly holstered his weapon and looked at the corpse with a bit of a melancholy expression. A still swirling spew of emotions calmly settled within him as he truly wondered if he would ever get over the sights he saw that particular evening. He thought more of the situation surrounding him. How he would need to be able to kill and hunt like he used to in his younger days. The voice he heard was not one he had been acquianted with in some time, and would likely resurface as his "killer instincts" began to sharpen themselves in the heat of battle. He wondered if this side of him would be able to distinguish friend from foe, and if he truly would be capable of holding such power. These all were thoughts for another time however, as he would let out a sigh. "Sorry to disappoint, Mister Luum. I have a bad history with bears and still am kind of getting used to this whole magic thing."

He looked up to the group and let out a meek sounding "Can we go now?" Before pulling his hood over his head and starting to walk the other way, much less energy and passion in his stride than before. Right now he what he needed to clear his head and perhaps whatever path his mentor had in mind for him would provide that for him. Although he did just casually try to sick a wild animal on the man, surely he had his reasons.


Location: Guest House Dining Room
Time: 6pm
Mentions: Ariella @Tpartywithzombi, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Charlotte @princess, Layla @Potter, Leo @Helo


Much occured in the short span of a few moments. Hafiz, to no one's surprised, managed to win the favor of the more .... passionate members of his family while also creeping out those who weren't particularly fond of him, Farim included. Yet even as that conversation began to settle, another stirred almost immediately as Leo's drinks appeared to be forgotten, Lorenzo offered to say grace, and Layla for some reason decided to just sick Zilal on one of the supposed 'guests of honor'. He began to see his cousins would do little to take that title with any degree of sincerity. The Sultan, in his usual calm and cool nature, swiftly dealt with the situation. He would be sure Layla would be quite furious and possibly even blame poor Charlotte for the actions of another.

As that last debacle settled down he couldn't help but notice the interesting reactions to his homelands food. "Ah yes, peanut butter." He couldn't help but have a sensible chuckle as he watched Lorenzo mislabel the common food item and Ariella take a heaping bite not realizing what it truly was. He motioned for a nearby servant to bring her a glass of water to wash it down with, and motioned towards some nearby celery that was on the table. "You wouldn't be the first to be surprised by this food. It's not normally served outside of our country. But to us its a rather simple delicacy!" He truly loved eating the varieties of foods the world had to offer. He had to stop himself from thinking of various other things to enjoy this hummus with before looking back to Ariella.

"If it is not to your liking, may I recommend the kebabs? It is nice to have both meat and vegetable ready to eat so close to one another without the need for any fancy utensils." He reached for a kebab, placing one onto his plate. He was about to start digging in when he remembered the request of the Duke. "Right! You said something about 'Grace'?" In my travels I have come across a few folks from here who typically performed some sort of ritual before eating. Some sort of religious purpose if I am not mistaken. At least that's all I heard, would you be willing to tell me more or perhaps demonstrate it for us?" Farim figured that if he simply moved along the conversation that there wouldn't be time for anyone to say any biting remarks or quips at each other, no matter how funny or clever they would be.


Attire: Coat/Shirt, Trousers/Coat-tails, and Boots
Time: 6pm
Location: Edwards Estate -> Sorian Park
Mentions: Princess Sadie @Potter
Interactions: None

It had been a rather long day of work at the Edwards estate for Drake. His hand had been feeling rather numb from how many papers he had signed and looked over. There were certainly a few intriguing topics, matters coming up with the scandals related to the Guild, social letters asking about certain topics of gossip, and even some hate-mail so lovingly sent to bad mouth some or all of his family. Drake dealt with them accordingly, and shoveled the remaining papers away into a drawer at his desk. The office had become slightly stuffy to him, despite his attempts at lightning incense to perhaps lighten the mood. To hell with this. It is nearly nightfall, and I haven't even seen the natural sky all day. I will finish the rest in the morn.

He planned out his attire and grabbed a nearby butler. "If you could don your finest outdoor clothes and come with me. I have a bit of a task for you. If none of your clothes are worthy of seeing a member of a royal family I will lend you some of mine. I will be at the door if you need me." He spoke to a servant by the name of Sebastian, a young man who nodded wholeheartedly as he went to grab the suit he had been so graciously given and met Drake at the door to the Edwards Estate. The two then grabbed a carriage and took a short drive over to the park, sharing a short chat in the meanwhile.

The cart came to a slow stop outside the entrance to the park, the driver hopped down and opened the door for the two to exit. Drake led Sebastian into the park and gestured towards a slowly growing crowd of folks that he had never seen around before.

"There is an exclusive event going on and I would hate to crash their fun. But I would like to set in motion any plans for the morrow if I may. If you cannot get it to her, then simply bring the letter back to me and I will deliver it to their guest house at another time. No pressure, young man."

Sebastian gave a look of confusion for a moment. "Sire you never gave me a name to deliver it to."

Drake's eyes widened for a moment and he chuckled lightly. "Right right, that would be helpful wouldn't it. That woman over there with the blonde hair, standing by the well dressed medical professional? Her name is Princess Sadie Camilia."

Sebastian looked at the Princess in the distance and back to Drake, then back to the Princess then back to him. "I will try my best sir, but she is a princess after all." Drake would smile and pat the man on the shoulder. "That is all I ask. For now I must go before Father realizes I've shirked my work duties."

Drake turned and began to walk back towards his estate, hoping that the letter would be received well. In any other circumstance he would simply deliver it, but with his father hounding him to finish all his correspondence it began to be harder and harder to find any personal time for himself without facing some kind of disciplinary talk. For now, he would enjoy the sights of the night sky and briskly make his way back to his office.

Meanwhile, Sebastian approached Princess Sadie with relative ease, not finding much stopping him until the wayward guard would eye him up suspiciously. "I just have a letter for her Royal Highness, if I may." He held the letter aloft, making sure they saw the Edwards seal on it. "From House Edwards, it's a....personal matter." The guards looked the young man up and down, seeing no attempt hiding a weapon or otherwise dangerous intent, and motioned towards Sadie.

"Your Grace, you have a visitor. Wants to deliver a letter."

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mentions: Ismael @Th3King0fChaos and Amisra @Tae

Tanithil sported his usual grin as Amisra gave him the loan he asked for. Knowing her she'd likely make him pay for it later, but knowing him, he'd find a way to wiggle out of it. He was sneaky enough after all. At least that's what he'd tell himself. He patted Ismael on the back and began guiding him off the ship, with a particular destination in mind. The Odds and Ends Shop, where he felt he could get just about any small or large magical item of his choosing. The pefect place for a disguise ring to be sold. His hand casually moved towards the center of Ismael's back before moving back to his side. A small veil of shadow magic seemed to crawl up the cloak and bleed over the cowl so that a shadow would be cast over Ismael's face.

"Can't be havin' em see your pretty mug. Some of them might think they have a chance with ya." He joked, but it was all about concealing his identity for the time being. He also held the dagger Ismael kept on his side aloft, perfectly picked from the mans very own pocket. "Lesson one of places like this. Don't let anyone even so much as touch ya without you knowing their intent. Some bloke might come around and steal you blind." He chuckled and made sure the dagger made it back to where it belonged. "Places like these are crawling with eyes all the same. So if you do something, make it hard for anyone to see you, not just whoever you're targetting." He flashed a smile as he flashed a single ama coin between his fingers, jokingly messing with him once more before placing it into his palm. "Ya dropped this by the way, hehe." These random little lessons would be Tanithil's way of warning the pyromancer of the dangers of crawling in the dark.

As they made it to the Odds and Ends Shop, Tanithil brought them both into the confines of the store and approached the counter. There he saw who he believed to be the shopkeep and spoke up. "Lovely to meet ya. Not sure what your name might be but I'm sure it's a wonderful one. Say, would you happen to have ring enchantments in today? Possibly ones for disguisin'? I'm looking to goof around with a few of me mates and I think this would be the perfect gag to have when we'rebored." He looked back and smiled at Ismael before gesturing his way. "Don't mind me friend here. I'm just kinda draggin him around till we finally go to the pub. I hear there's already a crowd at one of em but I can't remember the name...Right! Anyway, disguise rings? Yes? No? Maybe? Yes?"

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interaction: Brigitte @Tae, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, Bowyn @Helo, and Zeva @Pink Khione

So much had happened in such a short time span. Bardulf felt the approaching danger in the back of his throat, as if the rage of the owlbear was so palpable it could permeate his lungs. Everyone prepared to face the oncoming threat as a fair looking elf women came charging through the treeline. Bowyn in proper fashion had his usual cutting sarcasm, Mister Luum had his special brand of chaos to provide to the situation, and Rue was being her usual sweet protective self in providing him a shield from the oncoming monster. As time seemed to slow down, he took a brief glance at the elf women hiding near Mister Luum, and noticed her bloodied arm. An image flashed in his head, that of the tragic night his wife was taken from him. He grabbed his head as he felt Rue push him with the polearm.

But then he saw it...the creature running from the treeline. Just before it would be blocked by the ice wall, the form of the creature only sent his mental into a further spiral. Was it....a bear? Again? Even if it held the head of an owl, the body and claws were very much that of the creature who took everything worth fighting for in one foul moment. At this point, Bardulf felt his emotions fight within him.

Even here....I'm cursed to relive this personal hell?
What? Who..?
But, why?
To survive.
Rue has this. I can just run...
Protect. The pack.

It was then that a final flashback hit his mind's eye. A single phrase from his father back in the past.

"Rule #1 of the wild, Bardulf. Always protect the pack."

Everything came crashing down at once, as if a figurative lightning bolt slammed into his spirit. A flash of steel would be seen as Bardulf pulled his halberd from behind him. His expression was cold, calculating, and determined. His brows furrowed as an energy almost seemed to well within him. The cracks in the ice wall were obvious evidence that the next strike would break the wall. As the owlbear reared back to slam into the wall, Bardulf let loose the building desire within him and in that moment brought forth a surge of lightning that seemed to channel and traverse his body. Every bit of his nerves were sent into overdrive, his animalistic instincts pushed to their edge. He grit his teeth and waited for that crucial moment when the owlbear would break through that wall.

As the owlbear reared back, Bardulf pushed on his front foot, and spun around to bring his halberd to full speed. The wall cracked and broke as the owlbears final strike shattered it. But as the animal's body came lurching forward, its eyes would meet Bardulf's just as his weapon came swingingong on the side. Aim for the throat. Rip the carotid. His hunter's voice told him as his wrists turned to aim the blade. Sparks of errant electricity gave him just the small boost he needed to outspeed the creature, sinking the blade into the part of its head where fur met feathers, and where its hide appeared to be weakest. The creature's claw came speeding towards his torso, almost right where the bear from Earth had struck him a few weeks prior.

But this time was different. He had magic to hone his instincts, his speed, and his ferocity. It was with this magic that his inner hunter began to shine Dodge the strike. Gain leverage. Bardulf lifted his legs in an almost jumping motion, landing onto the creatures paw as it sunk into the ground. With his blade still in its soft spot, he pulled back his halberd to slice against the wound he made and slammed the end of his weapon into the creatures elbow, as if to try and snap its arm. Too large. Not strong enough. This new voice in his head rang out, prompting him to jump off the creatures arm and land once more behind Rue. It all would happen in mere moments, but finally his voice and emotions seemed to settle ever so slightly as he coldly spoke aloud.

"Not this time...This time I will show you whose the alpha." He knew his words made little sense, but to him it meant everything in the world to win this fight.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Port Vanarosa
Mentions: Captain Morr @Blizz, Ismael @Th3King0fChaos, Arlen @SilverPaw, and Amisra @Tae

The past week had been an interesting turn of events. One moment it was standard business, moving cargo, fighting the odd brigand here and there, and perhaps even some occasioanl hijinks; courtesy of Tanithil. But this week was different, a brand new member was added to the crew...a human to boot! Tanithil somewhat held himself responsible for the magic training of the man. He seemed plenty capable, and spoke a fair amount about his home as well as the circumstances of his death. It was surreal to say the least, talking to a "dead man". Tanithil simply shrugged it off and focused on some of the important things.

For one, this guy was now, for lack of a better term, precious cargo with legs. The fate of the world could very well rest on their ability to bring this man to some hidden lair of some kind. Tanithil found the adventure intriguing to say the least, but figured it would come with an unimaginable amount of hurdles and challenges. Before they could even think of that however, Ismael needed to learn his way around casting magic. The Captain of course had his strength in magic, but his brainpower was far better put to use steering the vessel and guiding the crew. At least that's what Tanithil figured. If magic training went to the Captain, that just meant less work for him after all. As for everyone else, their strengths lay elsewhere and would be just as valuable to the human in his time to come on Avalia.

As the ship pulled into port, Tanithil would help bring in the sails and fetch Ismael from below deck as Captain Morr requested. He took his own cloak and draped it over the man with a short explanation. "Would be bit of a shit job on our end if people saw you on our ship day 1. You can borrow this for now until we get you a proper disguise." The two made it above deck, where Tanithil promptly plopped his fanny onto the stairs leading to the upper deck to hear what news the Captain had for them. He heard his name called, causing him to raise a hand in casual greeting with a "Yo!". Much to Tanithil's expectations, he would be in charge of making sure Ismael didn't get lobbed on his first real day in the world.

The crew received their orders, Arlen being forced to count the cargo and everyone else getting free reign to enjoy an unexpected vacation. He knew Amisra specifically would love a week to enjoy herself. He personally thought the girl worked herself too hard but she would likely tap his skull a little too hard if he voiced his concern. He jumped up from the stair and looked at Ismael with a grin on the side of his mouth. "Welcome to Port Vanarosa, friend. We got quite a bit we can do here. But first things first..." He briskly walked up to Amisra, tapping her on the shoulder and gesturing back to his 'young charge' as he would likely joke.

"I'm thinking he could use one of those fancy disguise rings. Think you could spare some cash and split the bill with me so we can protect the fate of the world?" He casually dropped that line and turned to partially face Ismael once more. "If not we can always try and....find one?"


Location: Guest House Dining Room
Time: 6pm
Mentions: Ariella @Tpartywithzombi, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Hafiz, Charlotte @princess


For those who would watch Farim closely, they would see his normally pleased disposition fade the moment the Grand Vizier's voice sounded in the room. His head barely turned to look at the man, his eyes rolling instinctively as he knew just what was about to commence. By the gods, must every thing be about you? Cry me a river, sit amongst the tears, and call that your chair for all I care. His face became more pleased as somone spoke back against his father. It was a pleasant surprise to hear Lorenzo call him out for his rather outlandish behavior. While yes this whole situation was because of some silly misunderstanding and was to get our favor back, this was very far from home. These are not Alidasht laws, nor Alidasht nobles, nor Alidasht customs. So many difference between worlds that Farim knew his father would care little about. His demeanor, however, softened as he heard his friend speak up in his ear in a hushed whisper.

"Are all your family gatherings like this?"

His voice was still low, but he made sure his father would hear this part in particular. "You should see dinners at home. We often take bets on how many courses we can get through before the Vizier turns some random topic into a pissing contest." He turned to look at Ariella, a more private tone in his voice that eased off the pure spite he held for his father. "We are passionate folks, and this can be causing some big tensions amongst others. I suppose you just get used to it after awhile, but I won't let them pull some manuever like that with you. The Sun God as my witness."

Farim had been fully prepared to have a few servants simply lift the entire chair up for Hafiz to have his "precious spot" but it would seem that matters resolved themselves. He looked around as the aroma of food began to hit his nostrils a little harder than before. "Is it just me or are those appetizers smelling simply delectable? I'm starting to get quite famished." For the first time in a few moments he spoke clearly, for anyone at the table to hear, and hoping to finally steer the conversation away from his sinful dope of a father figure.

In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Southwest of Roshmi City
Interaction: Brigitte @Tae, Mister Luum @FunnyGuy, Rue @Potter, and Bowyn @Helo

There was certainly a lot to process in such a short amount of time. The first few days alone Bardulf had been coping with the fact that he was essentially dead to his original world. His family would likely worry about him, and for that he regretted not being able to say his proper goodbyes. But as his father would've told him - "Son, a man only has so long to mourn or grieve before being forced backed out in to the world. Be ready for you will see this yourself many times in your life." - He certainly wasn't wrong. Bardulf steeled himself and focused more on the world in front of him as best he could, shelving the more depressing thoughts for another day. It was rather easy to take in the sights and the new fauna he could explore and experience for himself.

Every sight he saw he would take a moment to appreciate it's beauty before being quickly whisked back towards the group. The long walk was certainly unexpected, but Bardulf had spent over half his life walking in the wilderness, so his legs were in fine shape for the journey. He was rather timid around these folks at first, namely Mister Luum who seemed to be the head of the group. His bold nature was an unusual strain of interaction for Bardulf but he slowly grew accustomed to his mannerisms day by day. He found it odd that the one with red hair, he believed her name to be Brigette, did not speak for awhile. But honestly, Bardulf had little words to share at first too so he simply let it be.

The first two people looked at least somewhat human compared to what Bardulf was used to, but the later two fairies, Rue and Bowyn, certainly left Bardulf staring perhaps a smidge longer than was socially acceptable. But he was simply too curious not to. As the days went on, he found Bowyn to be fairly serious in their interactions, meaning Bardulf made sure not to bother him unless it was truly necessary. Rue on the other hand, was rather sweet and often the one to yoink Bardulf back towards the group whenever he would wander or stare for too long at an exotic plant or animal. She was also the best at finding him whenever he snuck away to be by himself at night. His old habits were hard to break, but he began to see that he was more or less a VIP in this setting, and should try to not separate himself for fear of being ambushed, kidnapped, or worse.

He had a flurry of questions, but he knew in time Mister Luum would likely answer most if not all of them. It seemed to be part of his roundabout methodology. And as the approached their destination, Roshmi City, Mister Luum exclaimed to Bardulf about it's beauty and the wonder of there being no trouble on their way to this city. He spoke to Mister Luum with a low voice, just creeping about a whisper. yet the sheer base in his voice carried it rather far enough for everyone to hear.

"Well, Mister Luum, it's certainly gorgeous. Everything here is still so naturally preserved but cities still seem to flourish so much. Makes me glad." He paused before addressing the part about there being 'no danger'. "I would prefer no danger honestly. I've already had a few embarrassing hiccups with this lightning magic of mine. I should probably get it under wraps before long." He said sheepishly, thinking back to the times he would jolt people when he bumped into them or when he sneezed and sent a small bolt of lightning into a nearby tree.

It was around then that the red-haired woman, at Mister Luum's request, began to chatter about another elf. Bardulf took a moment to focus on where Brigette pointed and suddenly a wave of anxiety hit his body. It had been quite some time since he felt murderous intent like that, but he knew the scent and feel of a predator when he felt it. Momentary flashes of his last encounter with the bear who gave him scar flickered in his mind, but he waved it away before looking to group.

"Definitely being chased. Something big is hunting. At least it feels big. It's making the hairs on my neck stand up straight." He hoisted his cowl up and looked in the direction he felt the presence, looking around to the group for anyone to make the first move before deciding to jump into something like this.

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