Avatar of Lemons


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Current I've been on this stupid site for an entire decade now and it's been fantastic, thank you all so much
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Nine years seems a lot longer than it feels.
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Ninety-nine bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles of bottles on the wall
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Biting Spider Writing
8 yrs ago
They will look for him from the white tower...but he will not return, from mountains or from sea...


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Ooh, that's a fun setting. What part of Japan, out of curiosity? Are we gonna get destroyed with snow in the winter? Is summer going to be oppressively hot? The DEETS, man!

I think we're just waiting on Ryuu now, right?
I'm fine with Mikako being less athletic than Haru, she does a bit of kendo club for fun and she's got a bit of endurance from running around a lot but i would not call her an athlete. I think just by virtue of being a guy he's probably moreso.

Also, side note, Mikako just casually the one short friend lmao
Ooh, so Junko's group views Mikako as not caring, but coddling, I can totally imagine antagonism and even a kind of contempt there at the start. And I bet money that there are at least a few people who don't buy Mikako's personality to begin with, think she's putting on a nice girl face just for popularity and validation.

Also, osoto-gari is for nerds. Harai-goshi or bust.
Oooooh the different-kind-of-motherly thing is a really interesting way to take things, and her also being insightful into Mikako's constantly letting others push things onto her is a fun wrinkle as well. I definitely see her as a little bit of a helicopter mom, to the point that it can maybe bother the eldest of her three siblings because she can be a bit overbearing.
I think she'll definitely get on with Mikako, I can see the two of them becoming pretty close friends as the game goes on.

@Nani How does Haru feel about muscle mommies
Oh. My god. I love her so much.
Vinegar 'Vina' Lilianne

Location: Dormitories > Wolkwitz Auditorium, Merryweather Institute

Vinegar grimaced as she stared into the mirror, yanking her tie this way and that in an attempt to find a position that was even remotely comfortable. She hated ties, always felt vaguely like she was being choked whenever she wore one. What kind of cruel and unusual punishment was wearing a uniform, anyway? There were way too many layers for this time of year, and god the trousers were so stuffy and stiff. UGH. She gave a final yank that she felt was finally comfortable--and realized as she did that she'd just yanked the entire thing off. With a long, heavy sigh, she closed her eyes and pinched her nose between thumb and index finger. It was going to be a long day.

Another few minutes for her to get the damn thing back up again, tight enough that it wouldn't come off and loose enough that she only felt a little like she was being strangled, and took a deep breath, resting her forehead against the mirror and staring at the ground. She'd barely been here at all and it was already lonely. Her lips curled into a faint snarl that her shitty foster parents had sent her here. Yeah, yeah, she got it, she was a primalist, she had to go to a primalist school to make sure she didn't boil anybody she didn't like, made sense. That didn't mean she had to like it. Maybe the campus allowed visits or something once she demonstrated she could be allowed to run around without cutting anyone in half with a heat beam.

Well, and she guessed she could at least try to get along with her new enforced company. She glanced back at the door to the 'living room.' Somewhere on the other side of that was this "Johnathan" that she'd be living with from now on (honestly, what kind of school did coed dorms?). But, also, on the other hand--"ATTENTION STUDENTS. PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU ARE AT THE WOLKWITZ AUDITORIUM FOR THE CEREMONY IN THE NEXT TEN MINUTES."

Well, that.

She'd spend two or three further minutes adjusting her damn tie after the announcement, so she only had so much time to get where she was going. With a purposeful stride, she flung open the door, breezing through the common area and exiting her dorm. If Johnny boy was in there, then he could catch up if he wanted. But Vina Lilliane had places to be! She'd never really been a rule follower, to say the least. But since she was a primalist, she was stuck in this stupid school for who knew how long? So it would be best for her to make at least some level of good impression on the faculty before she started driving them up the wall with her incessant habit to cause trouble, even if she'd been trying to get a handle on it before.

She took the stairs down to the building entrance three at a time before bursting out into the balmy warmth of a New York late summer. Almost instantly she clocked the big building that approximately everyone on campus was moving to; so that was the auditorium, then. It had been maybe three minutes since she'd left her dorm when she finally made her way into the cavernous space, doing her best to not shove by people and only slightly failing. Five minutes to, then, and all the seats were filling up with people. She sucked in a breath and stayed up near the doors, where the seats were less crowded, and she could plop herself down right on the aisle with a short huff and a stretch as she bounced her foot against the floor.

"And now we wait," she grunted.

@shylarah Oh by the way it seems that the dice gods have assigned us roommates, goodboi Johnathan will have to deal with the ball of anger and inadequacy issues that is Vinegar. Enjoy :)


Not to mention was ACTUALLY malnourished and in danger of starvation! God Miyuki is such a drama queen I love her so much I adore her
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