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Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
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Nine years seems a lot longer than it feels.
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Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
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They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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AIS S1's bright red eyes had been averted from everyone else aboard the transport craft for a good long while now.

After the first time she'd been stared at by the blond Constellation, she'd turned them away, hating the expression she saw there. It wasn't hate, exactly; nor was it fear. She wasn't exactly sure what it was called, but it was painful enough that she decided to stare at the planet beneath them and listen to the engine roar instead to try and distract her from it. It was almost beautiful, she thought. It was the first time she'd approached a planet from above like this, and watching all of the details resolve as they grew closer—relatively, of course, since they were still essentially in orbit—was quite an experience.

She tried to imagine what the planet would look like without the hateful gray stain across its surface. She couldn't quite.

There was a clicking, grating sound as her Wingblades, which were jammed somewhat uncomfortably behind her to fit in the chair, scraped and clicked together nervously. A lump was sitting squarely in her throat that she tried to ignore. This was her 'test run,' Jacob had told her plainly. This was what proved whether or not she was worth keeping around. She wasn't sure what the alternative was if she failed, but it was a pretty safe bet that she wouldn't like it. So she had to do it exactly right.

She was in the middle of envisioning what 'doing it right' might look like when the first of the two Constellations with them—the older one that didn't look at her that way—began speaking, and her whole body twitched as she turned back to the rest of the drop area and looked over at him. Bald, open-chested, eyes hidden by some kind of viewfinder? He seemed nice enough, she thought, as he introduced himself followed by a laugh. Rigel. Douglas Eorman. Her eyes were drawn to the way his almost comically huge gauntlet bobbed beside him. AIS S1 blinked. She'd read the briefing, she'd thought, hadn't she? Or maybe Jacob had read it to her when she was doing something else? She didn't recognize the name, and the memory ran together in her head. She frowned. That shouldn't be something she couldn't remember.

But before she could focus on that, the younger one who had looked at her like that started talking. Younger, tall, blond, carrying a slender longsword with an expression like disdain on his face. Antares, he was called. Or Maximus. Solignus. Or, Rigel...Douglas...? said...Max? Like Jacob was sometimes called Jay, she wondered? Sometimes he liked it, sometimes he didn't. But it certainly seemed like Antares did not. With all that having been said, he swung his predator's gaze over to her once more.

Our focus is to develop the talents we've brought along with us, and field test equipment that has just exited the experimental stage of development.

She cringed away just slightly from his renewed gaze, and her blades twitched and rattled again before she could still them. According to Antares, and probably the higher-ups in general, she was experimental equipment to field test. That was why she needed a test run, after all. Equipment... They kept speaking, but at that moment, her focus was shattered by being tapped unexpectedly on the part of her shoulder that was still uncovered flesh, and she jerked with a quiet sound of alarm, her head whipping around to the man who sat beside her.

"You ever notice how they all walk the same?"She blinked. What?

"Legs all the way outstretched, struttin' so long they might fall over any second. Makes their whole upper body jostle around like a, uh, like a rooster. Y'know, bawk bawk." Another moment passed before...oh! Oh, he's making a joke! She was wholly unused to hearing jokes. And so, taken by surprise, even that caused her hand to fly up to her mouth unbidden to clutch back an open laugh, and she found herself a bit less tense. By the time she tuned back into what Antares and Rigel were saying, they were...asking about introductions. She opened her mouth, shut it again, looked around, looked back at the person who'd joked with her.

Then, unsteadily, shakily, she stood, putting her hands behind her back as her blades scraped and rasped again. She was quiet for a moment before her halting and slightly modulated voice emerged:
"...Ab...I—I am...Aberrant...Aberrant Integration System. Subject One." She swallowed heavily at the eyes on her, including Antares' again, whose gaze she couldn't seem to look away from while she was standing. "...Aissi."

Then she twitched, then sat, then closed her eyes to the world. Five minutes. Maybe four now. A few moments passed in silence, then she whispered to herself, just loud enough to be heard the next seat over:

"Bawk bawk."
@Izurich Oh yo my man
Oh, no worries at all, I getcha. I'm still in, never fear!
d a t a b a s e
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In Lem's Stash 6 mos ago Forum: Test Forum

Oh somehow I didn't put myself here.
I'm here!
In Lem's Stash 6 mos ago Forum: Test Forum



[Name] Aberrant Integration System, Subject 1 - AIS S1
[Callsign] Aissi
[Gender] Female
[Age] Early 20s
[Rank and Designation] Experimental Constellation, Stardust Rank
[Place of Birth] Kepler-195


[Anti-Barrier Sword] #236 - AB1 (Aberrant-integration Blade One) and #371 - AB2. But since they've been reforged into identical forms and serve as a single unit for Aissi, she refers to them much more personally, simply as her Wingblades.
[Anti-Barrier Quotient]21%

[Physical Description]
It's no wonder the Anti-Barrier Quotient of the Wingblades is so low; after all, they're unreasonably large, and there's only so much AB material to go around. Matte black with gleaming red bevels, these double-edged blades are roughly as long as Aissi is tall (about seven feet), and mounted on winglike struts grafted directly into her nervous system through her back. This unorthodox arrangement allows her to manipulate the Wingblades as though they were a third pair of limbs, leaving her hands free for more typical swords used almost exclusively for defense that are sheathed along the struts.

In order to supplement the low AB Quotient caused by their large size, the Wingblades have been retrofitted with laser technology. They can ignite their blades in red light, significantly increasing their cutting force; and, even further, they are able to fire powerful, though short-ranged, laser blasts.

[Anomaly] Aberrant Integration System
[Origin] Aberrant Research Laboratory A2

Though it fills the same space as Anomaly typically would, this is quite explicitly very different. To put her on level with actual Constellations with Anomaly, Aissi's body is infested with an expansive suite of Aberrant technologies. From the system that controls her Wingblades, to magnetic clamps in her hands, her limbs more biomechanical than flesh now, compact jet engines in her feet and legs along with stabilizers in her shoulders...and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Finally, it all connects to the most important of her modifications, the most powerful, and the most taboo: her core. A fully-intact Epsilon-tier Aberrant core harvested from a high-caste Bishop has been embedded into her back between where the Wingblades emerge, which powers all of her multifarious augmentations, coordinates them, and normalizes them in her nervous system so they feel as natural as whatever of her original body remains.

The same way it doesn't function as Anomaly does, it doesn't have the same kind of cost on usage. What it does have, though, is quite an adverse affect on her mental state. The painful experiments that were done to her over the course of years, as well as the overtaxing of her brain as it attempts to manage far more than it was designed to, has led to her being VERY unstable, especially during full-throttle combat where all of her augmentations and implants are working at maximum capacity. Perhaps not a clear-cut cost; but quite a cost nonetheless.

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