Avatar of Lava Alckon


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Location: Guest House -> Dining Room
Time: 6pm
Mentions: Ariella @Tpartywithzombi, Lorenzo @FunnyGuy, Mayet @13org, Layla @Potter, Nahir @Rodiak, Leo @Helo, and Charlotte @princess


Farim would smile brightly at his friend, eyeing the gown she had chosen for the evening and nodding in approval. "You are looking splendid, not at all too much!" He held out a hand for her to take before turning towards the hallway leading to the dining room. "No matter what you wear I am sure someone like yourself will always be a radiant beauty. He said with a wink, gently leading her towards the room where everyone was seated.

An array of familiar sensations filled his lungs and nostrils. His demeanor lightened up even more as he was reminded of home, his hand seemed to absent-mindedly grip onto Ariella's as he took in the sights. He looked around and saw his family amidst a few other faces he had yet to see. Before he could address them he would first turn towards the Sultan.

"Ah, dear Sultan, always the brightest in the room. I am happy to see you in good health, and hope the day's toils have not had much wear on you. This will be a fun dinner!" He said with a deep bow before beginning to walk around the table with Ariella towards an ideal spot to sit. The first one he saw was a young man who had an outstretched hand greeting him about his exploits as a tradesman. He smiled and met the hand with his own, shaking it firmly and beaming with pride at the notion that even in far away lands his trades were talked about. "It is certainly nice to meet you as well. With a stature like yourself I believe you must be one of the Danrose brothers." He took a moment looking the man up and down to take his guess, as he hadn't caught the man's name yet. "Prince Auguste, I presume?" He ended the handshake and gave a much more reserved bow before walking over with Ariella towards their seats.

He stopped very briefly however once I saw the man sitting at the other end of the table. He knew that seat would be for his "father", whom he despised, yet another man he had not yet met sat in that chair. The man seemed to be teeming with his own sense of pride and confidence that Farim had to admit was quite bold of him. He walked beside the man and stopped to lean down and whisper. "I do not know you, sir, but I should warn you that the Grand Vizier usually sits opposite of the Sultan. So do be careful."

He continued in stride towards to the two open seats near the man he just spoke to and pulled a seat out for Ariella to place herself. He had given her the seat nearest to Nahir since he had noticed a slight disposition from her when she walked by the strangely confident man. He then took a seat between her and the man he would soon learn to be Lorenzo before looking around the table.

"I am happy to see so many faces, some old, some new. For those not properly acquianted I am the one and only Farim Hafiz Kadir. Pleasure to meet you all and to see some of you again." His hand casually gestured towards Ariella, a smile across his face while he spoke next. "This is the lovely Lady Ariella Edwards. I do hope you don't mind that I invited her. She is but one of many lovely people I've met on my first day here. This is certainly quite the city with extremely wonderful people thus far. I hope for those whose names I do not know that we can become acquianted before we part ways this evening."

He looked towards his three cousins lined up to his right. "I trust you all had yourselves some fun in the park after our short forray. I believe I even heard some common folk referring to a growling tiger over by the pancake event, so even cousin Mayet is enjoying her time here!" He chuckled, thinking again about how they had themselves a bit of an exuberant show of fun and games earlier, but quickly waved his hand as if to stop himself from going further. "Ah but alas I came amidst a conversation. I believe Nahir was just speaking about swordplay at the colliseum. I would love to hear more!"


Location: Guest House Bedroom -> Dining Room
Time: 6pm
Mentions: Ariella@Tpartywithzombi


Farim had made his way to the guest house after the events at the tavern, smirking to himself about what hi-jinx that his bird Thara would get into. He trusted her to carry out his secret little task and get out unnoticed, and would likely see the results later on in the evening. For now, he had to prepare himself for dinner. He approached a nearby servant, a man by the name of Tariq, and requested a few items sent to his chambers promptly. He closed his door and set his outfit onto his bed, slowly undressing himself and setting his worn clothes to hang on a nearby collapsable clothes hangar he had brought from back home.

A few short knocks sounded at the door, prompting Farim to answer. He stood away from the door and cracked it just enough for Tariq to see his face and slide the bowl and its contents to him. "Thank you, my friend. Here, for your troubles." He gave the man a gold coin and took the bowl. Inside the ceramic dish were small bits of resin, some powdered sugar, and dehydrated strawberries. He got to work, mixing the ingredients in a crude fashion before setting the bowl back down. He went back to the door, peeking out as he cracked it open slightly to make sure the coast was clear. He closed and locked the door behind him, his fingers snapping together as he silently muttered the word for flame in his native tongue "Lahab!" The word was barely above a whisper, not wanting to be seen practicing magic so boldly like this. He placed the flames into the bowl and let the ingredients light before whispering a soft chant while he held his necklace in his hands.

"May the forces that separated you now bind you. The world itself made of so many parts, now made whole. May this exchange be equal, through and through. To the scales of alchemy I render these materials, and for the fuel, I give my soul." The crystal went from a dim glow to a bright glow to a blinding glow of light as the spell began to take form. The flame licked away the ingredients and behind it left a few small pieces of neatly packed resin squares colored pink like the strawberries he had placed in the bowl. He took one of the pieces of resin and popped it into his mouth like candy and began to chew. Feels a bit excessive to get gum this way but all those damned stores were closed. He simply wanted to mask the odor of alcohol on his breath, because despite being sober he knew his family would smell the sour stench of his shots earlier and accuse him of being drunk. He chewed on it for a few moments as he got into his new attire. Then, a few short knocks at the door nearly sent him out of his clothes.

He quickly turned on his heels, unlocking and opening the door to see Tariq again. "Forgive me, sir. But there is a Lady Edwards here to see you." Farim would nod, and talk with an excited smile. "Oh she is a friend I met today, she will be joining me for dinner. I will join her in just a moment, you may let her know!" He quickly closed the door once more, getting himself in proper order and dress for the upcoming dinner. His turban neatly tucked his hair away and matched the clothes he wore, with a small ruby embezzled into the front of it. He wanted to be flashy, but not so much that it would outdo whatever it is the Sultan may be wearing.

He spat the magically spawned gum out from his mouth and into a nearby bin for trash before breathing into his palm to check his breath. Not your best, but it'll have to do. He walked down the hall and walked into the main hall where his newly met friend would be waiting. He took a moment's pause to admire her gown, nodding in approval as he slowly approached her. "Ariella, I am glad to be seeing you! I do hope ..." He paused before coughing slightly to stop himself. "..things went well?" He would pause as he walked close, offering a long bow as he bent forward at his waist. He righted his posture and held a hand out to her. "If you would prefer to speak on it later that is also okay. I do believe dinner will be started soon."
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Here's a basic template but feel free to use what you like!

In the land of Avalia, a great war was waged between two dragons: one light, the embodiment of order, purity, and loyalty. The other dark, the avatar of chaos, anarchy, and power. These two forces were locked in an eternal power struggle that lasted centuries, even shaping the politics of the land they fought in. In another timeline, perhaps we would follow the tale of the war between the followers of said dragons, but our story starts elsewhere...

In the midst of yet another struggle between the two godlike beings, a single necromancer tricked them both by waiting until they had made each other weak and dealt the killing blow to them both. With that, there wasn't a single being strong enough to take on the power of (The Lich), a wizard turned lich who had gained access to necromancy, a school of magic thought to be long gone.

Over the next few years (The Lich) establishes his rule over Avalia, inciting fear, hopelessness, and despair into the hearts of Avalia. However, his plan did not account for the dragons unknown trait. For when they die, their souls fuse with that of two other mortals to live on as their champions, and eventually, descendants of themselves. Their immortal souls would grant the (at first) lesser mortals godlike powers and capabilities, but would require patience, time, and practice to hone.

We begin our story with the tale of Mari and Gavyn, two young teenagers who are just on the cusp of adulthood, thinking of what they wanted to do with their lives after "graduating" from their local orphanage, when the dormant powers of the draconic gods awaken within them. A once cute rivalry between the two becomes a mix of confusion and angst as they fight between each other over what to do with their powers. However, once their loved caretaker Brooks dies tragically at the hands of (The Lich), it is clear that they need to put aside their differences to bring down the evil that has taken over the land.

The two begin their journey and fight against the lich's forces, learning more about themselves, each other, and the land outside their small town of Briarglen. Will they defeat the lich? Or perhaps find a different alternative to the usual evil vs good struggles? What happens if they destroy the lich? Can they resume even remotely normal lives?
In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay


Location: Outside Callum's Tavern
Time: 3pm
Mentions: Callum @Helo and Ariella @Tpartywithzombi

Disclaimer: I am using rough translations of words so major apologies if I mis-interpret or mis-use certain verbs.


Farim walked out of the tavern with a slight jump in his step, seeming almost too excited to begin this little scheme. He placed his pointer finger and thumb into his mouth, blowing harshly until a sharp whistle came from his mouth. A brief pause followed by a resounding CAWW!!! filled the air as Farim's favored pet came from atop the tavern where she had been roosting until now. The two nearby guards looked surprised as the foreign man began to converse with his bird.

"Oh my beautiful falcon how are you this evening~?" He spoke almost as if he was about to sing, talking sweetly to the bird whose head naturally craned into his hand, almost begging for small pets. Farim of course gave his falcon all the pets she could ask for, and gently ran his hand over her head and down her back. "Were you waiting all day for me to finally call you back? You are too precious." He turned his head, acting as if he just now noticed the guards looking at him with quizzical glares.

"Oh trust me. I may seem silly talking to her, but she is very smart! She understands my every word!" The two men seemed skeptical, one of whom piped up. "Right, that's what they all say." Farim took his hand and placed it over his chest, as if to feign being offended by the mere notion of Thara being just like any other animal. Wallah, you do not believe me? Watch!" He fixed his posture and looked at his bird with a nod, which prompted her to nod back. The two guards looked at each other in disbelief, both of them smirking as if this was all just some carnival act.

Farim then snapped his fingers and Thara jumped from his arm, circling above for a few moments. "Yaghus!" Thara immediately pulled in her wings and dove to the ground, pulling up mere inches from the ground. "Taklifa!" Farim shouted another phrase in his homeland's tongue while pointing at the guards. They both looked confused as Thara came down once more and quickly flew between them, catching them both by surprise. One even reached for his blade at his hip with a stern look. "The hell's your problem?! Trying to get us to put you away, you fancy clown in women's clothes?" Farim felt a slight tinge in anger rise up, but chose to keep his cool in lieu of the fact that his plan was very much working.

"Hayaa, what do you mean? You said you did not believe me so I provide proof. Here, something less terrifying for the proud royal guard!" He chuckled to himself as he softened his posture, clapping his hands and spouting another word: "Yahum!" Thara came back down, much slower than before, and batted her wings to stay afloat as long as she could before inevitably floating down to the ground. "Mawja!" Yet another foreign word escaped his lips, causing Thara to raise her wing and, in a slight waving motion, gesturing towards the guards. Farim smirked and walked up to them, saying one final word to end his little show. "Aelaa, Thara, aelaa." He spoke softer as Thara came up to his arm once more, and stood to look at the guards before posing his next statement.

"Now I hope I have softened your moods some. I suppose the Princess will not be looking to join myself for the Shehzadi dinner this evening? She seemed rather dour in mood...Will she be okay?" The first guard piped up, keeping as professional a tone as he could. "Her highness will be unavailable this evening, at her request. She said you would understand." Farim nodded, turning his attention to the other guard. "Before I forget, that little quip you shared earlier...." The second guard felt himself grow a little stiff from embarassment, not realizing he had insulted one of the Shehzadi guests from Alidasht. "I could care less what a sellsword thinks of me, but if you see anyone who looks like me dressed like this and make similar remarks..." He took one step closer, lowering his voice into a whisper. "A flying bird will be the least of your worries." His expression seemed grim, almost both a promise and warning to the guard, before he flipped it back to a much more personable look. All the guard could do was nod, but he kept himself stern and unmoving to not show any form of emotion or fear to the man who just casually threatened his life.

That should have bought them enough time. He took a step back, giving a long and formal bow to the two guards. "Well I shall begin preparations for my evening, if either of you gave a damn. If the Princess asks, I am not offended nor upset by her choice, and will happily find her at a better time. Good day to you both." He began to walk away, seeing what he believed to be Lady Edwards' carriage taking off from behind the tavern. With a grin he looked back to his bird, continuing his walking pace. "Speaking of plans...Thara, I have a favor to ask." The bird cocked her head, as if completely ready to hear what Farim had to say.

Ariella, Anastasia & Farim

Part 3

Location: Prince Callum’s Tavern
Time: 3pm

Ariella was about to speak but Ana returned with the drinks, spilling some on her way to her seat. Ari grabbed a few napkins and cleaned the spills before it made much of a mess. Thank god she is back She thought as she reached for the strong drink that was placed in front of her. She didn’t hesitate, she reached for her glass, and in a few swift gulps, she finished the drink. It was indeed strong, hitting her like a sack of bricks. Ari never drank except for the occasional glass of wine with supper, so this was indeed a shock to her system.

“ There was no love or birds in the conversation I can assure you “ Ari smiled at her friend. “ It was delicious, I should have tested it before drinking…I wasn’t expecting it to be that strong.” She chuckled lightly, the color returning to her cheeks but this time it was from the alcohol and not Farim. “ He was just telling me how he wants to get to know ALL of the women who are interested in Alidasht men.” She smirked nudging her friend.

Farim took his glass, a tasteful and clean-looking cocktail, and swirled the liquid inside with a gentle spin of the glass. He tilted it towards his face, taking a light whiff before sipping its contents. It held a potent yet smooth texture as it raced down his throat, prompting him to blink a few times as he appreciated its ingredients. “Well, it's even better if they’re interested in me and not just my ethnicity.” He coyly remarked. He took note of Anastasia’s eccentric mannerisms, and began to suspect something other than alcohol may be in her system. If his days of observing Dali had taught him anything, it was to let them enjoy their “trip” and not draw unneeded attention to it.

“And you, princess. You should never feel lonely in company such as this. You are always welcome to mingle. I do hope you know this. And you as well Lady Edwards. You both are pleasant company already, and if either of you would like I could always make time to spend with one or both of you. Would either of you fancy a dinner tonight? I’m sure Anastasia knows but incase you haven’t heard the Vikenas are visiting the guest house for a dinner this evening.”

He had hoped it didn’t seem tacky to invite two people at once to a dinner, and decided to speak softly in his next sentence. “Of course I do not mean to overstep or seem…disingenuous. I just am rather enjoying these conversations of ours and hope we can have more later on. But if I’m being too much, simply say so.” He quickly took a long sip of his cocktail so he would stop rambling. It was almost like he could feel his charisma leaking off his skin as he let his minor worries build in the back of his mind.

“Ari! Why not! I like love and I like birds… Farim has a very pretty bird! You gotta see it. “ Anastasia cheerfully replied with a giggle. She glanced at Farim as his voice took her attention. She took care to listen to all he had to say and not to interrupt. Once he was done speaking, she touched his arm affectionately with a smile, “Don’t worry Farim. I promise I like you for who you are. I had so much fun with you this afternoon and I think you’re super sweet… I know I’ve said I like a lot of stuff already but I also like dinner and I’m totally down.”

Her gaze slid back to Ariella and she tilted her head questioningly with a grin. She attempted to gesture towards Farim with her head subtly as if to ask if she was into him. She had noticed her blushing from her spot at the bar earlier. “You need to come too… Pleaseeee?”

“I LOVE birds..” Ariella’s voice appeared to raise a notch, the alcohol clearly making itself known. '' If I were to suddenly die, I would hope to come back as a bird.” She fidgeted with the straw in her glass moving it around the empty glass. She saw Ana touch Farims arm as she dropped her eyes back to the glass. She wasn’t going to make any advances on someone her friend was interested in. Even her admitting she liked him was enough to bring Ari back to reality.

She looked up at her friend gesturing towards him, a bit confused as to what she was trying to signal to her. She shook her head with a confused look on her face '' What's wrong with your neck?” She asked innocently, not understanding. When she started to beg for her to come to the dinner she took a deep breath and exhaled, “ My mother would be rather upset with me If I were invited to any type of event let alone dinner, and declined. “ She smiled at her friend. “I will attend but please help me with my outfit, I really don’t want to show up overdressed to yet another event” She sighed. “ Perhaps my mother will listen to the Princess.`` She smiled at her friend.

She turned her attention back to Farim. “As long as I wouldn’t be opposing I suppose I cannot say no. “ She smiled.”

He smiled at the mention of his pet, an animal he was very fond of. “Oh my Thara. She is a beautiful falcon. Very powerful and graceful. I bet she is gliding in the skies above this very building. I hardly ever lose track of her. One sharp whistle and she’d be in this room and on my shoulder.” He chuckled, taking one final swig of his drink and being slightly shocked at the speed that he drank. “That was very good, Princess.” His arm felt that soothing touch of her hand, causing him to lean more toward her instinctively.

Farim placed his now free hand back onto the table and nodded toward Ariella. “Trust me with my family, there is no “over-dressing”. He scoffed lightly and reached for one of the shot glasses. He held it close to his lips and paused to speak again. “It would be really fun to see you both there. If I met no one besides you two this season I would truly be happy.” He closed off the sentence with a wink before dunking back the shot, slamming it face down onto the table and letting out a resounding “Ahh~”

“Well after we leave here, let’s go raid my closet! “ Anastasia enthusiastically said to Ariella. She then leaned in to whisper in her ear as Farim had been distracted by his shot, taking her hand comfortingly. “Do you like him? I saw you blush. I can totally wingman you… You don’t need to be shy; you’re so gorgeous.”

Ari leaned into Ana as she spoke to her, she felt so stupid. Was that what she was trying to ask her earlier. She was bad at this. “ I-I don’t really know him..and you two seemed rather comfortable I don’t want to impose anywhere.`` She shrugged.“ It would be nice to get to know him more but I won't put myself in a situation between you and who you may be interested in Ana. '' She said, looking over at Farim and smiling, realizing he had finished his shot. She reached out and grabbed one herself, sniffing it and cringing lightly before taking the whole thing. Her head tilting back she felt the liquid fire burn her throat as she grimaced while setting down the empty glass. “ I..wow..That is strong. '' She felt her eyes water slightly as she wiped a tear away.

“Oh!” She perked up. “Ana, I met your brother today at the prince’s court event. It was such a weird situation, did you hear about the onions?” she asked curiously.

“No imposing. I just flirt for fun. I am happy to see you happy…Don’t judge but I am definitely a little fucked up right now… Really bad day and I kinda needed it, but I’m good right now. “ Anastasia continued her whispering. She pulled away and raised a brow in genuine confusion as Ariella questioned her about onions. Before she could comment, Farim chimed in.

Farim felt a slight pinging sensation along his head as the alcohol began to hit. It wasn’t exactly a headache, more like a floating sensation as the quick intake of alcohol began to creep on the edge of his perception. He abstained from drinking further for now, instead letting the two girls talk amongst themselves for a moment. “I do rather enjoy the drinks, Princess. I also want to stress something if I may.” He put his hands together, fingers loosely clasped between each other and his face rested against the side of his palms. “If me being this…open with the both of like this is causing any issues and if there is anything I personally can do. Do let me know. I wish to only give you both good times, not bad ones.” He looked over to Anastasia and smiled as they whispered amongst themselves, and then towards Ariella. “I am sure someone like yourself can find many things to find yourself beautiful in. Very hard to ruin perfection.” He let himself chuckle once at the corniness of his pickup line.

Anastasia glanced Farim’s way and gave him two thumbs up. “All good things, Farim. All good things.” She gave him an enthusiastic smile, which grew into a beaming expression at his words toward Ariella. “Ariella is so beautiful and so kind. She has such an adventurous spirit. You’ll see as you get to know her. “ She gave him a wink. The princess then proceeded to finish off her drink before speaking once again, “I hope we three can all hang out more this summer. I feel super good about us.”

She suddenly looked at Ariella, “Oh! And about those onions… What were you talking about?”

Ari’s face lit up bright red as she buried her face in her hands. “ Honestly Ana, you’re too much sometimes. Don’t make me out to be something I’m not; it sets people up for disappointment.” She could feel the alcohol bubbling in her veins. “But I agree, I think we all could have a lot of fun together.” She leaned in and whispered to her. “ Should we take him to the garden?”

Leaning back again she was reminded of the onions. “ Oh yes, I was at the ball and honestly the amount of women hooing and hawing over your brothers was too much. I was about to leave when some women dropped an onion and Prince Callum picked it up and began to eat it. Then a whole display broke out because of the spicy onion so I swooped in and gave your brother some ice water to help remove the onions from his eyes. “ She sighed “Now that I think about it, mother is going to want to know about the ball and I can’t very well tell her about Callum's onion situation…Sorry I mean Prince Callum.”

She paused, “Oh but we did have a rather lovely conversation. I am not sure if it was the onions or not but we just spoke as Ari and Callum, not Lady and Prince, and honestly, it was the nicest afternoon I’ve had in a long while. He was even interested in seeing me again..not..in that capacity, I don’t think but still nice to have people interested in my company.” She took a deep breath as all of that came out in one breath.

“ I do hope he is okay though, he didn’t seem too happy…” she said softly. “I left swiftly after, your other brothers were pretty wrapped up in their own conversations and I couldn’t stand listening to all the women drone on about their outfits any longer.” Things just started slipping out; Ariella's filter which normally was up high and active seemed to be a little lower.

He listened to them and gave a big grin as Anastasia reassured him that they had nothing but good times. He began eyeing the drinks on the table for a moment, finally letting his temptation give in as he held another shot in his hand. He took the shot back, throwing his head back, perhaps too far, and slammed it down onto the table with a thud. “This has been an interesting few days. First, the show at the ball going completely sideways now this Prince showing off his gall and biting an onion in front of potential suitors. That is bold, I like it!” He couldn’t help but laugh, not necessarily at Callum, but laugh at the idea of someone making their father utterly red in the face with rage.

“I am not shocked he wishes to speak with you again. You are rather enchanting Ariella~.” He spoke with a slight giddiness, the 2nd shot surely starting to hit his cognitive judgment. His initial attempts at professionalism and social etiquette were slowly fading away as the alcohol made its way through him. “He might just be a little shy or perhaps wanting to take his time. I wouldn’t count him out just yet. Annie…you know this man right? Perhaps you can work some magic and get him to talk to her. You’re awfully persuasive yourself, y’know!” Farim felt his voice raise only slightly as he pulled one more shot his way, letting it sit in front of him before casually letting his hand fall onto Anastasia’s. He glances down at the contact between them and decides to leave it as is.

“Maybe! Depends what we’re doing with him in the garden.” Anastasia had regarded Ariella’s question in a flirty tone. She then listened to Ariella’s lengthy explanation about Callum, a smile growing on her face. If it was possible for a light bulb to form over someone’s head, it would have been over Anastasia’s. Ahh… Maybe that’s the reluctance with Farim. She likes Callum… That could be good. Callum needs a sweet girl to make him feel loved and then Ariella would really be like a sister to me.

She took yet another shot as she daydreamed about her scheme until she felt Farim’s hand touch hers. A rush of warmth went through her body, the sensation of his skin almost electric. Her sense had been heightening for some time now and it hadn’t occurred to her just how much until that moment. It was too enjoyable an experience to just move her hand away, so she kept it there as well.

Ariella eyes widened as she quickly looked away, grabbing a shot in the process she chugged it back. When it hit the table she stood up “ Well! I think… I am going to get another one of those fruity ones…” And without much else she picked up the hem of her dress and started to walk towards the bar.

“Barkeep, please can I have one of those fruity things… and a water.” She smiled as she sat herself on a stool. The bartender brought over the drink and she began to sip on it this time, not in any rush to head back to the table.

“Onions.” She laughed lightly to herself.

Farim felt his head grow slightly lighter as the seconds ticked onward. Anastasia’s fingers locked with his and a slight breath caught in his chest. Despite his forwardness, he was actually nervous to be openly flirting with the princess in a foreign land. Especially while they were both getting further under the influence of their alcohol and Gods know what else. But despite this anxiety, he couldn’t bring himself to move his hand. He kept his grip and held her hand while he noticed Ariella get up for a drink. He worried that perhaps he was being partially uncaring of how she might have felt, and hoped he wasn’t making her uncomfortable.
“Ari- Lady Edwards…” He meeked out as she ran off, but she had already made it to the bar before he could say much else. He turned to Anastasia with a slight frown. “I hope I didn’t upset her. I find myself…just attached to you despite just meeting you. But I mustn’t act so aloof….Wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings after just getting here.” His free hand grabbed the shot and much more slowly threw it against his gullet. He felt a clean burn running along his throat as he held his eyes shut and let out another resounding “Ahhh~” He then placed the glass down and pushed it aside. “I’ve had quite a bit already. Mustn’t push my luck here.” He said with a soft giggle, bringing his other hand to lay just next to theirs on the table.

“I think I flustered her with the garden innuendo. She gets a little shy sometimes. If she does not return soon, I’ll go get her.” Anastasia informed Farim. She smiled but there was a tinge of sadness that became more evident in her eyes. However, it was only momentary as she then giggled at his next remark. “Yes, you’ve been guzzling those down like they’re water!”

He would nod and breathe slowly, as if that would magically make the alcohol go down. “Once I start I tend to go and go and go..but it will pass eventually.” He took a moment to think on what he may say or do next. It was then that he remembered something, and felt it good to give it to her while they were alone like this. He reached into his robes and handed her a small item wrapped in cloth, which was the amulet he had bought earlier to give to her. “I hope this is something nice enough for you. Since you were nice enough to show me around the park and even invite me out for drinks. Consider it a token of my appreciation.” He placed it in front of her and let her unwrap the gift as she would like.

Anastasia’s eyes widened in surprise and she smiled. She took the cloth in her hands and began to unwrap it. She then gasped as the amulet was revealed. It was a glowing turquoise moon with a metal crescent wrapped around the side. “Oh my gosh! It’s sooo beautiful. I’m in love!” She took each side of the chain in her fingers and pulled it around her neck to latch it on. “Thank you so much! I feel like a fairy or maybe even a mermaid wearing something like this… It’s so magical!” She wrapped her hands around it with adoration.

He smiled and heaved a slight sigh. At least he had picked out something good. “It’s a relief to know you like it. I had a feeling it would be a nice gift. It even matches mine!” He reaches into his shirt and pulls out a necklace with a simple silver chain and a silver brace holding the crystal in place. He showed it to her before pushing it back under his clothes. He felt himself fumble with his hands slightly, his body feeling fuzzier with the passage of the shots through his system. “It certainly is feeling a lot warmer in here…” He glanced around for a brief moment to see if he had driven Ariella away entirely before looking again to Anastasia with a smile. “If I am ever being too bold for your liking you are also welcome to tell me. I won’t get mad or act offended or anything like that.”

Anastasia smiled seeing that they were matching. She gently touched his necklace when he had displayed it to her with curiosity. “Hmm… Maybe I like bold.” She said suggestively and giggled. Now that he mentioned it, she did feel rather overheated. As time ticked by, it had felt hotter and hotter in the room. But it wasn’t like she was in many layers being that it was summer. She glanced around the room until she spotted a fan on a nearby table. Anastasia leaned over and asked the woman at the table if she could borrow it for a moment. The woman was quite agreeable, so she took the fan and began to wave it at Farim. “Does this help?”

Farim felt the cool breeze coming from the fan as the Princess fanned him. He couldn’t help but giggle and flush slightly (more than the alcohol was making him) as he felt the slight bit of pampering from his friend. “Oh why thank you, dear. You are too kind! Would you like me to fan you?” He coyly asked as he held his hand out to request the fan.

“Yes!” Anastasia handed the fan to him and waited eagerly.

His hand grasped the fan, letting it spread out with a flick of his fingers. With a single hand he began flicking the fan up and down to send small bursts of refreshing air toward her. He couldn’t help but keep a smile as he thought about the image of this. They were the fanciest-looking group in the entire building and were definitely the goofiest, but Farim did not mind one bit. He simply lived in the moment with his two friends, and that was more than enough for him. “Does this help you, Princess? Although I doubt no amount of fanning could stop you from being hot.” He chuckled, perhaps too loudly as he kept fanning her.

Ariella looked behind her shoulder to the loud chuckle coming from her friend’s table. Farim and Ana giggling and being silly. She sighed lightly but a smile spread on her face. She was happy for her friend, she wasn’t sad that clearly the emotions were strong between them but more so that it was so hard to find company that she could enjoy. She turned back around giving them more time to giggle amongst themselves. Thankfully she still had her book.

Latrell took a moment, looking at his drink and sipping on the ale. It was a rather bitter taste followed by a soothing wash down his throat. He hadn't realized how thirsty he was, and while ale wouldn't quench it entirely, it certainly helped. His hand flicked the pencil back into his hand as the other reached behind him to put his companion Buki onto the table. The tiny robot whirred with extra life as he felt the touch of his maker's hand. The dim blue lights in his eyes shone to a more vibrant sky blue as its voice vibrated through the air.


With a pause to sip his ale again, Latrell flicked his pencil over the side of his notebook, the pages landing on what looked like a schematic for Buki. It was incredibly detailed, each part of him laid out and described. There was a purpose for every piece of the robot, and Latrell put the drink down to motion to various areas as he explained.

"Right, so you already know the name. Latrell Godfrey. Nothing too crazy to be repertoire other than I have a habit of fixing things, causing problems, and then fixing those problems. Where I lack physical strength I have plenty of mental prowess and enough dexterity to dodge a swinging sword. So if you need something made, I'm your man. This here, is my partner in crime, Buki. He is a versatile tool of mine that is able to become...a variety of things. Namely a crossbow so I can actually inflict some significant damage to a creature and deliver powerful shocks to their nervous system with his bolts. But Buki can also be a pen, a light source, a battery, in some rare cases armor for small parts of the body, a recon drone, you name it. Between the two of us we should have your niche needs for surveillance or control while you all get to look flashy and strong in front of the big bad." He let out a chuckle before returning his notebook to the fresh page he had been working on. A brief examination of the schematic showed what looked like an elongated stick with various attachments and mechnical additions. The words "gunpowder", "magic", "fire", and "range" were the most prominent on the paper. Some quick sketches and a few scribbled notes were added before he finished his thought.

"I do believe that's most if not all of the introductions out of the way. We all seem fairly capable. Do we want to set out to find this lizard man at first light tomorrow?"
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